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Apocalypse 2013

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus




A huge pyrotechnics display open the show as the camera pans wildly around the O2 Arena and "Hail to the King" plays over all of it. The crowd is clearly incredibly hyped up for the show as they wait in anticipation for the beginning of the show.


The unfamiliar music leads to a familiar figure as Mr. Banks makes his way out with a microphone in hand. He smiles and waves as he makes his way to the ring, giving up the impression he'd be kissing babies if there were any to kiss. Clad in a black suit and a red tie, WZCW's new owner certainly looks the part as he steps into the ring.

Banks: Wow! How about this! This is exactly what I hoped to experience when I bought WZCW and standing in front of all of you, I have to say, you are delivering. I want to thank each and every one of you in the audience and each and every one of you around the world for being here with us for the first pay per view of a glorious new era.

The crowd cheers for this and Banks gives a winning smile as he carries on.

Banks: We have got one dandy of a show in store for all of you tonight. It doesn't get any bigger than our main event of Barbosa defending against Ricky Runn. Unless you count deciding the man who could be their next challenger inside King for a Day! Or maybe James Howard returning to his home country to defend his championship is more your style?

The crowd cheers for all of that, especially the James Howard name drop. Banks laughs a bit and continues.

Banks: I can't claim I put all of this together myself, folks, but I hope you believe that this is just the start of what you can expect from my ownership of this company. Some of the guys who've owned this place in the past have seen it through its ups and downs, but let me tell you something, folks - with Mr. Banks, it's going to be all up from here.

The crowd cheers for Banks once more as he takes a bow.

Banks: Welcome to Apocalypse folks and strap yourselves in, because it's going to be one heck of a ride!

He takes another bow and hands the microphone off to a ringside worker; he exits the ring and waves to the crowd on his way back.

Copeland: A warm welcome to Apocalypse from Mr. Banks and I think we're all just as excited as he is for this show to start!

Cohen: And speaking of "warm welcomes", we've got an Inferno match to start off with! Are you ready for this, Seabass? I hope you brought sunglasses!
Ding ding ding!

Harrys: The following contest is an Inferno match!

The British crowd let out a big pop in anticipation

Harrys: The first competitor to set his opponent on fire will be declared the winner!

The crowd boos loudly as Dr. Zeus walks down the ring, what seems to be a sick satisfaction in his eyes as he looks forward to what’s about to come.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus...

Copeland: Zeus seems to be salivating at the thought of setting Kurtesy on fire…

Cohen: This is a match specifically designed for sick individuals, and Kurtesy will have to get himself into the mind-set where he’s willing to set another person’s flesh on fire!

Zeus gets into the ring and turns towards the entrance, waiting for his nemesis.

There’s a massive pop as WZCW legend Steven Kurtesy walks out, but without his usual grin. From the top of the ramp, he stares down Dr. Zeus before taking a deep breath and heading for the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Sydney Australia, weighing 226 pounds, "The Professor" Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy psyches himself up before climbing up onto the apron and getting into the ring. The lights dim slightly as referee Dillon Morse calls for the fire to be turned on from outside the ring. Flames erupt from the ring apron, licking at the heels of the two men in the ring, as the crowd “ooo!” and “ahhh!”

The bell ring and the Inferno match is underway. Kurtesy and Zeus slowly circle each other, illuminated by the fire around them. They tie-up and struggle for the advantage until Kurtesy manages to back Zeus into the ropes. The flames singe Zeus’ hair, and the Good Doctor knees Kurtesy in the gut and pushes him away. Zeus examines hair, noticing the blackened tips, and a disturbing smirk crosses his face. If Kurtesy is feeling any fear, he doesn’t show it, rushing towards his opponent and tackling him to the ground before unleashing a series of right hands to the head of Zeus.

Connor: Zeus is trying to play mind games, like he’s been doing for months now, but Kurtesy is having none of it!

Copeland: It feels like a diminishing margin of returns…

Cohen: For any non-nerds out there, that means Zeus’ mind games get less effective the more he uses them…

Kurtesy pulls up Zeus by that burned hair and Irish Whips him into the corner. He Snapmares Zeus out of the corner and applies a Chinlock tightly. Zeus is trying to squirm his way out, as Kurtesy squeezes on the neck area. Zeus manages to swing an elbow, which catches Kurtesy on the side of the head, knocking him loopy for a moment.

With Kurtesy on all fours, Zeus manages to get up first and kicks Kurtesy hard in the gut. Kurtesy clutches his stomach as Zeus stalks him. He delivers a Legdrop across Kurtesy’s throat before rolling him towards the flames. Kurtesy feels the flames at his back, which seems to snap him back into focus and he begins to hit Zeus with some hard right hands. Zeus let’s up on the pressure, holding his head from the shots he took. Kurtesy manages to distance himself from the flames by getting to corner and pulling himself to his feet. Zeus is up too, but dazed, as Kurtesy rushes at Zeus and hits a Belly to Belly, the force of the slam causing flames to burst up from the apron!

Cohen: It’s getting hotter and hotter by the second in here…

Copeland: One of these competitors will feel the heat more than any of us tonight…

With the advantage, Kurtesy grabs Zeus and pulls him up before backing him into the corner. He grabs Zeus by the legs and causes him to teeter over the top rope, the flames threatening to engulf him. Zeus, however, frees one of his legs and kicks Kurtesy hard in the head. Kurtesy shakes the cobwebs out before charging at Zeus, but Zeus sees it coming and hits a Drop Toe Hold, causing Kurtesy to fall onto the middle rope. With the flames right in his face, Kurtesy quickly pushes himself up to his feet to get away, sweat glistening on his face from the intense heat. He turns around into a kick to the gut from Zeus, followed by the Rude Awakening.

Zeus pushes himself up to his knees, smirking that sick smirk again before walking towards the corner. He climbs up to the top rope, going for a moonsault, but Kurtesy gets up and throws himself at Zeus, causing Zeus to fall off the top rope to the outside, narrowly avoiding the flames below! Zeus lands on the outside, barely conscious as Kurtesy looks on.

Cohen: Shouldn’t we turn off the flames so Zeus can get back in the ring?

Connor: I don’t think that’s what Kurtesy has in mind!

Indeed, Kurtesy has climbed to the top rope himself! As Zeus pulls himself to his feet with help of the crowd barricade before Kurtesy leaps off the top rope and hitting a Crossbody!

Both men are out of the ring, but Kurtesy doesn’t seem to care, adrenaline flowing through his veins. He goes around to the announcers’ area and grabs a steel chair from ringside to a big pop from the crowd! With Zeus getting up, Kurtesy smashes the steel chair against his head, causing a loud CRACK to echo around the arena. Blood starts to flow down Zeus’ face as Kurtesy throws the chair away and pulls up his opponent. He’s about to Irish Whip Zeus into the apron, but Zeus reverses, which sends Kurtesy into the Steel Steps! Kurtesy hits with such impact that the top section of the stairs crashes away from the base.

