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Apocalypse: SHIT vs Barbosa vs Mister Alhazred

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
This trio have been unable to keep apart from each other in the last few rounds and chaos has followed them at every turn. Driven by Barbosa's desire for direction, the manic former World Champion, the man-droid and the mad professor are set to combust in the ring at Apocalypse.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
*It is backstage at Apocalypse and Barbosa is pacing back and forth in one of the main dressing rooms.

The room appears empty, not because he is so much the star attraction that he garners his own private space but because everyone else would rather be packed like sardines in the other communal dressing rooms than share space with the former World Heavyweight Champion, especially as he seems to be descending further into instability once again.

Well, not everyone is quite so wary as Barbosa is not quite alone. Leaning against the wall in a darkened corner, enlightened by the glow of a lit cigarette is Black Dragon. The likelihood of Barbosa not caring about him smoking indoors might also be playing a part.

However, so distracted by his own grumblings and up-coming triple threat match is he that Barbosa does not seem to be too bothered by Black Dragon’s presence.*

Barbosa: I feel like JR Ewing; every time I try to return to the straight and narrow someone forces me back down the path of destruction.

Not only did Showtime lock me in a cage, he then benefits from a ridiculous refereeing call. I kicked out of that roll-up but the referee just decided to count three anyway. I might have been able to shrug off such an injustice but this is hardly the first time Showtime has benefitted at my expense from a terrible call.

You remember the first time, don't you? Or maybe you do not remember it at all?

*With a wry smile, Barbosa turns towards Black Dragon.*

Barbosa: When I beat you to within in an inch of your life at Kingdom Come…

*This direct address and recounting of past damage fails to to drag a response from the ever stoic Dragon and Barbosa does not press it any further.*

Barbosa: Oh, I understand; too painful to talk about.

As for my opponents tonight, they are perhaps the biggest culprits of dragging me down. All I asked of that cardboard automaton and that basement-dwelling computer nerd was the answer to a simple. But they both refused to answer. And after I tried to press them to do so, they not only then ignored me like I was nothing, they interfered in my matches like I had somehow wronged them.

And then on that afterthought of a show Aftershock, not only did SHIT start using my moves, Alhazred decided to use such a screwdriver as a weapon, plunging it into the face of an opponent. That one action alone takes this little altercation to a whole other level of violence




Perhaps those are all the direction I need...

*Barbosa's mounting tirade and possible philosophical insight is interrupted by a knock at the dressing room door. It opens slowly to admit a delivery man, holding a package.*

Special delivery for a Mister… Bapsixoca?

*Barbosa ignores the latest mispronunciation of his name and signs for the package, with a smile on his face.*

Barbosa: It’s here!

*Barbosa quickly tears open the box to reveal…*


Barbosa: This is perfect! It will get me in the mindset for advancement, as well as providing me with another weapon in the ring. Just think how tightly I can clamp on Bipolar Disorder with this enhancing my strength. Perhaps I should get one for my other hand too.

Now where is the button for programming direction?

*Barbosa presses a few buttons on the glove. Of course, nothing happens. Despite no noise or movement coming from the corner, Barbosa looks angrily towards Black Dragon.*

Barbosa: Shut up Dragon! This is the greatest idea since… since…

*Barbosa then points his gloved hand at Dragon and hammers the volume button. Of course, again nothing happens. Perturbed by the lack of reaction from his new armament, Barbosa looks around for inspiration. Then something catches his eye – the box that his powerless glove came in.

For the next few minutes, Barbosa is a frenzy of folding, cutting, taping and drawing.

Eventually, as Dragon tries not to be interested at what Barbosa is doing, the former World Champion unveils the creation that he has now placed on his head.*


Barbosa: Not only will I take the physical benefits of the Power Glove, I will also channel the uncaring direction of a cyborg!

*Barbosa does a few superhero-esque poses and batters a few more buttons. This time the television in another corner of the room turns on.*

Barbosa: See! It works! This triple threat match is a foregone conclusion now! Alhazred is just Alhazred; SHIT is just SHIT. Now, I am not just Barbosa but also Alhazred and SHIT!

