Apocalypse: Steamboat Ricky/Ricky Runn/Celeste Crimson vs Steven Kurtesy/Titus/XXX

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
A potentially explosive PPV is set to feature a special attraction six person tag team match, purely as an exhibition. All but one of these competitors are former champions and four of them have a vested interest in the Relay match set to take place later in the night.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
Dear Pops,

So as you may or may not know, I’m a glutton for stupid decisions and choices in my life. And last week is a huge testament to that. At the doctors for what I thought would be a routine physical ended giving me news that I hoped I would never hear. And as you can expect, I did what I normally do when I hear something I don’t like. I completely ignored it and did what I wanted. Whether or not if it was a good idea or not is what I haven’t discovered yet. But the only thing I know is that there is a reason for my actions, there always has been. They may be dumb reasons but they’re reasons none the less. So a letter, how strange, I know the two of us had found a…Different way to communicate with each other. It was either yelling, fighting, screaming, shouting, well come to think about it pretty much any ”-ing” that can be translated into a discussion that just plain isn’t healthy. So this whole writing thing might actually work better than our old methods.

I’m back to wrestling dad, and despite what the doctors say, I plan on competing till I write my name into the history of the sport with the greats. I’ve already made huge strides since I began wrestling. I was a tag team champion with a legend, and had a legendary run that made company history. While Austin and I had our differences towards the end we buried the hatchet and he has been a hell of a mentor to me. That’s when I realized that if I can work through the issues of Austin and I, where we had nothing but animosity from each other, we can do the same right? We had that little moment at the airport but I don’t think we have things as patched up as I hope. Maybe the next time we are in the same area in the country and we can sit down and have dinner? I have something important to tell you.

At Apocalypse, I will be in a huge 6 person tag match. It’ll be me, Steamboat Ricky, and Celeste Crimson on the same team. Personally I think that will be a fun match considering we all incorporate our own different styles. Crimson is more of a straight forward fighter. If she doesn’t take you out with her kicks, she is going to submit you. Steamboat however is a little bit more…Unorthodox. He’s a pirate, he fights like a pirate, and like a pirate he is as tough as nails. I don’t care what corporate sponsors are telling you, this man can eat nails for breakfast. I’m glad he’s on my team this week and not on the other side of the ropes. But Steamboat or not…The other team is pretty tough on their end. Steven Kurtesy and Titus are former world champions. These are guys who went to the top of the mountain and proved they were the best of the best. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they went back to the top and get another title under their names. And Triple X is well on his way to becoming that level as well. He surprises the world week in and week out. Personally I can’t wait to enter the ring with him and just steal the show. This match has all the pieces to make memorable moments up the wazoo. (Wazoo is a word, right?)

Anyway, I hope we can fix things. As much as I love doing what I do their will be a point where I can’t keep doing what I love doing if you know what I mean? Hopefully that comes later rather than sooner. So I know…I don’t know. E-Mail back or call me if you have any time to make any plans…If you want to make any plans. I do have something important to tell you about my health.​

From your son,
Ricky Runn
We all look to become legends.

We may not be aware of it, but it’s there. That deep, dormant desire to accomplish things far greater than a normal person. To be held in a regard that is larger than life itself. To be considered immortal.

I’ve tried to kid myself throughout my career that I have no such desire. That my purpose here is for two things; to entertain the fans and give them something to cheer, and to find solace in myself for my past life. But as much as I try to hide it, there is that third desire, deep down.

Well, not as deep down as I once thought.


Rachel puts her book down and walks towards her son, throwing her arms around him with a warm smile on her face.

It’s been a while, stranger.

It has. Sorry. Things have been crazy recently.

She let’s go and leads him into the kitchen, where he pulls up a chair.

Yeah, well…you’ve got your life to live. And it does take you everywhere. What brings you back?

Have a signing here later on. Oh, and I wanted to see you too, of course.

Rachel smiles. She goes to the sink and pours X a glass of water.

Oh, I’m sure. So, how’s entertaining the masses going?

Oh, you know. Same old. Teaming with my enemy to face his enemy who I’ve faced before and his mentor, only for him to beat on his mentor after the match. X takes a sip of his water.

Oh, so the usual, then?

