Apocalypse: Team Kick Ass vs. Team Constantine (Participants Inside)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Deadline is Tuesday, January 19th at 11:59PM. Extensions available upon request.

Team Kick Ass
Mikey Stormrage
Gino Galucci
Vee A.D.Z.

Team Constantine
Abel Hunnicutt
Kagura Daikonran
Brazil… A week before Apocalypse…

The gloomy beam of the morning sun flashes mildly through the window. It brightens Sara’s face, who was cuddling up to the bed, clutching the blanket between her legs. She sits up stretching her arms over her head and twitching her back to either sides and makes a groan. She wavers her sight to the corner of the room where Vee is standing next to the window tracing his fingers over the dimpled glass frames.

Sara: When did you wake up Hun?

Vee twirls his head slightly to her side and gestures a smile.

Vee: A while ago…

He continues tracing something in that window. The humidity, that’s present in the outside atmosphere dripples into small water droplets that runs down the dimples in that glass frame.

Vee: Do you know humidity is one of the primary parameters in bowling a cricket ball; as it might can affect its turbulence in the air while bowling? No wonder Brazil focusses more on Football rather than Cricket coz its really tough to play Cricket in this part of the world!

Sara giggles and slides to the corner of the bed and takes the soaks off her feet. She looks up and smirks at Vee.

Sara: God I missed these nerdy stuffs every morning. Glad that I’m here with you right now. Although do you know what I miss more now?

Vee gets close to her and goes on his knees and holds her hands in his hands.

Vee: Oh What is that?

Sara: Your songs Hun! Regardless of the tons of bizarre raps you sing, I always love to hear that soft voice of yours. Can you sing me something now… please?

Vee giggles and runs his finger across her soft cold palms and looks up in her eyes.

Vee: You mean now? Uhm Alright, it’s been ages since I had sung something. It could be refreshing for the morning as well…

Vee gets on his feet and clears his throat and commences to sing…


Before Vee could finish the song, Sara judo throws Vee by his arm over her shoulder onto the bed and gets on top on him with a playful glare.

Vee: What?? Didn’t you like that song? It was for you!

Sara: Exactly! Many of the lyrics in that song doesn’t suit our love story. MEANIE!!

Sara fakes a flurry of punches right to Vee face as he tries to playfully accept them on his jaw.

Vee: Ah that’s what this fallacy is all about. That isn’t our Love story, you know that, I know that and everyone should know that. I love you hunny and that’s what it matters, doesn’t it?

Sara leans down and kisses his lips softly before getting off him and sits in the bed.

Sara: Yes, that’s what matters dear. I love you too.

Sara leans in to cuddle up to his chest, but Vee softly pushes her off and stands off the bed.

Vee: Right, let that pituitary gland in your head to calm down its oxytocin secretion, because I’ve to go out now.

He giggles and gets up to grab his jacket and hastily moves towards the kitchen to grab some soda before heading to wear his running shoes.

Sara: Ooh where are you going now? Is that the reason why you woke up early?

Vee: Well, as you know, I have this colossal match with even more fascinating stipulation at Apocalypse next week. I’m just going to meet my mates for that match. Well you know, I haven’t even talked with Mikey before! I’m so surprised why he picked me as his Teammate, so I just want to say hello to them and talk things, you know.

Sara: Bra jabbot älsking! (Good job my Love!) I really am glad that you’ve started to feed the inception for this match to your mates. Apparently, I think you need to because, they’re utterly weird, to say honestly, weirder than you.

Vee sways a glare at her direction, albeit a half-playful half-serious one and starts to utter his words.

Vee: I don’t deem people even when I have to, you know that quite well don’t you? The reason is that, I don’t care about them, they don’t really matter to me. But you see, Mikey deemed me to be someone he can rely on, he trusted me in that as well. Perhaps he may get the biggest prize in the company if WE win, yet it’s my responsibility to not let him down.

Sara: I know dear; I was half-joking when I said that. I know how much respect you have for Mikey, Gino and M.

Vee: I indeed am feeling fascinated to working with them. Do you know why Me and M won our match few nights back? Because we trusted each other and we worked as a team. And for Gino, I have had two matches with him, one of which was the King For A Day which changed my whole perspective in my Wrestling Profession.

Sara walks close to him and ties a scarf around Vee’s neck and speaks softly with her soothing voice.

Sara: Anyhow hunny, go and have a nice talk with them. I’m telling you again, they can be goofy at times, and I know it’ll baffle you, but talk with them, don’t confront them.

Vee sends out a smile from the corner of his lips and gestures a bye with his eyes and closes the door. He looks up at the sky and takes afoot.

Vee: (voice-over) They maybe goofy tossers, but they’re my teammates. I should take my responsibilities and help the team win.

Vimal: (voice-over) Perhaps they won’t baffle you, the only thing, apparently two things that’s going to baffle you is US! Unless you embrace us.

Vee Alias: (voice-over) You’re a brick-head, Vimal. We don’t baffle him; do we Mate? We’re merely trying to help him. Helping to sort of with the plans and RESPONSIBILITIES! We know why it is such important for you.

Those voices in his head stirs up to his cerebrum and that pictures back some old memories to his eidetic mind.

It was the time in Vee’s life, where he had to rely much on his family for almost everything. But unfortunately, his father couldn’t provide him with all that what he requires. His family was harrowing into poverty and his father had to commute between England and India to converse with the embassies to get his British Citizenship.

One fine morning, after the morning exercise routine Vee got back to into his room where his father was waiting for him.

Vee’s Father: So it seems like you had chosen to get involved completely into Professional Wrestling.

Vee: Of course Dad, we had talked about this enough and you were happy for that as well.

Vee’s Father: But what do you get from that? What does it provide to our family?

Vee: What do you mean?

Rage adorned his father’s face as he threw a pair of glove at Vee’s direction and walks towards him.

Vee’s Father: You can’t even buy a pair of glove with your own money! And you don’t even have the courage to ask me directly for it! You always try to make your Mum a scapegoat when you need something!

Vee: No… It’s not like that Dad… I just don’t want to give much grief to you and that’s why I don’t ask you my needs.

Vee’s Father: Listen closely son, I’m not logging up these bloody responsibilities over your head. I will take care of them and I don’t need your help in that! But you should take responsibilities for your career!

Vee: I’m trying to Dad but yo…

His father pushed his hands at Vee with a defiance which mirrored how Vee would gesture when he feels disdain.

Vee’s Father: How responsible you’re? Tell me about it? I’m buying you these gloves, weights and even your trunks for your wrestling matches! How responsible I believe you can be in your future?

Vee feels some cold breeze grazing behind his ears, giving him goosebumps as he wakes up from the kip and exhales. He looks at his hands, which are apparently sweaty under the gloves he’s wearing. He takes them off and rubs it over his sweatpants and adjusts his jacket and starts to walk.

Vee: (voice-over) I feel more responsible now Dad. And I believe, you do believe me, if not, soon you will. This Apocalypse, I believe I will do great things.

Vimal: (voice-over) You have to. Being responsible is something you’ve to vindicate to sustain.

