Apocalypse: Steamboat Ricky vs. Mr. Baller - Special Ref: Everest

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

This past week it was finally time for the legendary Steamboat Ricky to shut the mouth of the brash and cocky Baller. The basketball whiz had been proclaiming himself as a dominant force in WZCW with several “victories” over Ricky and he even managed to conquer Everest this past week, something that has seen a last minute addition to the match as Everest will be officiating as Ricky and Baller finally face off for real.

Deadline is Tuesday 16th August 23:59 EST
*creak, creak, creak, STOP. creak, creak, creak, STOP.*

An ominous silhouette creeps through the inside of the misty hull of a ship, carefully taking each step so as to not wake sailors asleep in bunks surrounding him. Carrying a rusty lantern, he walks until he reaches a room containing many chests, one stacked on top of the other. The figure moves some chests around until he finds the one for which he is looking. He opens the chest and grabs an indistinguishable black cloth, shutting the chest upon completion. The individual shuts the chest, closes the room, and walks slowly back through the room to head up toward the main deck.

*creak, creak, creak, STOP. creak, creak, creak, STOP.*

With cloth in hand, the figure makes it to the main deck. The night sky is filled with clouds. A shadowy bird comes and perches itself on the figure's shoulder as he approaches the main mast. The figure sets down the lantern as he reaches for the line on the mast. He takes the cloth in his other hand and fastens it to line, and then he proceeds to hoist it up to the top of the main mast. As the cloth reaches its peak, a bolt of lightning rips through the sky. The bolt lights up the sky enough to reveal the mystery cloth at the top of the ship:


At this point, the clouds immediately break, causing the moon to peak through. The moon shines down on the main deck of the ship. With the light on the deck, we see that the shadowy figure is, in fact, Steamboat Ricky: WZCW Superstar, Legend, pirate, innovator of hardcore wrestling, former WZCW Heavyweight Champion, and overall sadistic son of a bitch.

Ricky: Hey everybody! I'm not sure what the hell a camera is doing floating out here in the air in the middle of the ocean, but it's good to see everyone!

Ricky, along with his trusty pal Polly, heads up to steer the ship. Based on their general heading, it looks as if they are headed toward the site of WZCW Apocalypse.

Ricky: Hey narrator...yeah, you're right. We're sailing that way. Do you come with a built in compass? How are you figuring this out? Are you perhaps a modern Wizard of Oz?

Ricky...how else are we going to tell the story? This is all text, and even though you are pretty good at incorporating images into your RPs...without me...you don't really have anything to go with, man.

Ricky: Ok, ok. I'll go back to pretending you aren't here. So where were we?

You're on your way to Apocalypse.

Ricky: Ahem, oh yes. Well, Polly. It's finally time to make our triumphant return to the ring and WZCW in general. I really wish I would have kidnapped Johnny Klamor to provide me with a suitable interview where I can lay verbal punishment on Baller, but I guess Prickly Pete will have to suffice.

Ricky sends for Prickly Pete.

Prickly Pete: Arrr, um, Ricky sir. You rang?

Why yes Pete. If you don't mind, hold this microphone, wear this grey wig, and put on this suit. Then hold the mic up to me, and ask what I think of this Mr. Baller fiasco.

Yes, sir.

Pete puts on the attire.

Arrrrrr, I mean, excuse me sir. What do you think of the Mr. Baller fiasco?

Well, Johnny Klamor, you seem to have lost some weight and decreased in age. It's good to see you!

The truth is, Johnny. I've been away, overseas, doing work abroad for WZCW. I've taken toy steamboats to 72 countries across the world to kids that don't have adequate nutrition or clothing. At the same time, thanks to the magic of the internet...I've been watching. I've been watching you, Mr. Baller. I've been watching you trying to make a name for yourself at my expense and the expense of those who came before you.

Ricky turns the wheel to the right.

Ricky: Well here you are, *MR* Baller. You got me to bite, which IS what you wanted right? You wanted to be known as the guy that got Ricky back in the ring. Are you sure you wanted to do that? Really? Because I want to make sure you realize the kind of fury in which you have awoken.

You're talking about the guy who fell off the cell, fell through tables, fell through the cell, got lit on fire, and kept coming back for more.

You're calling out the guy who invented hardcore wrestling in WZCW. Yeah, that belt that you had for 2 minutes? I invented it, son. And NOBODY has worn it with pride like I did.

You're prodding the man who was decorated WZCW Eurasian Champion before any of you had even bought a toy belt at the Five and Dime. And the same guy that defended it for months.

You're talking to a former WZCW World Heavyweight Champion...a guy who was told that he was never going to get off of the midcard because he was too "funny and silly" of a character.

Ricky pauses momentarily, then looks back up.

