Apocalypse: Dr. Zeus(c) vs. Theron Daggershield - World Heavyweight Championship

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A disheveled Dorian walked into his barren study, once again. The musty scent of decay waffed into his nostrils, as he could smell the office books getting moldy from waterlog. The only light noticeable was the alarm clock that now blinked 12:00 AM over and over. He turned on the lights, though this time did not seem to shamble into the room. Dorian frantically searched again for the tape recorder, desperate to remember as much as he could about Patient X. Though in this case, Dorian remembered exactly everything about Patient X; the mere thought of Patient X both repulsed and fascinated Dorian, all the same. He knew that this would be the case to prove that any patient could be saved; even Patient X. He fumbled through his desk drawer again, this time alert and diligent.

Here, you will find the second discovered audio recording of Dr. Zeus' work with Patient X...


Dr. Zeus patiently waited in the darkened landfill, allowing for the tattered columns to shade his face. Chastity stood near to him, observing the wasteland around her. "Certainly not...not where I was expecting..." Dr. Zeus stood waiting, barely acknowledging any other humanity. He stared at the distance, waiting for his guest to arrive at the Parthenon Zeus had built with such meticulous dedication. "Doctor, I still don't understand," Chastity reaffirmed, this time with more authority. "Why here?"

Dr. Zeus finally turned his attention to Chastity, and gathered up literature. He grabbed book after book, some of the greatest literary minds to ever exist. Ibsen, Proust, Lawrence, all laying at the feat of the Good Doctor. In his hands, he held The Picture of Dorian Gray. Zeus smiled as he held the very existence of Oscar Wilde in his hands; he looked down at the book, with a mixture of glee and contempt.

"These works we cherish, the writers we love,
these amazing thoughts that seem to be given from above.
What I hold, my dear sweet Chastity, in my hand,
Is ingrained in the human psyche's genetic strand.
We've spent many an hour contemplating what it means,
And we pass down this meaning to children, like our very genes.
It's inherent to our being; it's who we are,
And yet, humanity has distorted these books so far."

Dr. Zeus dropped the novel into the refuse around him, and watched it sink in the mud, the cover now engulfed in a murky sort of ground. Oscar Wilde looked up at Dr. Zeus, eyes intent, and Zeus exchanged the look.

"Distorted the message, distorted it so more,
that these once proud relics haven't a meaning anymore.
These books once revealed how human discourse is shaped,
but now, when we read, we only do so to escape."

Chastity looked around to the mountains of landfill surrounding them. As she gazed upon this wasteland, she caught sight of pillars of literature around her. Columns of some of the greatest writing now lay in destitution, cold and waterlogged. Minds that provoked the illumination of society now sit in swill, abandoned by their former owners as junk. She noted one pillar in particular; a rainbow of colors, spotted with bits of gray and brown sludge. She stared at the mud ridden pillar, to find the very sights of her childhood. She noted the iconic black and white cat, adorning each and every book. The very library of Theodore Geisel; incidentally a man who wrote children stories, but he himself never cared for children. She saw what was her majesty, sullen by the grime that cover the pillar. Her youth, the very few remnants of an otherwise unhappy childhood; now wallowing in the muck of avarice. Her attention returned to Dr. Zeus, who handled a blowtorch with the utmost of care.

"Theron's no different, a heretic, see.
Who uses fiction to create fantasy!
His delusions allow him to avoid the real,
and sought devilish magic for his own appeal.
If we're to finally vanquish this foe,
We'll have to yank him back to the reality he forsook long, long ago."

"And yet none of this explains why we're here!" Chastity exclaimed this, causing the rubble around her to shake. "Theron's world is fantasy, yes. But his fantasy is steeped in games, not books! Why have we come here?"

"Because, if we are to see the success of the Trinity,
Then all of our members, too, must embrace reality.
We must have them both embrace all that is real,
and flee from escapism; it's the only way they can heal."

Chastity snickered to herself, and looked away from the Good Doctor. "Heal? Heal, you say?" Her tone was sardonic, as she approached the Doctor. "And what healing have you provided, by shackling John Doe, and shocking him? What healing can be done, by filling his mind with more voltage than any normal human can possibly endure? How are you helping him, Doctor?"

Dr. Zeus was getting fed up with Chastity, and started to storm towards her.

