Apocalypse: Steamboat Ricky v. Disasterpiece:

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend

After the pomp and majesty of being crowned WZCW King for a Day, Steamboat Ricky mysteriously disappeared for months. After other disappearances and his eventual return, the mastermind behind these plots was revealed to be Vengeance's Master, Disasterpiece. When the two finally meet in the ring, will more answers become apparent?


Dream Ricky: Yarrrr....where be I? What be going on here?

Dream Polly: Brrrrack! You be dreaming, cap'n! Little Nemo's Dreamworld! Brrrrrack!

Yarrrrr...why be I on a rickety ship that aint me own in a God forsaken cyclone with what I perceive to be not even a drop of grog anywhere in me sights?

Brrrrrrack!!!!! You're revisiting your banishment! Triggered by upcoming match with your banisher! Brrrrrack!!!!!


Brrrrracck!!! You'll get your chance. Must revisit now! Brrrrrack!


*Steamboat Ricky, holding an empty bottle of grog, now appears in a vast desert, with nothing anywhere in any direction other than sand.*

Yarrrrrr! We it be that the grog ALWAYS be gone! Polly, what is this place??

Brrrrrrack! He will tell you! HE will tell you! Brrrrrack!

*Suddenly, a deathly creature wearing a ridiculously large sombrero appears on the horizon and approaches rapidly.*

Yarrrrrrrrr! El Guerrero!!??

What's up homes? You ready to go revisit su prisión?! Follow me, essa!

*Ricky jumps on top of El Guerrero's sombrero and takes a ride out into the vast nothingness. They stop out in the middle of nowhere.*

Yarrrrr! What be the meaning of stopping here!?

Essa, I just wanted to remind you of how BORED you were for several months, homes? You had no pelotas to throw, mamacitas to charm, or EL GROG to swill, homes. When you get in the ring with this fantasma, you need to remember this, essa. Are you ready to go to the next stop?

Yarrrrrrr! I ARRRRRR, I mean....AMMMMMM ready to go!

I must warn you essa, it will only become mas dificil with each stop, so prepare!

*Once again Ricky jumps on El Guerrero's oversized sombrero and they ride to the next destination. Ricky climbs off, runs to what appears to be a cooler out in the distance, and looks back with a bright smile on his face.*

Yarrrr! The grog be back!

*Ricky opens up a bottle, swings it back, takes a swig, then immediately spits it out.*

Yarrrr! What be this evil wet substance previously in me mouth?!?!

Homes, yuppy alcohol enthusiasts call that "gin and tonic," and to your dismay, that's what you were forced to drink for several months homes! Out of your signature bottles nonetheless!

Yarrrrrr! What tragedy! Everybody knows Ricky only goes for his signature non-alcoholic grog! This stuff be tasting like pine trees! YARRRR....er...YUCKKKKK!

Ok, essa, it's time for the next and last destination.

*Ricky saddles up on El Guerrero's giant hat and they make it the last stop. El Guerrero stops at the edge of a cliff looking down into a large pit of what appears to be toy steamboats. Steamboat Ricky jumps down, runs toward it, and then notices a sign in the sand that reads "Here lies every toy steamboat ever created. R.I.D. (Rest.In.Disasterpiece).*

YARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What will the kids be playing with in the bubble bath without toy steamboats?! Yarrrr! Rubber Duckies!??

Homes, do you see what la fantasma put you and everyone else through? DO YOU SEE IT, ESSA??!!

*At this point, Ricky drops to his knees and begins to weep. He then looks up at the blazing desert sun and shakes his fists in helplessness.*


*Suddenly Steamboat Ricky is shown abruptly waking up in his bed while sweating profusely. Ricky looks around the room, gets up out of bed, looks in the closet, under the bed, out the window, and then gets back in bed. Ricky sits with a blank stare for several seconds. Then, his look changes. He begins to smirk. Soon, the smirk becomes rather sadistic. Ricky eventually puts his head back on the pillow, pulls the covers up, grabs an object from the side of the bed, puts both arms around it in a snuggling fashion, and falls fast asleep.*

(The scene ends with a camera zooming in on the object, bearing the text "OFFICIAL 'SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE' - CAUTION!!! EXTREMELY FLAMABLE!!!")
Scene opens up with sound clips from meltdown . . . Cohen's voice in the background narrating . . (just picture J.R. going hyper about an upcoming PPV match.) . . .

Ladies and Gentlemen! This Sunday could be one of the most exciting events WZCW has EVER seen! . . .

. . . Two of WZCW's most Legendary Superstars in history will collide! . . .

. . . These two men are arguably the greatest competitors to ever step foot inside our ring! . . .

. . . They have both been around the longest and have the most elustrious careers and fan base out of anyone! . . .

. . . They have both competed and survived the most vicious Hardcore matches ever witnessed! . .


. . . There have been Spanish announce tables torched and bodies broken acrossed! . . .


. . . Both have had numerous prestigious titles and have cemented themselves in history as Legendary Champions! . . . We even saw one of them be crowned KING! . . .


. . . You can bet this will be a match for the ages! . . .


. . . And with the events of the past few weeks, I doubt it will be anything but a happy ending for either one of these superstars! . . .

. . . When these two Legends finally meet in the ring, guarantee someone will have hell to pay! . . .

. . . Ladies and Gentlemen, this Sunday, for one of these men, it will certainly be . . . .

. . . APOCALYPSE!!! . . .

Cohen's excited banter twists and fades out . . . the video blurrs with black darkness. Only a faint orange blur is seen.

As it focuses into a small orange flame from a candle, a twisted, deep, bellowing voice is recognized. The voice is broken and cackles, and has the reminiscence of something from a horror film . . .

KinG!!? yOu ThINk yOu aRE kING?!?!

The voice seems to grow in anger and hatred . . .

kiNGs dOnT FaLL viCTiM tO KiDNaP! TorTURe! FeAR! aND PaIn! . .

. . (continuing on 2nd post. not enough room) . .
. . (continued) . .

I shOwed yOu aLL oF ThoSe ThinGS! . .

YoU Arre nOt woRTHy! HoW doES a KinG LeAve hIMSelF sO vuLnerAbLE?! . .

I HaD YoR BlooD oN mY hANds, i fueLed yoUR NighTMAres! YoU aRe WeAk!. .

The candle moves around revealing a large open room. The lighting is very dim . . . but rows of church pews can be made out . .

TiMe tO sTart A nEw rEIgn! a New reGImE hAs cOMe! SoON ThEy Will aLL bOW to oNe tRUE LeAdER! They WiLL prAISE oN thEIR kNees ANd HaiL nOt a Fake, buT the OnE TRUE KinG!

. . . SunDaY ThE woRLd wiLL kNOw whO thAT Is. SunDAY I wiLL BRing ThE WrAth oF a FieRY hELL. YoU Will OncE More, KnOW WhaT it is TO FeeL pAin anD ViCiOUS AgONY!

. . . YoU wiLL Beg Me FoR DeaTH! BroUghT uPOn thE BriNK, OnLY to Be ReviVED aNd TorTuRed fUrTHErmoRe! . . .

The candle moves around the room even more. It wobbles down the aisle, being held by a shadowy robed figure.

It approachs the altar and shows rows of flowers and bouqets arranged. A little bit closer and a closed casket is arranged at the foot of the altar.

. . . and sitting atop the casket is a small picture frame . . .

. . . in the picture frame is the photo . . .


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