Apocalypse: Mentorship Programme Relay Match

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Krypto/Darren Bull/Angel/Scott Williams/Isabel Stone/Arashi to post in this thread.

Under Relay rules, six rookies compete for win in order to secure immunity in the next round and the loser here after 25 minutes will leave the programme for good. Mentors Steamboat Ricky and Titus have been trusted to oversee the action from ringside.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
The Misadventures of Krypto

Apocalyptic Race to the finish




About eight hours before Meltdown, Ascension, and AfterShock.

Krypto: This isn’t a very safe day care center.

Krypto whispers to the very disgruntled tag team champions Action Saxton and Saboteur who along with Krypto are sitting in a jail cell after their recent scuffle at a soup kitchen.

Krypto: I mean the ground is unkempt; the metal bars are rusty and contagious, the toilet over there is extremely dirty and those huge menacing angry looking men over there are hardly fit to be caretakers. I honestly don’t understand why you humans send your people to this place called Jail, it seems more like a punishment then it is a vacation.

Saboteur: We don’t have time for this! Ever since we got stuck with you bad things have happened to us Krypto. We lost to two single wrestlers who have nowhere near as much chemistry as me and Saxton have, we got verbally mauled by evil politician and now we’re in jail. What do you have to say for yourself!

Krypto: That’s it’s been a pretty interesting couple of days, much more excitement here on Earth then I ever imagined. I wouldn’t worry about Tastic and Constantine though, there not a tag team, it’s not like you’re going to have to defend your belts against them in the future right?

Saboteur: That’s not the point; you’ve been like a bad luck charm to us. We’re the freaking tag team champions and we’re stuck behind bars with a bunch of low life criminals!

There’s dead silence in the cell after Saboteur’s angry remarks, the men across the room from the Krypto and the tag champs don’t take kindly the Saboteur’s insult. The tallest, hairiest, and ugliest of the three prisoners’ steps up to Saboteur. The height advantage does not weigh in Saboteur’s favor.

Prisoner: You want to say that again puny costumed man?

Saboteur: Well….um….actually…..

Saxton: Now hold up sucka!

Action Saxton, who’s been unusually quiet and relaxed in the corner, has suddenly ripped off his shirt and has joined the conversation and steps up to the massive prisoner.

Saxton: Now usually being the badass I am I would have laid all you suckas out! But you see I’m in a dangerous mood and I feel if I we’re to fight you fools I would not be able to control my rage. So do yourselves a favor and just walk away.

Prisoner: I am Raj Mahal! This is my cell and I don’t walk away from anyone!

Saxton: Then I guess I’m about to lay the smack down.

Saxton readies his fighting stance as Raj flexes his massive muscles. Saboteur curls behind one of the cell beds while Krypto walks right in between Saxton and Raj.

Saxton: What are you doing fool?! Get out the way!

Krypto: No I cannot…..Saboteur was right, things haven’t gone as smoothly for you guys since I’ve came into your lives. I cannot allow you to be destroyed by this massive man Saxton, let me take care of this.

Saxton and Saboteur look on as Krypto begins to almost mimic Saxton’s karate stance to a tee.

Saxton: Hey fool those are my moves!

Krypto: I know I’ve been watching you in the ring, I think I’ve learned your ancient human art of karate!

Krypto cocks his fist back and smashes it into the massive stomach of Raj only to immediately grasp it back in pain while Raj hasn’t been affected by the punch at all.

Krypto: This human’s midsection…..it’s like stone!

Raj: Time to crush puny space looking man!

Saboteur: Looks like we’re getting our wish Saxton, rest in peace Krypto!

Just as Raj is about to smash Krypto he is interrupted by the police officer on the outside.

Officer: Saboteur, Action, Saxton, and Krypto. You’re free to go, your bails been set.

Saxton: By whom?!

The officer opens the cell gate and Saxton, Saboteur, and a slightly injured Krypto quickly file their way out of the cell to see Krypto’s overweight friend Lars almost star struck at the sight of the tag team champions.

Saxton: Mikey Stormage!

Saxton tackles Lars mistaking him for the former tag team champion and upcoming opponent. Saboteur and Krypto quickly pull him off.

Krypto: Stop, this is my friend Lars.

