Apocalypse: The Forgotten Powers vs. Stantime - Tag Team Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Several weeks ago, the rookie Stan Rogers and the veteran “Showtime” David Cougar were the victors in the #1 contender Battle Royal. They look to unseat the incumbents; The Forgotten Powers. Both teams tasted victory this past week, however, you have to wonder just how will the alliance of “Stantime” fair against the tried and tested champions?​

Deadline is Tuesday 16th August 23:59 EST
Dr. Alhazred is sitting in the driver’s seat of his van. He is shirtless; his white, bare and hairless chest is glistening with sweat. His WZCW Tag Team Championship is nestled tightly around his waist, although the heavy brown, green, red and yellow stains make it unrecognizable. Mister is in the front seat, and the Kings are sitting in the back. They are all blindfolded and grabbing onto their seats and ceiling handles with what could only be described as a death grip, their fingernails digging deep into the stained white leather interior. Culture Club’s “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” is blasting on the radio.

Mister: Who the f***s idea was it to let him drive?

Richard King: I was against this as soon as he blindfolded us. I don’t trust this man being anywhere near a car never mind driving one, while we’re blindfolded!

Mister: And could you please play a different song?! You’ve had this on repeat for 2 hours now!

James King: Seriously, where are you taking us? What’s the point of this?

Dr. Alhazred says nothing and grabs some clothes out of a backpack next to him. While driving he begins to take off his pants and changing into the clothes, swerving all over the road with one hand barely on the wheel and paying no attention to the road.

Richard King: We’re going to die, we are going to die. Stop this car right now; my son did not survive a car crash that gave him amnesia to end up being killed in a car by his idiot partner!

Mister: That’s harsh bro.

Richard King: I don’t give a damn! This man is insane and we trust him with our lives?

James places his hand on his father’s shoulder.

James King: Calm down father, we’re all terrified right now but I’m sure he has a plan, he always does. There’s no need to be so harsh.

Suddenly the van stops roughly, everyone flies forward. Mister slams his head on the dashboard and the Kings have their faces buried in the back of the seats in front of them.

Dr. Alhazred: We’re here. You can take the blindfolds off.

The three men slowly pull themselves together after slamming their faces. They take off their blindfolds; Richard King takes his off and throws it at Dr. Alhazred.

Mister: This is the surprise? Seriously?

They are at a big brick building with the words “LAZER GATE” on a bright green sign. Dr. Alhazred turns around and looks at the Kings at the back.

Dr. Alhazred: Since you guys took your vacation last week and all the things that have been going on. All the seriousness and anger that’s been coming out of all of us; I thought it would be a good idea to have a little fun and do some team building while we’re at it.

James King: What is this place?

Dr. Alhazred gets out of the van.

Dr. Alhazred: It’s lazer tag, man.

The Kings look at each other confused. Richard King mouths “Lazer tag?” to his son.

Mister: Y’all gonna get yo asses kicked, I’m a machine at laser tag bitches.

After paying for their time and suiting up the four men are standing in a small locker room.

Dr. Alhazred: Showtime may be a better wrestler than both of us, he may have accomplished more than anything we could ever hope to. And Stan Rogers is capable of beating the best of men at any time and has been around longer than most of us have been alive. But the one thing StanTime does not have that we do is: teamwork.

The Kings and Mister look at each other and nod.

Dr. Alhazred: They may be better than us individually but no one will ever be able to match the bond and chemistry we have created with each other. The bond and chemistry that gets formed by two men going out in the ring and knowing that no matter what they have each other’s backs. No team can match us because no team has had to struggle with more disadvantages and more naysayers than the Forgotten Powers. Most thrown together teams last one match and go their separate ways, letting their egos get the best of them. But we embraced the adversity and welcomed it. We beat every team in our paths week after week after week until we proved we were the best. These titles…

Dr. Alhazred taps the belt around his waist. As he takes his hand off a green goo sticks to his hand.

