Apocalypse: The Masked Gentleman vs Sam Smith

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
These two men have crossed paths before but after Gent's DQ victory at Meltdown 78, Sam Smith got a measure of revenge despite a major embarrassment caused to him in the main event of Meltdown 79. These two men have been warned that a victory here could see them in great stead for a Elite X championship shot in the near future.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
I look around my desolate living room before slumping down onto my couch, allowing the darkness to engulf me. This place was once warm, it was once brimming with life. Not anymore. The living room is a reflection of its occupant.

You cannot truly understand another's pain until you've been where they've been, felt what they've felt, and seen what they've seen. People face adversity in their normal lives; the world isn't all rainbows and sunshine, folks. It's a fact. Some face minor adversity and troubles: maybe their roof has a leak, their kid breaks an arm, or so on. Others, like me, have seen a side of life that most of you would never wish upon the most heinous of people. It was a one way road, directly to unimaginable pain -- less physical, than mental. Sure, I destroyed my body with my choices -- every needle to the arm took a year off of my life, I'm sure -- but I bored a hole directly into my soul. I'm a shell of myself, but at least I'm honest.

The walls of this living room don't lie either. They're bare, save for a few of my life's greatest achievements. My Elite X Championship hangs over the mantle, my law degree just below it. These aren't symbols of my success, they're just examples of my mediocrity, of my failure as a person.

I stand up and remove the Elite X Championship from its mount on the wall, holding it in my hands.

One year ago, I was the Elite X Champion. I'd held it long enough to call myself the second-longest reigning Elite X Champion of all time. Now, I'm in a match against The Masked Gentleman at Apocalypse, with a potential Elite X Championship match hanging in the balance. I've taken a step back.

I stare down at the Elite X Championship, looking at my reflection in the brilliant shine of the unblemished gold.

Of course, I'm a different man now, than I was one year ago. This championship meant everything to me, I defended it against all comers, just because I feared disappointing the fans. I thought our relationship was real, I thought that the fans truly cared about me. Once I lost the championship, though, they tossed me aside like a piece of trash. It opened my eyes to the world, but it also helped tear my life apart.

However, that pain is my motivation. I want every single one of you fans to feel my pain. If it takes destroying The Masked Gentleman, then moving on to holding the Elite X Championship in my hands, then so be it. Just know this: I will take every championship you put in front of me and beat every opponent you throw my way...

I toss the Elite X Championship to the floor, my anger beginning to overtake me. I spit on the championship, releasing all my emotions. I jump to my feet and start to speak, shouting at the top of my lungs, with the empty room almost echoing my words.

...but I don't respect you fans, I don't respect WZCW management, I don't respect all the other bumbling idiots on the roster, and I don't respect your scrap metal championships! You all think you have control, you all demand things of me -- based on what?! I don't owe you anything! I destroyed my body because of this profession and I squandered any chance of ever having a normal life again!

I pause, looking down at my hands, as they are shaking violently. I sit back down on the couch before collecting myself.

Every match destroys my body. I'm still a fairly young man and I should look forward to the rest of my life, but I can't. I know I'll likely die young; early death is a sad byproduct of my profession. Not to mention all the things I put into my body to cope with the emotional pain I faced because of you fans, as my life crumbled around me. I was on the road every single day, I still am. Seedy hotel after seedy hotel, all alone. I'm at peace, though. I'll leave my mark, you'll remember my name. I'll be the man to destroy WZCW, with Rush by my side. I'll be happy once this whole company lies in flames around me.

I run my hand through my hair, before going on.

You know, it's funny... Ty Burna had it all figured out. He took the company and led it towards pure chaos -- he almost made WZCW bearable again. But, of course, he was thrust out of the spotlight by those he helped to the top, most notably by Chris KO, WZCW's "White Knight." Now, the glad-handing yes-men are back in place with the company and the true talent is being humiliated.

I clear my throat.

Take last week for example. The Gent took my tights and I was forced to compete in the most minuscule trunks I have ever seen. Big Dave mocked me, you people mocked me, my opponents mocked me -- but, guess what? I still won. Not only that, I made Matt Tastic and Celeste Crimson look like the amateurs that they are. Rush and I ran all over them, just like we'll run all over our opponents at Apocalypse.

On our own, Rush and I are still the best wrestlers on the roster -- it just makes the punishment our opponents will feel come slower. I won't just beat you, Gent. No, I won't just punish you either. No, I will humiliate you. You'll beg for me to stop; you'll see the error of your ways. This isn't a game, this IS Apocalypse... And at Apocalypse, the fans will see that I'm the best this company has to offer, regardless of my spot on the card.