Saxton: Oh…..well sorry I had to lay the smackdown on you fool; you look very similar to a….uh opponent of mine.

Lars struggles his way up off the floor breathing heavily.

Lars: Wow, I’ve been attacked by Action Saxton….that’s so cool!

Raj who’s still stuck behind the cell begins to bark at Krypto.

Raj: When I get out of here I’m coming for you puny space man!

Krypto: That human is terrifying.

Lars: Don’t worry you guys have bigger problems.

Lars pulls out his new iphone 5 and brings up a YouTube video of a compilation of News channels talking about the arrest of the tag champs and Krypto.

CNN Reporter: Well three men who were the targets of the Republican politician Clint Romeny’s vicious speech and men who were accused of beating down homeless people have seemingly been confirmed of doing it again.

The video then pans to clips of Krypto, Saboteur and Saxton being placed and handcuffs and hauled off to jail.

CNN Reporter: WZCW tag team champions Action Saxton and Saboteur and their friend Krypto can be seen here being escorted from a soup kitchen after severely burning a homeless man with piping hot soup. Since this has happened Clint Romney has issued a response to the situation.

The video then switches over Romney once again delivering a speech to this time a much smaller crowd of people behind a podium.

Romney: What more do you need? What more do you need to see to prove that these men are monsters! These men are psychopaths, these men are pure evil. These men have now been confirmed for the second time of having hurt innocent homeless people, this time at the only place they can be safe, a soup kitchen. The Obama administration refuses to do anything about this but I won’t let it stand. Krypto, Action Saxton, Saboteur…..I’m coming for you soon enough.

Saxton: I’ve seen enough sucka!

Saxton smacks the phone right out of Lars’s hand and it smashes on the floor, he begins swearing while Saboteur tries to calm him down. Lars is visibly sad and devastated that the phone he had been waiting in line hours for is now destroyed but refuses to shed a tear around his idol.

Saboteur: Look we got to focus Saxton, I know you don’t like your American pride being questioned and I know you want to hurt this Romney guy but we got Strikeforce to deal with. Let’s get out of here and regroup.

Saxton and Saboteur leave the Jail with Lars who is carrying Krypto on his back not far behind.

Immediately after Aftershock

Krypto: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Krypto is seen bouncing off the walls and hugging staff members after his first win via Scott Williams. He hits a running chest bump with Lars and is knocked back into the catering table, he doesn’t let his clumsiness affect things though as he continues celebrating all over the arena.

Krypto: I finally did it! I finally won!

Saboteur: Yup, that’s great…..

Saxton and Saboteur are walking behind Krypto and Lars looking a little depressed probably due to them losing in singles competition to Strikeforce on Ascension and the announcement that they will defend their belts against four other teams at Apocalypse.

Krypto: Why aren’t you guys happy? I finally won with you guys by my side.

Saxton: That’s good for you sucka but we got more important things to deal with, I think you’ll be flying solo for that Relay match at Apocalypse.

Saboteur and Saxton leave Krypto and Lars in an empty hallway as they enter Saxton’s Coupe De Ville and drive off aggressively.

Krypto: Relay match?

Lars: You didn’t hear? It’s the match all the rookies will be competing in at Apocalypse, the loser will be eliminated and the winner will be free from elimination on the next Aftershock.

Krypto: Relay match, so I have outrun my opponents to win huh?

Lars: No it’s just a metaphor; you actually have to…..

Krypto: I must train! I’m nowhere in good physical condition to run this Relay you’re speaking of. How long is it anyway? 10 terrograms? 6 limojams? 100 novameters?!

Lars: Those aren’t even units of measurement.

Krypto: On my planet they are!

Lars: Look we have to….

Krypto: No! We shall begin training for this Relay match in the morning, for the rest of the night we celebrate!

8 Hours later…..

Krypto and Lars are standing in an empty gym; Krypto is wearing a small pair or gray sweat pants and a sweat shirt over his costume.

Lars: Are we really going to do this?

Krypto: Yes, if I want to win I must run.

Lars: Is the music really needed?

Krypto: Just play it! After watching the human movie you people call "Rocky" this is the way all you humans train right?