Dr. Alhazred: These titles represent everything we’ve done up to this point, everything we’ve been through and everything we’re going to do. When I said these titles die by our hands, I meant it. We know we’re not only the best tag team this company has ever seen, we are the best tag team to ever exist. We know it deep down Showtime knows it, deep down Rogers knows it, and deep down everyone knows it. But when we break that record for longest reign, everyone will be forced to acknowledge it.

Dr. Alhazred points angrily, the green goo is sliding off the tip of his finger. Mister shivers in disgust at the goo.

Dr. Alhazred: And once they acknowledge what we have been saying all along, there’s no point in letting anyone else try, because they will ruin the lost glory that we had to build for these titles. They will take it for granted. Tag Team wrestling is dead and we shall lead it to the after life. StanTime is but another cow in the road but we are a Mack truck flying down that road full speed. We will slam head first into that cow and its blood and guts will cover our windshields. We’ll stick our hands out the window and grab the cow’s blood and wipe it on our faces. As we continue down that road to lead these titles to the promise land, the blood on our faces will be a warning sign for all other cows in the road and all those cows staring at us from their fields, eating their grass and mooing like the dicks they are.

Mister: We’re gonna kill a cow bro?

Dr. Alhazred: Huh? No it’s just a metaphor, you know.

Richard King: Not a very good one.

Dr. Alhazred: It is a good metaphor, a cow in the road to the Promised Land that we slam into and wipe it’s blood on our faces.

James King: So StanTime is the cow?

Dr. Alhazred: Yes they’re the cow. The cow that we will run through, make sense now?

Everyone shrugs.

Richard King: Seems like you’re stretching it a bit there Al.

Alhazred shakes his head.

Dr. Alhazred: Whatever, let’s just go out there come Apocalypse and destroy these guys. Rain fists down on their faces, break their necks with Protect Ya Neck, destroy their minds with Amnesia strikes, knock them out cold with a Level 5 and finally prove we are the best in the world by FINISHING THEM!

James walks puts his hand out and looks at Dr. Alhazred. Alhazred puts his hand on top of his; Mister quickly puts his hand on top of Alhazred’s. They all stare at Richard for a moment.

Richard King: F**k it.

Richard puts his hand on theirs. They raise it up in the air and yell at the same time.

Dr. Alhazred: FINISH THEM!


Richard King: TEAMWORK!

Mister: COWS!

They all look at each other.

Dr. Alhazred: We’ll work on that later. Now let’s kill these bastards in laser tag!

Dr. Alhazred grabs his laser gun and makes a noise like he’s cocking it.

They all run screaming out of the locker room into the LAZER GATE BATTLEGROUND. They’re opponents walk out of the doors across from them. “Hells Bell’s” plays as they slowly walk out. From the shadow of the door 4 little kids come out, each making an angry face to induce fear.

James King: That’s who we have to face?

Mister looks at King then to Dr. Alhazred; ‘LET’S MURDER THEM”.

The alarm goes off for the match to start. Each member of the Forgotten Powers screams and goes off in different directions. Richard King is sitting behind a fake moon rock trying to figure out how to work the gun. He stands up to look around and a tall ginger kid shoots him and laughs.

Ginger kid: You’re out OLD MAN! This my house! He beats his chest before running off.

Richard King is fuming. I’m gonna kill that little kid.

Mister is crawling on the ground sneakily. He sees one of the kids running and aims for him.

Mister: I got you dead in my sights. No mercy!

Just as he’s about to shoot a black kid shoots him in the back while he’s on the ground. Mister screams and gets up fast. He gets right into the face of the black kid and is breathing heavy.

Mister: I bet you learned to shoot that gun on the streets of the ghetto huh? I know where you live and one night when you’re sleeping; I’m going to sneak into your house and kill your whole family.

Mister’s eyes are wide open.

Black Kid: You get any closer to my face and I’m gonna tell the guy at the front desk that you tried to molest me asshole.

The black kid kicks Mister in the balls and laughs. James King pops up from around the corner behind him and shoots the black kid.

Jumping up and down in glee; “I got one, I got one”

As soon as he says that two other kids shoot James King and run off. James drops his head in sadness and slowly walks away.