Vee Alias: (voice-over) Hypothetically, the result of Your match at Apocalypse will determine your probability of acquiring your first gold in WZCW. After all you’ll be in the Gold Rush Tournament if you win! Your first piece of Gold is laid in the middle of an Apocalypse! And THAT’S NOT JUST A METAPHOR.


Few hours later…

Vee is sitting in a beanbag placed in the corner of a messy, precisely to say, a sticky room. Opened up Pizza boxes are laid upon everywhere and even on the floor making it a complete mess. Mikey, on his trunks and buttoned down pajamas, is seem to be exposing his jiggly belly, whilst on his pursuit in chasing Gino for the last bite of a pizza, even though there are some unopened Pizza boxes left in the room.

M is standing upside down in the other corner of the room and trying hard to swallow a huge bite of pizza, down his throat, to precisely say, to swallow it up his throat.

Vee: Come on Mateys, we really need to talk. I’m getting tired of your wanky shits!

None of them seem to pay attention to Vee as he swiftly stands up from the beanbag and throws Pizza boxes at each one of them, each at a time.


Gino: You seriously aren’t taking how good these Gallucci’s Pizzas are! You’re not getting the Team Kickass T-Shirt.

Mr.M: Messed up you’re, Mate! I should Maul you for almost chocking Me to death.

Vee: Listen up blokes, we really need to take this match more seriously. And I reckon you aren’t. That baffles me! Do you even realize how important this match is for all four of us? Especially for you Mikey!

He swifts his glance towards the Gamer Captain and starts to utter few more of his serious words.

Vee: You’ve been battling over the years in WZCW to get to the top and now here’s the chance! You don’t want to mess up with it, do you? Ever since, you parted ways from your buddy Matt, people around you don’t take you seriously. But I adore your hardwork! I adore your passion to believe in others and that makes you the Greatest Team Player in the history of WZCW!

Mikey leans forward slightly to listen closely to Vee and M follows to stand behind Mikey. Gino transists his position and moves behind Vee.

Vee: Do you guys know the Archimedes’ principle?

Mikey: You mean the Old granddaddy who ran down the streets naked after the bubble bath?

Gino: All I know was how horrible Mikey looked when he did the same in my room last night…

Mr.M: Ah that was Merciless!

Vee is visibly livid with their banters but composes himself to speak more.

Vee: You see, that Granddaddy said, the amount of water displaced when a body is immersed in it is equal to the Buoyant Force that opposes the body. That’s how a mighty Ship is kept from immersing into the sea. Metaphorically speaking, the way we’re going to displace Constantine’s Team members AS A TEAM, that’s how we’re going to sustain their Buoyancy and afloat in the end to reach the shore.

Mikey bends forward to rest his hands on Vee’s shoulder and breathes out some cheesy air.

Mikey: I know what you’re trying to do Alpha Nerd. But listen to this, you are not the only one responsible for the whole team. I picked this team for a reason. Do you think I’m stupid as I look to pick a team full of weirdos in my pursuit to the WZCW Heavyweight title? I’ve been here in this business for so long that I CAN judge the people I can rely on. I’ve been here more than enough to know about Constantine. I had seen the lust for the Big Gold in his eyes. But I look in this way, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. And I AM MORE RESPONSIBLE THAN ANY OF YOU, if we lose because I have to live with the guilt that I deprived three young talents off their opportunities to the Gold Rush tournament. So don’t worry my man.

M stands tall behind Mikey and gestures a wide smile from his Mysterious face at Vee.

Mr.M: Mate, I already knew you’re a Man of Morals. But you’re taking that too far. Calm your Mighty armors down. Sometimes you need to stand back in the battles and witness your own Mates to Murder the rivals. We took out Abel Hunnicutt once, didn’t we? It was because we worked as a team and we trusted in our responsibilities. The End Result? You Mangled your own personal enemy.

Gino pats Vee on his back and gets forward to him.

Gino: Well I have to say something as well; else I will look dumb. But all I can say is, we both have seen how tough a match can get when Kagura is around. We saw that at the King For A Day. She shouldn’t be taken lightly either. Moreover, whoever the mysterious man is, this is what I got to say about him or her or it. We’re not just going to waste our time thinking about who it’s going to be and what kinda plans we need to take care of. As long we take care of each other in the ring, we aren’t going to lose.

A slight smile spreads out from Vee’s lips.

Vee: Thank you Mates. I feel like some sort of burden is taken off my head. I understand that I have you three to share my responsibilities.

Mikey: But don’t be an irresponsible brat!!

As Mikey bends down even further his bum exposes and M notices something below his waistline from behind and scream to the top of his lungs.


Gino bursts out into laughter and slaps at Vee’s back.

Gino: Proof that Mikey Stormrage don’t wear THONGS!

Mikey starts to chase Gino and M whilst Vee is left in shambles of the unreal thing he just has seen.

Vee: (voice-over) It’s just impossible! How can that underwear fit around his waist?

Vee Alias: (voice-over) Technically the rubber band which is used in normal underwears which are made of vulcanized rubber doesn’t have such elasticity. Perhaps PEEK, polyetheretherketone must have such high elastic limit but that being used in underwears are highly unlikely.

Vimal: (voice-over) Ah shut up and embrace the joke tosser!

The screen fades as Vee giggles and starts to laugh slightly whilst the three others run around the room like headless chickens.

Constantine watches as Mikey Stormrage enters the locker room. From afar, he can see the beautiful purple fur that sets him apart from all of the unicorns. So bright and beautiful is it, Constantine has to resists the temptation to move towards it. Mikey looks pleased as he saunters through the door. But that level of happiness is soon diminished as he spots Gino Galucci rummaging through his things and neatly folding them into a pile. As the door closes behind the captain of Team Kick-Ass, the clicking sounds alerts Gino to his presence. Turning round in a state of panic, the luscious golden fur of the unicorn seems to be standing upright.

Gino: Oh, well, Hello Mikey! I hope you don't mind but we're all doing a little spring cleaning for you...

As Gino talks, his eyelids close in utter confidence that Mikey will receive the news well. Coupled with the flapping of his wings at an exorbitant rate, Gino seems pleased with himself. Mikey, on the other hand, seems less pleased with the effort he has went to.

Mikey: It's summer...

Mikey's tone seems to suggest what Gino can already tell about the former Tag Team Champion.

Gino: Oh! Well, better late than never, right? It was M's idea...

The Pizza Man's answer seems to stutter to a halt as he point out M in the corner of the room; busy tossing a salad and giving Mikey a thumbs up; a remarkable smile upon the face of the newly-returned superstar. Mikey doesn't seem pleased, however, his brow becoming furled and his tone becoming even more exhausted.

Mikey: You're not doing this for the chance to be on my team, are you?

Gino seems nonplussed by the accusation from the captain of Team Kick-Ass as he floats to the floor' his eyes shutting again in confidence.

Gino: Oh, no! I'm doing this because you're my very best friend! Right, M?

The Pizza maker of WZCW turns his head to the left to pick out M; who seems less interested in being blamed for the misconduct. The look on M's face suggests the obvious; that Mikey has figured them out from the start. Giving up on the pretence, however, Gino turns his glroious blond head back to Mikey as his pink hair flows in the wind.

Gino: Yes, we are doing it to get on your team...