*The now fully confident Barbosa goes to exit the dressing room door, keen to show off his new attire. However, he fails to grasp the door handle with his now begloved hand and even when he does manage to open the door with his other hand, Barbosa then careens into the door frame due to the lack of peripheral vision offered by his SHIT head attire.

This clumsiness does seem to bring about a change in Barbosa’s in body language. The joviality that had prevailed since the delivery man knocked on the door seems to slip away to once again reveal the Barbosa who had been prowling around the dressing room, growing increasingly irate while recounting his recent problems. This relapse appears to be brief as a deep breath restores the more jovial demeanour.

Even Black Dragon, normally the stoic statue, gently shakes his head in incredulity at how the vengeance-fuelled machine that had been threatening brutality to all and sundry had been so quickly replaced, seemingly by choice, by the bumbling imbecile who just walked out the door with a computer game glove on his hand and a cardboard box on his head.

However, Dragon’s incredulity is quickly interrupted by a muffled crash from the hallway. Then even his laidback stance is interrupted as the dressing room door flings open with a massive book print on it.*

Barbosa: Get this thing away from me!

*With that, the first thing through the door is the largely powerless Power Glove, which flies through the air and crashes straight into the television screen it had turned on mere moments earlier. Barbosa then stumbles back into the room, still with the SHIT style box on his head. But not for long.*

Barbosa: And what the fuck is this monstrosity?

*Barbosa rips his “hat” off and then rips it into several pieces before launching it in the direction of the more alert Dragon.*

Barbosa: Forget all the ploys and mental games…

*Barbosa gestures to the broken, sparking television and the box shreds.*

Barbosa: That is what is going to happen in just a few short minutes. I am going to throw Alhazred and his Power Glove around from pillar to post and leave him lying in ruins. Then I am going to rip SHIT’s head off and tear it to pieces.

What? Do you want a preview? A repeat performance of Kingdom Come?

*After a brief stare down, knowing that there is little chance of a confrontation or perhaps not caring if there is one, Black Dragon nonchalantly moves back into the corner and lights up another cigarette.*

Barbosa: Shut up, Dragon.

*In response, Barbosa stalks back out of the room, slamming the door behind him.*
Klamor stands uncertainly in front of the Machine, S.H.I.T is not known for giving interviews, in fact the last time it had given one was just before Kingdom Come, summoning Klamor to a location exactly as it had done this time. Happily this time wasn't a long journey for the ageing journalist, it was only down to WZCW's temporary storage area for the PPV, where S.H.I.T is stood in front of its crate, the one apparently used to transport it from show to show.

For S.H.I.T's part is shows absolutely no sign of movement, nothing to give away the fact that it has noticed Klamor. It just stands in among all the other inanimate objects, still looking out of place, like it doesn't belong, like it does when it is in the ring, like it does when it is backstage. Perhaps this is what it is like everywhere for it.

Perhaps it is alone.

Klamor waves his hand up and down in front of The Machines face, which elicits precisely no reaction.

"Best get on with this," he mumbles to himself.

"S.H.I.T?" He says, making sure to spell out the acronym much like the Machine itself always does.

S.H.I.T turns its head to face Klamor, a slow deliberate movement that made him wonder whether S.H.I.T was awake and aware of his presence all along, it certainly showed no signs of just waking up as it were.

S.H.I.T stares at Klamor, a face with the painted expression radiating pure wrath, a seering hatred of the man and everything about him.

Greetings Jonny Klamor, S.H.I.T hopes you are well!

"Well, wait? You do?" He asked, visibly surprised.

Affirmative! The Robot replied, its voice as hollow and emotionless as ever.

"Well, thank you, I am well as it happens."

This is certainly excellent news, and how are the family?

"W. . ."


The sudden outburst takes Klamor by surprise, briefly left speechless while the Man Machine plunges on.