Zeus wipes the sweat and blood from his hands before licking it off his fingers. He grabs the dented chair that Kurtesy had discarded and picks it up. With that sick smile back again, Zeus slides his hand into the pocket of his jumpsuit and pulls out a small container of lighter fluid! He sprays the fluid across the chair before using the flames on the apron to set the chair on fire! He walks over to Kurtesy, who is still crumpled on the base of the steps, before lifting up the flaming chair!

Connor: Somebody has to stop this!

Cohen: It’s well within the rules, CC!

As Zeus is about to swing the chair onto the head of Kurtesy, Kurtesy delivers a sneaky lowblow! The crowd give a big pop as Zeus drops the chair and crumbles to the crowd. Kurtesy grabs the chair and raises it up to huge cheers from the crowd. Without any more hesitation, he smashes the flaming chair across Zeus’ back! Zeus cries out in agony, his jumpsuit scorched but not on fire!

Cohen: Oh, now you’re not complaining about the use of a flaming chair, Cat?

The crowd begin to chant “ONE MORE TIME!” and Kurtesy is happy to oblige, smashing the chair across Zeus’ back one more time. Kurtesy places the chair on the ground, carefully this time, before picking up Zeus and dragging him to the flaming chair. The crowd holds their collective breaths as Kurtesy sets Zeus up for the Prescribed Sedation onto the flaming chair! But Zeus manages to push Kurtesy away, and Kurtesy hits the corner post head-first!

Zeus drops to his knees and grabs both the flaming chair as well as the light fluid. He sprays the lighter fluid onto the base section of the steel steps, then drops the chair onto it. The steel steps burst into the flames, and Zeus grabs a completely dazed Kurtesy and drags him to the steps. He places Kurtesy’s head between his legs, lifts him up and drops him with a Powerbomb onto the flaming base of the steps!!

The crowd collectively gasp in horror and Kurtesy screams out in agony, and as he rolls off the steps, his ring gear is clearly on fire!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Dr. Zeus!

Zeus drops to his knees, laughing madly as paramedics and referees run down to the ringside, with Sandy right behind them, already in tears. They place a fire blanket across Kurtesy, putting the flames out. The paramedics load Kurtesy onto a stretcher as referees use a fire extinguisher to put out the steps and chair. Zeus watches as Kurtesy gets stretchered up the ramp, Sandy holding his hand along the way.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s safe to say that we’ve never seen a match as genuinely scary as that before.

Connor: We can only hope that this rivalry is over, for the safety of everyone involved.

Cohen: And while Kurtesy is given medical attention, we still have several other matches for you tonight at Apocalypse!

Copeland:Well, as we wait for the ring to be cleared of its inferno equipment and before we can begin the Elite X title match between S.H.I.T. and Baez, let's look to either man's next challenger. Earlier tonight, we had a fatal for way between four competitors, with the winner becoming the next #1 contender for The Elite X title. Let's take it to Becky and Johnny, for some highlights.

Ramparte, Jonathan Hyada, Diabolos and Fallout all circle each other, around the ring, as the bell rings. All four men look to one another, to see who will strike the first blow. Fallout runs over to clothesline Hyada, as chaos takes over the ring.

Serra:Good evenings, ladies and gentlemen, Bobby Klamkr and I, ready to kick off this battle royale. Bobby, any favorites?

Klamor:Yeah, I like a man who can take a little chaos, I like Diabolos here.

The fighters start throwing blows, as chaos ensues. Hyada hits a cross body on Diabolos, as Fallout clubs Ramparte in the corner.

Serra:Whoever wins here, takes a big step in WZCW, this will prove huge for some superstar!

Hyada is taking punishment from Ramparte, who is looking extremely cocky. Hyada tries to fight back, but Ramparte is taking control, as Fallout amd Diabolos fight in the other corner. Ramparte holds Hyada's head, and prepares to spit in his face... But Hyada punches him in the face. Ramparte let's his anger get the better of him, and throws his weight into Hyada, looking for a clothesline. But Hyada ducks, and uses Ramparte's momentum to hurl him over the top rope! Hyada looks over his shoulder, as Ramparte slams the apron, upset at his ousting.

Harrys: Ramparte has been eliminated!

Serra:What an elimination by Hyada!

Klamor:Just luck, right there.

In the ring, Hyada and Diabolos trade blows, as Fallout sits on the turnbuckle, waiting for whoever emerges. Diabolos pushes Hyada to the ropes, and hits a clothesline. But his own momentum brings him to the apron, as well. Fallout goes to move to eliminate both men... But they're already fighting to push one another off. Jonathan manages a roundhouse kick, right to Diabolos head, and Diabolos falls to the floor!

Harrys: Diabolos has been eliminated

Serra:This may be Hyada's big breakout moment! He's eliminated two members of this battle royal already, and looks to add another!

Klamor:I don't know how he's keeping this up!

Hyada re-enters the ring, and looks to Fallout, who has stopped to ponder the situation. He invited Hyada, and the two start throwing punches.

Jonathan Hyada is throwing some Muy Thai knees to the stomach of Fallout. The monster starts to wobble, trying to stop himself from falling over. Hyada hits a spinning back fist to Fallout, which brings him down and elicits a giant pop from the audience, as Fallout has been knocked down for the first time in the match.

Serra: Bobby, Hyada didn't enter the favorite, but he's made a run to he final two, and now he has Fallout in trouble!

Klamor: I can't believe this, what is going on here?!

Hyada picks up Fallout, and motions him to the ropes, but Fallout takes him in the eyes! All of a sudden, Fallout has Hyada by the throat! He grabs with both hands, and though Hyada tries to break the grip, he's already perilously close to the ropes. Fallout picks Hyada up by the throat with both hands, and dumps him over the top rope, eliminating him as the crowd vehemently boos.

Harrys: Here is your winner... Fallout!

Serra:Hyada came all that way, and did all that work, just so Fallout could take advantage of him, in the end.

Klamor:That's how it goes; sometimes, you just have to work smarter, not harder.

Fallout celebrates in the ring, as a dejected Hyada looks on, while the fans behind him to to cheer him back up.

Serra: And now, we have our new #1 contender for our Elite X title. The question is, will that be title defense #6 for S.H.I.T., or title defense #1 for Baez. We'll find out next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the Elite X Championship!


Introducing first, from Rats Ass, America, Baez!

Baez makes his way out from the back and the crowd begins booing him immediately. He stands at the top of the ramp and stares out at the crowd for a moment before hastily walking down to the ring. He slides in and climbs to the second turnbuckle, staring out at the crowd before adjusting his match and hopping off the turnbuckle..

Copeland: Ever since Baez has... Ahem, returned...His obsession with the Elite X title has yielded amazing results. It seems a little interesting he'd be so fixated on the Elite X Champion

Cohen: Anything you're trying to imply here, Seabass?