Krypto begins attempting to lift 100 pound weights but failing miserably. He then tries to pushups but only manages to do one and then tires out. He crawls over to a punching bag and begins striking furiously until he once again becomes exhausted. The scene switches over to Lars cracking two eggs in a blender, mixing them, and pouring them into a glass and Krypto drinking them. He immediately spits them back out and clutches his throat on the floor like he’s choking. The scene eventually transitions over to Krypto jogging on a running track while Lars follows on the side of him riding in a golf kart.

Krypto: This has been really exhausting.

Lars: It’s only been fifteen minutes….

Krypto: How long does the Relay last?

Lars: Twenty-five…..

Krypto: Okay I think it’s time a take a break.

Krypto hops inside the passenger side on the kart.

Lars: I think you should be worrying more about your opponents than the time limit Krypto.

Krypto: Look I’m fully aware the odds aren’t exactly in my favor but in no way am I the weakest of the six rookies left in this competition.

Lars: What about Angel, he defeated you in his first match.

Krypto: A match where I thought he was my tag team partner, a lot has changed since then anyway, I wouldn’t exactly say he’s been successful in everything he’s done.

Lars: He has beaten Darren Bull.

Krypto: From what I’ve seen from my observations a broom stick could beat Darren Bull if it tried hard enough. Plus Angel lost to Bull the following week after his debut. He even lost this past week on Meltdown. I’m sure I would be able to call Angel a friend in any other circumstance but I want to win, I need to win. Him hiding behind that human bible of his isn’t going to help him.

Lars: Isabel Stone has been pretty impressive lately; she beat Arashi, a person who you couldn’t defeat. Plus she’s really hot.

Krypto: Attractiveness aside Isabel is a hothead, manipulative female. She can't control her temper and is really annoying. She may have beaten Arashi, but something felt off about him that night. He wasn't the same Arashi I faced. Like he wasn’t all there, almost as if he didn’t even show up to the match at all…..regardless I’m not going to fall for whatever cheap tricks she has planned.

Lars: Well what about Arashi himself, you still haven’t beaten him.

Krypto: That might be so but it’s a different playing field this time around, it’s not just me and him he’s going to have worry about four other people and me, he might be tough but there’s no way he’s going to be able to keep his guard up the whole time. When he least expects it I’m laying down the Kryptonite!

Lars: Well you should never count out Scott Williams or Darren Bull. No matter how hopeless their future seems.

Krypto: While their records may say otherwise I’m sure neither Williams not Bull are going to be extremely easy to beat this time around. They both know they are the rookies who have made the least improvement or success since the program started, which will make them even more desperate to win. But the problem is they are both just less successful, more egotistical, overall boring and generic version of their mentors. Darren is a person who always takes one step forward and about three steps back and Scott hasn’t even moved an inch. I’m well aware they might could sneak in and steal the match but I’d be lying if I said I’m worried about those two more than the others.

Lars: You seem very confident since your first win Krypto.

Krypto: I believe I am Lars, hit the music, I’m going to finish this last lap on my own.


Krypto hops out of the kart and sprints as fast as he possibly can around the race track until he hits the finish line. He raises his arm in the air and begins jumping around very proud of himself.

Lars: Krypto! Watch out!

Krypto: What?

A black limo speeds up behind Krypto and he’s yanked inside the back window by a trench coated figure wearing black gloves and ink blotted mask. The car speeds off before Lars is able to catch up.

Reaper: Remember me you little weirdo……

Krypto looks on his horror while he’s locked in the grip of the bounty hunter; he looks to other seat of the limo to see the sick grim of none other than Clint Romney.

Romney: Nice to finally meet you Krypto.
A bright and early morning in the small town of Clovis, New Mexico. The place where Angel last saw his brother, Adan, alive.

"Adan. Eight years ago you were set free by our Lord. He gave you a chance to live with him in Heaven and you took it. While I do miss you greatly, I am also happy. I know it wasn't easy trying to be a parent, but you did a great job. I love you so much Adan."

Angel kneels down and a tombstone is seen that reads:

"Adan Herrera Jr.
July 14th, 1984-May 15, 2001
Finally Free"

Angel picks up a single rose from the ground next to him. He rubs it against his mask where is lips areas if to kiss it and sets it next to the tombstone.

"You are free my Brother. I hope to see you again one day. I know we will."

