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Apocalypse: Mick Overlast (c) vs. Justin Cooper Elite X Championship

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Having seen off the challenge of former champion Triple X, Mick Overlast defends against the man who seemingly has his number. Cooper has pinned the champ in successive weeks and has all the momentum after ditching his rookie to chase gold.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
It’s become a common occurrence to find Justin Cooper in some sort of crazy situation these last few weeks. First it was a classroom where he pretended to be a teacher and then it was Justin dressing up like a chef while cooking pancakes. What more could this man do in his quest to gain the Elite X Championship? Today Justin Cooper finds himself sitting outside of the arena which will hold the Apocalypse pay per view event. This time Justin is dressed like a dragon! It’s a big blue dragon outfit with little horns, a long tale and claws. The outfit has little yellow dots all over it and the mouth of the dragon has large white shiny teeth. Surprisingly Justin is on the phone talking to someone and is doing so quite loudly.

Justin: How can you be out of pancake mix?

The conversation continues with the person on the phone replying.

Justin: I’m sorry but I find it hard to believe that a store called “Pancake World” could be out of pancake mix. Do you see why I would be confused?

Once again the person replies but we can’t hear them, Justin looks less than impressed by the answers he is receiving.

Justin: I don’t care if I used up the entire shipment intended for China. I don’t care if a bunch of small children will go hungry in Brazil. Do you not understand that I have more important things to do than dealing with you? You’re working a dead end job woman! I’m going to be a champion in a few hours.

The woman on the phone cuts Justin off as he rants. She tells him something which pisses the number one contender off even more.

Justin: How dare you! Listen buddy just because I’m not a tooth missing redneck like the rest of you Americans doesn’t mean I don’t have rights. You can’t hang up on me… hello… hey did you hang up? Hello, DID YOU HANG UP ON ME? I NEED MORE PANCAKE MIX YOU FOOL!!!

With the conversation coming to an end Justin throws the phone across the car park directly in front of him.

Justin: This is bullshit. Do they not know who I am? Sure I’m dressed like a cute little dragon but I’m Justin Cooper. The next Elite X Champion! Surely everyone knows who I am?

Justin’s conversation with himself is cut short by a car pulling up and it just so happens to run over his phone, crushing it to pieces in the process.


Infuriated by the car running over his phone Justin jumps to his feet, as best he can in the dragon suit, and heads directly for the driver of the vehicle. With great force Justin rips the door open and is ready to strike the driver until he realises that the driver is in fact his buddy Iris!

Iris: What the fuck are you dressed in?

Justin lowers his fist and releases his grip on the door.

Iris: Can you hear me or is that stupid dragon outfit blocking your ears?

Justin: You ran over my phone.

Iris: We are just hours away from the biggest match in your career and you’re worried about a stupid bloody phone?

Justin: I could have had important information on that phone. What if Mick Overlast gets his hands on it and works out my weaknesses?

Iris: Your weaknesses are listed on WZCW.com in your roster profile anyway. I’m sure he already knows your weaknesses.

Justin: You’re telling me that someone at WZCW.com has posted a profile about me which has my weaknesses listed?

Iris: It’s been there for two years Justin.

Justin: Well someone needs to do something. Call the Prime Minister or a Kardashian! I can’t have people knowing my weaknesses before battle.

Iris: Yeah … that’s the biggest problem we have at the moment.

Justin: Glad you feel the same way.

The two men begin to walk side by side as they approach the steps of the arena.

Iris: I’ve got to ask, why are you wearing a dragon outfit?

Justin: It’s simple really.

Iris: Don’t even try to tell me you have a simple explanation for this. You’re dressed in a blue dragon outfit and you were sitting outside of the arena screaming about pancakes. I could hear you from down the street.

Justin: Well I was making more pancakes for some of the guys in the back to try and cut down the support Mick will have tonight. I don’t want anyone in the back to be cheering him tonight no matter what. I don’t care if he helps a small African child to find fresh water; I want people to boo him. So my plan was to continue to make pancakes but I needed a way to get the children to support me. Then it hit me, children love cute little dragons! So I ran down to the shop and got this for twenty bucks. Pretty smart plan if I do say so myself.

Iris: It’s ridiculous. I’ve seen five year olds come up with better plans for events than this. Honestly you think this is going to work?

Justin: Why wouldn’t it?

Iris: Because it’s crazy. Plus why would you want the people to cheer you?

Justin: Not cheer me but boo Mick. The guy obviously can’t deal well under pressure so if I get the entire audience to boo then I’m sure he’ll crumble right into my hands. With a sold out arena sending nothing but negative energy toward him I’m sure Mick will be overwhelmed.

Iris: People have been booing Mick since the day he came into the company. What would be the difference if they booed him during the match?

Justin stops walking and flicks off the head of the dragon outfit. Slowly Justin begins to take it off but ends up falling over on the ground when he can’t get his left leg out. After a little help from Iris the situation is resolved and Justin is back to his feet.