Pretty much. Then I have this HUGE match at Apocalypse-

-oh, do you have a title match again?

…okay, not THAT huge…


It’s still pretty big though. I’m teaming with an Oscar-winning super hero and a professor who wears a mask, and we're facing a pirate, a Russian woman who likes to hurt people and Ricky Runn..

…sounds fun!

You have no idea who they are, do you?

Not really.

Well, never mind. They’re all big-time players in WZCW. Legends, even. Well, not Runn, but he’s still awesome. Multiple championships between them. If I can hang with them, well, I can pretty much hang with anybody.

Well, I’m sure you’ll do fine.

There’s a short pause. X catches a glimpse of his mothers hand, and can’t help but notice the tan line where his mothers wedding ring used to be.

You heard from Dad?

Taken aback, Rachel turns, and begins to do some washing up.

I…he came round here. Picked a few things up. Guess that box you took last time you were here wasn’t the last of it. He seemed well.

Did he say anything?

Not much. Whatever was said between you both is between you two.

Another pause. X looks down to the floor.

I’m sorry mom. I never meant for any of this to-

-Alexander Knight, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. Your father is stubborn. Lord knows that’s where you get it from. But he does care for you. Perhaps too much.

X can’t help but let out a s******. Care for me? Has a damn funny way of showing it.

He’s a complicated man. But he only wants the best for you.

How? By trying to stop me following my dream? He told me when I was younger to dream big, and when I do he tries to swat me down and tell me how to live my life. How is that the best for me?

Rachel sighs, and slowly sits down at the table. Do you remember when you were little, and you and your dad watched All Star American Wrestling?

Vaguely, yeah.

It’s a bright, Sunday morning, and young Xander is sitting on the floor of the lounge, with Alan, his dad, next to him. Both are engrossed in the television. X looks on at the pair, and at the shockingly different relationship between he and his father.

I must have been five or six here. I remember we used to watch this every week for years.

As they watch, a figure comes onto the screen, wearing a white and green mask, with matching tights, and a red, flowing cape behind him.

He’s Oscar Sanchez. Dad’s favourite wrestler. Even here, in his late forties and towards the end of his career, dude was an amazing high flier. Probably one of my biggest influences in wrestling.

Okay, Xander, how many years did Sanchez hold the ASAW Light Heavyweight title?

Two years and six days!

Two years and sixteen! But close enough. And in that time he was unbeaten. No one could touch him. He was my favourite wrestler when he first started out.

And he’s my favourite wrestler now!

And you, my boy, have great taste.

They watched the match; nothing more than a 10 minute exhibition against a local competitor.

Damn, Sanchez was good. Even here, at forty seven, he was hitting huracanranas, enzugiris, moonsaults, and his finishers; the super kick and the swan dive. The more I see, the more I realize that this is where my style comes from, right here.

"…and there it is! The Swan Dive headbutt from the top! And one…two…three!!! It’s all over here, and Sanchez racks up yet another impressive win here!"

Both young Xander and Alan are cheering, ecstatic for their hero’s triumph.


Yes, Xander.

When I grow up, I want to be Oscar Sanchez!

Alan laughs. Well, I don’t think that's possible. But you could be a wrestler like him if you really wanted to!

Could I???

Xander, remember one thing. Dream big, and follow that dream till the bitter end. You want to do it, then you can. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.

The memory becomes fuzzy for a moment, then returns to clarity in the evening. Xander, now at least ten, maybe a little older, is sitting with Alan in front of the TV, both in stunned silence. X watches on, focusing on the reporter who is speaking from in front of a packed arena.

"…and it is with great sadness that we have to report that Mexican wrestling legend Oscar Sanchez has suffered a severe accident, wrestling at a house show yesterday evening. It is believed that he landed on his head whilst performing a top rope maneuver, and has little to no movement from the neck down. We will of course bring you any updates we can regarding this tragic story."

The memory snaps back to reality, as X looks back up at his mom.

And he thought that’d happen to me?

Xander, your dad was as big a fan of wrestling as you are. But that wrestler was his hero. His idol.

He was my idol too.

Your dad was just worried that you’d get hurt. His anger stems from concern, nothing more. He didn’t want you to end up in a wheelchair.

