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Apocalypse: Mayhem Title Contenders Match (Pre Show)

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
Josh Young, Vega, Jacoby Capone and The Beard will compete in a fatal four way match to determine a number one contender for the Mayhem Championship. The match will appear on WZCW.com prior to Apocalypse going live.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 3rd October 2012. Extensions are available, see request thread for details.
The Beard stares aimlessly at the business card of his Aftershock tag team partner, Le Gentleman Masque. A few days have passed as the victory remains vivid in Beard’s mind. However Emily senses something is bothering her man.

Something bothering you babe?

There is something about him, I just can’t put my finger on it.

Do you think there could be something there?

I don’t know Em, I really don’t. But I think I’m starting to hit my groove so I need my mind completely focused on the task at hand.

The Mayhem championship? Do we want to go down that road again?

It seems to be the only road open in my career path.

Do I dare quote Frost? Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference.

What do you mean Em? I have one path in front of me, a path that could lead to championship gold and finally accomplishing something worthwhile. Hasn’t that always been the goal? To find out what we wanted to accomplish and how we wanted our career to go.

There is another path, just look deeper. Think of us, think of our future.

Emily places Beard’s hand on her stomach before kissing him atop the forehead and heading off as Beard ponders his future before being cut off by the ringing on the telephone.

Hello old friend, I hope all is well.

Right now isn’t a good time.

I can tell; there is worry in your voice. Is there anything I can assist you with.

Life choices just keep bouncing around. I have a great opportunity at a Mayhem title shot during the Apocalypse preshow. But Emily is worried and I can’t blame her. The Mayhem division is serious business and potentially career threatening.

A conundrum indeed. I’ve heard about the number one contenders match and I for one am pulling for you. You could be a serious force in the Mayhem division. You are big, threatening man. Imagine the pain you could inflict. And I like your chances. You’ve had your fair share of history with Vega and Jacoby Capone. And another youngster you haven’t encountered, Josh Young. This is a true challenge Beard, but one I think you can handle. There is another option though.

What do you mean another option?

It isn’t something I can speak of just yet. I need to be sure you’re ready. After Apocalypse we will know.

What will we know?

Please forgive me my friend, I must go. Until next time.


No answer as The Beard lets out a roar of anger before throwing his phone to the ground. Emily pops her head out from the other room, concerned.

You seem tense, these phone calls seem to be getting to you.

They’d get to you too if you couldn’t figure them out. They are driving me to my edge, a boiling point.

Maybe that’s the goal. Maybe this mysterious person is trying to eat at you until you finally snap. You have an untamed monster inside that needs unleashed and as much as it pains me, you may need to unleash it and finally set him free.

A monster? Set him free? Do you think I’m the Incredible Hulk? There is no monster inside me. There is nothing inside me but emptiness. This mystery is going to end. I will find out who is behind this and I will destroy any sense of life they believe exists. I will hit them with so much Beard they’d think they were at a ZZ Top concert. This “monster” is controllable; this “monster” isn’t something to fear. The only thing to fear is fear itself and the Beard. Vega and Capone have felt my wrath, Josh Young will soon follow. The Mayhem championship doesn’t need a “monster”, it doesn’t need a hero, it needs the Beard.

Babe relax, you’re freaking me out. This is why the Mayhem division is a bad idea.

Relax?!? You’re the one that said I need to unleash this inner “monster” and what better way than through pure destruction. It is a poetic irony. Sophistication like no other, the “monster” being released in a state of pure mayhem, this is what we need.

This is not what we need, you are losing it. You need to think straight. What you need is help.

I need help?

The Beard flips over the coffee table as Emily screams in fear as she breaks down in tears.

The only ones needing help will be my three victims. They will be calling for help as I destroy their existence and take our goals to bigger levels.

The Beard slams the door as the last image we see is Emily curled up in tears sitting on the floor gasping for air.
A faint green glow was the only source of light in the bedroom where Chase, the former best friend of Jacoby Capone, lay in a deep sleep.

This state had been a rare occurrence for Chase since Capone ruthlessly assaulted him mere weeks ago. Finally though, Chase was wrapping up a full eight hours of rest.