1 minute and 36 seconds have been wasted on this trivial, Human exchange!

"Then why did you initiate it?" He said, still clearly disgusted at being described as unimportant.

S.H.I.T turns the rest of its body to face the interviewer, enveloping Klamor in a somewhat possessive stance.

Initiate? Yes. . . Initiate is a fine choice of word. Machine like in its effectiveness and efficiency!

"Look if you are just going to waste my time with this nonsense then I am going to leave," He says haughtily. "I've got plenty of people I could be interviewing, plenty of people that are somewhat coherent even."

Klamor turns, shuffling out of S.H.I.T's personal space, carefully avoiding any kind of physical contact. Rarely did the Machine have the uncontrollable, violent outbursts that its opponents were capable of, but it never hurt to be sure.

. . . Wait! Klamor had to turn, something in the note of its voice, almost pleading him to turn back.

You were summoned here for a reason, that reason is because. . .

"Go on," Klamor said after a while, hesitant to rush S.H.I.T too much in case the Machine changed its mind, but still overly curious, as is his nature.

You were summoned because you were present on Aftershock! You were present when S.H.I.T succumbed to weakness. It allowed its judgement to become clouded, it allowed distractions to hamper it and cause failure.

"Your loss to Connor Reese?"

A failure, a failure of S.H.I.T's primary mission. . .

"Which is?" He asked, drawing closer.

The physical destruction of its opponents!

"And the distractions? Barbosa and Alhazred?"

The air around S.H.I.T seems to chill as the name of its opponents for tonight are mentioned. If it is possible to strike a nerve on this thing, Klamor may well have just succeeded.

Affirmative! It answered eventually.

But they are not the total of the problem, perhaps just the cause. S.H.I.T allowed its own judgement to become clouded with ideals, questioning its position in the company. It points to its head, at the point where the temple would be. It was an error that was. . . Human! It almost spat the word. And it resulted in nothing of importance happening, only negatives. Much like our earlier exchange where S.H.I.T asked of the trivial importance of yourself and loved ones. Cluttering up memory usage with unimportant things beyond control is worthless.

It only results in time wasting and failure.

"And you think Barbosa and Alhazred are the cause of all this? This cluttering up of memory usage?"


Since Barbosa has imposed himself on S.H.I.T's proceedings things have become worse. . . When S.H.I.T first scanned Barbosa, it scanned a collection of Human personalities locked into a single shell. Dangerous, but Human, and like all Human's, unimportant.
Then his change occurred, and when S.H.I.T scann. . . Negative, looked into his eyes, S.H.I.T saw a reflection of itself, twisted and lost, but still almost a whole reflection and S.H.I.T wanted to, had to, desired to crush it!

Klamor stares blankly.

Do you not comprehend Human?

Klamor shook his head, physically implying that he does in fact have no idea.

Feeble minded, squishy bodied organics. These. . . For lack of a better word, feelings were tantamount to a self destruct wish!

"Or. . . Or perhaps you didn't like the idea of there being competition?" He piped up.

The grey matter you call a mind is truly pathetic!

S.H.I.T was built for competition, an emotionless destroyer would be the perfect opponent. This one however, should be wiped off the face of the Planet. . . It is wrong.

"You are an emotionless destroyer. Should you be wiped off the face of the planet?"

A long pause.

S.H.I.T was built to be an emotionless destroyer, the idea of a Human becoming this way is perverted. It is wrong. Barbosa must realise this error, it is wrong. Incorrect!

The room which while huge, was jam packed full of stuff so as to not allow much space, suddenly felt even smaller. There stood in the darkness in front of the interviewer was a creature, who from Klamor's viewpoint was arguing that its very own existence was in fact, incorrect.

"What of Alhazred?" He said, changing the subject.

Alhazred. . . The manipulator. . . S.H.I.T needed no more reason to destroy Barbosa than the one it has previously mentioned. However, since this man has re-involved himself in S.H.I.T's affairs, S.H.I.T feels that it's mission to destroy Barbosa is no longer its own.
It is identical to the. . . Sensation that S.H.I.T felt while serving the Chaos. It is also wrong!