With that, Constantine wakes with a start. Down his spine, a tingle begins to work it's way from top to bottom and a few beads of sweat make their way down his forehead. Constantine wipes the sweat from his brow and hoists himself up in his chair. Around him, the familiar look of his study tells a story of peace. In the dim light by the fireplace, Constantine can feel the tranquillity wash over him as it had done before when he found himself falling asleep. The well-decorated walls and smell of lavender in the room would be enough to make anyone feel at home. But Constantine still didn't feel totally at peace here yet.

Knowing that he has to motivate himself to get going, Constantine stubbornly gets to his feet. As he does, he gives himself a stretch and then begins making his way around the room. Everything seems to have been set out the way that he wanted it. The Championship cabinet that had sit so baron for too long, now awash with success and glory. The light from above the Championships, seemingly, adding more splendour and contrast to the already glistening gold. On his desk, a large pot of tea can be seen, surrounded by teaspoons and beautiful blue and white China. Constantine surveys the room once more before throwing some more wood into the fire and setting himself back down on the chair.

Looking to the nearby wall, Constantine notices the time is 7:15. In 15 minutes, his guests would be here and Constantine's first real test of normality would be upon him. As he sinks into the chair once more, Constantine gives a laugh at the dream that had woken him. Slumping deeper into the beautiful leather chair, Constantine feels the warm embrace of the Sandman once more...

Father: And in times of darkness, The Lord has called upon his flock to be kind to others. At this time of year, we give thanks to those who have helped us or who have been there for us in our time of need. Kindness is something which often escapes us. The power of possession and of greed grows at this time of year and we cannot allow it to blur our view of the world.

The priest walks around the stage with a microphone hanging from his ear and his back to the audience. The audience watches on as he continues; the lights from above causing a sweat to appear on the back of his hands as he moves them eccentrically.

Father: At this time, we must think of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. The Lord in Heaven gave to us our salvation in the shape of his only son. We give thanks to the Almighty for his kindness and hope that we can take inspiration from it. For if it was His will to show us the way, then we must try our best to follow it.

Amongst the audience, the sultry figure of John Constantine can be seen. In the packed church, Constantine can almost be forgiven for acting normal. With his hands crossed in his lap, Constantine bows his head as the priest continues his monologue.

Father: Kindness brings us all together; let us not forget that. By giving unto others, you open up their hearts for love and soul for salvation. Unity, my brothers and sisters... Unity is the key to unlocking the door to salvation.

With that, Constantine opens his eyes briefly; allowing the lights from above to blind him momentarily. Looking at the priest on the stage for a moment, Constantine silently contemplates his words. Getting up from the pew, Constantine slowly slides his way out of the row and finds himself in the middle of the parting in the church. Turning his back on the stage, Constantine begins walking towards the door.

Father: I will show you the way.

Constantine feels a trickle of sweat move down his spine as he begins to recognise the voice who has been speaking at him. Turning his head slowly towards the stage, Constantine cannot help but notice that all of the people who once listened to the sermon were gone. Now, it was just The Power Trip and the priest. As Constantine finally turns his head all of the way, the priest has also turned around; revealing himself to be none other than Bill.

Bill: I am not done with you, John! Knock, knock!

Once again, Constantine jerks awake as a flood of lightning fills the dark sky outside of his window. Constantine rubs at his eyes as the immediate brightness takes him by surprise. Finding his senses now, Constantine stretches out in the chair as a sudden knocking noise comes from outside of the door. The Power Trip readies himself as he begins to understand what is going on. After a moment, the door to the study creaks open to reveal the features of Steven Holmes and, perhaps more ominously, Abel Hunnicut. The two men are drenched with rain but smiling nonetheless.
Fading in from the blackest of blacks, a podium littered with microphones from various news outlets poses dauntingly due to the slightly low angle us mere mortals are allowed to view it from. The podium enchants us all with a circular logo on its front; simply the word "Team" placed in an arcing formation over a scientific blueprint of what appears to be a foot in a kicking motion towards an unsuspecting donkey - an ass if you will. Behind the podium stands a wall, plastered with the Team Kickass logo, and, of course, a smiling Mikey Stormrage advert for his favourite Mexican food chain - BUT, there stands a figure between the two objects between the now three dimensional objects projecting themselves in your mind's eye.

Who is that figure you say? Oh come on now, do you really think anyone other than M would be worth all that description for a set we're going to ignore in a paragraph or two?

M stands at the podium proudly awaiting the moment from which his speech can start, Team Kickass scarf flowing in a nonexistent wind as we approach a more normal feel in our programming...

M: Ladies and gentlemen! It is time that I, The Mysterious Mr M himself, approach this matter in a more, how you say, "normal" manner.

Murmurings are heard throughout the audience as they struggle to grasp the concept of a more "normal" M...

M: Yes, yes, settle down... The people have spoken, and it's about time I give them the chemistry they want!

More murmurings are heard, along with a solitary confused "yay"...

M: I know, I know, we're all excited for the inevitable wackiness of Team Kickass' crazy antics, but as the great comedian himself Sir Issac Newton once said: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and for every out there and wacky goofball, there must be an equally un-wacky straight man."

Murmurings are just background noise at this point in between the breaks in M's speech, while one voice from the audience oddly enthusiastically exclaims "Woo science!" - acknowledged by a nod from M himself...

M: Yes, I cannot defy science, which is why I gathered all of you here today. Someone has to take the fall, and for the sake of Team Kickass' chemistry, it is with a heavy heart that I must volunteer myself for that role.

The crowd gasp in unison at this outrageous proposal...

M: Now, now, don't get upset! Take this as an opportunity to gain witness to another side of the man you know and love - the side that attempts promos!

Slightly more upbeat murmurings arise from the crowd as they seem optimistically intrigued by this idea...

M: Ahem...

M clears his throat and stares down the lens of the camera.

You don't know who you're messing with. You may think we're all here to have fun, but I'm telling you, man to man, I'm not. I know there's something more to be gained from this than just a win. I know there's something more to be gained from this than the Gold Rush. I know there's even something to be gained beyond using this as a stepping stone to getting my name in the record books. I'll treat you with some of what it is and let you figure it out for yourself - better yet, I'll force you.

After Apocalypse, it won't matter if you got through Mikey.
After Apocalypse, it won't matter if you got through Gino.
After Apocalypse, it won't even matter if you got through Vee, because after Apocalypse I'll be able to look into your eyes and know that for even a second I made a former world champion look into mine.

At Apocalypse, it won't matter how many goons, or foreign languages, or punctuation you throw at me, because for this one time I'm not just a Hero or Villain - I'm coming for you.


M is seen walking down a dark hall, a small door-shaped light on the horizon marking his goal ahead partly obscured by a figure approaching him...

M: Ahh General Green! What a magnificent man to run into on my way to my most important meeting! Care for some banter at the expense of our opponents?

As the figure comes into sight, it is revealed to be none other than Vee A.D.Z's loving girlfriend, Sara, which needless to say startles the mighty man...

M: ...you're not General Green...

Sara: General Green is off with Sergeant Scarlet! Don't you watch your own show?

Sheer shock smacks M in the face like the back of a pimp's left hand as he realises the one guy who it makes sense for him to mess around with is gone. As his jaw begins to drop, he lets out a word that aptly describes the situation...