Dr. Alhazred is calmly sneaking in a small moon alleyway. Every little noise he hears he turns around and shoots at, though it’s nothing.

Mister and the Kings are in the locker room standing in front of a window that looks into the battle ground.

Richard King: He’s all alone in there.

Mister: God bless his soul and guide his laser to glory.

James King: He can do it. He won’t lose.

Dr. Alhazred walks over to where Mister was shot; Mister’s gun is still on the ground. He rubs his hand on the carpet and sniffs it.

Dr. Alhazred: Something big went down here, I can smell the fear.

He picks up Mister’s gun and puts it in his holster.

Ginger Kid: Come out with your hands up dick! We got you surrounded!

Dr. Alhazred looks to each side of him and sees he is indeed surrounded at all sides. He gulps.

Dr. Alhazred: Well looks like it's time to go dual wield, slow-mo.

He leaps over a rock in front of him and shoots both guns around him. Lasers going in every direction like a Rush concert. He rolls on the ground and gets up. The three boys come out of their spots and out into the open. Not one of them was hit and they’re all aiming their guns at him.

Ginger kid: That was a bold move, I respect that. But it was very foolish.


Dr. Alhazred jumps in the air and spins, shooting in every direction, screaming at the top of his lungs and tears coming from his eyes. As he lands on the ground he looks around and sees no one. He blows into both of his guns.

Dr. Alhazred: Hail to the King baby!

The ginger kid pops out and shoots him. He grabs his chest and looks into the eyes of his laser tag killer and mouths “Why?” He slowly falls to the floor, his face landing on some gum. He moans and shakes.

Ginger kid: Dude this is weird, let’s get some pizza. I don’t feel comfortable playing with these freaks.

The kids walk off as Mister and the Kings burst into the room. They run to Alhazred and pick him up.

Dr. Alhazred: They got me. THEY GOT MEEEEE!!

Mister: They did, they did. Come on man let’s get home and play Drunken Mario Party.

Dr. Alhazred: That sounds fun.

The Forgotten Powers are out of their laser clothes and heading for the exit. James King stops. The four little boys who beat them are sitting at a table eating pizza and drinking Mountain Dew. James points at them and makes a throat cutting gesture. Everyone nods at them.

They walk up to the little kids table and just stare for a moment. Dr. Alhazred picks up one of the pizzas, it’s Hawaiian.

Dr. Alhazred: This pizza represents us and this little kid’s face represents StanTime.

Alhazred slams the pizza into the kids face forcing the kid out of his chair and onto the floor. Mister grabs a bowl of ice cream and puts it on the head of the black kid. The Kings flip the table over onto the little kids. They all grab a bottle of Mountain Dew and poor them on the fallen children, drenching them in citrus and lime. They empty the bottles and throw them on the kids.

Mister: Forgotten Powers for life! Don’t you forget it.


They all slap hands and walk out the door as the scene fades to black.
Stan Rogers
Apocalypse Tonight

Stan Rogers is pacing around the arena - the setting for Apocalypse. The setting for the biggest day in his young WrestleZone Championship Wrestling career. Fans are milling around the arena, taking their seats, meeting friends and buying merchandise and refreshments. Despite being one of the talents, Rogers fits seamlessly into the faceless world of wrestling fandom. Well, almost. His 6 ft 3in frame is above average. And the fact that he’s in his wrestling gear and carrying a table isn’t helping.

Children will run anywhere, and they’ll do it pretty fast. Like dogs, they’re just happy to be out of the house and will make the most of their time. As all the young wrestling fans run around the lobby, escaping the control of the parents, one in particular takes Rogers’ eye: the most hyperactive child.

“C’mere, kid.”

The young child runs up to Rogers with his eyes wide, clutching a bag of Twizzlers.


“I want to give you something.”

Rogers crouches down to the level of the hyperactive child and reaches into his wrestling holdall which is always by his side. After all, a good wrestler is prepared for anything. Out of his holdall, Rogers produces a mask to hand to the boy. A replica of Baez’s mask, to be exact. The flame in the child’s eyes suddenly goes out. His face drops.

“What’s wrong?”