The crowd begins chanting

You're still Killjob! *clap, clap, clap, clap* You're still Killjob! *clap, clap, clap, clap* You're still Killjob! *clap, clap, clap, clap*

Baez climbs the second rope, and gives a middle finger to the audience. He wags his tongue, and bounces on the ropes, before jumping off, and doing a somersault into the middle of the ring.

Connor:What they said, Jack. What they said.


Harrys: His opponent, weighing 230 pounds, he is the Mechanical Mecca, and the Elite X Champion, S.H.I.T!

The lights dim and go a very dark, cold shade of blue. When the familiar melody kicks in at about 30 seconds in, S.H.I.T emerges on the top of the ramp, surveying the arena, the noise and then the ring. Slowly it makes its way down to ring, ignoring everything.

Connor: Speaking of amazing success, who can argue with the results of S.H.I.T since he won the Elite X Championship?

Cohen: Ah, who cares? It's not like he's faced anyone the caliber of Baez!

Copeland:Oh, I don't know about that....

S.H.I.T walks through the middle rope, and walks stoically into the middle of the ring. Baez is there to greet him, talking trash and shaking his head at S.H.I.T. James Aubrey takes the title from the Mechanical Mecca, but Baez gets a cheap slap in while Aubrey is placing the title at ringside. Aubrey jumps, and goes to ring the bell.

Ding, Ding, Ding

James Aubrey immediately goes to admonish Baez, who is laughing. S.H.I.T. recalibrates, and gets face to face with Baez. He throws a punch, and another, as Baez retaliates. The two are throwing wild punches at one another, and the sheer hatred can be felt in the arena. The audience begins to go wild, at the sight of these two fighters attempting to tear each other, life from limb. Baez manages a punch into the stomach, and as S.H.I.T. is bent over, Baez gives some axe handle blows, right into the back. Baez delivers about five or six of them, which brings S.H.I.T. to his knees. The crowd thunderously boos, as Baez laughs. He grabs S.H.I.T. by his head, but S.H.I.T. hits Baez in the stomach. As Baez tries to protect his stomach, S.H.I.T. manages a forearm to Baez' nose. Baez reels back, holding his nose, which allows S.H.I.T. a chance to get to his feet. S.H.I.T. hits the ropes, and connects with a flying crossbody, and hooks Baez' leg


Kick out by Baez, as S.H.I.T. gets to his knees.

Connor:I wonder how much the WZCW Heavyweight Title shot is in S.H.I.T.'s mind right now. If I were him, I'd try to have this match over as quickly as possible.

Cohen:You mean his artificial intelligence, Connor! robot's don't have minds; man, I'm working with some amateurs.

S.H.I.T drags Baez up, and sets him up for a suplex. He connects with a snap suplex, and floats over Baez for the cover.



Barely two, as Baez kicks out. S.H.I.T. gets up, analyzing how to bring Baez down. He gets to his feet, and slowly walks towards the ropes, waiting for Baez to get up. As Baez is getting up, S.H.I.T. bounces off of the ropes, to prepare for a running knee attack. But as S.H.I.T. jumps into the air, Baez catches him with a snap powerslam, using S.H.I.T.'s momentum to send him crashing to the ground. Baez capitalizes, grabbing onto one of S.H.I.T.'s leg, and applying a single leg boston crab on his right leg. Baez walks to the middle of the ring, and starts to wring on the leg!

Copeland:S.H.I.T. gets locked into the submission. He may have a high pain tolerance, but he realizes this could snap one of his legs!

Cohen:And Baez is brutal enough to do just that! All that pressure, this could be it!

Baez yells for S.H.I.T. to tap, as S.H.I.T. continues to reach for the ropes. The crowd cheers to support S.H.I.T. clapping to show their support. S.H.I.T. climbs for safety, reaching for the ropes. He's getting closer, as Baez looks down, a little panicked. As the crowd cheers on, S.H.I.T. climbs closer and closer. The closer he gets, the fans more the fans cheer. S.H.I.T. is inches away from the ropes, but Baez stands back up with S.H.I.T's leg, and drags him back to the middle of the ring. The crowd boos, as Baez laughs, and cranks on the hold more. S.H.I.T. starts to get to his base again... And gets to his hands. He starts to push himself up, and tries to straighten his leg. Baez gets more worried, as he can feel his grip loosening on the hold. S.H.I.T. finally has enough strength, to power out of the hold! Baez falls to the ground, as S.H.I.T. gingerly gets up.

Connor: And S.H.I.T. manages to escape.

Cohen:Yes, but even robots can take damage. And did that hold affect S.H.I.T.'s ability to use his leg?

S.H.I.T. walks around, to sense any damage done to his leg. He looks down to analyze his leg, and roundhouse kicks Baez in the head. As his leg comes, down, S.H.I.T. makes sure to not much put pressure on the leg. The kick to the head connects, as Baez falls to the ground with a thud. S.H.I.T. again looks to his leg again, assessing how much damage was done. He walks to Baez' legs, albeit a little gingerly. He locks his legs into Baez, and reaches after Baez' arms. He grabs his arms, as Baez screams out.

Baez:Oh, Dear God, no!

Baez is lifted up, for a surfboard submission hold! Baez is screaming in agony, as S.H.I.T. holds him up! Baez tries to fight his arms out, but can't seem to escape the hold. James Aubrey asks if Baez wants to give up, and he refuses. S.H.I.T. holds up his opponent, but begins to lose his grip on Baez' arms. Baez wiggles his arms, and fights his way out of the hold, slipping out and landing on S.H.I.T. Baez rolls off of S.H.I.T. and holds his back. Both men gingerly get to their feet, and begin to trade blows. For every punch S.H.I.T. hits, the crowd cheers, but Baez responds with a punch of his own, drawing ire filled boos.

S.H.I.T. lands a punch


Baez squares a jab, into the face of S.H.I.T.


S.H.I.T. hammers another blow, to the jaw of Baez.


Another punch by Baez.







S.H.I.T. is taking control, as Baez wobbles from the hits. S.H.I.T. hits Baez with a short clothesline, and bounces off the ropes. He looks to begin Mechanical Madness, running at Baez to hit him with another clothesline. S.H.I.T. connects with the first clothesline, and bounces off of the ropes for a second. He hits his second, and bounces off of the ropes again. Baez gets to his feet, and notices James Aubrey standing next to him. Before S.H.I.T, can connect with his third clothesline, Baez pulls Aubrey in front of him, and rolls out of the ring, as the crowd boos and hisses. S.H.I.T. is able to stop himself, before he hits the referee, but just barely. S.H.I.T. looks at the referee, almost as if analyzing if friend or foe. He looks around, to find Baez walking around the ringside area, talking trash with the fans. Baez gets into the face of fan, and can be heard saying

Baez:Ah, shut up, you inbred son of-

The camera pulls away to S.H.I.T, who's walking out to the ring.