And that's the reason I'm on this boat, and why I've set sail for Apocalypse. Because I was once a guy who was trying to make a name for myself. The difference between you and I, kid, is that I have EARNED it all. I've earned every piece of gold and every drop of blood. I've scratched, clawed, and joked my way to the top of this business. And now I'm back. And sure, I was losing some "steam" (hehe) toward the end of my last run...I got in with the wrong crowd. But perhaps you should write out apology notes to the entire WZCW roster. Because I'm back, baby. With Everest, one of my greatest opponents, officiating the match, do you really think that you have a chance? And once I return you the dark match before the show, I'll be back going for the biggest prize in the game. It's my Resurrection.

Ricky backhands the microphone out of the hand of Prickly Pete and continues to steer the boat. All of a sudden a bolt of lightning strikes the main deck, setting it ablaze. The flames, however, do not consume the boat. However, they form a pattern...letters on the deck. Letters that read:

The camera fades in to the backstage area at WZCW’s latest show, Ascension 35. Mr. Baller just left the guerilla position as he just defeated Everest, however, Mr. Baller just learned that he would be facing Steamboat Ricky at Apocalypse with Everest as the special guest referee, as well as being attacked by Everest. Baller has a towel around his face, and as he is finishing cleaning himself off, he surprisingly has a clear smirk on his face.

As he heads toward his locker room to go shower off, he runs into Becky Serra, who is once again looking for an interview.

Becky: Baller, a quick word please.

Baller rolls his eyes

Baller: Ugh you again. Didn’t you just see me destroy Everest, the match that you lobbied for. Miss jealous that she couldn’t get a real interview me. Your just mad that I added another legend to my list.

Becky: Destroy?

Becky chuckles

Becky: You had to cheat to win. I don’t really call that destroying anybody.

Baller: I didn’t cheat. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Becky: Do I need to show you the replay?

Before Baller can even get in another word, Becky grabs the remote, and fast forwards on the t.v. in the interview room to the ending of the Baller vs Everest match.

ASCENSION 35: Everest vs Mr. Baller

The crowd start cheering to the arriving Everest who looks ready for action, making his way immediately down the ramp, pointing towards Baller and looking ready to tear him a new one.

Connor: I don’t think Everest is taking a liking to Baller’s attitude!

Cohen: Who cares, it’s in the history books now. Baller 3. Ricky 0.

Anderson: His opponent. From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Everest slides straight into the ring and hits an immediate Rock Slide as the bell goes off once again as Everest goes for the cover, 1……2……kickout by Baller who looks surprised by being caught off guard. He is pulled up and Everest irish whips him but unintentionally knocks him into the ref who is knocked down. Everest pulls up Baller who gives a sudden low blow on Everest, allowing some time to get some recuperation from the earlier Rock Slide. Everest slowly drags up and suddenly Chris K.O. runs into the ring and hits the Ultimate Clothesline on Everest before leaving out of the arena through the crowd.

Connor: What the? What’s Chris K.O doing out here?

Cohen: Adding means to his words from last night of course!

Baller gets up and shakes it off. He knows he only has one chance, so he goes to the corner and hits the Buzzerbeater. He goes for a pin, but the ref isn’t moving, he shakes him which somewhat revives him. Baller checks to see if he’s looking and drops a quick knee on the throat of Everest’s before going for a second Buzzerbeater. He goes for a pin and uses his feet on the ropes, the referee can’t see this due to his dazed state, 1………2………..3.

The bell starts ringing and Baller can’t believe it, he starts to celebrate like crazy having pinned Everest. He jumps up onto the turnbuckle and starts taunting a three with one hand and a one on the other. He continues to celebrate until his music is cut out by the presence of a figure on the titantron.

Baller stops the match before Ricky comes on the titantron or is attacked by Everest.

Becky: Told ya.

Baller: Did the ref see it? No he didn’t because that isn’t cheating, all is fair in love and war, and this proves that I can win anyway possible because I am that damn good. I just wrestled two matches out there against two of the so called “legends” of WZCW, and am now 3-0 vs Steamboat Ricky and 1-0 vs Everest. I want to see if anybody else is undefeated versus those two, because I doubt it.

Becky: Winning a match when your opponent is in a different country, doesn’t really count.

Baller: Tell that to the record books, Becky.

Becky: Well, you will get your chance to truly get your first win against Steamboat Ricky at Apocalypse with Everest as the referee, how do you plan to actually win?

Baller: The same way I did it the first three times, duh. It doesn’t matter who in the world is the ref, it could be is a damn pet pirate for all I care, Steamboat Ricky thinks he has an advantage by having his good buddy Everest as a ref, well it isn’t going to make a god damn difference. Everest knows that I am superior to him, as I just showed out there, and wouldn’t have the balls to not call this match down the middle.