"It seems you've been wanting to ask me something for some time,
Why not just ask me now, yes, this time seems quite prime!
You've made it well known, with my methods, you don't agree!
So let's just get it all out in the open, and see what we see?!"

"Alright, fine; let's finally face some reality, Doctor. What do you think will happen when John Doe finally comes to grips with the reality of his actual family?" Dr. Zeus turned away from Chastity, wincing in agony. His fists clenched in rage, his face contorted into a wicked snarl, he'll held back. Chastity then screamed, so that all could hear, "and what will happen when he finally lays eyes on his real father?!"

This broke Dr. Zeus. His fists released their iron grip, as his shoulders sagged. His knees seemed to rock, as he turned back to Chastity. A faint look of illness suddenly washed over the Good Doctor's face.

"How...How long have-"

Chastity, realizing the weakness of the Doctor, kept a calm tone. "For weeks, you've kept John by your side. You've never let him leave without myself or Fallout being around. And yet, you're so distant to him. You may not feel like you're being distant, but I know you. I know when you're hiding something. And if you keep performing this..."therapy" with him...I can promise you, he will know, too."

Silence filled the air, as the two stood, tensely eyeing each other. Zeus' shoulders still slumped, but a defiant look could be found in his eye. But out of the corner of his eye, a pair of high beam lights caught his attention. His malaise turned to a shocked sort of frenzy, as he shoo'ed away Chastity. Out of the black limousine came a driver, who opened the passenger side door. From that passenger door arose Ramparte, along with Batti Otaku, clutching to his side. Dr. Zeus could hear, even from a far distance, a shrill voice saying, ""Yeaaaaah. Not sure why you brought us here. It's totally not kawaii. My Stumblr fans won't be reblogging about this. I mean yeah I call myself WZCWeeaboo trash but this is wayyy too literal for my taste."

Dr. Zeus cringed, wondering to himself if The Recluse could be convinced to allow the Stumblrina to be left here at the dump. He had little time to consider an argument, though, as he watched Ramparte walk through his pillars of literature. Dr. Zeus' eyes began to beam once more, as he lit his blowtorch. He eyes the pillar of technicolor that was before him; he decided this would be the first pillar to be purged. He lit the tower, and watched as it crumbled to a smoldering heap of fire.

"Shed your burdens and face the fire
For I am with you in the quagmire."

Ramparte turned his head, trying to spot the Good Doctor. Ramparte inquired, still confused, "Doctor?", as he searched for sight of Zeus. Dr. Zeus held his blowtorch close to him, watching as the very embodiment of childhood whimsy and fantasy burned before his eyes.

"Vengeance is yours, and yours alone
For Tastic can't know the pain you've known
So use it, embrace it, and serve it well
Pain is the only cure in your heaven-sent Hell!"

Dr. Zeus then went to burn a book, right near the feet of Ramparte. The Recluse watched in, in a mix of horror and fascination, as The Picture of Dorian Gray burned before his very eyes. He saw as Oscar Wilde's eyes passed judgement on him, before looking up to see even more pillars of literature burning.

Now is the time you relinquish any doubt
Take this moment to expel the demons out
Cerberus is at rest- but your might is threefold
The Unholy Trinity is a glorious sight to behold!"

Ramparte, completely in awe of the chaos around him, stuttered a bit. A rarity, for someone as eloquent as he. He caught himself, though, and offered these words. "I...I hear you, Doctor. I believe in your works. I am your most admiring fan."

Dr. Zeus walked towards Ramparte, and met his eye. He then offered the blowtorch to Ramparte, as if to tell him to finish the deed.

"Then go, my acolyte, and heed my call
We will be the reason why gods on high fall
Let my words consume you, most avid of readers
Bring forth a cataclysm for all bottom feeders..."

Ramparte clutched the blowtorch tight in his hands, and his knees gave underneath what must have been a tremendous weight. He looked down at Ramparte, a man he single-handedly chose to be his Holy Ghost. For Ramparte was to hunt down those that dared to speak of heresy. Ramparte was to be the one to attack the heretics, and bring them forth, to Dr. Zeus. Ramparte wasn't just a Hound of Hell anymore; he would prove far more useful, and far more destructive.