“Baez? Really?”

“What’s wrong with Baez?”

Rogers pauses for a moment. He pauses for a moment of contemplation.

“What am I saying? Everything’s wrong with him. Kid doesn’t know squat about wrestling...”

Rogers returns once again to quiet contemplation.

“Erm, mister?”

“Oh, right. OK, let’s see what I have...”

Rogers rummages around in his holdall once again. After much searching, he produces a red mask. Who’s red mask? Well, Red Mask’s red mask.

“For keeps?”

“Sure. But what you need to do is wear it, and run around the arena. Preferably in front of other children your age. Got it?”

The overexcited kid enthusiastically nods as he is aided by Rogers in putting the mask on. He thanks the veteran for the gift and runs off into the distance. A satisfied Rogers walks to the side of the lobby, sets up his table and lays out the merchandise from his holdall. Pictures, posters, badges, buttons, DVDs and the aforementioned mask are laid on the table. Rogers sits back and waits for business to pick up.


“You can’t sell your things here Mr. Rogers.”

Rogers takes a break from playing salesman to see a slim, middle-aged man in front of him. Dressed in a simple suit, he looks about as corporate as one man can be.

“What? Why the hell not?”

“Well... well it’s against company policy.”

Rogers grabs the tie of the gentleman and aggressively pulls him in.

“Company policy? I have a championship match tonight, and you tell me that I can't make my living?”

”Well, i-it's not r-really like that...”

“I don’t think you understand.”

Rage begins to swell. Rogers can feel his anti-authority anger in the pit of his stomach. It’s rising, it’s rising. It begins to spread throughout the body. Through the arms. To the fingertips. Down to his toes. The cruel, uncontrollable mistress of anger sweeps through wrestler.

“Mr. Rogers!”

The voice is familiar. The platinum blond hair more so. It’s Showtime Cougar. Sporting a fine Italian suit, he is trailed by his 'assistant', Allen.


Rogers lets go of the man’s tie and holds a hand out to his tag team partner. Unflinching, Cougar begins to speak. Cool and confident, he is every bit the man seen on television by the millions of WZCW fans.

“So, Mr. Rogers, um... what the hell are you doing?”

“Selling my gimmicks.”

“Selling your gimmicks? This isn’t how it works in the big leagues. You earn a salary. I mean look at this.”

Cougar picks up one of the Red Mask masks.

“You don’t even wear this mask. And the fans can go pick one up from that stand for less money.”

“Yes, but will they? Look at the merch stands. Look at how long the lines are. Stan is offering relatively little waiting time for the customer.”

“Stan? Stan?! No, if you know me, it’s Stan or Stanley. If you don’t know me – and you don’t – it’s Mr. Rogers and you bow.”

Allen has a concerned look on his face.

“Nah, I’m just messin’ with ya’ kid. How’s it goin’?”

“Do not talk to Allen. And Allen, do not talk to my “tag partner”. And clear all this up. Mr. Rogers and I need to talk about our match tonight.”

“What, you expect me to leave my merchandise with him? No. No way.”

“Mr. Rogers, we have a tag team match tonight for the World Tag Team Championship. To not discuss tactics would be insensate to say the least.”

“That means stupid, right?”

“Right. Follow me.”

Rogers follows his tag team partner through some double doors with a sign saying “Staff Only” on them. They walk through the seemingly never ending corridors and past the brick walls which have been painted white in an attempt to disguise the fact that they’re brick walls. The duo see many WZCW wrestlers on their way. Showtime greets a few of them and is glared at by others. Rogers, meanwhile, maintains a cold distance between himself and the other stars. He is definitely the fish out of water here.

They come to the locker room door, guarded by an arena security guard. Rogers follows Cougar into the deserted room.

“I thought you had your own locker room?”

“Myth, Mr. Rogers. A complete myth. It’s a shame really, considering who works here. Maniacs, giants, sumo wrestlers, 70s throwbacks, politicians and rich people – a lot of rich people.”

“Anyway, Mr. Rogers, take a seat.”

As Rogers sits, Cougar looks around the several rooms which make up the locker room area.