You people thought I was unstable and deranged before? Just you wait.

A small grin crept across my face.

You'll see.


Walking to Chelsea's house made my knees tremble. I hadn't seen her since the night I almost overdosed in her bathroom, she wanted nothing to do with me -- I couldn't deny the way I felt, though. She was one of the few things I lived for.

I approached her building and looked at the door. How would she even react to me? I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door. Seconds passed, but it felt like an eternity. The door flung open, but it wasn't Chelsea on the other side. A man -- likely right around my age -- stood at the door, he looked me up and down, an uneasy look on his face. He spoke first.

Can I help you?

I... uhh... I think I might have the wrong building. I'm looking for an old friend of mine. Sorry.

As I turned and began to make my way down the stairs, I heard the shuffling of feet at the door.

Who was that, honey?

I recognized that voice. It was Chelsea. I turned around and looked at her. She had her arm around the man and a smile on her face. She was happy. I can't remember the last time she had been happy with me.

Nobody, Chelsea. It was nice to see you.

I turned and bounded down the stairs onto the street below. I took a few steps down the street, but felt a tugging at my shirt. Chelsea had chased me down the stairs.

Look, Sam... I told you to forget me. I couldn't stand around while you destroyed your life, and I most certainly couldn't let you destroy my life. Straighten yourself out, Sam -- it's why I left you in the first place. I have a good life now. Maybe you'll be able to turn your life around too.

My forehead began to sweat, my knees shook again, and I began feeling sick to my stomach. The anger was slowly overtaking me. I looked right into her eyes for a moment before finally responding.

Fuck you.

Her eyes began to well with tears, as she shook her head. I turned and walked away. I didn't deserve this. To think, I came to her door with every intention of focusing solely on her, of going back to rehab, and of quitting WZCW. Hah. She wants me to turn my life around? What for? She damn well knew how much I cared for her and she still dug the knife into my back.

I eventually reached my house and ducked into the bathroom where I immediately went after the medicine cabinet. I always had a spare bottle of pills in there, couldn't resist the temptation. I grabbed the bottle and unscrewed the top. I slumped down against the wall and tossed a handful of the pills into my mouth.

I needed something to dull the pain.
We see outside of the courthouse in the town of San Antonio, Texas. The walls are decrepit, but give off a legendary feel. A place where you fight, not with fists or kicks, but rather with words. As people gather outside the court house, we see The Masked Gentleman right outside of the court house dressed in a fancy combination of a his standard red mask over his eyes now replaced by a white mask, a white tuxedo with a black button up dress shirt, a white tie and a black and white top hat. In his hand, not his standard cane, but a letter addressed to a Miss Scarlet Williams of San Antonio. Being one to help out the ladies, The Masked Gentleman put his mission to find the man who snuck into his locker room and took out his cell phone at the last pay-per-view event for a new one, this being one of his most risky ventures yet...substituting for jury duty.

The Gent: So, this is the place, is it? How incredibly odd this was the mission Miss Williams sent me on. Not that I would be the one complaining. My opponent was an ex-lawyer, was he not? Worse comes to worse, this will certainly help me understand the mindset of my opponent.

The Gent makes his way to the doorway, handing the bailiff his letter. Initially concerned about the mask, he takes a look at the name on the letter and is just completely baffled.

Bailiff: ...Scarlett Williams?

The Gent: Correct. It's a name of French origin, and as you can tell by my accent, I am French myself.

The Bailiff looks back at the letter and then the Gent before deciding to ask about it.

Bailiff: Isn't Scarlett a girl's name?

The Gent, taking a second to think, contemplates a plan.

The Gent: What? A boy cannot be named Scarlett? Maybe I am just the first male Scarlett you met, but in France, there are many male Scarlettes. Besides, you would not want me to threaten legal action, would you? I should remind you that we are right by a court house.

Baliff: N-No, no. I mean....

The Bailiff gives a sigh, before turning around, leading the way for the Gent to enter the jury booth

Baliff: Right this way, Mr. Williams.

The Masked Gentleman dressed in his formal attire enters the court room. Despite being a tad of a distraction until he is removed from his chair in the back row of the jury, not a comment is made regarding his appearance. We see the defendant, a teenager dressed in a standard black and white tie and dress pants combination. To his left, sits the elderly The Defense, looking over his notes. In contrast, the opposite side of the court room sits the much younger, but big name Prosecutor with a look of complete confidence on his face.

