Apocalypse: Titus vs. Showtime - Face Off

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Showtime shocked the world by returning to WZCW for an apparent run at the tag team championships with longtime friend, Titus. But he shocked everyone once more by turning on his friend, brutally beating him in the ring and leaving him broken. Rumors are flying that Titus intends to call Showtime out at Apocalypse and demand an explanation. Will Showtime answer the challenge, and what will happen when two WZCW legends, now bitter enemies, stand across the ring from one another?

Deadline is Friday, December 20th, 11:59pm CST. Extensions available upon request​
Scene opens inside a small boardroom. Leon Kenworth is sitting in front of a long office table, jotting notes down on a few pieces of paper he has laid out in front of him. He looks up as the sound of the doorknob clicks. Stepping through the door is “Showtime” David Cougar. Leon stands up to shake Showtime’s hand as another gentleman walks into the room right behind him. He sees Leon standing and quickly shakes his hand instead.

Hi, my name is Robert Oklahoma, you can call me Mr. Oklahoma. I’m here representing Mr. Cougar.

Leon studied Mr. Oklahoma as the two men sat down opposite from him. He was a short bald man, with hair only around the sides and back of his head. He wore a light grey suit with a light brown shirt underneath. He set his briefcase on the table and opened it. A few papers were placed on the table, as well as a portable coffee maker, which he was particularly careful with as he went about setting it to dispense his favourite cup of joe. Showtime was unusually silent as he sat down. His shades remained on his face. He barely acknowledges Leon in the room.

Kensworth: I’m sorry, but what do you mean by representing?

Mr. Oklahoma already had a fresh cup of coffee in hand and was blowing it cool before answering Leon.

Mr. Oklahoma: I’m his lawyer, and I’m here to represent him.

Mr. Oklahoma takes a sip of the coffee and expels a sigh of satisfaction before he takes another sip. Leon slowly sits down and shuffles his papers together.

Why exactly does Showtime need a lawyer present?

Mr. Oklahoma places his coffee cup down and closes his briefcase.

Because Mr...... Kentsworth, my client Mr. Cougar is now a big film star.

Mr. Oklahoma, my last name is-

-and as such, he is no longer an ordinary person like you are. He’s not like you and I Mr. Kentsworth. He has celebrity status that needs to be maintained and protected, and that’s why I’m here. To protect my clients good name and maintain his best interests from people like you.

It’s Kensworth actually, and Mr. Oklahoma I’d like to know what you mean by “people like me”?

You’re a journalist, a member of the media. I’m here to make sure my client is not misquoted and that this interview is not sensationalized to boost your viewership at the expense of sullying my clients reputation.

Mr. Oklahoma, I’ve known Showtime for years and have interviewed him countless before without the assistance of a lawyer.

Well Mr. Kensworth, I can’t exactly believe that to be true when Mr. Cougar has told me countless times that your last name was Kentsworth. Sounds to me that you are either quite new at WZCW, or that you and Mr. Cougar have not spoken to each other as often as you claim.

At this point Leon is growing quite flustered as he stares at Showtime looking for an explanation. Showtime continues to sit silently as Mr. Oklahoma takes another sip from his mug.

Nevertheless, my client has approved your request for an interview so let’s get this started then. Mr. Cougar is a very busy individual today and can only spare a few short minutes before he needs to return to the set.

Thank you Mr. Oklahoma. Now Showtime, seeing as how you are very busy today and your time is short, I’ll get down to the point. After what happened at Ascension last week, the whole world in wondering, why? Why did you-

Excuse me, can you re-ask that question and look directly at me?

Leon appears a little confused by the question.

Why is that Mr. Oklahoma?

Well, if I’m going to be answering for my client, so I would like you to speak directly to me and acknowledge my presence in the room. Also if you could elaborate a little on your questions, that would be helpful. Mr. Cougar has only told me so much about his other job.

Mr. Oklahoma, why can’t Showtime speak on his behalf?

