Apocalypse - Phoenix vs. Garth Black - Last Man Standing Match

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

The victory at Redemption wasn't enough for the score to be settled between former tag team partners Garth Black and Phoenix. Since the loss, Phoenix has become more dangerous and is fixated on defeating his former partner and has sent his message clear that Apocalypse will be the final place for them to finish this rivalry off.

The difference this time is that this is a Last Man Standing Match, no pins, no submissions, no disqualifications, the only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent so they can't answer a ten count. Who's going to be able to push themselves to the limit in order to finish off what use to be a long time friendship between the former champions? Expect a brutual and psychological encounter, this one is not for the feint of heart.

Deadline is Tuesday 22nd June 2010
The scene opens inside what looks to be a bingo hall. There are a bunch of folding chairs, about three-quarters of them being occupied. In the front of the hall is a slightly elevated stage with a table and three chairs on the left side of it. A banner across the front of the room says “Garth Black Look-A-Like Contest.” A few more of the seats get filled up as a man in a cheap suit walks on stage with a microphone and a goofy smile on his face.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to crown the winner of the Garth Black Look-A-Like Contest! Can we bring the three finalists out onto the stage?

Some cheesy music plays and two guys and a woman come out onto the stage, having varying degrees of similarity to Garth Black. All three have paper numbers attached to their clothing. The man on the left is wearing number 39, the woman is wearing number 93, and the other man is wearing number 8.

Now, the judges have tallied up the final scores. First, I would like to thank WZCW superstar Phoenix for helping to sponsor this event and being gracious enough to help judge! (The audience breaks into applause) Before we announce the winners, let us remind everyone of the prizes. The two runners-up will receive autographed photos of them and Phoenix. The winner will not only get their own autographed photo with Phoenix, but will also get a meet-and-greet with Phoenix immediately after the show and a variety of official WZCW merchandise.

The audience applauds again. All three contestants have slightly differing looks of nervousness and excitement.

First, the second runner-up, Number…93!

The crowd gives polite applause as she walks across the stage. She motions to the crowd, heads over and shakes all three judges’ hands, and exits the stage.

Can the final two contestants please step forward?

They both move toward the front of the stage, looking even more nervous than before. They shake hands and look toward the announcer.

And the runner-up is…Number…8! Which means Contestant Number 39 is the winner!

Contestant 39 jumps and screams in excitement. The two final contestants shake hands and embrace before Contestant 8 shakes the judges’ hands and exits the stage. The winner still looks to be in disbelief as the announcer begins to speak once again.

(To Contestant 39) Well, we are going to get you and Phoenix out to a limo and you have dinner reservations at Johnny’s Charhouse! Your prize package will be waiting here for you afterwards. Good night everybody!

The crowd begins to shuffle out, as Phoenix and “Garth” go out a side door and get into a waiting limo. Phoenix introduces himself, but stops “Garth” before he can do the same.

I’m terrible with names. Is it okay if I just call you Garth?

Sure! It would be an honor to be called that!

So is Garth some kind of hero of yours?

Oh yes, sir. The things he has accomplished in WZCW is hope for all kinds of smaller guys like myself that we can be successful in anything we do. May I ask you a question, Mr. Phoenix?

You may.

Why don’t you like Garth anymore? I thought you were best friends.

Phoenix clearly looks nervous at hearing this question. He looks out the window, and sees a way out of answering it.

Ahhh, we’re here. (The door opens, and the door into a building is right outside.) Please, after you.

“Garth” exits the limo, and looks around briefly before entering the building, followed by Phoenix.

This doesn’t look like Johnny’s Charhouse…

It’s a back entrance. Don’t want to stir all of the customers into a frenzy.

The room they are in is very dark. Phoenix seems to be looking for something, while “Garth” just seems to be lost.

Just ahead of you is a chair, Garth. Please take a seat while I go…alert the staff that we are here. I’ll be right back.

“Garth” sits in the chair as Phoenix disappears into the darkness. Suddenly, the lights come on. “Garth” is still sitting in his chair, but now he can see that he is in a small shed filled with steel chairs, kendo sticks, tables, and other assorted wrestling weapons. A calm smile comes across the face of Phoenix as he grabs one of the steel chairs and sets it up backwards in front of “Garth” and sits to speak with him once more.

So, Garth, I believe just before we exited the limousine, you asked me why I don’t like you anymore. Is this correct?

I asked why you and the real Garth aren’t friends. Where are we?

Ahh, I guess I should fill you in. Did you see what I had to say before the match last week? Well, another step that I failed to mention in my study of The Art of War is “The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town remains untaken.” So, what you will do, Garth, is help to rid me of my irritation before our match at Apocalypse. Understand?

“Garth” weakly nods yes, clearly terrified about the situation he finds himself in.

Now, Garth, we never were friends. We were business partners. We simply worked together to achieve our goal of becoming WZCW Tag Team Champions. We rarely, if ever, interacted outside of matches, and that worked for us. That is, until, I had the realization. The realization soon after you lost our tag team titles that you, Garth Black, were little more than a leech, using me to hide the fact that you were worthless.