“OK, Mr. Rogers, it’s like what I told you on Meltdown. You know how people say if you want something doing right, do it yourself, right? Well this is one of those times. You can have your moment in the sun, but allow me to do all the heavy lifting. That way, you’ll get a belt and I’ll get a belt. It’s that simple.”

“Erm, did you miss something on Meltdown, son? You know, me powerbombing that kid whose name I can’t remember. If it wasn’t for me, we might have not got that win.”

Cougar chuckles.

“Mr. Rogers, please. We would have got that win. They were far too inexperienced.”

“Well, yeah, I guess you’re right. But these kids are good. Apparently.”

“Although they’ve been here for a while, The Forgotten Powers...”

Rogers makes a note of the name on the palm of his hand.

“...are still rookies. Just like Williams and Kampa...”

Rogers makes another note of the names on the palm of his hand.

“...are. Now, Alhazred and King...”


“The Forgotten Powers.”

Rogers makes another note on his hand.

“Alhazred and King are good, they have the belts to prove it. But we can beat them. This is your first pay-per-view match. So like I said, have your moment and allow me to demolish them by myself. Feel free to tag out any time.”

“I don’t need to tag out. Before Meltdown, I hadn’t tagged out or in for over fifty years. Do you get where I’m coming from? I know what I’m doing and I’m gonna be a part of this win. I’m gonna put my stamp on WZCW history by getting the pin. Or better yet, by getting that robot kid and making him tap out.”

“OK, fine. I get what you’re saying. We’ll go out there and work as a team.”


The veteran rises from his chair and makes his way to the door.

“Mr. Rogers.”

Rogers turn around.

“You’re a proud man, I get that. But do not let your pride get the best of you. I learnt a long time ago that if you do, you chances of succeeding in WZCW drastically diminish.”

“Pride isn’t something which goes away. Pride isn’t something you can cut down on. If you have pride, you will have it forever. I’m proud of being here in WZCW, I’ll be even more proud when I hold my belt aloft and know that I played a part in getting it. Now, I better go. This is getting too deep for me and I sound like a tool.”
Scene opens with some old video clip being shown. In the video is Showtime David Cougar, Dr. Alhazard, and James King.

Cougar: Besides, you two happen to be lucky enough to be on my team for this match so not only are you guaranteed to receive some of the spotlight that follows me everywhere, but you also will be victorious in the main event....

...And you guys will no longer be known as just the Forgotten Powers, you will be known as the Feared Powers.

Camera pans away from the TV screen revealing a very darkly lit room. Seated in the middle of the room in a directors chair is Showtime David Cougar. Beside him is another TV screen.

Cougar: Hello and welcome to the very first edition of "Behind The Show". I am your host Showtime David Cougar. And in tonight's episode we will be shamelessly plugging my return to the tag team division after more than two years away and my upcoming tag team title match at Apocalypse this Sunday where I will be teaming with Stan "Can we call him a rookie in WZCW when's he's been wrestling for 80 years?" Rogers verse the current Tag Team Champions, whose names I have already forgotten. Now before we dive into my carefully crafted "103 reasons why I will be victorious at Apocalypse" speech, we are first going to talk about, what else, the spotlight and my influence over it and the wrestlers that share the spotlight with me.

The TV shows clips from that match on Ascension where Showtime and the Forgotten Powers teamed up to face Ty Burna and BIA.

I promised The Forgotten Powers that once they teamed with me, in the main event on Ascension no less, that they would be thrust into main event status and with the spotlight they shared with me shining down on them... it would shine off their talents and they would reap the benefits. That has, more or less, happened. They beat BIA. They defeated the best tag team wrestler this company has ever had in Toyota. It should come as no surprise to them that they have achieved this kind of success in such short time because of that spotlight... because of me.

The influence my spotlight has on people is almost instantaneous and is greatly influential to their careers. Don't believe me Forgotten Powers? Just look at some of the names who have stepped into the ring with me in recent months and look at where they’ve gotten to.

The TV now shows clips from many of Showtime's matches over the past few months, in the order that Showtime explains it out to the audience.

