Apocalypse: Ty Burna vs. Austin Reynolds - World Heavyweight Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Ty Burna has revealed his true self as of late and has used his influence to manipulate the events of Austin Reynolds’ life over the course of the last month or so. “Showtime” David Cougar, Barbosa and Gordito have all tried and failed in unseating the champion, as has Reynolds, but the “Ratings Winner” may have a new found fire burning inside him as he looks to end the near year long reign of the master of darkness that is Ty Burna.

Deadline is Tuesday 16th August 23:59 EST
Austin was back in Chicago and once again, he was without Hayley. For a matter of seconds, he was absolutely certain that she was back with him and they could continue their lives. For those all too precious few seconds, the events of Meltdown were made clear on Ascension. Ty was controlling her somehow and he was able to do it from distance and with significant effect.

He was eating, living and sleeping at the office. Chasing every lead himself, working through every night, catching only a couple of hours sleep here and there. This was an obsession for him now and he couldn’t stop. The thought of not getting his woman back petrified him.

Going to work and being the Ratings Winner was secondary to him and that was a scary thought that he was choosing not to deliberate about too much.

Dominic was worried sick about Austin. His behaviour was beyond what he had seen from his best friend in the past few weeks. Work was supposed to be a distraction for him, the World title was a dream that he could chase and escape from reality with. But now, it all bled into one.

So in a desperate move to help his best friend, Dominic called in a favour to a mutual friend, who had just arrived on the floor. Austin was on the phone and didn’t notice when the elevator pinged or when Dominic left the room to greet him.

“It’s more than that. Ty still had something over her...I need to figure that out otherwise the real Hayley will never be back...I got to her for a few seconds but the longer Ty has her, the more likely that he will be able to re-establish that sick bond!”

Austin screws up his face in frustration.

“No Mr Myles...I’ll be happy with taking the World title from him because that means I will get her back!!”

Austin forcefully ends the call and throws the phone. It lands with a hard thud as it hits the arm of the leather sofa.


Austin snaps around and is surprised to find a recognisable face in front of him.


The two friends embrace. Surprisingly Austin is the scruffier of the two with a creased t-shirt and trousers, while Gordito sports a tidy suit. His trademark mohawk is gone, with his tanned dome showing a few scars at the top of his head.

“You were the last person I expect to see here. What’s brings you out this way?”

“Well the Pit’s gone so I’ve had time to kill. When Dom asked me to come out East, I figured I had nothing to lose.”

As subtle as a sledgehammer to the testicles, Dom leans in to get a closer look at one particularly long and notably fresh blemish.

“Dude, that scar is bad ass.”

“Cheers man. Baez is one tough cookie. I think our boy is going to be coming home from the pay-per-view on Sunday with a few war wounds of his own. Look at him, damn he’s already done a number on you.”

Austin looks sheepish, ashamed of how effectively Ty has handled him in recent weeks.

“I’d go through anything to get her back.”

“No arguments here bro. Do what you need to do. We both know the dragon has teeth but you can take him.”

The Dirty One takes the cup of coffee that Dominic offers him as he takes a sit next to his unhappy friend.

“The only person who we know has beaten him is Showtime and I can trust Cougar as far as I can throw him.”

“Beating him is a difficult enough prospect. If I knew the secret, I’d spill. But he has had this inane confidence that going unbeaten will do. That’s why he took Hayley. I think it’s part of the reason why he took me under his wing.”

“I should have known something was up a lot sooner. The trials should have given it away.”

“Austin, do not do that to yourself. You are not gullible. He tricked everyone. Ty duped us all. And he doesn’t make mistakes. I don’t mean to list off his good points but...”

Austin wrinkles his face and ruffles his own head in frustration. Gordito smiles sympathetically.

“I know and I do appreciate it. I know I’ve got a mountain to climb. A lot of people don’t think I can do it.”

“Screw them. They aren’t your position.”

“We think you can do it. Look, I hate to give the guy a compliment. I noticed a change in him after Kingdom Come. The second he saw a truly credible threat that was ready to usurp him, he had to abandon this helpful facade and become the monster that he was hiding. You stole the show at Redemption and that made him evolve into the monster who is torturing you so much.”

Gordito places a comforting hand on Austin’s shoulder and turns to face him.

“Like I said, Ty has got a canny knack of not putting a foot wrong. Every match with the boot to the face, the 1, 2, 3. Every title match ended with the title being raised in his hands. He just doesn’t make any mistakes and nobody can touch that for a level of consistency. You are going to have to wrestle the perfect match.”