John Doe stood before Dr. Zeus, as Zeus sat at his desk, brushing his beard. Zeus pondered over this situation. He allowed for no emotion, no idea that something was eating away at his soul. His heart raced, as his eyes darted across the room. They darted towards the masked Ramparte, sure to watch over the ordeal. They turned to Chastity, who gave a knowing look, as she observed Zeus' countenance. Finally, they returned to John Doe, the very lamb of WZCW. Doe still hadn't fully cleaned the blood of his battle with S.H.I.T.; a battle in which Zeus cringed at every single shot to the head of Doe. He worried for the mind of Doe, and yet also hoped it would lead to less functioning. He prayed every headbutt would not jostle the information of Doe's true family. Now, he seemed reluctant to enforce the very therapy he pushed on Doe and Fallout. The very therapy that broke the spirit of Fallout proved to have a different reaction for Doe. In fact, he desired more, in an attempt to know more of himself. Zeus' hand stayed on the switch, as he observed Doe from his desk. His hand twitched, and shook as he thought of possible arguments.

"John, these extra sessions I cannot give
The volts would be too much for you to live!"

His voice quivered at this revelation. His lips seemed to waver like jelly, as his entire upper body shook. Dr. Zeus withheld a tear, breathing heavily to control his emotions. Chastity nodded, hoping that rationale would win out on this night. But not tonight; John Doe screamed in a primal roar, "That's my decision to live with. Do it, damn it!"

Dr. Zeus pounded on the desk. John Doe unleashed a barrage of curses, as Dr. Zeus began to walk towards his patient. Chastity motioned to get between the two, but Zeus waved her off, indicating that her help would not be needed. He walked to John Doe, and looked into his eyes. Dr. Zeus did not waver, but instead offered, in his most soothing voice possible:

"You play with your life, not just yours to lose
But so be it, it's your right to choose..."

Dr. Zeus sadly relented, as he prepared for John Doe to receive his therapy. He almost screamed to Doe his past, and how he knew Doe's past. He wanted to tell him that his very existence proved a lie; that Dr. Zeus could have saved all of this from happening. He could have saved John Doe much earlier, and instead, chose not to. He wanted to beg Doe that it wasn't actually a choice; that he thought he was doing right by everyone. He wanted to plead for Doe's mercy, without Doe ever knowing what Zeus was pleading for.

But he did none of this. He set up John Doe, and ran the typical tests. When he was satisfied, he sighed heavily, and considered just stopping the entire thing. But he knew how close Doe was to eviscerating the Phantoms of Chaos. John Doe had become a monster, right before his eyes. This would be Dr. Zeus' best chance to be rid of Ty Burna and Caidos, once and for all. He looked at John Doe longingly one last time.

"Do it."

Dr. Zeus flipped the switch, knowing this would be the end. All secrets would be revealed. And Dr. Zeus would indeed have his Holy Ghost, as well as his Son.


Dr. Zeus sat alone, in his office, weary and worn out. His posture slouched, as he was going over his notes on Theron Daggershield. Now with all of his patients gone, Zeus could sit in his misery. The son that Zeus never had, was in fact right in front of him.

"Secrets, secrets, are no fun. Unless they're shared with everyone."

A deep, dark bass oozed throughout the room. It brought Zeus back to attention, as he could smell the faint scent of sulfur in the room. Of course, in all of his pride and joy, stood Alistair.

"Did I miss the big reunion? I brought a present, thought your little baby boy might enjoy it."

Zeus clutched his knife in his hand, but accidentally grabbed the blade end of his knife. He cared not, as he bled from his hand.

"Speak your business, or leave in peace,

"I think you've forgotten," interrupted Alistair, "that your business is my business, as well. That we both are out for the same thing, right now; to bring Theron back to the depths of Hell."

Dr. Zeus considered this, and backed away. He only now noticed his palm was gushing with blood.

"Then what do you want-"

"It's not what I want," pointed out Alistair. "It's what you've wanted this whole time. This whole mission, we had a deal, you remember? Theron for Ellie's soul?"

"Yes, and you haven't made good on your deal,
But what else would I expect, from a demon not real?"

"Oh Dorian." Alistair walked over towards Zeus' table. "I'm as real as the Devil himself. Lest you forget what's given you your powers. Who's given you the key to Theron's body and mind?"