There’s a silence. X stands up and looks out of the window. It’s getting dark outside. He looks at the garden, where he and his friends used to practice wrestling moves on a trampoline as a kid.

I get it now. I understand. X turns to his mom. But I am who I am. Dad should have accepted it a long time ago.

Xander, he tried, but-

-no. No buts. This is what I do. And yeah, it’s dangerous. And I’ve been hurt before. But I know exactly what I’m doing. And if anything does go wrong, then they have medical staff on site at every show. If the worst happens, we’re all in safe hands.

That's not the point. I worry Xander. And knowing all of that doesn't stop me or your father from worrying.

X stands still. He thinks back to his dad when he was a kid; a warm smile on his face, full of love. Then to the last time he saw his father; a cold, enraged man, who wasn’t angry at X just for disobeying him after all.

I need to go.

X goes to the door.

Xander, you should go and see him.

X stops. I know. I will. Just…not now.

He turns back to face his mother.

If you see him before I do, tell him…I get it.

X turns back, and heads out of the house.

A Few Hours Later...

It’s now the afternoon, and X is part of a handful of WZCW superstars in town for a meet and greet signing at a local sports centre, and a house show in the evening

There’s no point in worrying about dad now; there’s nothing I can do about it. After Apocalypse, I’ll swing by and talk to him. But for now, I need to take my mind off of it and focus on my match. Of all my matches in WZCW, this is the toughest. Celeste and Steamboat Ricky are bonafide hall of famers. And Ricky Runn is one half of the longest reigning tag team champions in history. He’s part of the future of wrestling, as I am. Daunting isn’t the word.

It’s a good job I’ve got partners who can balance things out a little…

X is walking back to the stand holding all of his merchandise; t-shirts, caps, dvd’s of WZCW events and, of course, Elite X title replicas. He continues walking, until he spots a familiar face.


He runs up to the man as he turns around. The man in question is none other than Steven Kurtesy.

Please don’t call me that Xander. I haven’t earned the right to be called it.

Crap. Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.

No, it’s fine X. Honestly. Anyway, how can I be of help?

Oh, nothing. I just…you know. I know we’ve spoken before at shows and we actually already know each other, but…seeing as this is our first match together, and…as partners, I mean…and seeing as you’re a former world champion, and seeing as Titus is a former world champion, and, I just…wanted to-

…are you okay Xander?

Sorry, I’m just nervous. I mean-

X, you have no reason to be.

I know. Just, Titus is a legend, and you were one of the only guys that Ty Burna couldn’t beat. Two of the greatest world champions in history, and we’re facing two legends in Celeste and Ricky, and one half of the longest reigning tag champions in WZCW history in Ricky Runn. I mean, with Celeste being your friend and all, that must be…and…I just don’t want to let you down. I mean, I’m pretty much the weak link here, right. I just wanted to say I’ll try not to suck too much out there.

You won’t. Xander, you’re the most inexperienced in this match, but that doesn’t mean you have nothing to offer. You’re young, still trying to find your way in life. Your unpredictability will be an asset to Titus and myself, I’m sure.

X smiles, but Kurtesy’s expressions remain serious.

But it seems that isn’t all that’s bothering you?

The smile fades off of X’s face. Just problems at home. Nothing serious.

No…no, I sense something more. You seem troubled. Deep down. If you feel you need to talk about your problems-

-no. Thank you. Trust me, it’s better we don’t get into it, else we’ll be standing here till Kingdom Come V.

Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me. Darkness building up inside isn’t a good thing. You need to find a way to channel it, like I have with my mask. It’s only temporary in my case, and I’m not saying a mask is the answer to your problems, but you get the idea.

Thanks Prof- I mean, Steve. And we’ll kick some ass together at Apocalypse.

That we will. And anytime.

As Kurtesy goes to walk away…

Oh, there is one thing!


…can I have a picture with me wearing your mask? The fan inside me would kick himself if he didn’t ask.

A confused smile appears on Kurtesy’s face. Goodbye, Xander.

He turns and heads off as X walks back towards his table. As he approaches it, he spots Faith standing close by.

You’re a hard man to get hold of.

X manages a half-smile.


Not much. And I’m sorry I haven’t called, I just…

Problems at home?