You guys laughed at the spotlight I shone down on Mr. Baller the week prior. I saw the fire in Baller’s eyes after he made that shot during his promo. I knew he had to be taken down quickly and was all business in that ring, and look at where he’s taken himself from there. Challenging and defeating Steamboat 3 times, headlining this upcoming PPV against him, and defeating Everest in convincing fashion last week. The confidence in Baller is booming and it is all from the short 5 minutes of spotlight that he shared with me.

Want more... I fought a determined Winters to his limits and 2 shows later he won the Elite-X Title. I defended the Elite X Title, which I never lost mind you, against Baez and wound up victorious. And since then Baez has enjoyed the main event status and merchandise sales that go with it. Hammond was nothing more than an old Mayhem scrap and after I sent him to the junkyard, he came back a shiny new tag team champion and is getting a title match at Apocalypse. And then there is Austin Reynolds...

Showtime takes a moment to think about the exact words that he wants to use before he talks about Austin Reynolds. The camera shows the many highlights from their matches over the fall.

Austin Reynolds was nothing more than a stagnant middle card champion before he underhandedly took the spotlight out from high above me. Austin NEVER should’ve beaten me when I challenged him to a match at Ascension and he screwed me out of the title in that match because he knew how important a victory over me would be for his career. At All or Nothing I took the young Reynolds to the edge of his abilities and left him with a thrilling defeat that was described as one the best matches in WZCW in 2010.

And then I defeated Reynolds again, and then again at Lethal Lottery, but Reynolds had already by then had his foot in the door and robbed me of some of my spotlight forever. Austin has seemly snuck right in my place as the man who should be challenging Ty Burna and while I was initially furious at this, I still opened my hand to my bitter rival and offered to help him at last remove the title from Ty’s shoulders. But the brash and egotistical Reynolds rejected my help and now has been caught up in Ty’s web since. Austin I gave you a chance to stay in the spotlight with me, but now that chance is gone. I don’t think you have any hope against Ty, hell you couldn’t even beat SHIT last week, literally and quite figuratively. For your sake... and for your Hailey’s sake, I hope you’re successful. Just don’t expect my light to come shining to your rescue at Apocalypse.

Showtime pauses for a minute, casually taking a sip of water and starts rocking back and forth on his chair as he downs the water.

So Forgotten Powers, I hope you haven’t been forgetting to pay attention so far, because now I’m going to explain what this all means. Austin managed to steal some of my spotlight and while he’s been able to ride it out for more than 6 months now, I still have the power to take it all away from him, just as I have the power to take it away from everyone I share it with, and that includes you two. Look around at everyone I mentioned and all their success. You’ll soon see it was either superficial or worn out quickly.

Baller has 3 uncontested victories over Steamboat and an interference victory over Everest. He got squashed by Toyota. Winters... he completely went off the radar after defending the belt at Kingdom Come. Baez... the man fell way down the ladder for a long time before hitting the jackpot by scoring an upset against the loved by everyone Gordito and a subsequent bonus match with Titus. Hammond... well lets say he didn’t carry 500 lbs of his team... nor has he ever had any success before against the EurAsian champion... and that's something I know very well.

I let these guys into my spotlight and I made sure to make stars out of them for one night as I dominantly beat them inside the ring. These guys all received a taste of the spotlight and did all that was in their powers to keep it, but none have been worthy to keep it and neither are you two. I have the power to take back what is mine because I am the star of this show, I am the director of this company, and I am the writer of WZCW’s future. No more will others profit from my spotlight and that begins with you two Forgotten Powers.

Showtime turns to the TV and clips of Forgotten Powers comes up. Matches like the one they had with Showtime, Kingdom Come, verse Paradyse Cruz, and at Redemption come up.

You were thrust into the spotlight because of me... and the only reason you even got a chance to share the spotlight with me was do to circumstances. You guys were the only challengers WZCW had for the tag team champions. The only team left climbing the mountain while others tucked and rolled down for safety. And when you finally reached the mountain, you didn't dominate over the rest to affirm your place on top. BIA shrugged their shoulders, said they had better things to do and left. And so do you apparently as you shrug your shoulders at your unearned success and entertain thoughts about discarding the titles that are in your possession.