"And yet still won't let me see my family-"

"Actually, Dorian, I'm not sure if you've noticed. But your one and only son? Yeah, he's right next to you. Has been for some time."

"And yet, you still have not shown me my wife!
I've given you Theron, you still have not restored her life!"

Alistair puffed on his cigar, as he pulled away from the table. "It's because you haven't broken his spirit, yet, Dorian. You've given me his body and mind. But you've yet to give me his spirit! So you want to see Ellie? Seal Theron's spirit inside a cell! Trap him inside Hell in a Cell, and return him a broken shell of himself. He still believes in his fantasy realm; destroy the fantasy, and bring him back to the reality!"

Dr. Zeus slid up from his desk, and got into Alistair's face. Their eyes locked on one another, as Alistair cracked a wide smile. "Don't worry, Dorian. I'm a man of my word. Watch...I'll even give you that bit of darkness you've grown to love so much."

Alistair once again became a cloud of smoke, and consumed the body of Dr. Zeus. The smoke engulfed the whole room, and as it did, Zeus gave a blood curdling cry. As the smoke cleared, Dr. Zeus was left with yellow tinted eyes, and a dark hue around his skin. Alistair and Zeus became one, once more.

"Time for Theron to face reality. The reality of death."


Dorian blustered into his study, once more. The study had become even more decrepit, decaying right in front of his eyes. With a rage in his eyes, and a glass of wine in his hand, he sought out his tape recorder one last time. One last instance, in which he would speak of Patient X, before giving his final treatment.

The final Dr. Zeus recording

Dorian left his wine in the study, as he stormed out, to give his final treatment. The time was now; there was no more Dorian Geigel. Only Dr. Zeus. As he left, a shadow seemed to form in the wine glass, and a face formed in the shadow.

Theron's Merry Band Of Misfits



Scene opens up to a view of an outdoor province in the land of Icewind Dale. It is the home of Theron Daggershield's ancestors, the ancient Forest Elves. Many trees are seen in the outdoor scenery, one of them is very special in particular. It is a 16 foot tall Elven Spruce Tree that is 9,550 years old. Its name is "Älvarna's Värld Livets Träd" and when translated to Common means "The Elven World Tree Of Life". The sky is very dark and cloudy, a storm is on its way. An ominous instrumental begins playing and it remains on repeat through each of the following scenes.


Raindrops begin falling. At first it is only a few small ones that hit the ground every two seconds, then they amount of raindrops that are falling begins to increase. It is now a light drizzle. A few seconds pass and it begins to rain harder. The intensity of the rainfall continues to increase with each second. Four more seconds pass. It is now a torrential downpour. Lightning flashes through the sky, the storm has come. Despite the fierce elements of nature unleashing heavy rainfall on it, the tall tree stands firm, as thunder is heard. Scene shifts to a view of Theron Daggershield, looking out a window at the weather safely sheltered from the elements in a nearby cabin built for hikers to rest at in the area. He is dressed in casual attire, a Myth of Esmerelda shirt and a pair of denim shorts.

Theron: Growth.... Knowledge.... Life.... Strength.... Stability.... They say that mighty trees such as the Elven World Tree Of Life represent each of these things. In the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation, these are things I fight for. Things my fans think of when they think of me. I firmly stand on my beliefs.... My faith that Mystra and The Triad of Torm, Ilmater, and Tyr will provide what I need each day in order to survive to fight once more. This conflict with Davkas Diamonddeath has surely tested my faith....

He crosses his arms and closes his eyes for a moment. After taking a few deep breaths he opens his eyes again, arms still crossed, and looks back outside.

Theron: Ever since its conclusion, our Final Fighter Remaining match at Empire Rally 7 has not left my mind. Sometimes Mystra challenges her Chosen Champions in order for them to grow. That tree out there is still alive after 9,550 years because it overcame and adapted. I must also adapt, evolve, and change my mindset in order to overcome my imminent Doom In A Dungeon match at The Day Of Lavos event and get my revenge on Davkas Diamonddeath.

Scene shifts to a view of the Tree again. The torrential downpour continues, just as intense as it was before. Heavy rainfall is mercilessly coming down outside. Theron, still indoors, can be heard speaking offscreen.