“The question you will have to answer is can you do that?”

“It should be easy right? But Ty has been behind it all from the start. He didn’t just trick me, but he fooled the entire WZCW Network.“

Austin gets up and paces the room like a caged wild animal.

“Between kidnapping then brainwashing the woman I love and handpicking three of the toughest opponents in the company, he has no interest in facing the best candidate, he simply wishes to punish and maim. And for all that is right and good with the world, I can’t stand for it.”

Austin’s anguish is clear. The Ratings Winner is tormented.

“Sure I can get Hayley back but at what cost? She is far from herself. She would never hurt me and he’s got her giving me low blows”

“Ty is going to make his first mistake you know.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well if he does take Hayley to California to see you and she is there to watch the match, then he has repeated Showtime’s mistake from before Kingdom Come.”

Despite his frustrations, Austin cannot help but be intrigued by this notion that Ty’s arrogance may lead to a mistake that he can capitalise on.

“...When Showtime gave back Serafina?”

“Exactly....well kind of. If he is stupid and arrogant enough to do that then he will give you hope and belief. He will allow you to see the light in his complete darkness. You are this close to getting her back and if you can do that then you will take everything he has over you. Hayley? Yours. The World Title?”


The very idea that Ty could lose to Austin after going for nearly a year unbeaten was amazing to him.

“You have one thing in your favour. You forced him to expose his true self before he was ready; he had to do it in response to how good you are. You’ve been through this sort of torment before; you can be stronger after this.”

“After seeing what you went through with Constantine, I didn’t know if you could take another attack that targeted you so personally. But you are doing just that, you should be damn proud because you have everyone on your side. Ty has turned his back on the very people who have backed him and you now have this massive support behind you.”

“The fans are putting their faith in you to end this reign of terror. They need a new face and they will be screaming for you.”

“I’d rather have them with me than against me.”

“You’d be a wicked World Champion mate.”

Dominic gives a cheeky grin. Dom was always his biggest supporter and even in dire times, Austin could always rely on his backing.

“Maybe. I mean he has been a decent World Champion, one of the greatest and dominant for sure. But has he lived up to his responsibility to entertain? No, that is not Ty’s forte, he would much prefer to hiss and pout. His title reign has consisted of much posturing and little effort.”

“That’s the thing to focus on. You can win this title and take it to the next level. Ty has been dominant but you can be the guy to put on the best title matches in company history.”

“This has been the dream right? To be the top guy and having the best matches? You can’t let anyone take this away from you.”

Austin is struck by a familiar pang of guilt. How can he continue thinking about this World title match when Hayley will be put at risk so prominently?

“But what about Hayley? She’s my life.”

“Don’t dare think that you can’t have both. You deserve to have any success you want.”

“This is your one chance. After Redemption, you said you wanted a one on one shot and over anyone else, you deserve it.”

“I deserve it? I haven’t won a match in weeks!”

“But that’s not your fault. This is your chance to fight back the vengeful snake who tried to turn your fans against you, who tried to take everything that you hold dear.”

“Any advice mate?”

Austin looks to Gordito who has been observing the banter with a wistful gaze.

“From the guy who lost to him twice?”

“Puh-lease, you’ve spent as much time with him as anyone. You must have an insight.”

Gordito acknowledges the point and pauses to think about the best way to sum up his experiences with Ty.

“Well you have to show that his brutal mind games have not worked. Show that you are stronger mentally and quicker physically than he is. And above all, have him realise that you are better than he gives you credit for.”

“And going down his road, No DQ, it’s going to be so painful.”

Dom gulps down the last of his drink before piping up.

“You’re going to be Dorothy going down the Yellow Brick Road to see his Wizard of Oz.”

“Does that make Serafina the Wicked Witch?”

“Probably. Have you seen that girl without make up?”

“Most of the locker room has.” Austin and Gordito look at Dom, dead surprised to have heard Dom ridicule Ty so overtly. “What? Too soon?”

The three men laugh. Despite the serious nature of their discussion and recent events, this comedic relief was a welcome break in the tension.

“Look, he is going to try and end your career with all that he knows, with every dirty trick in his little black book. He will want to bleed you dry, string you up like a pig and make an example out of you. And you have to emerge through it all.”

“And at the end of his road is the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Hayley is the only reason I get up in the morning and persist with his games but I can’t deny the title is something that I want to rip from his cold, heartless fingers.”

There’s no denying that Austin seems broken, fractured and incomplete by recent events but his defiant stance gets a welcome nod of agreement from Dom.