"But you attack everything anyway," he said. "Only a few weeks ago you decked two of our rookies."

They tried to remove S.H.I.T's protective bodywork. It was merely self defense.

Your time is over Jonny Klamor, you may now leave!

"Yes, but why? Why are you telling me all this now?" Said Klamor, not happy about this sudden gear change.

. . . There is no one else to tell! S.H.I.T quickly turns its head to face the interviewer. S.H.I.T thought that voicing the concerns out loud would make the solution more obvious.

"And has it?"

Affirmative, nothing has changed. Alhazred and Barbosa speak the language of violence!

Alhazred will be taught that he is no longer able to manipulate S.H.I.T at will, like some kind of. . . manipulator. He is unstable, and violent, an ideal opponent!

It pauses.

But once S.H.I.T and he, we had an understanding. . . He let the Machine loose in exchange for menial tasks and. . . other things. S.H.I.T and he were almost. . .

"Friends?" Klamor pumped up.

S.H.I.T ignored that.

He used and abandoned the Machine, like all the other Human's. They cannot be trusted.

None of them!

Barbosa however seems to have forsaken his Humanity.

Barbosa. . . S.H.I.T will show Barbosa the terrors of living the life of the emotionless Machine, whose sole purpose is to destroy. Perhaps he will see the error of that path, perhaps he will regain his lost Humanity and realise it is not a path fit for one such as he.
Or perhaps he will learn the answer he seeks, the bit of information that keeps the Machine going strong.

"You sound like you almost want to help him. . ."

S.H.I.T stares for a long moment, far beyond what is comfortable coming from a normal person, let alone this thing.

Do not misunderstand S.H.I.T Human! Barbosa and Alhazred are cut from the same cloth, they are both Human, they are both weak and they both need to be destroyed. Anything else would be a needless over complication! The same kind that brings nothing but failure and defeat! It does not matter if it is Dr Alhazred or Mister Alhazred. It does not matter if it is emotionless Barbosa or the Man Of Many Voices! They must be destroyed!

Klamor stares back now, he'd faced down S.H.I.T with difficult questions before, he was no coward.

"I guess we'll find out how strongly you stick to that conviction."

Your time here is done. You may leave!
Mister Alhazred is sitting in a chair in a dark room. In his Power Glove hand he’s twirling around the screwdriver he stabbed S.H.I.T. in the face with. He’s staring at it with a proud smirk covering his face. A look of anger comes over his face and he makes a stabbing gesture with the tool. He laughs softly and begins twirling it again, refusing to take his eyes off of it.

Leon Kensworth: Mister Alhazred? Mister Alhazred did you hear the question? Mister Alhazred!

Alhazred jumps and stares at Leon with a confused look.

Alhazred: What was the question again?

Leon Kensworth: I asked how you are preparing for your match this Sunday. You’ve got a tall task, taking on Barbosa and S.H.I.T.

Alhazred puts the screwdriver on the table in front of him; Leon is sitting across from him. As he puts it down he stares at it and keeps hand hovering over it, not wanting to let it go. He finally does and looks at Leon.