Theron: (offscreen) I've been in the middle of a storm of my own ever since I first won the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship at the Risky Raffle. Luck has not been on my side in the ring and I have yet to roll a Natural 20 since that night.... but at the end of every storm, there is that first moment of sunlight. There is always light, that ray of hope that sends the dark into hiding. The moment of calmness when you have survived the storm. I have not stopped being the light, nor do I intend to stop.... but something must change if I am to survive this storm.

Lightning flashes, and almost instantly a loud crash of thunder is heard before the scene shifts back to Theron in the Cabin again.

Theron: In life one does not always get a second opportunity to avenge a loss. When that opportunity is given, you have to sieze it, and you must be ready. Sometimes your tactics must change, and other times you simply just need to be stronger and better prepared when you know what is coming. I have to be able to withstand that lethal finishing maneuver that cost me my belt. I remember a time quite similar to this.... Another time when I was about to accomplish a massive victory, only to lose the entire battle when one specific unexpected move was all it took to defeat me and shatter my dreams....


A mosaic animation transitions us to a view of a Younger Theron sitting on a couch holding a controller for the 1st generation Sunny GameTerminal, a console which today is in its 4th generation model. A number of elven and human boys are gathered around Theron watching him play the game First Reality 7, in its original form on the Sunny GameTerminal. There is a large plate on the table with an empty bag of chips and a bunch of pizza slices. The adult Theron's voice is heard in a voice-over, and the ominous instrumental keeps playing in the background.

Theron: (Voice-over) I remember it like it was just yesterday. I battled the final boss of First Reality 7, the platinum haired villain Rubeus, in front of several of my classmates from school. It was almost 20 years ago. None of my friends could even make it past the end of Disc 1, but I had made it to the very end of the game. This was going to be the night I showed them all that I was the best. By beating the final boss of the best game in the world.

The angle moves over, to a view of the television screen. It is on the menu screen. Young Theron has a party of the spiky haired protagonist "Fog", an attractive yet unrealistically well-endowed brunette female named "Lisa", and an airship expert named "Skid". The characters are each on level 64, but none have any of their individual ultimate Specials unlocked. The menu screen is exited and a view of Fog leading the party to a save point is seen. The game is saved. Adult Theron speaks again over the footage.

Theron: (Voice-over) I thought I was prepared for that battle. I double checked all my characters to make sure I was able to restore health, cast powerful magic, and use various important abilities in battle. I used the three characters that my strategy tome recommended I use. I thought I was going to win. Little did I know what was coming.

Gameplay footage is seen on the television. Fog's party has reached Rubeus. The game prompts Young Theron to pick two parties. He picks Fog, Lisa, and Skid as his primary party. For his secondary party he picks the canine beast named "Blue 14", a large man who has a gun for an arm named "Wade", and a female ninja named "Buffy". The battle against Rubeus' first form begins and the scene fades out for a moment. Adult Theron speaks over the black screen.

Theron: (Voice-over) The first form was the easy part. The second form of Rubeus was a completely different story.

Scene fades back in to the television screen again. Gameplay is now seen on the television of Young Theron's primary party Fog, Lisa, and Skid against the second form of Rubeus. The boss has a dark wing replacing one of his arms. Young Theron's party is getting weak. Fog is seen casting the spell Ultra to inflict thousands of damage on the boss. After this, Lisa is seen casting a curing spell called Restora on the party. Then, the tide of battle changes. Rubeus uses his most powerful attack, the Star Exploder. It has a lengthy animation that sees a colossal comet fly into the sun, making it explode across the whole galaxy. It deals massive damage to Young Theron's entire party, defeating all of them instantly. The angle shifts to Young Theron on the couch. All of the boys are in shock at the loss.

Elven Boy: Whoa!!!! How are you supposed to survive that Star Exploder attack????

Human Boy: Rubeus must be impossible to defeat if even Theron cannot win against him!

Young Theron: I was so close....

The other boys all begin leaving the room. Young Theron sits on the couch, defeated both in the video game and emotionally. A tear can be seen coming down from his eye, as his adult self speaks again.

Theron: (Voice-over) That was supposed to be my big night. Winning in the biggest battle of the greatest game in front of all my friends.... but I failed, and all it took was that one Star Exploder attack to derail everything.