How can you call Garth worthless? You’ve never beaten him! You couldn’t even pin him last week when he was down!

Phoenix looks furious that “Garth” would dare speak up, even more so that he called Phoenix out. Phoenix takes a deep breath, and begins to continue again.

I wondered if you have the courage to speak up, Garth. I must admit, that is one of the very few qualities you have that I do admire and please, don’t use third person. It annoys me.

Now you are correct in two things you say. I have never beaten you one-on-one and I didn’t pin you last week. There is no excuse for never beating you one-on-one before, something I plan to rectify at Apocalypse.

But as for last week, that is something I can explain. You see, I could’ve pinned you with ease in the tag match. But, I realized it would’ve been a hollow victory. What do I prove by pinning you, 1…2…3, in a tag team match on Meltdown? It became clear to me that pinning you or making you tap out isn’t my desire anymore. A 3-count won’t do, Garth. Only a 10-count will prove that I, Phoenix, the Eternal One, am the real Second Coming! I was the reason we held those tag team titles.

Phoenix’s voice goes from yelling to very quiet, and leans over to speak directly into “Garth’s” ear.

And that I am better than you.

“Garth” finally cannot take it anymore, and slaps Phoenix across the face. Phoenix pauses for a moment, then begins to chuckle as he walks over and folds up the chair he was sitting in.

Whoa, no way. You lay so much as 1 finger on me, and I will sue you, the people that organized this bullshit competition, and WZCW for everything all of you are worth! I already could get you charged with kidnapping!

Poor, poor Garth. First of all, this isn’t kidnapping. This is our meet-and-greet that you won. As for the rest of your rant, that waver you signed when you entered the competition cleared any and everyone of any liabilities that may happen. Just like always, Garth: You’re clever, but that doesn’t make you smart.

As soon as he finishes his sentence, Phoenix swings the steel chair and with a sickening thud, meets “Garth’s” skull. “Garth” falls into a heap on the floor, but Phoenix continues to connect with more chair shots to his back. He tosses the chair and looks frantically around the room to find his next item. A kendo stick catches Phoenix’s eye, and he goes to retrieve it. “Garth,” dripping with blood tries to stagger to his feet but instead, a crack echoes through the small room as Phoenix breaks the kendo stick across the back of “Garth’s” head.

C’mon Garth! Fight back! Prove that you’re better than me!

Phoenix goes across the room toward where a few wooden tables sit, throwing any steel chairs in his path at “Garth’s” nearly lifeless body. Phoenix stacks up two of the tables, before dragging the other two closer to the center of the room. He props up one table so it stands vertically, and uses the other to help it stay upright. Phoenix picks up “Garth” and throws him up against the standing table. Phoenix throws another chair, which connects with “Garth’s” head once again, which is now completely covered in blood. A gasoline can and matches are retrieved, and Phoenix sets the supporting table on fire. He goes back around and stops directly in front of “Garth.”

What’s about to happen is nothing compared to what I will do to you at Apocalypse. I will make sure that you have nightmares about me. All it will take is for someone to utter the name Phoenix to cause you to break out into a panic. I am the Second Coming, Garth, and no one, especially you, is going to stand in my way now.

Phoenix takes a step back and a deep breath, before connecting with the Rebirth, sending “Garth” through the upright table onto the burning one below. “Garth” is unable to even scream out in pain as the flames jump in excitement over their new fuel. Phoenix scales the stacked tables and screams out

Your Apocalypse comes now, Garth!

and jumps off the tables and goes through the blazing table with the Final Flight, putting himself and “Garth” through it and extinguishing the flames. Phoenix goes over to the door, where the limo driver is waiting.

Sorry that took so long. Take me back to my hotel. About 5 minutes after we arrive, call the police and tell them that a Marvin Schwartz has gone missing. Mention that he has a medical condition where he has severe hallucinations and the area in which he was last seen.

The limo driver nods and heads toward the driver’s door as Phoenix goes to sit in the back. He stops for a moment, and takes one last glance at "Garth's" bloodied, burnt, lifeless body.

Sure hope this turns out okay for him. That was the best training session I’ve ever had.

Screen fades to black.
We're in a trendy flat in New York, which has a lot of wrestling memorobilia on the wall. Garth Black is thoughtfully looking at the stuff on the walls with a local news style "I'm thinking about these things" look on his face. He goes to turn on his iPod and he puts it in an iPod dock. This song: is now playing quietly in the background, barely audiable.

There's a knock on the door, and Black opens it to see Becky Serra standing there.

Hello Becky! And welcome to my home.

Thank you for inviting me, I love this song.

The dreams in which you are dying are the best I've ever had, as it happens.

Charming. Anyway, if you hate me so much, why have you brought me here?

Well, first of all, it'll allow me to have a conversation with you without Phoenix showing up from nowhere and attacking me from behind, and secondly it was to show you these wrestlers on my wall, my inspiration. Do you know who they are?