The Chronicles of M

Season 1.5 Episode 2:


Sara snaps her fingers in front of the dazed M...

Sara: M! Hello!

M shakes his head, violently waking himself up from his TV intro sequence...

M: I need a pizza...

Sara: Well then let me walk you out.

The two start making progress towards the light...

Sara: You're not actually planning on being the straight man are you?

M: Oh god no, that's a terrifying thought...

Sara: So what you said back there..?

M turns his eyes towards Sara's with a deathly serious intent.

M: They'll find that out for themselves.

Sara: About "They", do you really think Abel Hunnicutt is going to forget about last week?

M smiles to himself a little less maniacally than usual...

M: That monster's rage is what we want. As the saying goes; "The bigger they are, the bigger the ass that's going to be kicked". Your soulmate and I methodically dissected his moments of miscommunication with only one teammate, imagine what it'll be like when all 4 of our in-sync boots capitalise on the mountain he has to climb with two more!

The pair reach the end of the hallway as Sara stops to nod towards her boyfriend's companion...

Sara: Go kick some ass.


Backstage Bob is sitting down at a table in a restaurant. Opposing him sits the munching on Mediterranean cuisine mastermind, M.

Bob: So why did you call me here, M? Usually you don't chat to the backstage guys here in WZCW, what gives?

M wipes some sauce from his cheek, swallows, and proceeds to explain...

M: Well I'm in an 8 man tag match with Mikey Stormrage and I thought, who better to have a chat with to better know my team captain than his best friend in the whole wide world?

Bob: Matt Tastic?

M: Second best friend then, now, got any dirt on ol' Mikeyboy?

M smiles the smile he didn't smile while talking to Sara, teeth shining bright through the thick layer of cheesiness of the maniacal grin. Meanwhile, Bob doesn't look so smiley...

Bob: You shouldn't be laughing around with Mikey, M, there's some dangerous people on the other team you know...

M stops his wacky antics and leans in, hoping to hear a hint towards Constantine's mystery opponent...

Bob: No, not that guy, Kagura. She's different from the last time you fought, and not in name only...

M sits back in his chair and ponders for a moment while Bob begins to make his way to the exit...

Bob: Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some backstage bobbing to do...

M: You're missing out on some damn good pizza pie, Bob! I'd send you a slice later but it'd get mouldy and nobody wants that!

Suddenly, two Italian men pop out from around the corner...

???: Mouldy you say?

???: Our pizzas never go mouldy do they Tony?

Tony: Of course not Marco! The Galucci secret recipe does not allow for mould!

Marco: Ahh Yes, the secret recipe...

Tony: Not as secret as this guy's secret opponent!

M: I can't help but be mesmerised by your likeness to your brother Gino... We may have much to discuss, not about the match, but about this majestic margherita in front of me...

The Galucci Bros. each take a seat on M's table, joyously recounting years and years of the family's food as we slowly fade back to black...
There stands John Constantine. His body highlighted by a warm glow growing from a fireplace within. He is face-to-face with Steven Holmes and Abel Hunnicutt, two men coated with the raging winter outside. Yet still Holmes and Hunnicutt smirk, ominously. Constantine does not reciprocate. He appears dazed, tired. The duo grow weary of standing in the wet.

Holmes: Well bloody hell John old boy, let us in. I’m beginning to grow gills out in this weather.

Constantine blinks hard to wake himself fully. He steps back to allow the waddling Holmes and the lumbering Hunnicutt in. Immediately, Hunnicutt moves toward the dim flames, dragging half of the outside in with him, water dripping from his untamed hair, mud trailing in behind him. He throws a plaid coat onto a chair that has been purposefully laid out for him and collapses into it himself.

Conversely, Holmes carefully peels his layers off, hanging them up with respect and dignity. His trousers stick to his legs and his face is covered in dampness, but his torso is dry. Constantine hands Holmes a towel, the latter still grinning devilishly.

Constantine: Here.

Then he tosses Hunnicutt one. The paw of the giant grabs it and he begins to tidy himself. Constantine ignores the damage to his floor as he moves back to his place of rest, resolving to deal with other, more substantial matters first.

With Holmes now joining them, three of the four chairs laid out around the fireplace are taken. Only one remains vacant. Holmes is quick to recognise the number.

Holmes: Four chairs?

Constantine: Kagura isn’t here yet.

Holmes: And your mystery man?

Constantine: He’ll be at Apocalypse. I assure you.

Holmes: But not here?

Constantine offers only silence, and a look, one Holmes recognises from long ago. The fourth man will not be coming this evening. Holmes responds with another smirk and a snicker. Abel remains engaged with the fire, absorbed in its glow and the pattern of the flames.

Holmes: You know John, it is funny being aligned with you again after all this time.

Constantine: Funny how?

Holmes: In good time Pesci. In good time. We’ve come a long way since our last effort to work together. I have taken a step back from in-ring matters to bring forth a new generation of chaos and destruction and you. Well just look at you. All thunder and pride, a former Heavyweight Champion of this World, seeking a return to that platform. My goodness.

As Holmes prepares to continues, Hunnicutt pulls from his soaking jacket an apple. He shines the fruit on his dirtied wife-beater before sinking his yellowed teeth into its contents.

Holmes: And now, you realise that the opportunity to get back to that mountaintop rests not solely on your shoulders but on the collective shoulders of an alliance. How many times have you tried this John? First “Showtime”…

Constantine: And pray tell Steven, what happened to Mr. Cougar most recently.

Holmes: Touché…

Waggling a finger, Holmes acknowledges Constantine’s retort while Abel continues to devour the fruit.

Holmes: But then you joined forces with yours truly and then some time afterwards formed the Elite, combining myself, Ty Burna and yourself. But what do these allegiances have in common John?

Knowing the answer, Constantine offers a little smirk to rival Holmes’. He will not give him the satisfaction of the answer he seeks. He knows what he did to Steven Holmes the first time and what he and Ty Burna did to Holmes the second.

Holmes: So with all that has transpired between us over these years, why, oh why, oh why, would you requisition the help of my dear ward Abel Hunnicutt.

Constantine strokes his chin pondering how to answer. Then, as if a bulb has gone off above his head, he stops and begins.

Constantine: Simply, I want to win and your man Abel is built to win. He is a monster with the sole purpose of tearing everyone in his path asunder and he will rest only when that task is complete. I’m using him as a tool for that purpose, as a weapon--

Hunnicutt: I ain’t no weapon.

Both Holmes and Constantine shift their focus, the former turning to face his protégé, the latter looking on. Abel’s gaze is still fixed in the flames.

Hunnicutt: I hear ya’ll say I’m sort o’ tool fo’ destruction. Somethin’ designed and built, somethin’ grown in some god-damn lab-or-a-tor-ah’. That ain’t me. That ain’t what I am.

Constantine: And what exactly are you?

Abel smirks, now following the veteran example. He wipes away moisture from his lips and gulps the last of his apple down, casting the core of his finished fruit into the fire. Now he turns to face Constantine. The fire has caused great, sinister shadows to engulf the scarred face of Abel.

Hunnicutt: A monster.