Copeland:Sorry about that, folks.

Cohen:What are we apologizing for? Baez is right.

S.H.I.T. goes to the outside, and grabs Baez by the mask. Baez tries to fight off S.H.I.T's hand, but S.H.I.T. has an iron grip on Baez' mask.

Connor:S.H.I.T. is going to pull off of the mask! We're finally going to prove it's Matt Tastic!

Cohen:Ref, quick, stop him! This isn't fair!

Baez hits S.H.I.T. into the stomach, to stop him. He then drives his head into the guardrail, and then throws him into the ringpost! As James Aubrey admonishes Baez, he rolls S.H.I.T. into the ring, and covers him! He also places his feet on the rope, for leverage!



Kick out by the Mechanical Mecca! Baez throws a near temper tantrum in the ring, slapping the mat with his hands and complaining to James Aubrey. S.H.I.T is slowly recovering though, and as Baez is threatening Aubrey, S.H.I.T. groggily makes it to his feet. Baez continues to complain to the referee, S.H.I.T. get behind him, and executes a german suplex, and holds on for the cover!



No, kick out by Baez!

S.H.I.T. gets to his knees, and grabs Baez by the mask, once more. Baez starts to try and break S.H.I.T's grip, but S.H.I.T. can't be stopped. Baez fights off, but then decides to start unlacing his mask. He slips away from S.H.I.T's grip, but in the process, also hits James Aubrey in the eyes with his hands. Aubrey holds on to his eyes, as S.H.I.T. raises his hand, this time for the piston chop!

But Baez hits a low blow on S.H.I.T, while the referee isn't looking! S.H.I.T. falls to his knees, as Baez looks up. As we all know, it has been Matt Tastic, all along! But none of this is seen, as James Aubrey is still not looking. Finally, he stops holding his head, as Baez prepares for the Headache Driver! He connects, and James Aubrey goes to count the cover.


Copeland:Not this way!


Copeland:This can't end like this!


Copeland:Damn it! Damn it, Matt Tastic cheated S.H.I.T. out of the title!

Harrys: The winner of this match... Baez...

Cohen:Yes! About time that robot finally got what he had coming to him!

Connor:Coming to him? Matt Tastic screwed S.H.I.T. out of the Elite X Championship!

Copeland:Matt Tastic had to break every damn rule, just to get a chance at S.H.I.T. And he broke every damn rule to beat him.

Matt Tastic celebrates in the ring, completely surprised at what has happened. As soon as he realizes he isn't covered, he goes to hide his face, and runs to grab the Elite X Title. He grabs it from the timekeeper, and jumps over the rail. He celebrates with the title, giving middle fingers to the fans, and trying to hide his face from the camera. He runs up the stairs, as S.H.I.T. begins to stir, in the ring. He gets to his knees, and stares at the new Elite X Champion. Though there is no emotion, S.H.I.T.'s body posture shows confusion, and a little anger. Tastic holds the belt over his head, and looks down at S.H.I.T., trying to avoid his face, and yet taunt his foe.

Cohen:All hail the new Elite X Champion, Baez! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Harrys: From Las Vegas Nevada, weighing in at 185 pounds, Vega!

With the lovely Alexis in tow, Vega makes his way down to the ring. Though the two were not without company as Vance Bateman followed behind. Clapping his hands and trying to rally the crowd behind Vega but only got boos in return.

Connor:"Vance Bateman's cheerleading for Vega against one of WZCW's favorites has earned him the ire of the fans."

Cohen:"Speaking of cheerleaders, can you imagine Alexis in a cheerleader outfit."

Copeland:"How do you still work here? Whatever the case may be, Vega is on the warpath, and with a win here gives Vega a spot in the Fatal Four-Way at Unscripted."

Alexis waits by the announcers table while Bateman goes up to the apron to hold the ropes open for Vega.

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, Saboteur!

Sabotage plays loudly over the PA system and Saboteur comes out with Big Dave both hyping the crowd by throwing their hands high into the air. Regardless the crowd roars in cheers at the sight of Saboteur and Big Dave.

Cohen:"Meanwhile Saboteur stands the same chance to get into the Hell in a Cell. He's better fit for a circus than a cell."'

Conner:"You can say what you like about Saboteur and his more... unorthodox nature, but Big Dave is backing him for a reason."

Copeland:"Whatever the reason, Saboteur looks primed for this match."

Big Dave went onto the apron to open the ropes for Saboteur but the man in yellow jumps over the top rope to enter the ring, focused on his opponent. With both men standing in the ring. In their body language you can see both men wanted nothing more than to tear the other apart.

The starting bell rings and both men start to attack each other with punches and kicks. While the kicks were being launched to hit the lower body, the punches they made were aiming for the head.

Conner:"Ladies and gentlemen this won't be a traditional wrestling match with these two men!"

Copeland:"We might actually see a knockout before a pinfall!"

Cohen:"Hopefully Saboteur can make like Baller and get his head knocked right off!"

Just as Cohen spoke, Vega snaps off a roundhouse kick aimed directly for the temple of Saboteur. Though Saboteur ducks the kick, then sweeping his foe sending Vega to the mat. Where Saboteur met him with an elbow drop! Saboteur then snaps back up to stand over Vega and starts to punch at Vega who's doing his best to cover up. The ref sees this and quickly makes his way to pull Saboteur off of him, warning him not to keep up actions like that. Big Dave then earned the attention of the ref arguing about pulling Saboteur off from his barrage of punches. With the ref turned away, Vega crawled up to his knees and low blows Saboteur! He then disguises it by wrapping Saboteur up in a school boy pin. The ref sees the pin but not the low blow and begins the count. 1....2... kickout!

Conner:"The referee needs to step his game up if he wants to keep his job. Both Big Dave and Vance Bateman are invested in this match.

Copeland:"Well they should also worry about Vega pulling dirty tactics like that then!"

Saboteur was able to kick out, but he was holding his gut trying to recover from the low blow. Vega charges the weakened Saboteur and tries to land a superman punch, but Saboteur ducks it, Vega quickly turns around and tries to land a kick, but Saboteur slides under Vega's legs and bounces off the ropes and lands a massive Super Saboteur! Saboteur grabs hold of Vega and begins the pin 1....2.... Vance Bateman begins shouting at the referee threatening to fire the referee. The ref stops the count to argue with Vance, meanwhile Saboteur is on the ground calling for the pin! Seconds started to feel like minutes for the masked man until Vega finally kicked out of the pin. Saboteur stands up furious at the referee, meanwhile Big Dave stomps over to Vance Bateman, getting into his face for a shouting match.

Conner:"I guess it is too late to ask if cooler heads can prevail!"

Cohen:"I knew I should of asked for my Holiday bonus before the match started!"