Something like that, yeah.

Tough deal. Especially with a big match like this coming up.

I’m not sure I’d put it like-

-but it’s true though, right? A bit crass, maybe. But this could be a career defining match for you.

You’re not wrong. I’m gonna be in the ring with three legends, one of the best in the world today and a young star looking to prove something. I feel like a sore thumb compared to everyone else-

-god, will you quit it?

…quit what?

Being so damn pessimistic! X, you need to stop thinking like that. These guys were amazing in their day. They are legends. But you need to look at this differently. They’re has-beens. They’ve had their moment. They have paved the way for you, and guys like Runn.

X stares at her blankly for a moment, a little taken aback.

Faith, without people like them, Ricky and I wouldn't even be here.

But you're here now. And they've had their time in the spotlight. I'm sorry to come across so strongly here, but they're nothing more than place holders.

X folds his arms. Oh really?

Well, take Titus for example; he’s one of your idols, yeah?

Well, yeah he is, now you mention it.

Well, he’s a former world champion. Former Elite X champion, like you. Why isn’t he in a title match?

I don’t-

And Steamboat Ricky; he came back to fight the Apostles but couldn’t beat Alex Bowen, a guy you beat, in his specialty match.

That’s not-

And don’t even get me started on Celeste. She’s considered a legend, but she hasn’t won a single championship in this company. So she’s been here from the beginning, so what?

Faith…why are you saying these things? These guys are idols, heroes of mine. They’ve earned their spots. Why-

-because you need to stop thinking of them as heroes and legends. How can you beat someone you’re constantly in awe of? You need to think of them as competitors, as stepping stones towards your own legend.

X turns to walk back to his stand. Faith, you know why I-

-why you do what you do, yeah. But you and I both know how it works. You may start out believing you’re doing it for the adrenaline rush. For the fans. But at some point you’re going to want more than just applause and twitter followers. You’re going to want that trophy cabinet full of belts. You’re going to want the money, the cars, and the fame that comes with being a big player. And I think you’re already there X.

X stops, and Faith grabs his arm and turns him back to her.

It bothers you every time you lose, and it isn’t because you let your fans down, or your family. It isn’t because you’ve let yourself down, Xander. It’s because you’re a step further back from becoming a legend, and if you keep thinking about your opponents like you are now, you’ll become just another waste of talent.

You really know how to buck a guys spirits up.

I’m serious X. You’re as good as anyone in that match. If not, better. You need to start acting like it.

X stares her in the eyes for a good few moments.

Lets say there’s an element of truth in what you say. About how I need to beat these guys. Genuine question. Do you think I could beat anyone in that match?

Faith refuses to break her gaze. At this point, how you are at the moment? No.

And if I looked upon Celeste and the Ricky's as nothing more than opponents?

If you put your mind to it X, you can beat anyone. But you need to be willing to do what’s necessary.

Faith lets go, and begins to walk away.

You're at a cross roads, X. You need to take their spots, X. Because they won’t just give them to you.

In somewhat of a daze, X walks back into the main hall and sits back at his desk.

I know what Faith is trying to do, but this isn’t helping right now. My admiration for Celeste and Ricky goes no further than that of a fan. Is that really too much respect for an opponent? No, of course it’s not. It’s gonna be an honor to share the ring with those guys. Runn too; he’s a young guy who’s really stepped up his game, and broken free from the shadow of Austin Reynolds.

…wait, that’s it. That’s the point. All week I’ve been thinking about how much of an honor it is, and not once have I thought about strategy, or working with my partners, or anything. I’ve been focusing on the legacy of each competitor, rather than how to beat them. I mean, I don’t necessarily agree with everything she said, but Faith is right. I need to stop being in awe of these guys. I’m not a small time independent wrestler anymore, looking up to his idols on the big stage. I’m ON the big stage. There’s a fine line between respect and worship, and I need to stop acting like a starstruck teenager around these guys.

X looks up to see a boy of around twelve staring back at him; a huge smile, with an autograph book. X returns the smile, and signs the book.

If I really am at a cross roads, then it’s time I made an impact. And it’s time I did it for myself.