A mosaic animation transitions the scene to footage of the Final Fighter Remaining match between Theron and Davkas from Empire Rally 7. Davkas is seen raking Theron in the eyes and hits his deadly finishing maneuver to slam Theron down for a count of 10. The footage freezes as Davkas is announced as the winner. Theron's thoughts are heard again.

Theron: (Voice-over) Empire Rally 7's conclusion reminded me very much of my failed initial attempt at defeating Rubeus in First Reality 7. The hero had failed to win the battle to determine the fate of the world as we knew it, and let down all of his fans. All because of failing to withstand one attack. Following this defeat, the other gladiators all slowly appeared to begin losing confidence in me. No one thinks I have what it takes to defeat Davkas. My chance to silence these doubts failed when I tried to win the respect of Tiberius Scorch, I failed both at forming an alliance with him and even in winning my match against him.

Another mosaic animation changes the scene to a frozen image of Tiberius having his hand raised over Theron at Burnup 125.

Theron: (Voice-over) I have to prove to the Tiberius Scorch's of the world that I do in fact have what it takes to save the fans from Davkas and his Cult of Shar. I am not going to give up despite the losses. This is the most disappointed I have ever been with myself, ever since that fateful day when as a child I was unable to impress all my friends by beating that video game's final boss.

Scene fades to black while Theron continues voicing his thoughts.

Theron: (Voice-over) Here's the thing though.... That failure at completing the video game, it didn't make me give up. It made me more determined! It gave me determination to SEEK VENGEANCE! I leveled up my characters for 2 months until all of them had reached the game's highest level, 99. They had maximum stats and each of their ultimate Special abilities were unlocked. I was ready for a rematch!

Scene fades in to a view of an elementary school hallway. Young Theron is drinking from a drinking fountain. Two boys, an elf and a human, walk past him. Young Theron goes over to speak to them and while their conversation is not heard, the other two boys are seen mocking Theron. Adult Theron's thoughts are heard as this is happening.

Theron: (Voice-over) They didn't think I could do it. All my friends could talk about was how I failed to beat the final boss. They kept going on about how unbeatable Rubeus was, and how unstoppable his Star Exploder attack was. I assured them I could pull it off this time around, and they agreed to come over to my house to watch my rematch that night. I had to prove them wrong, I just HAD to!

Scene transitions with another mosaic animation to Young Theron on the couch with the other boys back again, sitting in the same places as last time. There are bags of chips and pizza crusts on a large plate on the table, also like last time. Gameplay on the television sees Young Theron's now maxed out party of Fog, Lisa, and Skid battling Rubeus in his second form.

Elven Boy: Face it, Theron. No one can beat this guy. It's impossible!!!!

Human Boy: He's just gonna win when he uses Star Exploder on you again like last time.

Young Theron: Not this time....!

Rubeus uses Star Exploder, but unlike last time.... Young Theron's party survives it! They are all very weak. Young Theron makes Lisa cast the curing spell Restora on the party to bring them back to perfect health. Fog's Special gauge has filled up due to the amount of damage he had taken, Young Theron makes Fog use Omega Slash! Fog slashes with all his might hitting Rubeus with 15 consecutive strikes that deal 9,999 points of damage per hit. Having suffered over 140,000 points of damage in total from this one attack alone, the boss has finally been defeated. Rays of light and blue explosions radiate the screen. The boys all celebrate as they watch Rubeus being sucked away into nothingness, defeated.

Young Theron: I did it!!!! That THAT, Rubeus!!!!


A mosaic animation transitions back to the present. Theron is still looking out the window of the Cabin. The weather has calmed down a little, but it still raining.

Theron: I know better than to underestimate Davkas this time. I have been preparing both mentally and physically for this rematch. It's time to take back what is rightfully mine. I didn't give up when I was a child, no, I kept going. I am determined to seek the same vengeance now that I did then. Only now, it isn't a video game. This is a real battle. The hero and the villain, locked in a dungeon to battle for the fate of the most prestigious prize. One of the most dangerous match types in existence. Doom In A Dungeon. Now I get to be a real hero. There's no turning back now, and no re-loading a saved data file. This match is the fans' last hope for salvation.