Later that night, Angel is sound asleep in his bed. A loud noise is heard inside his hotel bathroom. He jumps out of his bed and looks at the door. He goes and opens it. Nothing. He sighs and turns around and his heart sinks. He was staring at himself sleeping. Surely he must be dreaming. Another crash sends him turning back around towards the bathroom. He nearly faints. Standing in front of him is Adan.

"Adan...?" He whispers. "Is that you...?"

Adan looks at him. He smiles a bit and nods. Then they both rush and hug.

"How is this possible?"

"You entered the spirit world but that's not important. What is important though is that you need my help."

"Your help with what?"

"You're career. I have been following you and your matches. Triple threat win over Kypto and Scott Williams, a loss verse Darren Bull, teaming with the tag champs and you're mentor, and the rest. But you have never competed in a Relay Match before. If you lose, you are out of the mentorship. There is a lot on the line."

Angel sits on his bed. The thought of losing the program makes him disoriented. Adan comes over and sits next to him. He puts his arm over his little brother and tries to comfort him.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to be so blunt."

"No, no. It's fine. I should have be thinking this all along. I need to be more focused on the prize."

"Not just the prize. You need to find out who you are as a wrestler. Look at your mentor Titus. He is pretty much the Superhero of WZCW. He has been here since day one. He is a veteran. He knows the ups and downs. He knows the ring like the back of his hand."

Adan stands up and goes leans against the wall in front of Angel.

"You have the chance of a life-time right now, brother. You have the chance to make something of the Herrera name. Make something of Angel. Only one man can win this thing."

"You are right like usual, Adan."

Adan smiles at his brother.

"I think it's time for you to rest. I'll still be around but you can only enter the spirit world when you sleep. So if you need me, you know how to get in touch."

Angel springs awake, panting trying to catch his breath. He gets sad as he realizes that he had just been dreaming. He shakes his head. What a horrible dream. Dreams are suppose to be peaceful. That made him upset. He was just a victim of the worst nightmare ever.

A day goes by and Angel is out for an afternoon jog. The days are getting closer until Apocalypse and he can start to feel his nerves kicking in. All of a sudden, a branch breaks from a tree over him and falls, smashing into his head, leaving Angel unconscious.

"Angel. Angel it's me wake up."

Angel moves a finger and starts to come through.

"Angel? Thank God you are awake."

"Am I dead?" He says in a calm but scared voice.

Chuckling "No. You are just knocked out, but you are fine."

"I thought the other night was a dream."

"It is kind of like a dream. You can only see enter the spirt world when you are asleep. It's like I'm here but not at the same time. None of this will ever seem real. But I'm glad you are here. You need to listen to what I have to say. You're opponents are not push-overs. They are strong, quick, and smart. All great competitors. And all of them have great mentors as well. Arashi is really fast in the ring. Watch out for him. He probably has a lot of hatred for what Isabella Stone did to him. He has revenge on his mind. Instead, focus on Scott Williams. He seems to be weakest of the bunch. And don't even worry about the rest of your opponents. What you need to do is pick your spots. You need to hit people from behind. You need to...."

"Hold your tongue, Adan. I don't attack anyone from behind. Whether or not they would do the same to me is not of importance. I won't ever do that to another person."

"I know that you have your morals and whatnot but you need to focus on winning."

"I don't need to cheat to win. I can do anything I put my mind to. And that includes winning this Relay Match."

"I don't doubt your skills Angel, but I think you need the edge. Think about what this win can do for the orphanage."

"I can get the money without cheating. I have done without it my whole life. I've done without it my whole career. And I can do without it the rest of my life too."

"You were always stubborn. I think it's time you go back brother. I'll be around if you need me."

With that being said Adan disappears and Angel wakes up on the side of the road. It's weird. He hasn't seen his brother in years but he gets the feeling like him being back is unnatural. It's not right. While he is happy his brother is back, he won't take the advice and cheat. That's not what Titus would want. That's not what the fans would want. That's not what he wants. And more importantly; that's not what God would want.
Isabel Stone and Steve Kurtesy are shown leaving the building after Aftershock, Isabel still giddy over her win. Her face then takes on a puzzled expression and her hip lights up and vibrates

Isabel: Whoops! Hold up Steve, I gotta take this.