We see Steven Kurtesy in a seated position on the floor of a darkened room with hands clasped together as he looks directly at the Apocalypse PPV poster on the wall, the only other thing visible in the room thanks to the illumination of candles.

Is this what I have to look forward to? Becoming a trainer of the rookies and wrestling as an exhibitionist for major events? A man who was once World champion and headlined many events has been pushed back down to the lowly depths of curtain jerking. Hell, my rookie is placed higher on the card than myself and is wrestling for a chance at glory.

Steven takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.

Yet I do not mind being where I am, almost to the point where I shouldn't be complaining about my position on the card: quite the opposite actually. The last time WZCW left me off the major card at Apocalypse and threw me into some random match, I shook the company to its core and became a success.

Steven sits up and unclasps his hands, opening his eyes.

The days of success for me however, are seemingly over. I have yet to secure a solid victory for myself since I lost the championship, one of the two things that kept me going and made me thrive here. The other has been defeated and although I created an alternate version that will allow me to embrace the Chaos once more, I have yet to harness its power. Why? Am I scared to wear...

Steven looks down and picks up the mask.

... you? I've never been scared of what I've created nor anything I have battled. Anything that can be created can be destroyed only by its master... so why did I hesitate to wear the mask when I faced Drake Callahan? Even though I knew so much about this man where we were considered friends, I couldn't even defeat him after he'd been laid out by a finisher.

Steven starts caressing the mask.

What does that say about me now? Am I considered alongside men like Titus and Steamboat Ricky because of my age and time in the company, except for the fact that I've done nothing to be called a future legend like them? Have I become that dependant on my own vices that I cannot even wrestle any more without embracing them? Am I already relying on a mask that I created as a psychological mind trick to convince myself I am recovered despite the fact that I haven't even worn it yet?

He drops the mask and looks back at the poster.

My friends like Celeste and Sandy won't appreciate me donning this mask but what am I to do when there are kids like Ricky Runn and Triple X on the rise and being groomed as the future of the company? I can't sit back and fade into obscurity, watching as these guys achieve success. I was once a feared opponent and a highly-respected individual here; I must give them reasons as to why I was considered as such. I'm not about to let some inner demon get the best of me...

Steven picks up the mask once more and dons the mask.

... I'm going to get the best of the inner demon.

The look of Steven's eyes have become much more cold than before as he looks at the poster for the third time.

They say that the Apocalypse is the end but I see it as a new beginning. The Steven Kurtesy of old will definitely vanish but this new, empowered Kurtesy will rise from those ashes like a phoenix and reclaim his glory, starting with this exhibition. I don't care who my partners are and what their agenda's are for this match: I want to start my quest for relevance with a victory... even if I have to go through my friends. If they wish to join my on this journey, they are more than welcome to but they should know that for us to reach our destination...

Steven stands up and rips the poster from the wall.

... sacrifices must be made. I've already sacrificed myself: what is everyone else going to sacrifice when they see me, standing in their way? What are they going to do when they realise that they are actually standing in my way of reaching the brass ring and I will do anything to get there? Will they stand and fight or will they allow themselves to fade away... as if they never existed.

Steven tears the poster in half and lets it float to the ground as he walks off into the darkness. As the poster strips touch the ground, the wick of the candle burns out.​
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The following RP is brought to you by:


Has someone under your care recently been kidnapped by the occult and physically annihilated before your very eyes? Are you fearful that you could be the next to fall? Fear not, friends. Your pal, Steamboat Ricky, knows your pain. He also knows how much you love purchasing dietary supplements from companies with a minimal graphics budget. That's why he, along with Gasparrrrri Nutrition, are proud to introduce:


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*Steamboat Ricky is shown standing in the streets of Indianapolis, with a seemingly somber face. He wears running attire, beginning to stretch. He turns on his iPod, puts in his earbuds, flips it to the song "Surrender" by Angels and Airwaves, and begins to jog. The guitar starts to play.*


*Ricky begins to think about what happened to Joe Mason, wondering what he could have done differently.*

Ricky's thought: Am I next?? If they took out Mason, who's to say they aren't after me, too? Hmmm...what do they want?? What am I going to do??