The clock read 5:29 a.m. then abruptly changed to 5:30 and began obnoxiously blaring. Chase’s fist sprang forward and hammered the clock, silencing it. He slowly rose like a man returning from the dead and stood up quite dazed. He let loose a ferocious yawn and slowly walked over to flip on a light switch. While rubbing his eyes, Chase staggered over to his nightstand and picked up his cell phone.

Chase gasped.

‘Jacoby ‘Subculture Savior’ Capone’ had popped up on his phone for the first time since the night of their confrontation.

Damn, Chase said through clenched teeth. It was a missed call. Why had he not been woken by the phone call? Why did Capone finally try to reconnect with him on the first deep sleep he’d had in weeks?

But there was another notification on his phone.

A voicemail.

Chase immediately began playing the recorded message. He held the phone to his ear, Jacoby’s voice hissed back at him.

Good. You didn’t answer; it’s better this way. I’m sure you’ve already figured this out since I last hit you..with reality, but the state of our relationship is a nonexistent state. You...and I…are nothing. My family and I…are nothing. My preacher and I are NOTHING. I’m down to myself, Chase. I’m sure you watched Aftershock, admiring me on television, dreaming of me calling you up professing my need to fix things between us. And when you watched me this past week, cheering me on, you witnessed the greatest disgrace that my life has ever been a part of. I was forcefully placed in a match and was given a partner. Yeahh, you saw the match. Vega was my partner, and you know better than anyone exactly how much I value companions. Vega exemplified why I hate partners while he found himself with his shoulders on the mat as the ref counted to three. The result? Vega and Jacoby Capone LOSE! Chase, I did not come to this organization to lose matches or to be made to look weak.

Chase ran a hand through his bangs.

Is your astonishment being relieved now? Do you understand why your help and friendliness was thrown back in your face? The aid of others distracts me from my objective in this federation. You slowed me down and you payed a thick price for it. How’s the busted jaw, boy?!

The cold hand of Chase was placed on the side of his face.

Vega committed the same crime against me that you committed and will inevitably find himself in a similar situation. Beard, who had all of the Capone he could handle in our match, and Josh Young can witness the punishment I will bestow upon Vega for disrupting my remarkable debut month. And when I break Vega, I’ll discard of Josh Young’s empty attempts to contribute to the match and proceed to finish the job that I started against Beard a week before. Time is working against Ace Stevens and the roster as a whole. While I will inevitably be stripping him of his title, I’m only looking forward to seeing his hallow character be removed from relevance. In the meantime, I’ll be sure to terminate every Aftershock lab rat, all of which are beneath me, that have the misfortune of crossing paths with myself. Maybe they should see about being assigned a mentor, if of course, they haven’t already sold out to that sham system.

Capone’s voice went quiet on his end. Shuffling could be heard and then piercingly loud music began playing in the backgroung. Capone’s sharp voice started talking over the noise.

Chase, I’m going to conclude this message now. I’m sure you’re near emotional collapse by this point anyway, you miss your friend. From this point forward, Chase, I do not know you. I leave you with some friendly advice. Don't be like Beard, Josh Young and especially Vega; if you’re one of the trees in the forest, on the property of my future kingdom… you will be uprooted.

There was a click on the other end. Chase shook his head and dialed Capone’s number.

A voice answered on the other end, although it was not Chase’s former friend.

We’re sorry. You have a reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.
The scene opens with Josh Young in the WZCW locker room. Nobody else is there. He is taking his boots off and putting his shoes on as he begins to talk.

“I have learned that many people out there in the WZCW Universe feel like I don’t deserve a shot at the Mayhem title. Now I have asked some people ‘Why wouldn’t Josh Young be a good champion?’ and they all respond the same. They say ‘Well Josh, it’s not that you wouldn’t make a good champion; it’s just that you wouldn’t make a good Mayhem champion.’ So when I asked them what they meant, they just simply said ‘You just are not hardcore enough.’”

“I know what you all are thinking. You all are thinking ‘Well duh. Josh Young is a high flyer! He wouldn’t last a minute in a Mayhem match!’ Well I say that you are wrong! Today I am going to go around Detroit to prove that I am hardcore.”

The screen fades to black, but it soon comes back to show Josh Young in a basketball court. The court seems run down, with no nets on the hoop, and what can be thought as water damage in the cement. A few muscled up African Americans are playing a half-court game of basketball.