She grins and steps away to take the call. Looking over the Caller ID her smile widens. She is still smiling as she answers.

Hello? Oh, hi Dr. Karstens! No, I was in a match... Why?

After a brief pause Isabel's face goes chalk white and her smile slips. Her eyes become bloodshot as she stutters slightly.

Wh-what? When?

Kurtesy senses his mentee's distress and walks over. When he sees her face he becomes alarmed.

Kurtesy: Isabel? Izzy, what's wrong?

Isabel ends the call and stared at Kurtesy, tears spilling down her cheeks and her face slowly begins to break.

M-m-my father... He... He...

She is unable to finish her sentence as she collapses and sobs into her hands. Kurtesy kneels down and holds Isabel close, trying to comfort her, a hint of confusion on his face as Isabel has yet to inform him of her father's illness.

As they sit there, Celeste Crimson walks out from the building, muttering about her mentee. She glances over and sees the duo then proceeds to walk over.

Celeste: Isabel? Steve? What's wrong, what happened?

Something to do with her father I think.

Celeste's eyes widen and she places a hand on Isabel's arm.


Isabel quiets and wipes her face, her cheeks stained red from crying.

He died before the match even started. He never got to see me win in our dream company.

As she starts to cry again, Celeste and Steve glance at each other over her head then both proceed to hug the crying woman.

At The Funeral​

Isabel and Kurtesy are standing in the cemetary in front of a large black coffin, surrounded by Isabel's family. Kurtesy has an arm around her as Isabel stares motionless at the coffin. When it comes time to begin the burial itself, most of the family leaves to wait. Only Isabel, Kurtesy, and half a dozen others remain. Isabel looks up at them then stares at one in particular before grabbing a handful of dirt and dropping it onto the coffin which has been lowered.

As the dirt slips from her hand, Isabel whispers quietly.

I love you Dad... Every win is for you.

The ceremony continues and ends soon after. As Isabel and Kurtesy stand together it begins to drizzle lightly. Isabel lifts her face to the rain and sighs deeply.

Woman: Izzy? Sweetheart, is that you?

Isabel's eyes snap open as she looks at a petite, blonde woman walk up to her, smiling wide and dressed in a tight black dress. Isabel stares at her, her eyes widening.


Oh sweetheart! You got so... big. And strong too it looks like. Is this your husband?

Isabel's mother flashes a wide toothy grin at Kurtesy who blinks serveral times at her.

Isabel, please tell me she's-

You really haven't been trying to find me.

Isabel's voice is laced with ice. She narrows her sharp blue green eyes at the brown-eyed woman in front of her who blinks in confusion.

Don't even try to give me bs about how you've been searching for years, the least you could've done was turn on a tv every now and then.

You're a model then? My, what a catch of a husband you got-

I'm not a model. He's not my husband. He's my mentor. We're both wrestlers Catherine. Not that you would've noticed since you haven't even sent me a birthday card in twenty-two years.

Kurtesy begins to tell Isabel to calm down but thinks better of it and lets go of her shoulders.

I always wondered what it would be like, reuniting with you after all these years. You know, Dad never saw other women. He always hoped you'd come back.

Catherine becomes flustered as a tall tan man walks up and puts his arm around her.

Who's this baby?

This is my daughter Isabel, Shawn. I told you about her.

Ah, little Izzy! Not so little anymore!

Shawn resembles and sounds like a news reporter as he addresses Isabel. He then moves to hug her but Kurtesy gives him a look. Shawn catches it and backs off. Isabel still stares dangerously at her mother.

I should've known.

Isabel, don't be curt.

Don't act like my mother.

I am your mother.

Some mother. Leave because your husband tries to teach his daughter how not to take shit and then never speak to her again until the day she's forced to go to her ex-husband's funeral. And then, act like everything's fine to her daughter who is not happy to see you.

Isabel, stop this at once. Now tell me about your job.

And short term memory issues! Fantastic. Well, for your information, I work at WZCW and I just got my first win recently.

Good, when? And why a wrestler, you're too pretty to be a fighter.

I'm good at it. And I got my first win on the day Dad died.