The referee pushes Saboteur off, handing out an official warning to him before sliding out to split up the managers. While the Referee was outside the ring, Vega managed to get back up to his feet, pulling a set of brass knuckles out of his tights and slamming Saboteur straight in the ribs with a violent punch! Throwing the knuckles away, he wraps Saboteur into the Triangle Choke! With Saboteur gasping for air, and struggling under the hold he begins to flail his arms looking for the ropes.

Suddenly, Bateman points to the ring and shouts "He tapped!" the referee turns around and slides into the ring to stop the match. Bateman calls for the bell!

Harrys: "Here is your winner by submission, Vega!"

Copeland:"NO WAY"

Conner:"Saboteur was robbed!"

Cohen:"He did it! Oh my god he did it!"

Vega lets go of the grip and stands up to his feet with a sly grin on his face Grabbing the hand of the ref who was reluctant to raise Vega's hand in victory. Saboteur is left on the ground holding his neck trying to get wind back into his lungs. The fans boo loudly in protest, with even more of the unruly fans throwing stuff into the ring.

Big Dave:"Woah no Vance you are out of line!"

Dave is now standing in the ring with a mic standing in between the grounded Saboteur and Vega with a mic in hand.

Big Dave:"Once Saboteur can stand to his feet, this match is starting again!"

The crowd cheers loudly at this announcement. Vega and Bateman began to protest to the time keeper than turned to Big Dave who then said with a cold, dead look on his face.

Big Dave:"If either of you have a problem with that, take it up with me, and the rest of England!"

The stadium erupts in cheers as Vega begins to back away from the large, scary Brit.

Cohen:"I can't believe this, Big Dave is using clout to change the outcome of this match!"

Copeland:"Sometimes I think you and I are watching two completely different matches."

Conner:"I'm with Copeland on this one, Jack. Though this match isn't over!"

Saboteur with aide of the corner gets back to his feet. Big Dave turns around to check on Sab's and with a confident nod to each other, Dave nods to the timekeeper and shouts "Start the match!" With the bell ringing Vega and Saboteur run at each other with bad intentions. Though Saboteur leaps up and lands a Death Blow on Vega! Crawling onto the ground on top of Vega the ref begins the count. 1.....2.....3!

Harrys:Here is your winner by pinfall! Saboteur!"

Copeland:"I can't believe it! Death Blow out of nowhere!"

Conner:"I can't even believe it either! Vega was robbed again by management!"

Both Vega and Saboteur are left in daze and confusion though Big Dave begins to help Saboteur to his feet to celebrate the win.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Tag Team Match and it is for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships!


The team of Los Magnificos Dragones come through the curtain sporting matching red gear, Christmas hats and bags with presents as the duo energetically runs around the stage and throwing gifts.

Harrys: Introducing the challengers, at a combined weight of 310 pounds, Amber Warren, El Califa Dragon, Los Magnificos Dragones!!

Connor: Looks like the Dragons are here to spread some Christmas joy to the UK.

Cohen: Well that's nice of them. But they better focus on their adversaries.

Copeland: Or adversary. Celeste may very well do this on her own.


The lights dim as the theme for the Dragon's opponents or opponent plays. The violins play for a good while as all that can be seen are camera flashes. Eventually sparks fly from the entrance ramp and the lights come back on revealing a lone Celeste Crimson with her head bowed down holding both Tag Team belts. She slowly raises her head as the chanting of the theme plays and starts her walk to the ring.

Harrys: And their opponent, representing Magnatunidis, she is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Celeste Crimson!!

The challengers look on with mixed feelings as Celeste looks glum but still willing to fight.

Cohen: She can't be riding alone can she?

Copeland: That's a hell of a fighting spirit. Her only title in WZCW history and she'd rather go down alone than stand aside.

Connor: She's the first lady of this company, after all. Despite her recent actions, it's hard not to admire her for her accomplishments here.

Celeste has a microphone in her hand as she makes her way to the ring, and speaks as she walks:

Celeste: I told WZCW management I would try to find a partner for this match. I lied. In this, I don't need any partner but myself. I will fight alone for the honor of Magnitudinis, and that's all I have to say.

She drops the mic and enters the ring to a mixed reaction.

All the competitors are in the ring with referee Elizabeth Prince holding up the belts. El Califa walks up to Celeste and offers her a handshake before things get going.

But she just slaps away his hand.
* Ding Ding Ding *

Celeste and Califa circle the ring and lock up dead center to start things off quickly. Celeste gets the upper hand and Hop Tosses Califa to the canvas but he nips up and Hammerlocks her. He leaps over and charges the ropes, sliding under her on the way back. He runs again, but Celeste catches him in the jaw with a Side Kick. The impact makes him bounce to a sitting position where Celeste grabs his head and makes him stand up. He wiggles around dazed and Celeste catches him in a Belly To Belly Suplex. After a bit he tries to make the tag to the anxious Amber Warren, but Celeste pulls him away.

Copeland: If Celeste wants any hope of winning this she cannot let Califa tag out. Period.

Celeste whips Calfia away to the opposite corner and charges into it with a Flip Kick and the Handspring an Elbow right in his face. She finishes off the combination of moves with a Moonsault for the first cover of the match.




But Califa kicks out. Celeste keeps things going though and Chinlocks him while on the ground with referee Elizabeth Prince checks the hold. Amber Warren looks eager to get in on the action on the apron but Celeste does not relent despite being alone.

Connor: I honestly don't know who to root for right now. It's just too hard to not cheer Celeste's effort.

Cohen:The Dragones will overmatch her quickly.

Califa makes his way to his feet and elbows his way out of the chinlock and charges the ropes for momentum. Celeste tries to Clothesline him down but he ducks and springboards. Coming back with a Huracanrana off the ropes and the quick tag to Amber Warren. She leaps in but Celeste leaves the ring and walks around ringside as Elizabeth Prince keeps Amber inside.

Copeland: Celeste needs the breather. That's a smart move there.

Amber shoves the ref aside and goes after Celeste who tries to get away at ringside. Amber gives chase, but Califa stops Amber!

Cohen: WHAT?!

Celeste looks on in wonder as Califa tells Amber to calm down and holds her. Celeste slowly walks off back into the ring as does Amber.

Connor: Califa wants a fair fight. But he can't get it in this situation at all. I'm guessing that he's doing the most honorable thing he can think of.

Cohen: That's cool and all, but Celeste can very well see that as an insult.

Both women meet up center of the ring and meet eye to eye. After a bit of tension, the both begin throwing bombs at each other. The crowd goes wild for it as both girls dish out their best swings in the middle of the ring. Neither girl backs off but little by little, Celeste begins to gain the upper hand landing more hits. She overwhelms Amber with fists of fury but Amber tries to fight back. She runs the ropes but Celeste hits her low and hits.....

The Imperial Impaler!!!

Everyone reacts to a shock, even Califa as Celeste quickly goes for the cover.