*Ricky sports a frightened face. The concern on his brow is striking. The song continues to play...*

I, I will NOT...surrender
No, I, I will NOT...surrender

*Ricky clenches his fist...he begins running faster*

No, I, I will NOT...surrender
No, I, I will NOT...surrender

*Ricky gains a smirk on his face and begins running a little faster*

When God falls fast asleep
The kids still dance in city streets

*Children begin running right next to Ricky; a diverse crowd: white children, black children, Arab, Latina, boys, girls, etc. They reach out to try to stay up with him as they sport their smiles.*

From the White House Lawn to the Middle East
And all around I'm just saying that this time I feel it now

*Ricky turns around, running backwards...urging the children to continue running with him.*

When God falls fast asleep
The kids still move to a steady beat

*More kids join the crowd, running faster and faster with each step.*

Even if it's bombs bursting at their feet


*Fireworks erupt in the skyline*

And all around, I'm just saying that this time I feel it now

*A lot of "Oh oh ohs" continue in the song as Ricky sprints ahead, pulling away from the children. He approaches the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, runs up the steps, turns around, sticks his arms out and embraces the children as they all run towards him. Ricky picks up several children and hoists them in the air in a state of complete joy. After several minutes, the city kids head back to their homes, delighted to have just shared a moment with their home-town hero. Ricky sits down on the top step when, all of a sudden, he is approached*

Hey Ricky.

*Ricky looks...it's Leon Kensworth.*

Leon...again? Really?

Just trying to get the story, as usual. Clearly, you were running in the streets of downtown Indianapolis in the middle of night with children. That seems newsworthy?

Oh, I guess I suppose that is newsworthy. I suppose you have questions?

Yes, I would like to ask you about your tag-team match. It IS mandatory that I get your opinion on this. I will begin with your teammates...first, Ricky Runn.

Run? I just ran 5 miles with a bunch of kids sprinting behind me. You want me to run some more???

Erm, Ricky Runn...with two Ns.

Oh, yes. I can't tell you how many times I've taken off in a dead sprint because of this guy. He's exciting...a really good physique, too. If I ever hire everyone else on at Gasparrrrri Nutrition, maybe he can model.

And, Celeste?

Dude, go back and watch my interview from several weeks ago. I respect the hell out of Celeste...we go way back...ANNNNND I hope she'll go out on a date with me afterwards.

Annnd your oppon...

*Ricky cuts him off*

Oh God, Leon. Kurtesy is a legend, great champ, and maybe has a girly name; and XXX...well, that guy has a solid future ahead of him. Titus...or is it Red Mask? I liked Red Mask better...seemed very Communist. Pulling out a win here will be no walk in the park.

How are you feeling after The New Church's ambush of Joe Mason, your mentee?

*Ricky looks somber.*

Well, Leon. It's...it's been really difficult. I haven't slept much, I'm always looking over my shoulder, and I can't help but worry that I'm next. What do they want? Are they going to take me out? Are they going to end my career!?!?!?!?!?

*Ricky dramatically grabs Leon by the shirt for a split second, and then he releases.*

Sorry, Leon, I just...I'm really stressed.

I'm really sorry to hear that, Ricky. What are you going to do?

Well, I'll tell you what. This thing that happened here with the kids reminded me that I have a lot of people that count on me to be their hero. And if somebody needs me to be their hero, I'm not going to let some cult-driving psychos stand in my way of fulfilling that. I’m not giving-in to fear. This match that I’m in might be a "filler" match because we are all top draws and didn't have anything else going on that night, but you can bet your ass that I'm going to do everything in my power to win that match. I'm heading back to the top...and I'm going to get there doing whatever...whatever it takes.

Seems like a good attitude, Ricky. Maybe you'll even get that date?

Haha, yes. I can only hope, Leon.

Listen Ricky, I'm sorry for sneaking up on you like this. I've really not meant to disturb you.

You know, Leon. You just keep doing your job. And hey, one of these days, maybe I'll be the one bringing a story directly to you.

*Leon and Ricky walk in separate directions away from the monument. After both have left, a limousine circles around the monument and comes to a stop. The passenger window in the back of the limo rolls down to reveal Johnny Klamor sitting, looking out at Ricky as he walks away.*

Klamor: Story? *Laugh* Yes, Ricky. Yes, you will be bringing many, MANY of those.