“I’ve never seen you so certain. You are convinced that if you get Hayley back then the World Title will follow?”

“I have to believe that, I mean she is going to be right there. I thought I was willing do anything to complete this journey to be World Champion but she’s the most important thing in my life and he is using her like a pawn. I am certain that if I can beat Ty, then getting her back will be the easy part. Besides, the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.”

“I’ll give you one thing mate. Your self-belief is staggering. Every single time he has put you down. You just keep on getting up, like the damn Duracell bunny.”

Gordito speaks in admiration of his friend as he rests a hand on Austin’s shoulder.

“I...It’s a front, I promise you. I’m dying here.”

“Just don’t give up. Never quit.”

“And think of it this way. Can you just imagine how much better the federation will be if it was had you on top instead of his chaos?”

Dom’s attempt to boost his buddy’s morale is met with a blank look.

“This is not about the fans, or the World Title or even Hayley. It’s all three. Ty has tried to do everything to avoid facing you and it hasn’t worked. He is one of the best and you have taken everything from him. You are still standing.”

“Look, Ty took Hayley because he wanted you to back out of the match. He tried to intimidate you by ripping your heart out of your body. He tried to screw the fans out of seeing this incredible main event and a potential career-changing moment for you.”

Gordito and Dom are trying their best to drag Austin out of this slump but Ty’s actions have affected him more than they realised.

“Never think that Hayley will not appreciate what you have been doing. Ty will try and tell her that you have abandoned her but she is strong enough and she will understand what you have been through to try and get her back.”

Austin backs away from the supportive gestures that his friends are offering. He turns towards the window and looks out at the city landscape.

“Will she though? How can we say what she will feel? No one has ever experienced what she has. She is going through hell at the moment and it’s my fault.”



Once again, Dominic and Gordito stand next to their stricken friend.

“No guys, I appreciate what you’re saying but it’s my fault and I have to make up for it. I’m ready for torture on Sunday and maybe, just maybe, I can make it up to her by doing what nobody believes possible. I’m not ready to give up on her just yet. I just hope she hasn’t given up on me.”

Austin knows that either of them would trade places with him if they could. But Ty had made that impossible. Apocalypse was no longer part of Austin’s World Championship dreams. It was part of Hayley’s nightmare and Austin was desperate to wake her from it.
The scene opens to a shot of a broken down chapel, rivers of flame course all around the building, lashing out at the nearly crumbling bricks. The camera spirals around before floating into the chapel, barely illuminated by candelabras placed in the corners. The camera moves along the aisle, finally reaching a shattered altar. Two candles are lit and placed on what remains of the altar, the Ouija Scroll unfurled and laying between the two candles. In the background a sound of a pendulum swinging back and forth can be heard. The camera moves up and focuses towards behind the altar, revealing a wooden Chaos Symbol swinging back and forth, creating the pendulum sound. Hayley can be seen with her arms and legs tied to the Chaos Symbol. Her eyes are blindfolded and her head lowered to her chest. The light from the candles flicker momentarily and the camera turns back towards the altar where Ty suddenly emerges with Serafina alongside him, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship draped over his right shoulder. He lifts his hands up and the Chaos Symbol stops swinging, Hayley suddenly wakes up with haggard breaths. Her head rises a bit and she begins struggling against her bonds as Ty begins laughing wickedly.

Ty: And so the crescendo has begun Reynolds! How sympathetic you have become, your woman becoming nothing more than a decoration to the Chaos Symbol itself. How beautiful your struggle has become, that I stand here, awaiting the coming of Apocalypse, where the final stanza shall be wrote and the tragedy finally comes to a close. The final chapter to the novel of your story Reynolds, your ill fated attempts at grasping glory, and the expense you had to pay...

Ty walks forward and firmly grasps Hayley by the chin. She tries to flail away but to no avail as Ty holds her head directly facing his.

Ever so costly. Isn't that right my dear Hayley?

Hayley: Please....just let me go. Just let me go and I'll never come around WZCW again.

Do you believe that to be the reason why you are in this predicament Hayley? That I simply found you an annoyance and I wanted to teach you a lesson?

Ty begins laughing maniacally as he lets Hayley's chin go. Serafina walks around and rips the blindfold off, revealing the constant stream of tears coming from Hayley's eyes. Ty stops laughing, his facial expression taking on a more sinister tone as Hayley tries to avert her eyes from his. She closes her eyes and grimaces as Ty moves closer to her, his face near inches away from hers.

You are the one person that makes Reynolds' soul tick. You are the fire inside his heart, and you are the reason why I have torn his soul to shreds and extinguished his fire. Do I have an ulterior motive to doing so? Well, do I Hayley!