“Josh Young here, at my usual hangout. This is the spot where I always come just to catch up with my homies. Now I have to say this because I don’t need letters saying little kids got nightmares watching me play say street ball. This is an aggressive game, with some foul language involved, so anyone who is too wimpy to handle it should just go to sleep now.”

Josh Young runs over to his ‘homies’ and they all line up to pick teams.

“I got Wes.” Says the first captain, while the biggest man in line walks near his new teammate.

“Oh I get you Jake, ha-ha since they don’t know me you’re trying to play me down so that they are surprised by how good I am.”

They continue to pick teams with Josh not getting picked. Finally it’s down to the last two people to pick, Josh Young, and a skinny, short man. “Hmm I got Jacob.”

“No Nick, my name is Josh.” Josh says walking over to Nick, the first captain.

“I know, and that’s Jacob.” The skinny kid walks over to Nick, obviously intimidated.

Josh’s new team starts dribbling with the ball. They are passing it around. Josh gets the ball, he starts to dribble, he shoots and the ball goes off the rim and is heading back to him. A man throws his hip into Young and Young goes down hard. He gets up and rushes over to the guy that now has the ball. He rushes him from behind and tries to knock the ball out of his hand. But when Josh leapt into the air, the man pulled the ball back, causing Josh to land on his face. Josh just lies on the ground while the score for both teams just continue to increase. He finally gets up, and they pass the ball to him. Before he could shoot, a gunshot is heard. Josh leaps up, and lands in Nick’s arms. Nick looks at Josh then drops him. Josh gets the ball when he gets up. He starts dribbling up the court, and when he gets to the free throw line, he leapt up in the air. Young dunks the ball!

“Ohhhhh! Oh! Suck on that shot *****s!” Josh stops where he is at, realizing what he just said. Everyone is looking at him with angry expressions. They start sprinting at him, Josh starts sprinting the other way as the scene fades to black.

The new scene opens up with Josh Young in the parking lot of Ford Field. Many people are tailgating before a Detroit Lions game. Josh is standing near a large truck, with about 15 people around it. He walks over to them.

“Hey guys. I have something that I need to prove. Do you mind helping me out?” Yeah and sure emerges from the small crowd. “Great! Hand me that chair.” Josh motions to the cameraman, who gives him a steel chair. He hands the chair to a man with a Calvin Johnson jersey on. “Hit me.”

“What?!” says the man with the chair, while his friends look on confused.

“I need to prove that I am hardcore, so hit me. I promise that it won’t hurt me. I am too tough for it to hurt.”

“I can’t do it. I don’t want anyone hurt.”

“I’m a Packers fan.” After he said that, the man swung the chair at Josh, connecting below the belt. “Ohhh…” Young squealed in pain. He quickly went down in pain. “By the way, I really am a lions fan.” Josh says in a squeaky, high pitched voice. The scene fades to black, but soon returns with Young, and the people by the truck wrapped in blankets while sitting in chairs.

“So tell me, why did you want me to hit you? What did you have to prove?” The man that hit Young asked.

“Have you ever watched WZCW?” The man shook his head yes. “Well I am Josh Young. I debuted 3 weeks ago on Aftershock. I am ready for a shot at the Mayhem title, though I recently found out that people don’t think that I am extreme enough for it. I am just out here trying to prove them wrong.”

“Wow! So I am next to a TV persona!” Josh shakes his head yes this time, though he kind of wished that the man had used the word star. “When are you fighting next? Maybe I could come and watch!”

“I am fighting at Apocalypse against Vega, Juh-Coh-Bee Capone, and some Beard. It’s the pre-show match, but I am just happy to be on the card.”

“Wow, this should be an easy win for you!”

Young looks at him, with a happy, yet confused look on his face. “How so?”

“Well Vega suffered a dislocated elbow as a child, so all you would have to do is target his left arm then he won’t be able to do his Killswitch finisher. He is also a wine kind of guy, so he won’t be able to last long in a match like a fatal 4-way.”

“Really? Wow, I really should do more research before these matches. What about Capone?”

“Yeah you should! Capone is obsessive outside of the ring, he studies his opponents a bit too much, so all you will have to do is just change up a few of your moves, then he will be easy to beat.”