Connor: She's gonna do it!


We see Califa in the background grasping the ropes contemplating to break up the fall!


Copeland: This is unreal!

Thr- NO!!!

Amber manages to kick out as the atmosphere is at a fever pitch for the surprise maneuver!

* Lets Go Crimson! Lets Go Dragons! Lets Go Crimson! Lets Go Dragons! *

Amber, despite kicking out is still on the floor, down and out while Celeste staggers back to her feet. She screams out in frustration and grabs Amber by the hair, standing her up. She starts to stretch her for the Pyromancy but Amber Hip Tosses out of it. She falls and tries to crawl to Califa but Celeste grabs her ankle and locks the Divine Intervention.

Cohen: Celeste's got her. She's gonna retain!!

Celeste tightens the grip as Elizabeth Prince checks for submissions but Amber tries to crawl to Califa with everything she has. Celeste tries to pull back but it seems Amber is able to pull ahead. She reaches out to tag Califa as Celeste puts on as much pressure as she can.


Elizabeth makes the announcement as Amber, by the mere tips of her fingers makes the tag to Califa. Celeste releases Amber and holds her stance ready for the more fresh opponent but Califa just gets in the ring and looks on with his fists clenched. Celeste screams at him to "come on" but he doesn't budge yet.

Copeland: He's giving her another moment to rest. I suggest Celeste keeps her cool and takes it if she wants any hope of retaining.

Califa crosses his arms, but Celeste takes the chance to slap him hard across the face.

Celeste: "Don't belittle me with your pity! Fight me!"

Connor: I don't believe it's pity, but still...

Celeste attacks with heavy fists and Califa drops the crossed arms as the fight seems to be back on. Califa fights back with kicks to various areas of Celeste's anatomy and flips over her to fall behind her. He leaps on her shoulders for a roll up but gets out of it before a pinfall could be made as Amber is seen getting back up on the apron. Celeste is on her knees looking on at Califa who sees the perfect chance to attack. But he stalls.

Cohen:Do it! There's nothing else that can be done!

He looks to attempt something, but Amber tags herself in. Celeste charges at Califa and hits him with the Spirit Crusher to knock him down leaving the two girls alone again. She quickly runs for a second one at Amber but she ducks and rolls Celeste up!




Harrys: Here are your winners and new WZCW Tag Team Champions, Los Magnificos Dragones!

The crowd gives a standing ovation for all the competitors in the match as Califa is on the floor. Amber is helping him up and Celeste in on her knees in the middle of the ring saddened.

What an effort by everyone. Especially Celeste for doing what she could alone.

Elizabeth Prince grabs the belts to give them to the new champions but Celeste steals them screaming. The new champions get in the ring and Amber tries to force Celeste to give the belts back. But Califa once again holds her back.

Celeste clutches the two belts as the Dragones look on. She spots the two who just wait. Elizabeth Prince tries to take the belts back as well, but once again Califa stops her. Wanting to give Celeste her space.

Cohen: That's a gentleman there. He'd rather wait and let her have her peace.

* Celeste! Celeste! Celeste! Celeste! *

The crowd cheers for her and it grabs her attention. She gets back to her feet and after some contemplation, hands the titles to the new Champions who accept them. They all shake hands and hug as Amber even brings in one of the Christmas hats and gives it to Celeste. They exit the ring leaving Celeste alone with the hat on as the crowd gives her a standing ovation.

Copeland: Ah.... Now I feel all jolly inside. Merry Christmas guys.

Connor: Uh-huh.

Cohen: Shut up, Seabass.

The crowd roars at the familiar tune and the flashbulbs begin to light up in the audience as Titus appears on stage. He is wearing casual street clothes and looks around and waves at everyone. He walks down the ramp towards to the ring with a small, but noticeable limp to his normal strut.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome WZCW Legend! Titus!

The crowd cheers loudly again as Titus walks around the ring. He stops at the corner and climbs quickly up the steps and raises his arms towards the crowd. Titus straddles into the ring and shakes the hand of Mr. Harrys. The ring announces leaves the mic with Titus and exits out of the ring. Titus walks over to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs up and poses for the crowd.

Copeland: The crowd is pumped to see Titus here tonight. I’ve spoken with Titus earlier tonight and he is very upset that he is not medically cleared to compete tonight, due to the events that transpired on Ascension 72.

Cohen: Very upset is putting that mildly Seabass. Titus is playing to the crowd now, but look into his eyes. Medically cleared or not, the man is out here looking for a fight and hopefully some answers.

Connor: I don’t blame him Jack. The way Showtime stabbed his friend in the back two weeks ago is despicable. I hope Showtime gets what he deserves tonight.

Cohen: If Titus isn’t careful, he may leave on a stretcher here tonight.

Back in the ring the crowd continues to chant Titus’ name. He smiles and nods them down and goes to speak.

Titus: I’ve been wrestling in WZCW for many years now. I’ve competed against hundreds of different opponents. Some I’ve had heated feuds with, a few never made much of a mark on me in my life, and many of them I’ve gotten to know and become aquatinted with. There are also some that I’ve come to call my friends outside of this ring. One of those guys surprised me by returning to take on the tag team champions with me. He also surprised me when he left me lying on the mat in that ring. That friend’s name was Showtime.

A loud boo is heard from the audience. Titus looks down to the mat and then back up to speak.

Titus: I remember the day Showtime started in WZCW. I knew that he had something special in him and if he worked hard he would one day become champion. I took him under my wing a little and showed him the ropes. I invited him into my inner circle of close friends and was there for support as he become one of the best WZCW has seen inside the ring. I considered him a brother, a close confident that I could always speak to whenever things got me down. He was there to support me when I was injured by Chris K.O. He knew the frustration I felt competing against Vega. Those two scum bags attacked me when my back was turned instead of challenging me face to face like men. That’s how I always figured me and Showtime would feud; that we’d each turn to the big Kingdom Come logo and nod our heads, or one of us would be champion and the other would be the challenger. Never did I think he would take the cowards way and attack me when I wasn’t expecting it. Never did I think my best friend would stab me in the back like he did.

Titus circles the ring a bit, the crowd booing the mere mention of Showtime.

Titus: The doctors refused to medically clear me to compete tonight, which is a shame as I really wanted to be crowned King for a Day in front of all you wonderful fans here in attendance. While I don’t question their decision, I feel perfectly fine, and I’m looking to take out some pent up frustration here tonight. Showtime! I know that you are somewhere in the back right now, and I’m calling you down to this ring so that you can explain to me what happened last week on Ascension. I don’t think there’s an answer you could give me right now that won’t end with me knocking you down to the mat, but I’m telling you you better come down here and look me in the eye like a man and answer my request or I swear I will come back there and find you.

The crowd cheers and Titus paces back and forth inside the ring.