Ty's voice deepens and becomes louder as he yells right in her face. Hayley winces and slowly turns her face towards him again, her eyes becoming glazed over from the tears.

You....you fear Austin don't you? That's the whole point in this isn't it Ty? You can't beat him one on one this time so you took the easy route.

Ty stares her dead in the eyes for a moment before his usual laughter begins to echo throughout the chapel. He spins away from her and braces himself against the altar, his body shaking from the laughter. He suddenly turns from the altar and slams his hands against the Chaos Symbol and gets up close to Hayley once again, his eyes flashing red.

I fear no one! What do I have to fear in a man I have defeated twice? A man who only got this opportunity at facing me because he complained so much that Myles gave him the title shot so he would shut the hell up for once! But that didn't stop him did it Hayley? In fact it only gave him a larger soap box to stand on and yell his ramblings at the public. Complaining that I cheated him out the World Title when he himself was about to be destroyed by Showtime Cougar. He drove me to this Hayley, and he drove you to be in the position you were in. This is his own doing my dear, and until you realize that fact he will merely cast you aside as the damsel in distress. You were his voice of reason Hayley. You were the one that said to avert the disaster that was coming upon you and look what he did, he failed you and completely ignored your pleas.

He was only trying to do what was right.

Right for whom Hayley? Himself? Typical of a man like Austin Reynolds to only think of himself and not others. What about Dominic? The man was savagely attacked by Showtime and he goes and confides with him in how to defeat me? Did he even bother asking Dominic how he felt about the idea? No he simply ran off and did it on his own, completely disregarding yourself and Dominic? Am I incorrect in saying this Hayley? Well.....am I?

Hayley goes silent for a moment as her head lowers again. She begins crying as Ty's words hit her. She begins wallowing as Ty shakes his head and steps away from the Chaos Symbol and lifts his hand up again, the Symbol begins swinging back and forth once more as he lowers the World Heavyweight Championship from his shoulder.

Your silence speaks volumes Hayley, you will realize soon what a pathetic man you have chosen as a husband. His words have not backed up his actions, even choosing you over his opportunity, it means nothing. A show for the world to see, he would have soon turned on you as well Hayley, blaming you for losing such an opportunity. Thankfully for your own sake I granted him his match with me at Apocalypse still.

The camera spins around to the other side of the altar and Ty turns back towards it, lifting the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship high into the air.

You mocked me Reynolds, your whisperings with the rest of the leeches in the back, every indiscretion you have created against me shall be payed back double. Taking Hayley from you was only the beginning Reynolds, and while my plan for her to join me failed, simply watching you sit in despair over your predicament is enough. Out of all my championship contenders you have been the weakest of them all. Your soul carries the stench of materialism, your ego too much to carry on your shoulders. Now that I have humbled you Reynolds, will the cocky arrogance return at Apocalypse, or will a downtrodden and mentally broken man walk directly into the lion's den? It matters not anymore, for you see I have risen above the shackles of the mediocre and claimed my rightful place a top the piles of broken bones and blood covered cobblestones.

Ty lowers his head as well as the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, letting the sound of the Chaos Symbol echo throughout the chapel.

Serafina: As did the champion of Mayhem fall, so too shall the will of the people be crushed under the weight of Chaos.

I watched you Reynolds, I watched as you lead the poor fool Bowen to the slaughter. Did you stop to ponder the damage that would be done to someone so fragile? Just as you now ponder the damage done to the frail woman you claim to care so much about, Bowen was dissected and his spirit will no longer be the same. Has this affected you Reynolds? Have you taken into consideration the pain and suffering you have caused for those around you, simply to crusade against the darkness that has enveloped WZCW for a year now? They call me the monster but it is in fact your own selfishness that has created the monster that resides in you Reynolds. You may say you're doing this for Hayley, but the truth is Reynolds, this is just all for you. To ride in on your white horse and slay the dragon and claim the almighty prize. I shifted the game and yet your ultimate goal remains the same, to say you're the World Champion regardless of the collateral damage you have provoked. Even if you somehow defeat me Reynolds, your reign will be marred by the memory of those around you, the selfishness you have shown throughout, and the thought that I am merely the catalyst for that awareness will remain embedded in your soul for eternity.

While the wicked may be easily identified, the corrupted shall wander as knights, the sins they cast in order to be victorious always hanging deeply upon their minds.