Knowing his apprentice can fend for himself, Holmes sinks back into his chair and relaxes, that evil smirk rising once more. Constantine retorts, changing the focus slightly.

Constantine: There is no point in hiding the fact that I’m using you, but it is mutually beneficial for us to work together to defeat this band of hideous, so-called ‘athletes’.

Hunnicutt: But ya’ll know why it’s ‘mutually beneficial’? ‘Cause we all monsters. You might be interested in glory and gold, Kag-u-ra may be the same, may be she ain’t, I don’ know, an’ as fo’ your mystery man, I don’ care what his agenda is, jus’ as long as he don’ act like a certain “Bookworm” an’ get in mah way. But regardless, mah want, mah need is to go a rippin’ an’ a tearin’ into anyone an’ everyone. What you offer me is an opportunity to go an’ do that to the best.

I ain’t gonna’ down play Stormrage, M, Vee or the pizza guy, they’re capable, but at the end of the day, they’re raw, unprocessed meat for me to work with. Putty if you will, in mah hans’, ready to mould and contort in ways that’ll leave ‘em broken, rottin’ in the sun. I don’ care if you’re an overachievin’ slob with a heart o’ gold, a person who reckons themselves the next ruler of the world, someone who wants to be a warrior jus’ so bad…or a deliverer of pizza, I will break you.

Constantine: And that’s precisely what I need from you when we go to war with these blowhards. We need to show them that this is what the real power in WZCW looks like.

Raising an arm, Hunnicutt’s face is deathly serious.

Hunnicutt: I ain’t done yet.

Constantine furrows his brow, somewhat enraged, but playing the long game and seeking to keep his supposed ally happy, indicates for Abel to continue. Holmes is still grinning manically.

Hunnicutt: Ya’ll need to recognise, if I feel the slightest hint o’ betrayal o’ treachery, I will put you out to pasture. An’ when this is over, an’ we all in the Gold Rush, I will not show you no mercy. I will do to you what I do to everybody that steps foot in that squared circle. I leave you under trodden foot.

Constantine: I understand.

Hunnicutt: But do you?

Again Constantine’s look intensifies. He tightens his fist. He is beginning to lose his temper ever so slowly.

Hunnicutt: The way I talk, my speech, it may differ from ya’ll, but it ain’t no different in content. We all the same, an’ you should recognise that.

Constantine: You and I are most different, for sure.

Hunnicutt: When you look in a’ mirror, you see John Con-stan-tine, man, husban’, father. But you shouldn’t. When you look in a’ mirror, you should see me. You should see him.

Abel points to Holmes.

Hunnicutt: You should see Ka-gu-ra. You should see this other partnah of ours. Fo’ we all the same. We all monsters. An’ you better recognise that in a hurry, o’ else you gonna’ get left behind, washed away like Stormrage. Like M. Like Vee. Like Gino.

Constantine has had enough. He rises out of his chair, fist tightly gripped. He stares directly into Hunnicutt’s eyes. They show a mutual distaste for one-another, ready to come to blows almost when suddenly, a creek. The door to the outside opens once more, this time not at Constantine’s behest, it just opens all by itself it seems when a new figure stands in the doorway, soggy and storm ridden – she is Kagura Daikonran.
"I only have two rules about visiting my place. One, no getting your nasty Dorito fingers on my stuff. Two, no *********ing. If you can follow these simple rules, then everything will work out great and we can all get along just fine."

Gino, Vee, and M all sat on a couch before me. I felt like a great general addressing his troops before some grand battle.

"Our task is great. Constantine is a former World Champion. Abel is guided by a former World Champion. Kagura is a former champion, and for all we know his mystery partner could be Cthulhu."

"It could be Jennifer Walters."

I nodded at M as he spoke, he made a good point.

"Who is Jennifer Walters?"

I couldn't help but be a little upset at Gino for his ignorance.

"Good point M, it could be Jennifer Walters. The alter ego of She-Hulk, Gino. I thought you were better than this."

The entire time, Vee sat with an upset look on his face.

"What is up your butt Vee?"

"We are sitting here talking about fictional characters, when we should be training."

"There is no proof that Cthulhu is fictional. We have explored less than ten percent of the ocean, who knows what could be down there."

"Believing in Cthulhu is like believing in God, its stupid. I don't believe in God, and that makes me smart."

"Hey, settle down you two. Vee makes a good point, we need to train, but for all we know Constantine could bring in Godzilla. Those evil doers like to run in the same circles."

"So what do you propose we do?"

"Excellent question Gino. With the help of my insider ties, I have secured the latest copy of the WZCW video game early. This is the most accurate video game in history. We just set it to the hardest difficulty, and play against our opponents. It is foolproof plan."

"So your plan to combat one of the most formidable teams in WZCW history is to play video games?"

I shook my head.

"Yeah, do you have a better plan?"

"I like it."

"I like it too."

Vee rolled his eyes.

"Fine, lets go with it."

"Okay, Gino and I will play ourselves. Vee and M, you guys play Constantine and Kagura."

After many hours of playing on the hardest difficulty level, and many times getting our asses kicked, we finally were able to beat the enemy team. After many hours of getting pissed at each other and losing, we finally came together as a team.

"So I have a surprise for you guys. Matching Team Kick Ass outfits."

I went to the next room and retrieved the outfits and handed them out to each member of the team. Mine of course was a few sizes larger than the other guys.

"We can do this guys, because friendship is magic! Now everyone put your hands in. Team Kick Ass on three."




Later that night...

Constantine waits anxiously in his study, the tense atmosphere still smothering him from the meeting with Abel, Holmes and Kagura only hours later. Replaying the meeting in his head, Constantine cannot help but allow a look of frustration and anger cross his features. Abel had shown himself to be a well-motivated monster but made sure to tell The Power Trip of his own suspicions and reservations. Knowing all too well what such thoughts could lead to, Constantine couldn't help but feel let down. What had Constantine let himself in for with the addition of Abel Hunnicut to his Apocalypse team? It was becoming clear.

So many balls remained up the air and it made Constantine tense. Could Abel be trusted to do what Constantine told him? Could Kagura be controlled enough to be as useful as her potential suggests she would be? And what's more, could Constantine trust his fourth member to come through for him in the way that The Power Trip had expected? Unanswered questions made Constantine frustrated but it was a bed made entirely by him and now he had to lie in it.

However, one of those questions was soon to be answered, he knew that much. Anxiously, he waits for the call from his fourth man to cement his appearance and for terms to be agreed. Constantine knew that he had lacked the back bone that he required during the meeting with Abel earlier but it was something he would have to re-discover if he was to be treated as an equal by his fourth man. Constantine's mind raced from thought to thought as so many questioned poured into his mind like a waterfall. Until suddenly...


Constantine lowers his chin to peer down towards the mobile phone on the arm of his chair. Silently, he contemplated leaving it to ring out and allowing the voicemail to pick up the message. At least then he would know what kind of mood his fourth man would be in. But on the surface of things, Constantine knew that he had to answer the call. How could he be depended on to lead a team to victory when he couldn't be trusted to answer a phone? Steadying himself, Constantine takes the phone from the chair and swipes it to answer the call. Pulling it to his face, the entire demeanour of the former World Champion changes as a smile appears.

Constantine: My old friend! It has been far too long.