Well don’t react so quickly boys. Showtime is always hungry for titles and the tag team championship just happens to be one of those titles I need to check off my list and I will stop at nothing to add them to my collection/ You guys want challengers atop your mountain. The King of the Mountain is here to give you boys your last 15 minutes of fame and with me I brought a powerhouse of a man who is as old and strong as this very mountain.

The TV turns to the Tag Team Match Preview picture.


The Forgotten Powers claim they will be victorious this Sunday because they have been teaming together longer and that me and Rogers lack of teamwork will lead us to our downfall. They have truly forgotten who I and what I my greatest power is... to take advantage of the moment and bring out the best and worst out of the people who stand inside my spotlight. Roger’s is a powerful combatant, but he’s also a wrestler who has been around longer than anyone in this company. After speaking with Roger’s earlier, I see that now as an asset rather than a hinder. Roger’s knows exactly where his bread and butter comes from and that is from winning, and especially winning titles. Roger’s is a professional and will professionally ensure that he does his part in the match and I’ll take care of the rest of your two soon to be forgotten careers.

You know it feels like I returning to where my career truly took off with this tag team match. It was over 2 years ago, at Unscripted 2009, when I last had a tag team title match. 5 teams, most of which were thrown together like you guys and me and Stan Rogers. First pinfall to win the titles. I had paired myself with a man who shared my dreams of fame in Trademark. Unfortunately that’s about all we shared as the man couldn’t hold his end in tag team matches. At Unscripted it was essentially 8 verse 1. Hell 9 verse 1 as my partner Trademark never set foot again in that ring after the first 30 seconds. My opponents could sense blood when one man had no partner to help him out. I fought back against them in that ring with every ounce of athleticism I had. I’m sure your expecting me to see I fought them all off successfully, but lets be real it was 8 verse 1. Yes I lost, but as I lay there on the mat after kicking out of several close pinfalls before being defeated, the spotlight didn’t shine on the new tag team champions. It stayed on me. It knew that I was the star in that match and has stayed with me ever since. And I have responded to it by being successful in every class in WZCW... except one. And that ends at Apocalypse with the Tag Team Championship.

You’ve both have said it yourselves. Everyone in the locker room echos it too. I am the all around best wrestler in WZCW. Be it any kind of match or any shape or size of the opponent, I always come out the shining star. And I could team with any man, even those two excuse of wrestlers me and Rogers disposed of on Meltdown, and still come out on top in this match. But instead I’m teaming with a giant who defeated a roster of superstars while I sat outside and let him. I’m teaming with a man who has been around wrestling longer than either 2 of you combined. Don’t mistake our lack of tag teaming as the reason you too will win. You should all be very worried that I have a very capable partner in Rogers... someone who will take care of his part in this act and will accept the title that I give him and none of the spotlight that surrounds me. Dr. Alhazard it should be you who is worried if your partner doesn’t happen to be there for you as he hasn’t been this past week or if he suffers another bout of amnesia and forgets how to be a wrestler, much less a champion.

I promise to make sure you both forgot that for even a split second you even were champions, and I will make sure the spotlight you both caught a glimpse of and shined off of will never make it’s way to your sight or glove... ever... again. I will cast the Forgotten Powers into the forgotten blackness of off stage... forever!

Showtime breaths heavily. He catches a glimpse of something off camera and nods. He sits down in his chair and returns to casual host demeanor.

Well I’m afraid that’s about all the time we have left for the debut addition of “Behind The Show” Be sure to log onto our website or twitter to view the full 103 reason list of why I will be victorious at Apocalypse. Until next time, I am Showtime David Cougar, you keep watching. I pormise you will be entertained.
We come in to outside Lazer Gate. We see James King walking out first, his WZCW Tag Team title laying on his shoulder. Next to him is Dr. Alhazred, his dirty title around his waist. A few steps behind them is Mister, his trademark mask and suit a little wet from perspiration. A little ways behind Mister we see Richard King with a very confused look on his face.