Bailiff: Please rise for the honorable Judge Judge.

From out the door, steps the Judge, a small elderly lady, slowly making her way up from the door to her chair.

Judge: The case of Meadow vs. The Police Department is now in session. Will the defense please make their opening statement?

The younger lawyer stands up confidently from his seat.

Prosecutor: Ladies and Gentleman, I'm sure you know just as well as I do the charges put up against the defendant

The Gent: Objection!

The Judge and Prosecution both turn their heads to look at the defense attorney, who simply shakes his hand points to the jury. The Judge and Prosecution see the fancily dressed Masked Gentleman standing from his seat.

The Gent: I believe that is the cry to get people to pay attention to you in the court room?

The Prosecution simply shrugs.

Prosecutor: While I do appreciate your enthusiasm, you can simply ask the bailiff about issues like this. No need to shout 'Objection'. Leave that to the professionals...

The Prosecution gives a snicker before continuing

Prosecutor: and the clumsy oaf in the defendant's chair, and for the record, the defendant is guilt--I mean, CHARGED of a very serious jaywalking offense.

The Gent: What a hooligan!

The Gent sits down, raising his voice once more just so everyone in the court room can hear him.

The Gent: My apologies, you may carry on, sir.

The Prosecution tries not to laugh at the man in the ridiculous get-up who interrupted the trial as he continues on with his speech.

Prosecutor: The case had happened on July 7th, where the man was walking home from WZCW Redemption. The man had won a VIP pass.

Upon reveal, the eyes of The Masked Gentleman light up, as he once again stands up from his seat.

Prosecutor: Excuse me, but as I said before, if you have anything to say, please tell it to our bailiffs.

The Gent: My apologies, but that is not the reason for the objection. If you do not mind, I would like to question the witness.

The Prosecution looks baffled, wondering to himself if this is some bad practical joke?

Prosecutor: No. Now, moving o--

The defense, seeing an opportunity to at least buy some time, raises up his voice.

Defense: Objection. Hee...hee...hee. The defense sees no problem in respecting the wishes of the crazy man in the mask and top hat in our court room. The defense WAS in fact the one being called up to the stand anyway, and clearly, this man has a connection with this case, therefore he'd be terrific for questioning the witness and getting information out of him.

The prosecution, in shock at the words of the Defense, speaks up.

Prosecutor: ...You can't be serio--

Judge: Sustained. If the defense and the defendant has no problem with it, then I see no reason why he can't be questioned. Afterwards, however, we request that the man in the jury return to his position.

The Prosecution gives a sigh before sitting back down into his seat.

Prosecutor: ...Everyone keeps interrupting me today and I hate it. Very well. The Prosecution would like to call the defendant to the stand and ask that the man in the mask is brought down as well.

The defense pushes his client towards the witness testimony booth and the jury box is open letting The Masked Gentleman make his way out to the courtroom. The Gent paces back and forth hands behind his back as the defendant, unsure himself about the situation simply decides to go along with it.

The Gent: So, Meadow, was it?

The defendant gives a nod, giving a smile.

Meadow: Yep. Jacob Meadow. I uh... I sort of got caught jaywalking. So, what exactly is your connection the case?

The Gent holds out his gloved palm as a 'stop' to the defendant.

The Gent: My apologies, but I wish to be the one who asks questions around here. Now then, you are probably asking what my connection to this case is, is it not?

The Gent puts his hand down as Meadows goes back to confusion.

Meadow: Uh, yeah.

The Gent places one of his hand on the table, raising the other in the hair with one finger raised.


Meadow's face changes from confusion to a somewhat disappointed look

Meadow: Uh sorry to burst your bubble, dude. I remember seeing your name on the door with all those names on it, but I'm actually not into wrestling, I was just going to see if I could sell their autographs for a pretty good price.

The Gent: WHY JACOB, MY BUBBLE IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF BEING BURST. IT'S STAYING AFLOAT. Either way, you might remember, did anyone exit or enter that door if you noticed it?

The defendant tries to think of anyone who might have went into his room

Meadow: ...See, it's weird, but I only remember your room because it had a camera by it. Maybe you could check that?

The Gent: OF COURSE! Why didn't I think of it sooner?

Meadow: I dunno, maybe you were distracted.

The Gent: I was, bu--

Suddenly The Gent's eyes flash up as he comes to a hypothesis.