Constantine's forced smile remains on his face as he pauses long enough to hear what the mystery man is saying on the other end of the line.

Constantine: Absolutely! And I am more than sure that everyone is going to be shocked to see you. Everyone knows that I am capable of summoning up whatever is necessary to come out on top and I assume that has made way for nervousness by some in the locker room.

Again, Constantine pauses to allow the mystery man on the other end of the line to have his say; the smile on his face growing larger as time goes by.

Constantine: That is great to hear, my friend. I never doubted you for a moment. And when this match was created, I knew that I had to go for broke. I had to bring forward a talent that no one was expecting. I mean, how could Mikey Stormrage ever expect someone like you to make your way down to the ring at Apocalypse? Like I said, I do what I must to ensure my victory at all costs.

One final time, Constantine pauses as the caller gets his say. This time, however, the smile begins to fade from his features and a bead of sweat begins to run down his forehead.

Constantine: Understood, my friend... Yes... That is understood.

The tone of Constantine's voice suggests a more serious corner has been turned in the conversation as he closes his eyes and puts one hand to his forehead; in turn wiping away the sweat that has gathered.

Constantine: I have spoken to all of my team and I can assure you that no such thing will happen. I have assembled one of the greatest teams in living memory. Much better than the team that will stand across the ring from us. You need not worry about such things, my friend. Your presence alone will be enough to ensure that we remain unified and focussed on the victory. You have my word.

Constantine opens his eyes as the door to the study opens one more time, this time revealing the beautiful features of Mia. She offers Constantine a smile as she is beckoned inside by The Power Trip.

Constantine: That's great to hear, my friend. I will see you soon in that case.

Mia moves across the floor until she reaches Constantine at the fireplace. By now, the once bright flames are beginning to die down so that only a dull glow remains. She offers Constantine a warm smile before setting herself down on the chair beside him. Constantine holds one finger up to her to suggest he would only be a moment before rolling his eyes.

Constantine: Great! See you then... And you.

With that, Constantine removes the phone from his ear and closes his eyes in relief. Letting his arm fall to his side, Constantine looks more relaxed than he has been in so many months. All of his hard work and planning to reach this point has finally, seemingly, paid off. But the biggest challenge was yet to come.

Mia: Sounded like an eventful night in here...

Constantine opens his eyes as a tiny smile begins to form on his face. Looking at Mia, Constantine couldn't help but feel as though he was at peace. Months ago, moments like this would have seemed unthinkable but Constantine had battled for it. He had a right to enjoy it.

Mia: It's been a long time since I seen Steven Holmes in here. That must have been quite the experience?

Again, Constantine smiles as Mia's soft tones offer nothing but peace and truth.

Constantine: Truth be told, it was good to see him again. In all truth, it feels good to be back to normal at last. To see anyone at all is an improvement on what has burdened me for what seems like so long now. Seeing your face alone is enough to fill my heart with happiness.

Mia: Stop that, John!

Constantine jumps as Mia's caution fills the room.

Mia: You know what this is. You know that it can't ever be like it was before. We promised each other that we would work hard on the relationship for the sake of our daughter but you can't expect me just to hear things like that and expect things to be like they were.

Constantine swallows hard and sinks into the chair as Mia's eyes begin to fill with moisture. For a moment,the deafening silence between the two is all that exists in their world. Composing herself somewhat and wiping the tears from her eyes, Mia gets out of the chair and turns from Constantine.

Mia: It's late. You should go and see Casey before you head to bed.

Constantine nods his head in agreement as he closes his eyes again.

Constantine: What if she figures me out, Mia?

Mia stops some way across the floor as Constantine's soft words catch her entirely by surprise. Turning towards him, Mia offers him a look of curiosity.

Constantine: Everything that I've put you through. Everything that I've put her through in her tiny life already. What if she grows up to hate me for all of that? If we are just a memory and things will never go back to the way they were, then sooner or later she's going to start to question why.

The Power Trip finally finds some energy as he sits forward in his chair; his eyes glowing green and his body language demanding answers.

Constantine: What if she figures me out and knows that I am a phony? I need to find some normality in my life, Mia. I appreciate that you are trying and, God knows, so am I. But I need to know if this is going somewhere.

Mia looks uncomfortable as Constantine moves towards her.

Constantine: A few weeks ago, I went to church in a lucid moment. The priest on the stage, he was talking about how everyone needs to come together in their lives. Only through unity could we ever truly be happy. And as he said it, I felt this massive pang of guilt and sadness down my spine as I thought of you. As I thought of everything I have become in the last few months and years. Pushing people away, looking after only myself. I couldn't bare to think about the way I had treated you but it was all that I could think about. Even thinking about WZCW and how I had only looked out for my own selfish needs in the past.

Constantine stops himself as he blusters through his train of thought. Biting his lip, Constantine lowers his head to avert the gaze of the mother of his child.

Mia: I know...

Mia extends his hand to the chest of Constantine as he lifts his head slowly.

Mia: But you've changed, John. I can tell. Whatever happened to you since Gold Rush last year... Wherever you were and whatever you saw, it only made you stronger. You are more humble than you ever were and more loving than I can ever remember you being. Only now do you realise just how lucky you were to have everything you ever dreamed of. Even with WZCW, you are bringing people together. The John Constantine I knew would never ally himself with 3 others in the biggest match of his career. But things are different now.

Constantine's heart beats faster as the sense of hope from Mia's words fills him with happiness once more.

Mia: As far as we go, I will always love you. I am trying so hard to get things back to the way they were but that only happens with time. Keep yourself busy, John. And keep your mind busy. Team Kick Ass wait for you at Apocalypse and I know that you will make all of us proud. But as far as Casey figuring you out, you should be happy. I've never met a man more hungry for success for himself and for his own. She's got a good Dad, John. And she knows it.

Constantine offers Mia a smile as he moves past her.

Constantine: I'm going to make you so proud of me, Mia. For you, for Casey... I promise. It might be Apocalypse but with every end comes a new beginning. And I promise you that the story I will be telling will be a better one.

Constantine moves out of the room as Mia allows a proud smile to appear on her face as she wipes away the last of her tears.
“I about never found this place, are you going to invite me in?”

The three men stare at her until Constantine beckons her forward. She’s clad in her miko robes; a rare sight for many of her fellow competitors had only seen her in Western clothing. The book, colored black of soulless night, clings loosely from her right hand, an umbrella in the other. As she enters she presses the book tightly against her body as she enters the room. She places the umbrella by the door.

“I see that the three of you have made yourself company without me.”

Steven Homes stands.

“Nonsense miss Kagura, we were just reminiscing about older times. Constantine and I go way back.”

This is met by a smirk from his old rival, “Indeed.”

“Take a seat miss Kagura; we were just discussing our strategy.”

She plops down in the seat across from Abel Hunnicutt. The large and imposing man with his unkempt beard and dirty hair stared at her, as if he was sizing her up. Kagura grins devilishly. She had met Hunnicutt before; what a wild man this one was. Brawn and instincts hid a brain with surprising intellect. He was not the type of man to be underestimated.

“Strategy? What do you have in mind, I mean there’s plenty of different ways that we can approach this match.”