He can, but he has deferred that right to me. Again Mr. Kensworth, I don’t want my client to be misquoted or misinterpreted in this interview. He has a few very important movie rolls on the table and we don’t want anything to jeopardize Mr. Cougar’s chances to be Hollywood’s next big action star. It is then in his best interests that I speak on his behalf to protect his name.

Leon is at a loss for words right now. Showtime remains silent as he pulls out his cell and starts to text someone. Mr. Oklahoma taps his wrist watch to remind Leon that his time is short.

Alright Mr. Oklahoma, as you may or may not be aware of, Showtime returned last week on Ascension and teamed with Titus and quite easily beat the tag team champions. After the match Showtime maliciously attacked Titus and delivered two Final Acts. My question is why?

Mr. Kensworth, my client takes no responsibility for what happened after the match.

But, he did attack Titus.

That part is true, but I can neither confirm, nor deny that there was any reason behind it. Just look at Titus’ previous track record Mr. Kensworth. This stuff seems to happen a lot to him lately.

Leon's jaw drops a little.

That’s right. I’m that good.

Showtime, Titus was your friend.

Mr. Cougar acknowledges that fact and hopes this can all be put behind them one day.

Why did he attack Titus?

Mr. Kensworth, my client has no further comment on that subject. He wishes that the matter be over and dealt with at this point.

Leon throws his hands up to the side and drops them.

Fine, well Showtime, Mr. Oklahoma, I have one final question. As you may have heard, Titus received medical treatment after the show and nothing was seriously wrong with him. He saw Mr. Banks after and demanded a match against you, but did not receive medical clearance to compete at Apocalypse. Titus says he’s going to be there anyways and he plans on calling you out face to face inside that ring. Will you be accepting Titus’ invitation?

Mr. Oklahoma turns to Showtime, who slowly moves and whispers something into him eye. Mr. Oklahoma nods a few times and then speaks.

Mr. Cougar will be at Apocalypse, but it won’t be because of Titus. It will be to accept an invitation for Mr. Banks to appear. My client believes that Mr. Banks will add him as the final wrestler in the King for a Day match as it is greatly lacking in star power at the moment. Like you Mr. Kensworth, Titus will have to wait till my client is ready to talk about the incident.

Showtime stands up from his chair. He looks at Leon and nods his head. He turns and pats Mr. Oklahoma’s shoulder and then slowly leaves the room. Leon looks on in disbelief as Mr. Oklahoma leans closer over the table.

Could I, possibly, have a look at your drivers license to verify if your name really is Kensworth?
It's just Titus stood in street clothes. No flash, no branding or anything just raw Titus.

Titus: Mayhem against Chaos. That was my battle. My focus was Vega and the title was but a moot point. I had sat and worked out a strategy. Vega is good, very good. I believe he'll be world champion within the year.


Titus: Yo allow him to taste his dreams and come crashing down was what I wanted. Allow Vega to become the champion and them strike. After winning King For a Day I'd have been laying in wait ready to pounce. Vega would be crushed and I'd be the world champion once again. It made perfect sense.


Titus: Could you imagine it?


Titus: Yet things have changed. Betrayal is a thing that happens a lot in this company. Some people you trust. Some people you don't.


Titus: Yet things have changed. Betrayal is a thing that happens a lot in this company. Some people you trust. Some people you don't.


Titus: I've known this man since day one. I classed him as a friend. A MacCutcheon's whiskey and a chat about old times. So when I was told I had a partner to help with niggling injuries I knew who I wanted. I was over the moon when I found it was him.


Titus: Yet I should have known better. It is Showtime we're talking about.


Titus: Whether it was Ty, Constantine, Stan Rogers or TM he did the same.


Titus: If Showtime wanted a match he should have asked. I guess he wanted me on fire, me burning with a rage. It would annoy him so much if I wasn't bothered. If I was just angry that my focus has gone, again, and therefore not put effort in.


Titus: It would kill him if I did that.

Titus: It would kill me more to do that.


Titus: At Apocalypse I want you to come into the ring and talk to me face to face. No back stabbing, no betrayal. Just two former world champions face to face talking it out.


Titus: Ha. Talking!


Titus: What can you expect from me?


Titus: I'll Show you, you'll see.
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