He looks out the window into the rain, deciding it is safe to go outdoors now that it is no longer raining as heavily as earlier. Theron cracks his knuckles. He opens the door and walks out into the rain. He is drenched from head to toe within seconds, but the weather has been surprisingly warm for this time of the year, the rain feels nice. Almost calming. Theron stretches out his arms wide and closes his eyes.

Theron: Mystra!!!! I cry out to you, a broken and defeated soul in need of you! Give me your strength! Pour out on me all of your blessings in this rain! I will not be discontent with recent losses, I cast out all doubts and anxieties in the name of my Mother of Magic! I give you all my struggles, and in return I accept all that you have for me, Mystra! Please watch over me, your Chosen Champion of Light in a world filled with darkness! In order that I may bring in the light and remove the clouds of darkness surrounding the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation, I submit to you a request in prayer, END these storms! Not just the physical storm here today in Icewind Dale, but also the emotional storm in my life! I pray for sunlight, for calmness and tranquility, for your divine protection, Mystra!

The rain begins to significantly calm down. It completely stops after about 5 seconds following the conclusion of Theron's prayer. He opens his eyes. Theron looks up at the magnificent Spruce Tree.

Theron: The Day Of Lavos approaches.... Every culture in the world today speaks of The Day Of Lavos, the day that the world will end. It is fitting that Davkas and I conclude our war at an event with this name. The term "Day Of Lavos" traces back to an ancient tribe of amazons from 65 million years ago. These amazons had a word "La" that meant "fire" and another word "Vos" that meant "big". Their prophetess spoke of a vision she had of a day when all evildoers will be thrown into a big fire, vanquished by a Hero of Light, referring to it as "The Day Of Lavos". This prophetic vision has been handed down for millions of years, and now I will be the one to fullfil the prophecy when I reclaim my World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship at the event named after the vision of the prehistoric amazonian prophetess.

He feels a burst of adrenaline and begins yelling at the top of his lungs.


Sunlight comes out from behind the clouds and a bird flies over to sit on a branch of the ancient Tree. Theron looks at the Tree once more.

Theron: In life there are storms, but we must have faith that we WILL overcome. As a child I overcame the most iconic villain in video game history to avenge my initial loss. Now, as an adult I will overcome the REAL final boss. Davkas Diamonddeath. I know the danger that comes with fighting in the dungeon surrounding the ring, but if I do not stand up to Davkas, then nobody will be able to defeat him. I am the world's final hope and I will NOT fail! I am not afraid of being locked inside Doom In A Dungeon with Davkas. It is Davkas who should be fearful, because my vengeance and divine retribution are what await him inside that dungeon surrounding the ring when he gets locked in there with me. There will be no escaping from me. We will fight until Davkas has been defeated!

The ominous instrumental which had been playing this whole time now stops playing. Scene fades to black for a moment, and then footage from First Reality 7 is seen. The brief one on one encounter between Fog and Rubeus that follows the final boss battle, is seen in its entirety.


Scene fades back in to Theron outside. Theron is no longer in his clothes that got rained on. He has changed into warm clothing and has his full Plate Mail armor on top of his outfit. The bird sitting on the branch in the Spruce Tree chirps. The clouds are moving in the sky, making the rays of sunlight larger. The sunlight shines directly on Theron. He smiles with confidence.

Theron: First Reality 7 ends with a one on one encounter between Fog and Rubeus, following your win in the main battle. Fog has already won this fight the moment he uses Omega Slash in that scene. That is the case for myself as well. This battle is mine to win. I have overcome my defeat at Empire Rally, so at The Day Of Lavos, I will set my fans free when I vanquish Davkas once and for all. What ended up helping me defeat the final boss in the video game was relying on my character's Special ability rather than casting magic, I had to change up my strategy. Maybe it is time I bring a new ability, my Ultimate Weapon. I will make Davkas Diamonddeath suffer for his sins until he BEGS me to release him from his punishment and TAPS OUT just as ANY source of light will make ANY cloud of darkness fall into submission. Light always overcomes dark, and good always triumphs over evil.

Angle zooms in on the majestic Spruce Tree again, standing tall in the sunlight. Theron can be heard offscreen.

Theron: (offscreen) This shall be our final battle. Darkness will reign no more. Light will once again shine brightly on the World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship, in the name of Mystra and The Triad. Salvation has come.

Fade to black.
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