Titus: Come on out Showtime. Mr. Banks can’t protect you forever. Sooner or later you will have to answer for what happened last week. If you don’t come out now, I will go back there and find you.

Titus stares up the ramp and waits. After several seconds, he drops the mic and goes to straddle through the ropes.


Titus stops his exit and picks up the mic on the mat. Showtime slowly walks out on stage, drawing a huge boo from the crowd. Showtime is dressed in a sharp business suit and has a mic in hand already. He walks down to the ring slowly, his eyes locked on Titus angered stare.

Copeland: The former 3-time WZCW Champion Showtime is making his way down to the ring. What will he have to say regarding what happened between him and Titus.

Cohen: Showtime is a master on the microphone, but I don’t think he will be able to talk himself out of this situation here tonight.

Connor: Titus really needs to watch himself though. Showtime has shown his true colours and I wouldn’t doubt if he tries to sneak attack Titus here again tonight.

Showtime straddles slowly through the ropes and holds his hand out, gesturing to Titus to calm down and let him explain. Showtime paces around the ring and holds the mic up. The crowd boos loudly and Showtime puts the mic down and rubs his face. Showtime holds the mic up again and doesn’t say anything, drawing more boos from the crowd.

Titus: We’ve always been able to tell each other everything. There’s never been any secrets between the two of us when it comes to what goes on here in WZCW. That’s why I can’t wrap my head around what happened last week. The talks we’ve had before about teaming up and taking on the tag team champions. The feuds we’ve helped each other through. None of it can explain what occurred on Ascension. What happened resembled anger, jealousy, and hatred. Before this gets ugly tonight I want an explanation from you.

Titus turns to Showtime who looks around at the audience. Showtime looks down at the mic and goes to speak, but again goes silent. The crowd boos and Titus takes a step towards Showtime.

Titus: This is last time I’m going to be asking you this. Showtime, brother, why?

Titus stands in front of Showtime who turns and looks down and away. He goes to speak, but then lowers his mic. Titus reaches back and slaps Showtime across the face.

Titus: You look me in the eye when I’m talking to you. I deserve that much respect from you.

Titus yells this at Showtime and the crowd cheers loudly. Showtime grabs his face and finally shows some real emotion as anger flashes in his eyes. He holds up the mic to speak.

Showtime: I don’t owe you any explanation. You’re not better than me, you’re not more important than me. I am the biggest star in WZCW. Do you know what the biggest star does? He creates the big moments that happen on this show. What I did out there last week got people talking. The only things anyone said about that show was how good the ending was. I created that moment. You just happened to be there at the time when it happened. No hard feelings at all, friend.

The crowd boos loudly as the two men stare at each other. Titus looks around and goes to speak, but is cut off.

Showtime: You know what, you should feel fortunate about what happened. It got people talking about Titus again, and not just about how many times he’s lost his last several big matches. What I did was the biggest thing to happen to your career in months. You’re welcome.

Showtime lowers his mic and turns to leave. Titus steps forward and grabs Showtime, who quickly turns and strikes him with the mic. Titus crumples to the mat and Showtime stands over him and starts stomping.

Copeland: Deja Vu all over again here tonight as Showtime sucker strikes Titus with that microphone, and now he is laying the boots to Titus on the mat.

Cohen: You got to hand it to Showtime though, he picked the right moment when Titus' guard was down and is about to make another huge moment here tonight.

Connor: Showtime is a coward, somebody needs to help Titus. He is not medically cleared to compete.

Showtime has booted Titus to the corner where he continues to lay down some more boots on him. Showtime takes off his jacket and then picks Titus up to his feet and lifts him off the mat. He turns Titus upside down and hangs him on the turnbuckle in a tree of woe position. Showtime walks over to the opposite turnbuckle and runs towards Titus, hitting a dropkick right across the chest. A winded Titus drops to the mat and Showtime stands up and poses to loud boos. Showtime lifts Titus up to his feet and then picks him up and places Titus in the top turnbuckle. Showtime climbs up onto the top rope and sets up The Final Act.

Connor: No not again.

Cohen: Showtime is going to put Titus in the hospital if he hits this move.

Showtime goes to jump off, but Titus hits an elbow to stop him. Titus continues to show life and hits a few more elbows before throwing Showtime back into the ring. Showtime rolls onto his feet and is met by a diving Titus who knocks them both to the mat. Titus is straddled over top of Showtime and swings wild punches that he tries to block. Showtime pushes Titus off him and the two get up to their feet. They circle a bit and lock up like hockey fighters and start punching each other in the face. Titus has a firm grip on Showtime’s shirt collar and pulls the shirt up over his head while moving his punches towards the gut. Showtime is bent over with his shirt over his face, struggling to pull it off, when Titus bounces off the ropes. He runs back and jumps up in the air.

Copeland: Tit Drop! Connects!

Showtime lies on the mat with his shirt over his face. The crowd cheers and laughs as Titus walks over and pulls the shirt right off of Showtime. Showtime stirs a bit and rolls over towards the ropes. Titus reaches down and grabs the leg, applying an Ankle Lock! Showtime screams to life and grabs the ropes, trying to pull himself to safety. Showtime turns and tries to wildly kick Titus in the face with his free leg, eventually making direct contest and knocking Titus backwards. Titus lunges back at Showtime, but the former World Heavyweight Champion rolls out of the ring and has climbed the barricade to safety. Showtime turns back to the ring from in the crowd and looks at Titus. Titus stays be the ropes and glares back at Showtime unsatisfied.

Copeland: An explosive encounter between these two WZCW greats. Sooner or later the score will be settled in the ring and I for one cannot wait.

Connor: With each of his past feuds, we’ve seen a little more fire and frustration in Titus game. This feud could be what Titus needs to get back to World Title form, or another set back. I think Showtime has made a big mistake by attacking Titus.

Cohen: Are you kidding CC? Tonight Titus stooped down to Showtime’s level and fought dirty. A shirt over his face? Really? When these two get in the ring, you’ll see who the better wrestler is, and that is of course the only Grand Slam Winner in WZCW history, Showtime.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Eurasian Championship!

The crowd boos heavily as Mikey Stormrage slowly emerges onto the stage. Stormrage stands at the top of the ramp and looks at his feet for a moment as the camera pans around to his side, revealing a huge section of the crowd hurling insults and derision at him. Stormrage cracks his neck and holds his head up high, then slowly and determinedly walks down to the ring. He slides in without acknowledging the crowd. A few of the fans in the O2 Arena throw trash at him, but security quickly contains them and referee Jorou Akiyama clears the ring of the detritus.

Copeland: Many of the WZCW Universe have been confused about how to react to Mikey Stormrage lately, but here in England it seems there's no confusion at all - this crowd absolutely hates him.

Cohen: This bunch of tea sipping pansies would turn against a red blooded American like Mikey Stormrage instead of the spineless James Howard, and no surprise at all!