Justin: Iris I don’t think you’re seeing the big picture here. I’m doing everything I can to put Mick off his game for tonight. I’m not going to let that fool come into our match with any sense of confidence tonight. It’s all about setting the match to go the way I want it. If I want Mick to only work my arm than I’m going to do everything I can to make sure my arm looks perfect for him to take. If I want him to do some high flying moves than I going to stay on the ground and wait for him to climb to the top rope before pouncing on him. You may not agree with my methods of getting Mick to be off his game but it has worked twice before and I’m planning on make it third time the charm tonight.

Iris: He’s going to step up tonight. This isn’t going to be easy.

Justin: I know that. In fact I’m looking forward to it. I’m ready for Mick to give me a challenge for once. I’ve beaten the guy three times, with two of them being in the past two weeks. He’s never been able to defeat me. I’m that guy that Mick would see in high school that forced him to sit on the bench during a football game. I’m that guy that stopped Mick from winning his race in the swimming carnival. You know that guy that just keeps stopping you from achieving success? Well for Mick that guy is me. Until he beats me than his little title run is worthless. Until he gets a pinfall or submission win over me, than his goal of being the best will never be achieved.

Iris: I’m not sure Mick believes that. He’s been so focused on Triple X that he hasn’t even responded to the things you’ve said about him.

Justin: Mick can talk about Triple X for the entire week if he wants but tonight he isn’t standing across the ring from Triple X. He’s not standing across the ring from a drug addict. Tonight Mick Overlast is going to look across the ring at a hungry son of bitch that’s gunning for the Elite X Championship. You know that I’m not going to back down Iris. You know that tonight is going to be the chance I’ve been waiting for. I’m ready to fight, I’m ready to wrestle and I’m ready to take twelve pounds of gold from Mick and place it on my shoulder.

Iris has a smile on his face after hearing Justin deliver his words of wisdom as they stand on the doorstep of the arena. Tonight the arena will be the host to the biggest match of Justin’s career, and after throwing off the dragon outfit, Justin appears to be prepared in the best way for his championship match. He’s confidence is high and Iris will be there to support him step by step.

Iris: You ready for this?

Justin chuckles at the notion that he isn’t ready. He then turns toward Iris and places his hand on the shoulder.

Justin: I’m the only thing stopping Mick Overlast from achieving greatness and he knows it. The question should be, is Mick Overlast ready? I doubt it.

The door shuts leaving the parking lot to once again return to a field of silence. Moving away from the door we see a final image of the blue dragon outfit that Justin wore earlier. It’s the only sign of the outlandish plan Justin had in place today and remains in our sights until we fade to black.
It's the night of Apocalypse, and the crowd is starting to file into the bowl of the arena, carrying signs and food and drinks to their seats. There are kids in WZCW merchandise scattered throughout the place. Their parents fit in into one of two groups: one embraces the atmosphere and enjoys the time spent with the kids, while the other would rather be anywhere but here. But no matter who the people in attendance are there to see or root for, no matter if they come for entertainment or to get drunk and yell random obscenities, one thing is made clear as this tune plays over the speakers:


They all hate Mick Overlast.

With the Elite X title belt draped over his shoulder, Overlast steps out onto the ramp, feeling the negative energy from the boos that the fans are surrounding him with. He's not wearing his trademark suit, having chosen to address the people in his wrestling attire. He walks to the ring slowly, taking his time as if he's relishing the moment. He turns his head from side to side, glaring at the people jeering him, giving them the slightest hint of a cocky smirk. Overlast ascends the steel steps outside of the ring and steps inside of the squared circle, venturing over toward the announce table to get a microphone. He walks back toward the center of the ring and looks at the fans before opening his mouth to speak.

But nothing comes out.

A hush begins to fall over the crowd, more out of confusion than anything. Overlast grins as he sees the looks on the fans' faces, and holds the belt up high, drawing out the boos that are so familiar to him. He puts the microphone to his lips again, and this time, he actually speaks.

Overlast: For once, there isn't a whole lot for me to say.

He points to the crowd as he slowly turns all the way around.

Overlast: You all know my past with Cooper, and that I haven't beaten him. It started with my debut match here in WZCW and has continued up to this very moment. Even this belt on my shoulder hasn't prevented me from falling to him.

I am at a level with this company that I have never been at before, while my opponent tonight is going through yet another identity crisis. Just in the time that I've been here, he's gone from being a rapper to being a cult leader to...a pancake chef. If I can't beat him at this point in my career, I may never do it.

Something's gotta give tonight. And so it will.

Overlast drops the microphone and gazes out into the crowd, holding the Elite X title belt up one more time before looking at the gold plate for a few moments. He puts the belt over his shoulder and exits the ring, not bothering to look at the people as he makes his way up the ramp and behind the curtain.
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