Apocalypse: Noah Ryder vs. Veejay

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Director: Ready?

Veejay: Yes

Director: Roll camera… Action!

Veejay: Hello, I am Veejay. WZCW superstar. I am not here to talk about my accomplishments outside the ring, but what I am going to do inside it. Noah, I know you didn’t mean it, but it was still a crappy stunt to pull. Yes, you are the King For A Day, and all that, but it was still crappy. So, when we square off at Apocalypse, don’t expect me to go easy on you. It’s about honor; it’s about respect. I respect the hell out of you for what you’ve accomplished, but it’s about time I showed what I am made of. *Veejay turns away from camera only to turn back* Be ready! Apocalypse is upon you and me!

Director: Aaaand cut! Awesome, Veejay! I’ll piece it all together for your match’s video package and edit it with the rest of the show. Thanks!

The director departs with rest of his crew. Veejay remains there with Dilip in the backstage area.

Dilip: What’s the matter?

Veejay: Why? What happened?

Dilip: Your performance was as good as always, but I saw doubts in your words. Like you didn’t believe what you were speaking.

Veejay: You caught that? Yes, Dilip. I have doubts. Ever since I’ve come back, I have done my absolute best, but it turns out my best isn’t good enough. For the first time, I am on the receiving end of some shady in-ring business; be it James Howard, or Titus Avison. I am tired of it.

Dilip: I understand, man. But you cannot let it cloud your judgement. Things haven’t gone your way recently, so what? Pick yourself up! You are Veejay. VEEJAY. Remember? When you step inside that ring, there is no one better than you. You just have to believe that.

Veejay: I don’t know.

Dilip: Hey! You decided to come back to wrestling. No one forced you. So be a man, and prove to this world once again what you and I already know. Okay? You think you can do it?

There’s a moment of pause. Then, next moment, Veejay rises from his chair with a spark in his eyes.

Veejay: Yes! Yes, I can do it. I am fucking Veejay! I will rise above them all and reclaim my glory.

Dilip: That’s the spirit! Now, what’s for lunch?

Veejay gives Dilip a ‘what’ expression as we fade out.
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