Alhazred: I’ve been preparing for a very long time for this match. After I returned I planned on re-forming Technology of Chaos with my old robotic pal, only to find out he had forsaken his master, forsaken our friendship in the name of his primary mission. I guess I have myself to blame for that. When he was in my control the only directive he was given was to “Destroy all in the name of Chaos”. But I allowed him too much freedom, that directive was too broad for a piece of tin like him. Does he truly believe that I’ve lost full control of him? Does he realize that no matter what he does, I will always be one step ahead of him? I showed last week on Ascension that I still have the ability to bend him to my will. Have I maintained full control of the machine? No, it’s too late for that, he’s too far gone. But for slights bursts of time, he is mine and he always will be. He defeated me in my return match, but that was a fluke and by disqualification. Had the insane Barbosa not interfered, I would have put S.H.I.T. down for good. You see that’s what he needs. He needs to be stopped; he’s like a dog that refuses to obey its master and continues to bite the hand that fed him. You can only try to regain control of him for so long. Too much effort has been put into trying to regain control that I think it’s time to put the unruly animal down. Make no mistake about it, he is an animal. Underneath the mechanical body lies a rabid animal, who’s lost all control of himself. Rabid animals must get put down and that’s what I intend to do. I’ve wounded him several times, the worse of which came on Aftershock when I drove that screwdriver into his face. I’ve wounded him but that hasn’t slowed him down, at least not enough to where I would feel comfortable. I will crush him and end his misery. That’s what he truly wants, he can claim all he does is for his mission all he wants but I know him better than anyone else, perhaps even more than himself. I know that the one thing he truly desires is to be free. I intend to set him free in the only way possible, by ending him. Because that’s what friends are for right Kittensworth?

Alhazred’s head turns to the side and he smiles at Leon.

Alhazred: Don’t you see Kittensworth? Don’t you see? I have to save him and that’s the only way. He may not consider me his master or his friend anymore but I will always consider him to be my friend and my robot. He’s too far gone at this point to go back to what he once was. It hurts me that I have to do this to him, it truly does. I loved him like a brother, shared countless memories and nights with him. All of those may mean nothing to a soulless machine like he has become but to me they mean a lot. I will be damned if I see him go down the path he’s heading down, the same one I was heading down before Missy enlightened me. He is heading down a path of darkness and destruction, he cares for no one and nothing, he only wants to destroy those he perceives as weak. I was there not long ago but I delved deeper into my madness and just wanted to hurt everyone. He’s almost reached that point and I don’t want that for him. I must stop him now, I must put him down. He claims to have no feelings but he does, I’ve seen them, I’ve been around him enough to now that deep down he does. I must stop him so he doesn’t feel the pain, anger and hatred that I felt. He must be stopped and I will stop him one way or another, I promise.

Alhazred holds up his fist and shakes it confidently. He picks up the screwdriver, holds it up to the light, like he’s inspecting it and then puts it back on the table.

Leon: What about the Ultimate Inmate Barbosa? You defeated him a few weeks ago in a one on one match but you never know what to expect from him. He is one of the most feared men in the locker room.

Alhazred shuffles in his seat, coughs and goes to reach for the screwdriver. He taps it and then tries to decide if he wants to pick it up. He decides not to and sits back in his chair. He clears his throat.

Alhazred: Barbosa is going to get it worse than S.H.I.T. His insertion into this feud, rivalry or revenge whatever you want to call it, with S.H.I.T. will be his downfall. I have said week after week since he started sticking his nose in OUR business to stay away or you’re going to pay. And he has paid, week after week I have embarrassed him. He has gone from a man in search of an answer to deal with his inability to find a purpose to a bumbling fool who is slowly becoming a laughing stock. He’s losing his edge and he’s losing it more and more every week. I hear the whispers in the halls, the talk at the water coolers and I even feel it in myself, Barbosa is losing the ability to induce fear on his opponents. No one is afraid of him any longer because he is a shell of what he once was. His search for direction has directed him to the path of the insignificant. This match is just going to make it worse. He can’t beat me, we all learned that a few weeks ago when I clocked him with a Level 5 and pinned his shoulders to the mat CLEAN. My old pal has the psychological advantage over him in this match as well. Barbosa fears S.H.I.T. he fears him because S.H.I.T. represents what he wishes he could be, what he once was but what he will never be again: a machine that simply wants to destroy. Barbosa had that killer instinct for a long time; it’s what made him dominate this company and what made him a World Champion. But he’s lost that instinct. I doubt his current state will last very long, something will snap in him as it always does and he’ll regain it I’m sure. But for now, I intend to capitalize on his weakness, exploit his downfalls and obliterate his face. I may hate Barbosa more than S.H.I.T., at least S.H.I.T. and I have some personal business to fight over but he is only in this because we wouldn’t answer his question. A question that a man and wrestler of his caliber shouldn’t need to ask, I will say at one time I respected Barbosa greatly. I’ve never liked him but I respected his abilities and the things he could and would do to other men’s bodies. But that respect is gone and all that remains is hatred and pity. Pity for this once great warrior now lost in the shuffle forcing his way into affairs that are of no concern to him. I despise him and I will end his attempt to shove me aside.