“And what about the Beard?”

“I have never even heard of him. I doubt he is very good. Just do a few high-impact moves and then you should be fine.”

“Cool, thanks man. But there is one thing. When you hit me with the chair, you went for the balls, and this time, you are going to go for the face. So what do you say? Are you ready to give it another shot?”

“Let’s do it.” The man gets ready, pulls his arms back, and swings at Young. It hits Young in the face. Josh staggers, but does not go down. He looks up, and smiles. He knows he is ready. He finally feels like he is hardcore.

We find ourselves in the backstage area of the arena in which Aftershock 14 took place. Walking down the hallway is a crestfallen Vega, his body glistening due to the lights reflecting off the sweat produced form the tag team match he just participated in. He's still in his ring gear as he is making his way back to his dressing room. The look of anger and disappointment is painted on his face. We can hear the feint echoing sounds of the next match's announcement through the hallway...

The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Vega shakes his head in frustration, as if the near mention of another wrestling match furthers his distress. His breathing grows stronger as he approaches his dressing room door. He opens the door and begins to walk in...

Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 240lbs, he is “The Future of Professiona-

Vega slams the door behind him before the announcement finishes, and immediately lands thunderous sidekick which pounds off the door.


He stands there with his hands on his head, contemplating the loss he just suffered, when his self lament is suddenly interrupted.

You're taking this well.

Vega immediately looks up, then off to the side. The camera pans around to reveal Alexis sitting down in front of his locker. She's wearing a simple yet seductive black dress that ends right above her knees, and red heels. She has a crooked smile on her face, playfully concerned for the demeanor of her partner in crime. Vega, on the other hand, stands there donning a look of bewilderment. He shakes the look off his face before walking towards her at an exaggeratedly slow pace.

I thought I left you back in Vegas.

She scoffs at the notion of him being able to somehow control her actions...


He laughs it off, and casually kisses Alexis on the forehead before continuing to his locker.

I never made you my manager, how did you even get in here?

Seriously? You're asking the person you rely on to commit million dollar capers how she got into a minimally secured wrestling show's locker room area? Come on, sweetie.

Fair enough. Why are you here?

I wanted to see this for myself.

See what? Wrestling?

You wrestling.


That's what I've been wondering.

Vega opens his locker, and pulls out a bottle of water. He pours some on his face, drinking some in the process. He shakes his head causing the water to come splashing off. Some of it hits Alexis, but she casually brushes a few drops off her face as if this type of action were common place.

What do you mean?

Why I'm here is the simple question. I'm here because of you. The real question isn't why I'm here....

Vega grabs his neck, massaging it while he looks into Alexis' eyes and submissively exhales profoundly. At this moment, Vega decides to stop acting so coy. Alexis realizes this in his body language and gets right to the point, but with an inviting tone in her voice.

So? Out with it. Why are you here, Vega?

Instead of replying immediately, Vega takes a seat on the bench in front of the locker. He looks down at the floor as he speaks.

Do you remember the first thing you ever said to me?

She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

You asked me a question.

Alexis sits down on the bench next to Vega, but still looks at him, even though he continues to look down.

I'll never forget that moment. I asked you, "Why are you doing this?"

Do you remember what I said next?

She looks away from him, and now stares down at the floor as well before replying.

"Because I have to."

She darts her eyes back towards Vega.

...and then you lowered your gun.

He nods his head, and looks up towards Alexis.

Best decision I ever made.

That was the first real moment in my life where I can remember doing what I wanted to, and not what I had to. Since the moment I uncocked my gun and stopped pointing it at your head, I started living life the way I've wanted to. If I did what I was told to do, had I gone through with what I was ordered to do, demanded, expected, trained to do... my life... it wouldn't be mine at all. I couldn't live another day living my life for someone else's greater purpose. I could never continue being a footnote in someone else's book.

There's something about you, kiddo... I don't know. I just, I couldn't do it. Sparing your life ended up changing mine. I remember your birthday was two weeks later. I decided the first job I'd pull for my own pleasure would also be my gift to you for your birthday.

Alexis laughs under her breath slightly before happily recounting what Vega did next...

You stole one of five original Andy Warhol "Shot Marilyn" paintings for me just because I told you my favorite movie was "Some Like It Hot."