She eyes Constantine as both he and Steven Holmes return to their seats.

“I say we target Mikey first,” replies Constantine.

“He’s the largest person on their team and their powerhouse. With him out of the equation we can easily pick off the others.”

Kagura nods, “A sound strategy. He’s also their team leader, right. Cut off the head of the snake and render the body helpless. I like it.”

She shoots a glance over towards Holmes who nods in agreement. Abel Hunnicutt remains silent.

“I have fought all the men on Mikey’s team myself. All of them are quick, fast, and agile. If we waste all our efforts trying to take Mikey out, then we may not have enough stamina to contend with the rest of them.”

She watches as the men ponder this. Mikey was a big man. And not just big, but he was strong as an ox, tenacious, and had plenty of stamina. Constantine and Abel were big men themselves. Dwarfing Kagura and her smaller feminine frame. She was built for speed; not power. She wouldn’t be a whole lot of use to them if they were trying to wear Mikey down first.

“I get it,” says Holmes.

“You are not exactly a powerhouse, are you miss Kagura. So asking you to target a man of Mikey’s stature might be a bit out of your league.”

Kagura smiles and rests her head on her palm.

“Are you trying to say that I am weak, Mr. Holmes?”

He chuckles and shakes his head.

“Nonsense miss Kagura. There should be no argument from you that compared to John Constantine and Abel Hunnicutt there’s no way for you to measure up physically.”

Kagura shifts in her chair and sits up.

“Indeed; I do not. So that being said why don’t you let me handle Vee and Gino the pizza boy? I know them well enough that if I were to face them both at the same time, I’m sure I could win.”

Constantine smiles, “You seem pretty sure of yourself Kagura; I like that. Would you like something to drink?”

“Tea, please.”

She eyed Abel Hunnicutt who had now turned his attention to Constantine. The tension in the room still felt pretty thick. She began to wonder if she had interrupted something.

Constantine returns with drinks for her and Steven. Abel had declined.

“I do have one question,” Kagura asks as she sipped her tea.

“Why me?”

Constantine looks at his glass and smirked.

“Because you’re exactly like us,” he replies and gestures to the rest of the men in the room.

“You are a woman that values competition are you not? Our goal is to send the message that we are the dominant force within WZCW. Even if we go our separate ways after Apocalypse everyone in that locker room will know that we are the best this company has to offer. That’s why I picked you. I respect your skills. You are a great competitor. When I put this team together I wanted my brains behind the operation. And then I sought a monster. That force of nature known as Abel Hunnicutt. Steven Holmes brings cunning. And you my dear bring grace.”

Steven Holmes s******s. Kagura catches it.

“Competition you say? Nah, I don’t care about competition. For that matter I do not care if win or lose this match. The only thing I care about… is destruction.”

Constantine frowns while Abel smiles.

Kagura’s smile betrays the madness behind her eyes. What use did she have for competition? Clearly this man John Constantine simply wanted to win. But that wasn’t enough. She wanted to destroy. Everything!

“What do you care about destruction, Kagura?”

She set the book in her lap.

“Because of this I hear the voices of the malevolent crying out to me. In every waking hour I hear them whispering, and taunting. Many of them say such sweet words and it betrays the ugliness of this world. As a priestess it is my duty to give a voice to the voiceless and to serve the kami of this world by negating the energy they possess. This world is a horrible place, and the kami are merely representing that world. By destroying everything I am purifying everything. Don’t you see? In order for a new world to rise the old one has to be destroyed. What sense is there in trying to rule a world that is so imperfect?”

Constantine drains his glass and ponders a bit before replying.

“Because the imperfections of this world are what make it beautiful.”

Kagura was an oddball to Constantine. He was aware that she had suddenly undergone an extreme metamorphosis some months ago, but he wasn’t expecting her to be so… chaotic. She reminded him a bit of Ty Burna from years ago. Not that he minded. For one round he was certain that her ego wasn’t going to clash with his. If she wanted to target their smaller and more agile foes while he and Abel focused on Mikey, he was happy with that.

“I get wha’ you sayin’ Ka-gu-ra,” Abel says.

"I don’ hea’ the voices tha’ you do, but I undastan’ destruction. More than anyon’. It is the only way to surviv’ in this world. Our strategy is simple: we show no mercy.”

Kagura nods, “No mercy. No remorse.”

And that wasn’t all. They still had that mystery partner that Kagura knew little about. She had thought about asking as Constantine would know, but she decided that it wasn’t important. Whoever this “mystery man” was she assumed that he was on the same page as the rest of them. At the end of the day they were all misfits who all desired something aside from the norm. Sinners would be the Western thing to say. To the contrary Kagura believed they were all just doing the natural thing as human beings. Desiring to be strong. Desiring to send a message. Desiring power. Desiring love. Desiring hate. Desiring fear.

Yes; they were all on the same page.

“But make no mistake gentlemen. Whatever we accomplish or don’t at Apocalypse let us swear to have no regrets. Put your pride on the line if you must. Bring your hate, your grudges, your ill tithing’s and make them your power if you want. But at the end of it all don’t look back. That is the only way I’ll stand with the rest of you.”

Constantine smiles, “We stand together or not at all.”

Kagura stands and places her fist in the center of the room. John stands and places his fist next to hers. Abel stands and does the same.

“For vic'tory.”

Holmes does the same.

“Let us see the ruin of our opponents. Not one of them will be left standing."

Lightning crashes and thunder roars marking the pact of the league of individuals most foul. They were all driven by a singular goal while seeking different outcomes. But that would not drive a wedge between them. No. It would only make them stronger.
Blade's RP.

In broad daylight, a junkie sprints down the street of a small city. He’s exhausted, and his skin is slightly yellow. It’s been days since his last meal, days since his last shower. Baggy sweatpants, baggy hoody, sweat pouring down his face. He glances over his shoulder, looking for… Something.

He turns into a little café, and runs up to the woman standing behind the till.

You gotta help me!

Excuse me?

They’re coming after me… They’re trying to take me!

The woman looks nervously at the customers, who are starting to notice the junkie.

I’m gonna have to ask you to leave, Sir.

Please don’t make me go back out there...

A waiter emerges from the kitchen, spotting the trouble.

Sir, could you please leave the premises?

The junkie grabs the waiter’s apron, pleading, fear in his eyes.

They’re gonna get me if I go back out.

The waiter takes the junkie by the arm.

Okay, come on.

He starts leads the junkie to the exit, and opens the door. The junkie has no choice. Defeated, he leaves. Back outside, he looks around frantically, walking towards a crosswalk.

Then, he sees them. Two men dressed in black standing on the other side of the road.

The junkie turns and runs in the opposite direction. He turns into an alley, where he suddenly collides with another man in black. The impact knocks him to the dirty ground. He looks up at the man, terrified.

Please, man. Don’t hurt me.

The junkie looks behind him. The two men from the crosswalk are blocking his way out of the alley. He looks back at the man in front of him just in time to see a boot hit him in the face. Knocked out.


The junkie wakes with a start in a bare bed. It’s dim, the entire room made up of grey and shadows. His wrists are strapped to the posts. He struggles for a moment, to no avail.

Hello? Is anyone there? I need help!

