Apocalypse - Everest vs. USA

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Two of WZCW's long serving members of the roster finally get down into singles action as Everest takes on USA. These have been clashing up a lot recently and it was decided that Apocalyse will be the stage for these two to finally face off in singles competition. The rivalry has been building up quite a bit during the past month with Everest using every opportunity to take out his opponent from surprise attacks to choking him with cables, will USA be able to overcome the odds and difficults that the former World Heavyweight Champion has forced upon him or will Everest show the world that he's not too far from getting back into the Championship picture once again?

Deadline is Tuesday 22nd June 2010
We go straight from a black blank screen to an exterior shot of a sprawling mansion sized spread. As the camera pans around we see all the good stuff; swimming pool, basketball courts, outdoor gazebos, the works….after a few moments we are transferred inside and we quickly are greeted to an image of the owner of this mansion -- None other than WZCW superstar Everest.

As the camera pans through the house quickly passing all the fun and expensive trinkets that one would expect from a mansion owned by one of the greatest known wrestlers in the world.

Finally the camera comes to the doorway of a large, living room. Inside on the far wall hangs a 52 inch plasma television. On it we can plainly see footage of Everest in his early WZCW career. The room is pretty much dark but the audience can easily make out images of Everest defeating Joseph Rios, we can see Everest taking on the Disasterpiece and fighting beside Titus. All the while we hear the crowds erupting in each vignette, after an image of Everest pinning Rios, a cut to the crowd shows the superstar’s adoring public cheering him on as he exit’s up the stage. After Everest is shown pinning wrestler after wrestler the crowd is shown cheering on their hero.

This goes on for several moments before the camera finally catches a glimpse of a man standing off in a corner, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. The former WZCW champion doesn’t move, but he knows the camera is there and he begins to speak.

EVEREST: You see USA, this is what you are striving for. Look at that screen USA, look at what is happening up there.

Ever since you decided to get in my way, whether it be on purpose or by simple dumb luck I’ve had a feeling about you…. A feeling of something familiar.

I see you bask in the adoration of the fans, I see you stop to sign some kids 8x10 glossy and I’ve seen you stop dead in your tracks and look for the fans approval. Then it hit me, hit me like a closed fist from that back stabbing little traitor Titus, that familiar feeling was the fact that you are trying to be me….Everest. You see USA as you probably know and every announcer in this federation will gladly remind people, I used to be that guy, the man who did everything for the fans. Signed the autographs, did the photo shoots, visited the hospitals….and look where it got me. I realized something on my way to the top of the mountain USA, I realized that the only person I could trust was me. A couple World Championships later and it solidified my beliefs.

The problem USA is as I watch these clips I see a visions of you. You are trying your best to be the savior, the hero every body wants you to be. I can admire that kid, I really can, but you see those people, those fans, they only want the hero for so long. Then what? I realized it before they could turn on me, I didn’t betray the fans, I just beat them to the punch.

So at Apocalypse it’s going to be the classic good vs. evil. Everest vs. USA, the champ against the challenger.

Like I said kid, I admire your attempts. I applaud your beliefs and I can even agree to some extent with your charge to clean up the WZCW, the problem is you bringing your crusade to the wrong ring. The fact of the matter is I’m not the corrupt tyrant that people might want you to believe, I’m in it for one thing and one thing only! The Championship! The WZCW World Championship needs to be back where it belongs.

Titus may want to dodge me for now, hell the WZCW seems more intent on bring up the “newbies” but it’s only a matter of time before that gold is back where it belongs and at Apocalypse my journey starts anew, and it starts with you USA.

So bring your patriotism and whatever else you need to the ring with you, but above all else, I beg of you, please USA, please bring you’re A-game -- because I don’t want there to be any doubt or any excuses after I walk out of Apocalypse with another victory.
Oh and USA, for your sake, or at least for your emotions sake, I hope that when you wake up from your little Rock Slide induced nap, that those same fan’s who adored you beforehand, let’s just hope they still adore you afterwards.

With that Everest finally turns from the shadows so we can see the former champs face. He walks toward the camera and as he gets as close as he can, Everest utters one final warning.


With that and without notice, Everest slams the door shut right into the camera, sending our screen back to black.
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