Catherine's eyes widen and Shawn coughs into his hand, looking impatient and annoyed at being wet. The rain has hardened to a soft downpour and he shifts his feet.

Can we catch up somewhere else, it's wet out here.

Isabel focuses her glare on Shawn now who shrinks back at the look. Isabel's voice is soft and sharp.

And how long have you been sucking on your momma's tit and been told it's okay to butt into a personal conversation that has nothing to do with you.

That is enough. Shawn is as much part of this family as-

No such family "Mommy dearest."

I knew I should've never let you stay with that man, he turned you into a selfish bit-

Catherine has made the mistake of hitting Isabel's soft spot and before she can finish her insult she is cut off by a fist to the jaw. She stumble and falls into Shawn's arms who sets her upright and goes after Isabel. Kurtesy grabs his arm and shoves him down easily as thunder booms. Shawn glares at Isabel.

Is that how you show gratefulness? Come on Catherine, let's go.

He picks up his wife and sulks off. Kurtesy and Isabel watch them leave. When Isabel notices a mud stain on Shawn and Catherine's rear ends she giggles.

That's how I deal with idiots who talk smack about my family.

Kurtesy sighs and runs a hand over his soaking wet hair then pulls off his blazer and drapes it over Isabel's bare shoulders. She takes it off and hands it back to him.

It's cool, I like the rain.

Isabel, I don't think you should compete at Apocalypse.

What? Why not?

You just lost your father and well... One punch to the mother is not going to get all of that anger out.

Isabel smirks and kisses his wet cheek.

Go inside, dry off and get something to eat. I can deal with the anger issues.

Kurtesy sighs and puts his blazer back on her shoulders, stopping her from taking it off.

The last thing you need is a cold.

Isabel shakes her head and rolls her eyes as Kurtesy starts back towards the church.


Kurtesy looks up at her.


Kurtesy nods and goes back inside. Isabel kneels and sets a red rose on top of the tombstone before resting her head against it and closing her eyes.

I'll make you proud Dad. I promise.


Kurtesy is shown getting ready for his match when Isabel walks up in new ring gear. Tonight she wears a black V-neck cheerleader top and a solid black mini skirt. Sewn into the top on top of both sides of the rips are the words "RIP DAD", sewn in white. Isabel's long hair is tied up into a braided bun. Kurtesy looks up up and down.

You're crazier then I thought Izzy. I won't let you compete.

Sure you will.

Why's that?

Isabel smirks and leans in to whisper in his ear.

Wouldn't want the same "accident" that my mother had, happen to you, now would we?

Kurtesy sighs and gives her the look.


She throws a fake pout his direction.

Oh come on Steve. Just me vs the other five rookies. What could go wrong?

Smirking and with a small giggle, Isabel walks to the curtain, her step tonight strong and confident. As she steps up to the curtain she kisses her fingers and looks up.

For you Dad. All for you.

A single tear falls down her face as "Turn Me On" blares throughout the arena.
*Video Package* Begin!

No one man could beat me. I once thought that, but now I wonder about my own beliefs. Have I been this naive and not seen the truth? How am I to change. My chance to be in the mentorship program is now on the line. What was I supposed to do. At the upcoming PPV it is every men and woman for themselves. I only have one out of six chance to win these thing. The immunity for next week is the big prize on this.

The match types is set. The big match will take place in a Relay Match. A match were I had a great showing. This time I will not only be showing-off, but winning these match. The first Relay Match was contested under Mayhem rules and this time it will be contested under normal match. Which will set the tone of the match differently.

Krypto. He is one crazy dude. The poor man thinks he is an alien from some weird ass place. Now, he is teamed up with some loco vatos. These two are some messed up dudes and are yet the tag champions. However, Krypto is my objective. I know he can fly, so that flying game needs to be stopped fast. I've bet him before and this time will be no different.

Izzy. I like to call her a Celeste wannabe. The funny thing is that Celeste isn't her mentor. However, this girl wants to mess with big dogs then she will see how hard it is to go up against myself.

Arash. Feels like a Joe Mason to me.

Scott. He is simply messed up in the head.

And finally, Angel. The man who beat me not too long ago and now I hve the opportunity to embarrass him. We are one for one against one another. I will show him who is better.

Time to get ready. No more losing.

Video End​
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