No response. He struggles some more, but the straps are tight and well-tied. He takes a moment to look around the room. It’s completely empty except for him and his bed.

Somebody please help…

His voice has become a whimper. Then the sobbing begins. But it’s quickly interrupted by the door opening. For a second, light blinds the junkie through the doorway. But the mystery person closes over the door.

It’s hard to make out in the shadows, but the person appears tall, muscular. He’s carrying something – A chair perhaps? He stands in the darkness, looking at the junkie for several beats.

Who are you?

No reply.

What do you want from me? I don’t have anything of value!

The mystery man steps out of the shadows. It’s Blade. He looks like he’s aged a decade in the space of a year. He unfolds the chair, and sits down.

Your life if very valuable. Even if you don't treat it that way.

The junkie stares for a moment.

Please, can you at least free my arms? I can't feel them...

Soon. Tell me your name.

I’m Daniel Fairweather.

Nice to meet you, Daniel. They call me Blade.

Blade sighs and runs a hand over his beard thoughtfully.

I’m sorry to say that you’ve ruined your life, Daniel.


How long have you been taking heroin?

How do you know?

Just look at you. You’re yellow. Emaciated. You’re sweating just from talking to me. When was your last fix?

It was… Eight or nine hours before your men came after me.

And how long has this been a problem?

Two… Two years.

Blade shakes his head sadly.

Two precious years of your life wasted, Daniel. But you’ve still got so much to give. I know it.

Why are you doing this!? I haven’t done anything to you!

You’ve destroyed the only life you’ll ever have. That’s insulting to me. It’s insulting to your parents. It’s insulting to every person who puts a dollar in your cup when you sit on the sidewalk. Daniel, you have knowingly injected poison into your veins for a temporary high, and that is not right.

Blade stands up and approaches Daniel. He begins to untie the restraints.

We live in a world where people don’t often get second chances. But you’re one of the lucky few, because I found you before it was too late. I can save you, Daniel. You just have to let me.

I don’t think you can save me.

Do you want to be saved? Or do you want to be a worthless junkie until you die a few months from now? It’s your choice. Give me a chance, or walk out of here.

Blade holds out his hand. Daniel takes it.



Daniel is sitting up in bed, shivering and sweating. Sobbing to himself. Blade comes into the room, and hands Daniel a bottle of water.

Drink. It’ll help.

Daniel downs half the bottle in seconds, clearly parched. But seconds later, it comes back up. Daniel shakes his head as the last drop of vomit hangs from his bottom lip.

I can’t wanna do this anymore...

You can’t turn back now. I won’t let you.

The door to the room opens. It’s one of men in black.

Sir, there’s a phone call.

It can wait.

It’s urgent. It’s someone from… That place.

Blade snaps up to his feet.

Are you sure?

Yes, sir.

Blade nods somberly.

I’m sorry, Daniel. I’ll be back soon.

He heads for the door.

Please don’t go…

Too late.


We’re in Blade’s office. Books line shelves along the walls. Pages from documents cover most of his desk and some of the floor. Blade storms in, and picks up the phone.


As he hears the voice on the other end, his blood runs cold.

How did you get this number?

He listens for a few beats, almost nervously.


With that, he hangs up the phone. Visibly shaken by the phone call, Blade sits down at his desk. From a hidden compartment, he pulls out a bottle of whiskey. Twisting off the cap, he drinks straight from the bottle. There’s a grimace; it’s his first drink in quite a while.


A rooftop in the dead of night. Blade stands at the edge of the building, looking out at the dead streets. His face is red from the cold sting of the night air. Then, from behind him:

I’m glad you showed up.

Blade turns to find Constantine standing across from him, wrapped up against the cold.

I only showed up so I could reject your offer in person.

Blade's words are a little slurred, his posture a little slanted.

Are you drunk?

I don't think I could face this conversation sober. Now tell me what you want so I can leave.

C’mon, Blade. You don’t even know what I have to offer.

You have NOTHING that I could want! Nothing, you hear me!?

Constantine takes a step towards his former colleague, a hint of a smile on his lips.

I have something you want. Something you want quite badly, in fact. I can give you a chance at redemption.

Blade guffaws sarcastically.

I don’t need redemption, Constantine.

Yes, you do. You and your men, you tried to take over WZCW, and you failed. Half of the audience remembers you as a failure. The other half don’t remember you at all. I know how fragile your ego is, I know it eats you up. No matter how much you try to forget your past, no matter how much you ignore your wrestling DNA, it’s still very much a part of you.

I know where I came from. But I’m doing just fine now.

Oh yes, your little justice group. Hacking major politicians. Leaking classified documents online.

Blade’s eyes widen; Constantine knows too much.

Working from the shadows was never your style, Blade. What you do best is being loud and violent. So I’m giving you the perfect platform to do just that. If you wanna make some change, then do it like a man. You’re still a man, aren’t you?

How did you know it was me… Behind all those hacks?

The same way I got your phone number. You’re not the only person with connections in the underworld. I know what you've been through, and I know what you're going through. You can't lie to me.

Blade shakes his head, unconvinced.

Come back for this one match. Tell your men that it was your idea, if you want. You can redeem yourself, and put the past to bed. You won’t be able to move on until you do. It’s that simple.

Blade doesn’t react, but Constantine knows he’s got his man.

I hope I see you there.

Constantine turns to leave, but before he can…

Who are the opponents?

It’s a team of morons, led by Mikey Stormrage.


Yeah, I know.

Constantine leaves through the stairwell.


Back at his base, Blade stands before his men, who are lined up like soldiers.

I’ve told you all time and time again that I don’t need WZCW. But y’know what? I was wrong. I need that place to remind me of everything I don’t want to be. I don’t want to be someone who gets paid to distract people from their monotonous lives, or the awful world we live in. I want people to live in a harsh reality rather than a safe illusion.

There’s some nods of agreement from the men.

You know what I’ve taught you. Rules are put in place by the weak, because if the world was in chaos, only the strong would survive. Only in a world with rules could money be so influential, because the rulemakers tell us it has value. And of course those bastards say it’s valuable; they’re the ones who have it!

Cheers from the men.

The more money they get, the more important it gets. It’s a cycle. And nowhere is that more evident than WZCW. Corrupt management who take money from their audience while contributing to their vegetative states. Pathetic vermin like Mikey Stormrage and M making their fans believe they need to buy the t-shirts to fill the emptiness in their lives. That is no way for a man to live. That’s no way for humanity to live!

More cheers. Now louder, more aggressive.

So let’s go back there and really make them notice us. We’ve caused damage before, but that’s not enough this time. We’ve made suits nervous before, but that’s not enough this time. We’ve even brought down some powerful people before. But. That. Is. Not. ENOUGH! This time might be our last chance on this platform. Our last chance to change things. So let’s make sure it’s one to remember.

The door to Blade’s side opens. It’s Daniel. He looks healthy. His head his shaved, and he’s dressed head to toe in black. He marches up to Blade, and salutes him by raising his fist.

Blade smirks, and throws an arm around Daniel.

This is Daniel, our newest member of this army. Go and join your brothers, Daniel.

Daniel lines up beside the others.

They wanna call this event Apocalypse? Well, it will be when we show up.

The men all salute Blade with their fists in the air.
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