I am already 3-0 vs Ricky and this Sunday will absolutely be no different except for the fact that people have to pay to see this ass whooping. They should be forced to pay just to see me on regular television anyways. I am the most must see guy in this company right now, and I am sure Bateman had to be impressed with that for once in his life, instead of having his head stuck in his ass. He has held me back for far too long, and it took you crying to him to give me an opportunity that I truly deserved. Now I am in the main event of this pay per view, people don’t care about Austin Reynolds vs Ty Burna, I mean how many times do we need to see that anyway? Boring! I am the main event, I am the living legend, not Steamboat Ricky.

Do you honestly expect Steamboat Ricky to show up on Sunday, Becky?

Becky: Why wouldn’t he?

Baller: Because he is a coward, who had to go onto a titantron just to make this announcement. Instead of fighting me on Ascension like a man, or any of the past 3 times we have fought, he just went on a camera and made this match. In fact, I am going to make sure I find Steamboat Ricky, and I am going to go on a little treasure hunt to find him, since Ricky is so familiar with that. I’m out of here, I got to go find Ricky and make sure he shows up so he can get that beating for the 4th straight time.

Baller throws his towel off his neck onto the floor, and storms off into his locker room to go change and go on his “treasure hunt” as the camera fades out.


As the camera fades back in, we see a black BMW pulling in to a parking lot, the camera zooms out a little and a sign appears that reads “Old Timers Retirement Home”. As the driver’s door opens up, Mr. Baller appears out of his car and heads into the retirement home. Baller enters inside and heads straight to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Hello sir, what can I help you with today?

Baller: Hi, I am looking for an old guy, kind of pretends that he is a pirate, and goes by the name Steamboat Ricky.

Receptionist: Hmm, that name doesn’t sound familiar, but let me check our database and see if I could find him.

The receptionist wheels her chair to the computer, and looks to find Ricky’s name in the database. After a few seconds, she slides back over to the front desk.

Receptionist: I’m sorry, but Mr. Ricky doesn’t seem to live here.

Baller (mumbles to himself): Are you serious? He must’ve checked out, where else do retired people go?

Baller: Actually you know what, I would like to book a room for Steamboat Ricky. After Sunday night he will be in need of a place to stay for the rest of his crippled life.

Receptionist: Hmmm ok. What type of plan do you want for Mr. Ricky?

Baller: I don’t care, whatever is the cheapest one. He’s a pirate he can’t afford much.

Receptionist: And you said he will be checking in Sunday night?

Baller: Yes m’am.

Receptionist: Well, here is the key, he will be staying in room 103. Thank you, and have a nice day.

Baller: Ya sure.

Baller then heads to walk out of the retirement home, and he begins to mumble to himself again.

Baller: I wonder where Ricky can be. Apocalypse is only a few days away, and I need to find him to make sure he reaches Apocalypse so I don’t waste my money on this dump.

As Baller begins to think on where Ricky is, he notices an ocean behind the retirement home.

Baller: That’s it!

Baller then heads over to the ocean, and he begins to look for Ricky, however, after much searching he still does not find him. After being disappointed by this, Baller sits on the shore of the beach, and puts his feet in the water and begins to reflect.

Baller: This is it right here. Ricky even if I have already beaten you three times in a row, people fail to give me the respect I deserve and I am sick of it. I have been one of the best in this company for years and have nothing to show for it. Held back from opportunity after opportunity and now the only way I can make my name around here is constantly beating you. You would think 3 times would be enough? Well apparently in the WZCW the 4th time is the charm, and your buddy as the ref will do absolutely nothing in this match because Everest fears me. He knows I am better then him, and I proved it at Ascension, and he is at least smart enough to get the message. I am not even mad that Everest got that cheap shot on me, because he knows he can only hit that on me when I am distracted. The first sign of fear. I know you will not do that during the match Everest, because if you do, you will be joining Ricky in that retirement home.

There comes a time when enough is enough, and I have had it. My back has been thrown against the wall time and time again and it will come to an end at Apocalypse. In fact it will be a sign of the Apocalypse once I get my respect for how great I truly am.

As Baller continues his rant, a can that was littered into the ocean, comes up to shore, and Baller notices it and picks it up.

Baller: Rick you are just like this old can here. Washed up. This pathetic attempt at a comeback is a waste of time, your career is over, just give it up and stick to your promotional work. This company has no use for you anymore because the future is here. In fact the present is here as well. I am the present and the future of this company and have been since the day I’ve gotten here, but it is taking me to make an example out of you to prove to all of the idiots in the world. Ricky, stick to your boat, stick to your parrot, and stick to the ocean, because it will just make your life a lot easier. See you at Apocalypse that is if you decide to show up. If not, nobody would blame you from protecting yourself from the ass beating of a life time.

And you better believe that.

Camera fade out.
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