Yup, and with a smile on your face you asked me why I did it. Do you remember my reply?

She smiles before replying...

"Because I wanted to."

Exactly. It's the only reason I do anything anymore. Because I want to, Alexis... because I can. But tonight? What happened tonight is not what I want. I haven't felt this type of defeat in a long time. I don't like this. I don't want this, Alexis. Losing? Vega doesn't lose. Not like that. That was pathetic.

It was your second match, Vega.

I've never failed a mission. Never botched a job. Never missed a target.

Until me.

Vega bites his lips to stifle his initial response. After taking a moment, he replies calmly.

I didn't miss my target. That was a choice, not a mistake. Tonight? What you just saw out there? That was me fucking up. For so long I felt little emotions, then since it's been you and me, I've felt a plethora of positivity. Now I've got the disgusting taste of failure in my mouth. So now I begin to make my mark here in this company. The next show is a Pay Per View. I'm not even on it. They put me on the damn pre-show. The pre-show! But if that's what it takes then screw it, I'm in. Me and Beard... this is gonna be three matches against each other in a row, three different types of matches, all involving various others in the mix. I've got one victory, he's got one. He got me tonight, along with Masked Gentleman. I made a mistake.

Ugh, you and you're obsession with mistakes.

You're God damn right.

But, why?

Why? Because it's the difference between success and failure. People all around the world strive for success in anything they do. The thing is, success can only last until your next failure. Failures, however, have the power to live forever. It's the way this world works, the way people work really. We accentuate the negative in life, in others, in ourselves... I'll never forget tonight. I've never forgotten any of my failures. My successes? I brush them off because they should be common, and they are. You don't get to live the way I do, live the way we do, by making failure a habit.

So, what now?

Now, I take care of Beard, Josh Young, and Jacoby Capone. I guarantee you that the result of tonight's match is burning through Capone's soul right now. If he's anything like I think he is, he'll blame nobody but me for this loss. I went for a crazy move and it backfired. I took everybody out and ended up in the ring alone in a two on one situation. I never saw Masked Gentleman's running curb stomp coming. I was out cold from that alone. It wasn't until the replay I realized Beard came crashing down on my skull from the top rope, too. Truth is, I don't really give a damn if Capone blames me. His opinions are irrelevant. But I just know he's gunning for me.

The way I see it, I'm probably number one on both Capone and Beard's hit lists. They both think they've got me in their sights. At Apocalypse, Beard is gonna try and end this little feud we've found ourselves in, and Jacoby Capone will attempt to vindicate the loss he'll blame me for. I can't wait, Alexis... I can't fucking wait. They all want me... and I'll be ready.

What about the fourth guy?

Josh Young!? Ha! Seriously? He's a God damn joke, Alexis. He's a boring little vanilla blue chip boy scout who's about to enter very dangerous territory. Trust me, kiddo... he's got no idea what he's walking into.

Vega reaches down and starts unlacing his boots. He vigorously whips the lace out through each eyelet as he continues.

He's a naive little fucker, that's all. I'm not worried about him. I'm predicting half way through the match, the kid is gonna flip into Beard's big ass beard and get stuck in there. He'll be a non-factor, and if he gets in my way, I'll pin the punk or make him tap. I don't really care who I pin to win this match, and I don't care how. Win at any cost. This is why I'd be a perfect fit in the Mayhem division. There's no honor amongst thieves, Alexis. Only success... and failure.

He's done unlacing his boots and looks up towards Alexis as he exhales deeply, still winded from the match.

I think we should have some champagne on the plane back to Vegas.

We usually do. What are we drinking to this time? Success?

Vega shakes his head with a disappointed look on his face.

Nope, not tonight.

Tonight, we toast to failure.

To a night that will pave the way for all my future successes in this company.

Tonight's failure has enlightened me, enriched me, and infuriated me, Alexis.

I will never forget this feeling.

Tonight's failure... it has made me a very... very dangerous man.

Alexis doesn't say a word. She simply smiles, proud of the conviction in her partner's voice. Vega looks into her eyes with a sinister demeanor. A nefarious smile creeps up across his face as she leans in and gently kisses him on the lips. Once finished, Vega slowly licks his lips as if trying to absorb every last taste of her that he can as the scene slowly fades to black.

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