Err... yeah

He points to a picture of the man who changed the face of the WZWF in the 80s, Bulk Brogan

So you know that this one here for example is Sulk Bogan, the biggest man of the Surfermania? Always a bit moody though.

Of course!

Next he points to the photo of technical wizard Chett Bart

And you know that this one here is Vet Dart, the variance of vaccination?

Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't know about wrestling! I love Vet Dart

He points to a picture of multiple time WZWA champion Charlie Ace

And this man here, Barley Mace?

He revolutionised the business!

Oh, you mean when he used to get out the medieval weapons and wear chainmail? An also attack people with crops

Yeah, in many ways he foreshadowed the mayhem division.

Garth points to a picture of a man from the 80s. He has long hair and a beard, and is wearing neon tiger-print wrestling tights

Quite. What about this man here? Do you know who he is?

Yeah, what do you take me for?

Well so far I've pointed to a picture of three of the greatest stars in the history of wrestling, and given them ridiculous names and characters, and you haven't batted an eyelid. They're real names, by the way, are written on the frames. I'm asking you, who is this man?

The name on the frame says "Daddy Mack", but I know I've never heard of him.

Neither have I.

Then why is his picture up on the wall?

He represents what I must strive to avoid. I want to make a name for myself. I want to be heard of. In 20 years time, when you've long since been found with half of Afghanistan in your blood in a sleazy hotel room, I want the Garth Black of the future to be pointing to a picture of me saying "That's Darth Smack" to some idiot reporter who doesn't no any better. No offense. But seriously, I want to go down in wrestling history and I can't do that if I don't start by beating Phoenix. I want to be the Brawn Cycles of Second Coming, while Phoenix is the Arty Rosetti.

I want my picture to be with those guys, the first three we discussed, I don't want to be like that guy, I am the future, whereas Phoenix has peaked, he's had his day, and he's going to want to return to the flames by the time I've finished with him.

Garth Black moves to step out onto the balcony of the flat. As he does so, a rooftile slides off the roof and strikes him on the head.

JESUS! Are you ok Garth? He's still breathing, but I think he's slipping out of consciousness...

The camera briefly fades to black and the sound turns off


The picture comes back and we have a close up ofGarth Black's eyes which are slowly opening. He looks into the room, the decoration is much less modern. There's only three pictures on the wall in the same place as the ones before, however in place of Bulk Brogan, Chett Bart and Charlie Ace, there are now pictures of older stars Drew Fez, Jerry Monk and Juno Tambarrino. There isn't a picture . In the corner there's a tapedeck playing this song

Suddenly a man with a bald head and a moustache comes into the room.

Who are you?! Where's my iPod?!

I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm here to talk to you about your big match, remember?

Who are you?

I'm Mene Gene Hunterland, WZWA's primary interviewer, but I'm sure you knew that.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I hit my head and just got a bit funny. Where's Becky? I thought she was interviewing me?

A woman? On a wrestling show? Doing something? You must have hit your head pretty hard. You've got the biggest match of 1983 ahead of you.

1983? Has Phoenix paid you to take me out or something?

I'm in no mood for this. It's 1983, it has been 1983 for several months now, and you have the biggest match of your career against Daddy Mack. I have no idea who this Phoenix you're talking about is, but you need to have your focus.

I have my focus. It's a last man standing match, right?


Right, well Phoenix, Daddy Mack, it doesn't matter who I'll be fighting because the resiliance within me will always rise before the ten count. The end is nigh for both of them. There's noboy who can keep me down. Resurrection, resucitation, I've got the ability to do it all. Phoenix, I mean Mack, has never pinned me, has he?

No, no he hasn't

That was rhetorical, I obviously knew that. Anyway, Phoe-Mack has never had anything on me but the element of surprise. I've never had to attack him from behind because I'm perfectly capable of hitting him from the front. In our match this weekend, I'll know what's coming, and frankly, it won't be very much, because he is a chump, and he's never beaten me in a fair fight.

Well, you heard it folks, Garth Black has some strong words for Daddy Mack ahead of their match at Darrcade this weekend, back to Chinchilla Pontoon at ringside.

A piece of camera equipment from off screen falls and knocks Black to the floor. He looks to be outcold

Garth! Garth! Garth! Garth! Garth!


The music in the background changes back to this [YOUTUBE]4N3N1MlvVc4[/YOUTUBE], e are back in the original room


You hit your head, but the doctor says you'll be fine in a few hours. How are you feeling?

Fine actually.

When you were out cold, we had our runners do some quick internet research for you. I know who he is!

So do I, he's Phoenix. Or at least the 80s answer to him

No, apparently Daddy Mack was a wrestler in the early 80s who lost so decisively in a Last Man Standing match that nobody ever heard from him again.

Exactly. I think the guy who beat him was called The First Coming. Or something like that, anyway. I'm a busy man Becky, and I have to prepare, so if you don't mind, kindly return to your street corner.

Becky leaves, as Black looks at his pictures in disbelief.
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