*Klamor offers a slimy laugh as he rolls up his window and the limousine pulls away.*
The painted light blue walls of the office invited warmer scenery than the dreary pale white that would often give her patients the sensation of being forced out of their comfort zones, as the psychiatry sessions often did. That’s why she opted for the color; it was something comely that put her at ease. Even her newer patients seemed to open up right away.

Dr. Sandy Deserts sat at her desk shuffling through a pile of insurance papers. That was one of the drawbacks of private practice, having to sort through and organize all of her patient claims. She looked up at the sound of knocking. The door opened as her next patient walked in.

“Celeste?” she asked in surprise.

Sandy stood and greeted her friend. She had received a call earlier in the week from Celeste who wanted some advice. She had offered to pay for the hour, even though Sandy had initially refused.

“Come in and have a seat,” she said, motioning to the plush couch against the wall.

“This is a nice set up you’ve got here,” said Celeste. This was the first time she had ever seen Sandy’s office; the soft colors of the walls and trim really seemed to put her mind at ease. She sat down and smoothed the creases of her dress crossing her legs.

“I haven’t seen a therapist since I was a kid.”

“Yeah? What was that like?”

“I had a few behavior issues as a child, and in an effort to set me straight my mother signed me up for a few sessions.”

“You had a strong relationship with your mother didn’t you?”

“Once I got older I did,” she explained reminiscing. “She was one of the greatest sambo practitioners in the world; a renowned hero in Russia. She won gold medals in four different Olympics, won countless tournaments, and was one of the most distinguished uchitel grand masters.”

“Seems like you were proud of her,” Sandy responded.

She jotted down a few notes on her clipboard, as Celeste watched her from the corner of her eye.

“She taught me everything she knew about sambo and judo, and once I grew up and matured and got my head out of my ass, we really became close.”

“Is this what’s been bothering you all of the sudden, old feelings about your mother? She passed away a few years ago, are you feeling depressed or inadequate?”

She shook her head, “No, it has more to do with how I feel about my identity then I do about my personal relationships.”

“Your identity? You aren’t feeling unhappy with your job are you?”

“It’s not that I’m unhappy with my current position in the company,” she explained. “It’s just that I’m not really sure what I’m going to do with myself in the future.”

“The changes that Steven went through recently got me thinking about re-envisioning myself-”

“Getting tired of the being the WZCW mom?” Sandy quirked. She was half joking, but still serious at the same time.

She laughed, “That’s a special part of my identity in the company that won’t ever change. No, I feel like I’ve been stagnant for the last few months. To be honest Sandy, I don’t know how much longer my career is going to last. And I still want that chance to prove myself; to officially carve my name as one of the greatest stars in the company.”

“I can understand how you feel, but I also saw firsthand how much of a… well… utter bitch you became years ago.”

“I’m never going to be that person ever again Sandy,” she said. “But I feel like busting loose and going all out. I want better competition and more opportunities-”

“What about the mentorship program? There are plenty of veterans that would to have loved the opportunity to mold one of the new rookies in their image. I thought this was something that you wanted to do.”

“It was, and I was happy. It’s just… I haven’t spoken to Arashi in weeks-”

“Did you to have a falling out? I know he wasn’t the easiest man to get along with. You had more patience with him then I would have.”

“Last time we spoke I thought he was finally starting to warm up to me a little, but I get the feeling that the company may have gotten the better of him. This is a tough business; I know what it feels like to be drained and needing time off. I’ve worked through injures, and through backstage heat. I was trying to show him that if he needed a friend in the company that he could always count on me.”

“Your approach was unique; I think, despite what he thought about you, that you were the best choice for a mentor for him.”

“But I can’t force him to stay with the company if he doesn’t want to," Celeste said.

“That’s why I’ve been trying to give more thought on my future. If the powers that be feel like they want to keep me in the program and give me another rookie if Arashi does drop out, then I’m okay with that. But I still want my chance to shine.”

She leaned back on the couch, eyeing her friend as she scribbled down a few more notes on her clipboard.

“I can understand how you feel; I was a pro wrestler once too you know,” said Sandy.