Leon: Shove you aside? Do I sense a bit of jealousy from the mighty Alhazred? I didn’t think you were the type.

Alhazred scrunches his face in rage and slams his fist on the table. He leaves his fist there and stares at the screwdriver for a moment. He touches it lightly with his pointer finger then sits back in his chair. He stares in his lap shortly, then lifts his head up at Leon. He breathes in deeply before beginning again.

Alhazred: It is not jealousy Kittensworth, it is simply me being tired of being shoved out of the spotlight by others. It’s happened my entire career here and WZCW and I’ve grown tired of it. I have been here for nearly two years now, am a former WZCW Tag Team Champion; a title the FP won from perhaps the greatest tag team of all time; a member of the 2011 Tag Team of the Year and I played an instrumental role in getting the Apostles of Chaos the win at Kingdom Come. Where is my praise? Where is my glory? Everyone forgets about old Alhazred, no one takes me seriously. If I go back to everything I’ve done in the company, even when I was a Tag Team Champion, even when I was a part of the Apostles of Chaos; I was never in the spotlight and I’m tired of it. My revenge on S.H.I.T. was between he and I and should have launched us into the top echelon of wrestlers here in WZCW. Me destroying S.H.I.T. would have finally legitimized my power. But Barbosa tried to steal that spotlight from me. Maybe it wasn’t intentional, I’m almost sure it wasn’t but it still doesn’t change the fact that once again I was playing second fiddle to he and S.H.I.T.’s battle over the “answer”. But I made sure my voice was heard and my greatness recognized I did that the only way I know how: through blood shedding. I pinned Barbosa clean, I forced S.H.I.T. into terrorizing him and last week I stabbed S.H.I.T. in the face. I forced the people to recognize that Mister Alhazred is a bad, bad man and must never be taken lightly or forgotten. Oh and don’t think this is me wanting those insects we call fans to get behind me, the only reason I want the spotlight and legitimacy is because I know that is what I need to even challenge for the greatest prize in this business; the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. I’ll say this and I’ll say it now, one day down the line my Power Glove will raise that title high in the air and you will remember that this match was my stepping stone. The utter annihilation of two of the most feared wrestlers in the world by the mighty Mister Alhazred. When historians look back at my title reign and rise to the top of the world, they will say it started at Apocalypse. A fitting name I guess although I guess it would be cliché of me to say “the Apocalypse of WZCW” starts this Sunday…well it does. I will tear these two men to shreds, I hold contempt for both men for different reasons and I have shown time and time again that when I hold hatred and rage, people get hurt. People bleed, people’s bones get broken and I rip them apart. I will have my revenge and I will take my spotlight that I deserve. When all is set and done I will have my glory.

Missy walks into the room and childishly smiles at Leon. She looks at Alhazred and he gets to his feet. Alhazred nods his head at Leon and exits the dark room, leaving Missy alone with him. She slithers closer to the table, looks at the screwdriver than looks at Leon. Suddenly she grabs the screwdriver and shoves it close to Leon’s face. She slides it gently down his face, down his neck, down his chest and stops at his groin. She raises her eyebrow and smiles. She brings the screwdriver high into the air….and brings it through her legs and drives it into the table behind her, just missing Leon. She covers her mouth and points and laughs at Leon before grabbing the screwdriver and heading for the door. She blows him a kiss before she leaves. Leon is sitting silently and scared, he shakes his head to regain his nerves then sniffs.

Leon: I think I shit my pants…
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