The Gent: There was no proof, I would have came out at Redemption, after all, I was not SPECIFICALLY booked for the card; HOWEVER, I did let them know about my intentions to challenge Rush. Only a few good men...strike that from the record, whoever's recording. I mean not for a joke, when this is quite a serious issue.


The Gent: ... Now who could have known this? It would be the men who saw me enter the arena and took their spot, the interviewer...and the man who called out my name before the Pay-Per-View came, Rush. However, Rush may be the brawn, but he lacks the brains to do this. That is not to saying he is not smart, but he would not mind if people knew he tore up my locker room. No, that simply leaves one man who would do this, a man who's just like EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IN THIS COURT ROOM.

The Gent pauses a moment, clearing his throat before continuing.

The Gent: Sorry. What I meant was that he is just like THE DEFENSE AND THE PROSECUTION. He, like they are, was an attorney. An attorney like him could improvise and form a strategy, especially if he was given time. It's not like this is out of character for him, is it? This is a man who's been nothing but a trouble maker, as slimy as a slug and a complete weasel since his return to WZCW. The man simply lacks manners, but he shall make you believe he has them.

Just about fed up with The Gent, the prosecution stands up from his table






The Gent: I AM GLAD YOU ASKED! You see, I've had my issues with Sam Smith since Redemption. Since Redemption, the man has cost me my chance at winning the Eurasian title, which was my chance to finally redeem myself after the debacle that was my run on Ascension, where I was given multiple shots at glory and failed every single one of them. Come Redemption, I had it, I had nearly made up for every pin I've taken, every single time I have failed the men who put me in my spot as well as the audience who had been so gracious to accept me, despite my past and cheer me on against these people. The more I think about it...

The Gent takes off his suit coat and hat, casually throwing them to the floor.

The Gent: The more I think about it, my fancy clothes mean nothing. What do I have to truly celebrate about, when I've still not gotten a chance at redeeming everything? What do I have to show for it? I've gotten a DQ Victory over Sam Smith, but when you are carried off by the medics while he simply parties, who's the one who truly lost their match? My victory against Smith meant nothing if he still sees no fault in his actions and I still have not made up for my failures since I came to WZCW, or even my failures in the past as a thief. At Redemption, I had lost my opportunity at Redemption...but at Apocalypse? I've been given one more shot.

The Gent takes a deep breath as he takes off his gloves, throwing them down to the ground, continually staring at the pieces of his suit he tears off as he continues.

The Gent: Who knows? In a way, this might actually be my last shot. I know that chances do not come forever and eventually it's going to click in that a man like me who's failed all of his chances to make his name known doesn't deserve another chance. Its a miracle I've managed to get this shot here. I've made so many mistakes and since I moved on from Aftershock, until my DQ victory against Sam Smith, at the most I got was an 'almost victory'. I ALMOST beat Constantine on my Ascension debut. I ALMOST had a shot at winning the X-Division Title, which the winner of that went on to WIN the X-Division title. I ALMOST got a victory over the man who at Redemption won the WZCW World Title. But, I do not want to be an ALMOST. I am not the ALMOST Masked Gentleman. I never gained popularity in France for ALMOST stealing priceless artifacts.

The Gent raises his head up, to take a good look at everyone around the court room.

The Gent: This courtroom reminds me of the one I was sentenced in, in fact. Just like then, I was disgusted at myself for failing my heist, and now come all these years later I find myself in a similar predicament.

The Gent takes a deep breath in order to calm himself down.

The Gent: Now combine my disgust with the fact the man I am facing is the most likely suspect for some plan he had with this...

The Gent fishes from the suit jacket pocket he threw on the ground his cell phone.

The Gent: Something that I had been foolish enough to focus on more than him, and it comes to me that maybe...maybe this was his plan all along. Why do a harmless thing like this? Because he knows he could mess with me, because if there is an unsolvable case, I had certainly be the one to try solving it, especially if it was something personal, like my belongings. So...

The Gent picks up his hat, brushing off any dirt from the floor before placing it on his head, tucking the suit coat under his shoulder and placing the gloves into his pockets.

The Gent: ...maybe it's time I've focused on Smith for now. Then after I finally beat him, I can talk to him, and see if he is my man or not. I will be seated again. No further questions for the defendant, your honor.

The Masked Gentleman walks his way back to the jury box, the judge, sits almost speechless towards what just happened, turns to the prosecution.

Judge: ...Recess?

Prosecutor: You know what, let's just adjourn for today.

The Judge, without thinking, bangs her gavel.

Judge: ...Done.
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