Can someone please tell me what the point of that was?

The three others turn to look at Richard. Alhazred chuckles a bit as he walks back to Richard.

As I said, it was to prove our teamwork. We are the team to beat cause of it. Everyone else is…

Everyone groans at the thought of the Doctor bringing out another metaphor. Mister shakes his head as well as they close in on the car.

What? What’d I say?

James walks over and pats his partner’s shoulder, then walks back to his father to try and speed him up.

No more metaphors from you. The cow one was bad enough. All we need to know is that Stantime, or whatever they call themselves, cannot beat us. They only had one match, if you could call it that, while we are the tag team champs.

Mister laughs at the first part of what the younger King said, while Alhazred is still looking a little confused.

But, I thought it was a good metaphor. It was perfect for what our situation is.

The two Kings just shake their heads, as Mister looks to be close to losing it.

Keep telling yourself that, Al. That was one of the worst metaphors I have ever heard.

Alhazred just shrugs as he pulls the keys out. As soon as they’re out of his pocket, they are out of his hand as both Mister and Richard reach to grab them with the ring ending up in Mister’s hand.

Hey! I’m driving!

No you are not!

Like hell you are!

The two look at each other as Alhazred is standing between them, a big frown on his face. James just chuckles as he walks over. He opens the back door and gets in as Mister gets in the driver’s seat with the elder King climbing in shotgun. Alhazred sighs and walks back to sit with James.

Whatever, but can we leave the song on?

As soon as the question is finished, Richard mutes the music. The Doctor sighs again and leans back in the seat with his arms crossed. James shakes his head as Mister pulls out. As soon as he’s out on the road, he almost hits another car. Alhazred suddenly shoots up in his seat.

Wait, why did we let you drive?

The other two passengers turn to look at Alhazred, then up to Mister as he barely avoids the shoulder.

Anyway, we have an idea of what to expect from Showtime. After all, we teamed with the man.

Richard looks back to chime in, his eyes a little wide.

Don’t forget, a lot has changed since then. At that point, you guys were a new team and he was fighting for the world title. Now, he’s after you.

Mister lifts his head as he barely misses another car.

Yes, but with 260 pounds of basically deadweight, he won’t be able to do much.

James nods as he lifts his title onto his lap.

I was getting to that, Mister. This is, in all ways, Stan Rodgers’ first match of any standards, unless I’m mistaken.

Richard looks back and shakes his head, his eyes growing wider.

Apparently, he’s had multiple matches before, but none of this high of risk for him.

James smirks as Richard turns his gaze from his son to the crazy driver. Mister looks over at him and shrugs, then sharply turns to avoid hitting a truck.

We have the teamwork factor. No one can work together like we can. Showtime has no recent work in tag team wrestling, while Stan has no work altogether.

The car shifts again as the three passengers grab onto the closest object to them. Alhazred leans up to look at the elder King, who’s eyes are wide open.

Now, who would you prefer to be driving, me or him?

Richard shakes his head at him as Mister suddenly hits the brakes to pull over at a gas station. Everyone climbs out as fast as they can, while Mister looks amused at their reactions.

I’m not that bad of a driver, am I?

Richard looks up at him, and holds his hand out. Mister sighs and drops the keys in his hand. The Doctor is long gone as he is seen running inside. Richard shakes his head and follows, while James is leaning next to the car. He looks up to the sky and closes his eyes.

It’s time to show who the true powers in WZCW are. The Forgotten Powers will show that we will be the greatest champions of all time, and then take the division away. We will prove that we will not stand for this division being killed off. Showtime, Stan, you can try to stop us. And you will fail to do so.

James looks back down to see Richard and Alhazred arguing coming back from the station. Mister comes around the car to tap James on the shoulder, then climbs up in the shotgun seat. James smirks, then climbs back into the car.

Come Apocalypse, you will see the beginning of the end. The two that are known as Stantime will be the first. And they will not be the last. This division will be respected, or ended with us.

We see the Doctor and Richard climb into the car and it pull out as we fade.
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