I ask you Reynolds, how did it feel to watch your own fiancee turn her back on you? In the very same night I ripped her away from you, trickery as you would call it, yet have my tactics not been fruitful? The seeds of doubt have sprouted, slowly coiling their vines around your neck. And nothing can be done as the world watches you choke on your own mentality, your own frail mind becoming your biggest weakness? You can jump from rope to rope all you like Reynolds, the fact that you cannot keep that image of victory in focus is what will be the downfall of the Ratings Winner. This has been nothing more than a game to me Reynolds. Nothing you have done has even planted a shred of concern in me. Rather you have become the marionette on the end of the strings, dangling in the wind as your master decides your fate.

Suddenly Hayley can be heard shouting from behind the altar. Ty and Serafina turn towards her as Ty raises his hand once more, the wooden Symbol stops swinging and comes to a rest as Hayley suddenly has a defiant look on her face.

I will not allow you to sully his name! Austin is a great man who has treated me with nothing but respect and love! He will defeat you at Apocalypse Ty, there is no question!

Ty's face contorts in anger and he quickly walks up to Hayley, slamming his fist into the wood and shattering it into splinters. Blood oozes from Ty's knuckles and begins dropping down the wood, rather than staining it red however the wood turns black, almost charred looking. Hayley is startled by Ty's actions and tries to withdraw in vain.

So, you wish finally speak your mind Hayley? You finally have a voice and your own soap box to stand on? Well then preach on! Preach to the high heavens and to the depths of hell. Tell them how your slithering scum of a fiancee will defeat the perfect warrior. Go on! The cretins will sing the name of the glorious Hayley defending a man who can't even protect her!


SAY IT! Out with it! I want you to desecrate my name. Curse me to the very lower levels of hell. Come on! Let's go Hayley! Say it!

Hayley turns her head and her face turns red as her anger rises to the top. She turns towards Ty and yells out at him.

You're a monster!

Ty's laughter once again fills the chapel as the wood of the Chaos Symbol continues turning to a charred black. He turns his head for a moment to look at Serafina who has a sly grin of her own. Ty snaps his head back towards Hayley and he grins evilly.

Yes, that's exactly what I want to hear! That's the very struggle I want out of Reynolds! I want my name dragged through the mud, I want them to spout off every conspiracy theory against me. I want them to say I turned on the people, because I never wanted them in the first place! I want to be known as vile and evil. You know why Hayley? Because that is exactly what I am. I am not the great hero rushing down to save the day like Reynolds wants to be. I am the sinister minded King of Darkness that will do everything to maim and destroy. I will do everything to keep my WZCW World Heavyweight Title. I want them all to know just exactly what they're dealing with. I hide nothing Hayley, I merely do this for my own amusement. There is nothing left in WZCW for me other than the enjoyment of breaking every opponent, the sickening sound of their skull cracking against my foot, the sound of my opponents regurgitating on their own blood as I slowly choke the life out of them. And that my dear Hayley is exactly what your precious Reynolds will experience.

No....no you can't do that to him. Please! Just...just let me go and I'll get Reynolds to drop the match.

You still don't get it do you Hayley? I never wanted him to drop the match in the first place.

What? Then why did you...

Why did I make him choose? You haven't been listening my dear girl. I made him choose so I could sit there and watch him struggle internally. I wanted to see a part of himself die on the inside as he gave up what he's worked so hard for, simply because I made him do so.

Hayley goes limp against her bonds, her defiance no longer showing on her face. Ty smirks as he sees this and places his had on her forehead.

So this really is just a game to you.

More so then you can imagine my dear. I will spare you one saving grace however.

No...please...not that again.

The candles all go out suddenly and Hayley can be heard screaming in the darkness. A few moments pass and nothing but silence. Suddenly the candles light up again and the camera refocuses in on the Chaos Symbol. Hayley is no where to be found and the bonds have been cut from the wood.

Are you looking for someone?

The camera spins around towards the altar where Ty, Serafina, and Hayley all stand. Ty has his arms spread out, palms up with Serafina and Hayley each having one arm wrapped around his waist.

The continued reign of the King of Darkness.

The final hour of despair has arrived for Austin Reynolds.

He shall bow before the greater man

The final blow to the one that opposes Chaos.

Hayley steps forward and suddenly lifts up the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship into the air, an evil smirk upon her face.

Apocalypse, the end of the world, and for Austin Reynolds, the end of his life as he knows it.

The camera pans out as Ty and Serafina stand behind Hayley. She begins laughingly wickedly, almost identical to Ty's as the Chaos Symbol suddenly begins to glow on Hayley's forehead as the feed suddenly cuts out.
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