“Performing in the ring, and putting your heart and soul into everything you’ve got to give the fans a show that they’d never forget. I can understand the pain and glory that comes with that. I never won any titles myself, but I was so happy for Steven when he became WCZW champion. I felt like I was living vicariously through him. And I want to continue to chase those dreams of yours.”

“After Steven changed his image, I feel like changing mine.”

“So what do you have in mind? If you aren’t the WZCW mom, what do you want to be?”

Celeste smiled, “I want to bring back some of the intensity that I used to have. I’ve always been a warrior first, and I can’t escape those feelings. As much as I can’t deny my maternal instincts I can’t continue to babysit everyone on the roster; I don’t need to be a mother to anyone but Nero. In WZCW, I just need to be The Violent Reactor.”

Sandy leaned back in her chair, “I haven’t heard that nickname in a while. That’s the name you used while you where a mercenary for hire. You were pretty scary back then.”

“The Violent Reactor meant that I was a loose cannon; a hazard to those around me because you’d never know when I’d have a meltdown. But now the name has evolved; I want the name to be synonymous with my will, so that my opponents know that when they face me I’ll show them no mercy.”

Celeste tapped the edge of the couch with her finger, as Sandy continued to take a few more notes.

“Is this how you’re going to be at Apocalypse? You want to show this newfound intensity there?”

“I’m in a tag match that was thrown together at the last minute. While most of us in the match are part of the mentorship program, I am the only one that hasn’t won a title. Do you know how that makes me feel, Sandy?”

“I’d imagine like dirt-”

“Yeah; that I was never given the proper chance to shine like the others. To be honest, even though I’ve never shown it, I often feel like a novelty being a woman in the company. And with Isabel now on the roster I can’t even have that distinction,” she explained with frustration.

“You know that there are thousands of fans out there that adore you despite that fact; you are a rarity within the world of professional wrestling. Do you know how many glass ceilings you’ve broken even if you don’t win any titles? You are the reason why Isabel even has a job here, and why any man would ever take me seriously… and that’s with me threatening to bash their heads in with Rowdy Roddy Pipe.”

Celeste laughed, “I know that I’ve accomplished so much, even though on paper it looks like I’ve accomplished little. At Apocalypse I’m teaming with Steamboat Ricky and Ricky Runn against Titus, Triple X, and regretfully Steven Kurtsey.”

Sandy shook her head at the mention of Steven’s name; they were all expecting to be on separate teams, just to create some excitement amongst the fans. She sighed as she jotted down some more notes.

“I’ve beaten Titus and Steven before, and they were both former WZCW champions. Triple X isn’t on their level yet, and based on some of the offhanded glances he’s given me backstage I think he may actually be intimidated by me.”

“That’s nothing new,” Sandy pointed out. “Even Rush, who’s like four times your size, was intimidated by you at one point years ago.”

“He’s lost weight since then though,” said Celeste. “I guess I can’t keep calling him fatass like I used to.”

“I owe both him and Sam Smith,” she explained. “And eventually they will both get what’s coming to them, but at the pay per view I plan on showing my comrades, my competition, and most importantly my fans that I haven’t lost my touch completely.”

“I know both Ricky’s will be doing their best to show what they can do, and I’m determine not to lose to anyone anymore,” she finished.

“I’m glad you came to talk to me about all this Celeste. Steven nearly gave me a heart attack with his antics, but I’m happy with the decision that he chose to make. It’s going to be an adventure for him, and I know that he’d be excited to face the viciousness in you. It’s just… I don’t want to see a falling out between you two… so play nice.”

Celeste laughed, “I plan on playing nice this time because of the mutual respect between us, but Titus and Triple X better become aware that I play for keeps now. It’s like the song lyrics say Sandy, my foes can’t destroy my body, colliding slow like life itself.”

The session wrapped up and the two friends bid each other farewell. Sandy stood and gave her friend a quick hug before tearing the piece of paper she had been doodling on for the length on the session from the clipboard and handed it to her. Celeste took one look at the piece of paper and smiled. It was a crude, but sincere drawing of Celeste holding all the titles in the company. The Eurasian and Elite X titles were draped around her shoulders, while she held a tag team title and the Mayhem title in her hands. The World title was worn protectively around her waist. The drawing depicted her with one of her trademark cocky grins from years ago.
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