The camera refocuses to the top of the stage and the lights dim. The crowd starts to grow silent. The moments stretch on as the anticipation builds, until...



James Howard walks through a wall of fireworks with the Eurasian Championship around his waist. The crowd is absolutely exploding for his entrance in his home country. Howard unstraps the belt and holds it to the sky as he walks down the ring with slow determination. Stormrage turns to look at him and they lock eyes, never breaking contact as Howard enters the ring.

Copeland: Inaudible

Practically nothing can be heard over the roar of the crowd for James Howard as he stands in the center of the ring with the Eurasian Championship held above his head. The camera pans over the wild crowd; the hard camera catches a shot of Howard standing in front of the crowd and holds it for a moment.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing in at 315 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!

The crowd returns to booing heavily and Stormrage shifts his weight from foot to foot in clear anticipation of the match beginning.

Connor: In terms of title stakes this is hardly the biggest match on the card, but it really has a big fight feel to it.

Harrys: And introducing his opponent, from Leeds, England -

Harrys cannot continue as the crowd roars even louder than before and Howard steps forward with the belt still raised above his head.

Harrys: - weighing in at 223 pounds, he is the Eurasian Champion, James Howard!

Howard calmly hands the belt over to Akiyama. He presents it to Stormrage, who nods slowly, and then to the crowd, which cheers once more. He then hands it off to a member of the ringside crew and signals for the bell and we are underway.

Stormrage charges at Howard wildly before Howard can properly get set, knocking him off his feet and into the corner where Stormrage starts pounding on him furiously. Akiyama tries to pull Stormrage off, starts a count, gets to one, two, three, four and Stormrage FINALLY breaks off. Akiyama pushes him back and issues a stern warning before going to check on Howard. Howard waves him off and gets to his feet in the corner. Stormrage CHARGES FROM THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE RING AND CRUSHES HOWARD WITH A CORNER AVALANCHE! Howard collapses again and Akiyama practically screams at Stormrage, indicating he is more than willing to disqualify Stormrage if he keeps it up. Stormrage wipes his hand across his mask and waits for Howard to get up. Howard staggers to his feet - but he falls to a knee. Akiyama checks on Howard again and the champion grinds his teeth and waves him off once more. Akiyama points at Stormrage and tells him to back into the corner as Howard gets up behind him and steps out of the corner, slightly unsteadily. Akiyama steps aside and waves for the two to continue the match. Stormrage approaches more subtly this time, slowly. Howard spits at the ground and offers a wrist lock. Stormrage looks at it with his head cocked but shrugs and reaches to accept it.

Copeland: Stormrage absolutely exploding early but he's got to be careful about the rules here.

Cohen: He hasn't done anything wrong, Seabass - just using what is legally available to him!

Connor: Meanwhile I'm not sure what a great decision it was for Howard to offer a wristlock to a man nearly 100 pounds heavier than him.

Stormrage seems to be getting the better of it with his weight advantage, but Howard manages to switch to the back of Stormrage and gets in a hammerlock. He uses the hold to force Stormrage to his knees and puts a knee in his back, forcing him to face downwards. He lets go of the hammerlock and Stormrage lifts his head up - only to meet a stiff kick from Howard! Stormrage lurches forward from the kick and his head smacks into the mat. He pushes himself up on his hands and knees and Howard hits the ropes, rebounds, and nails a low dropkick that sends Stormrage sprawling out as he flips over. Howard hits the ropes again, rebounds, runs over Stormrage, leaps, he springboards - and NAILS A SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT! Howard covers and gets one, two, but only two as Stormrage kicks out! Howard gets to his feet, and Stormrage follows, both men getting up at about the same time. Stormrage charges with a clothesline but Howard ducks under it, Stormrage turns to face him, Howard kicks him square in the gut, and then follows with a brutal knee strike. Stormrage falls to his knees and Howard goes at him with a series of kicks! Each kick is met with a roar of approval from the crowd until Howard finishes it off with a SICK KICK TO THE HEAD! Stormrage hits the mat and looks dazed. Howard raises a finger to the sky and the crowd gives him yet another cheer as he waits to make his next move.

Connor: Howard with the patented strikes, getting him back into the matchup.

Cohen: Stormrage really has to avoid letting Howard get too many of those in. He needs to bring back the explosiveness he began the match with.

Stormrage staggers slowly to one knee and Howard kicks him across the face again, letting Stormrage hit the mat again. Howard wipes his mouth and barks something at Stormrage, seeming to want him to get up. Stormrage once again slowly gets to his knees and Howard NAILS HIM AGAIN! Akiyama says something to Howard and the champion stares him down, still not going for the cover. He bends his knees and yells at Stormrage again, but Stormrage rolls aside to the corner this time. He tries to pull himself up in the corner and drops to a knee as he does so, clearly dazed. Howard goes for him but Akiyama puts his hand on him, stopping him from doing so. Howard yells at Akiyama and the senior official tugs at his shirt. In the meantime Stormrage has managed to get to his feet and takes a step at, to which Howard steps around Akiyama and goes for him. Howard goes for a strike but Stormrage catches it and answers with a HEADBUTT! Howard starts backwheeling and Stormrage shakes out his head, then goes to Howard, elevates him and NAILS A SAMOAN DROP! He catches his breath for a moment before flipping over and going for a cover, getting one, two, but only two!

Copeland: A really painful series of kicks from Howard to Stormrage, but I'm not sure why he didn't go for the cover.

Cohen: Because he's sick, Seabass! He wanted to kill Mikey, not beat him! And he's paying for it now!

Mikey pulls Howard to his feet and lifts him up once more, dropping him across his knee with a backbreaker! He pulls him to his feet once more, then whips him across the ring. Howard flies, hits the ropes, but he holds on! Stormrage charges Howard, but Howard ducks down, pulls the ropes, and Stormrage falls out of the ring! He lands awkwardly but stays on his feet, turns to face Howard - ONLY TO GET WIPED OUT BY A SUICIDE DIVE FROM HOWARD! THE CROWD IS ON THEIR FEET AS BOTH MEN ARE LAID OUT ON THE OUTSIDE! Akiyama rolls out of the ring to check on both of them. Satisfied that neither of them are seriously injured, he rolls back into the ring and starts a count...getting to one, two...neither man is stirring...three, four...Howard gets to a knee and Stormrage clambers to the ring with a crawling motion...five, six....Stormrage clutches at the apron, Howard is close to the ring post....seven, eight...Stormrage has a hand on the apron, so does Howard...nine....

Both men roll into the ring just in time! Akiyama signals that the match will continue as Howard and Stormrage get to their feet slowly! They charge at each other and Howard takes Stormrage down! He throws a few wild punches to the side of Mikey's head and then LOCKS IN THE TENZAN CHOKE IN THE CENTER OF THE RING! Stormrage has nowhere to go with the hold locked in hard! He struggles wildly, trying to turn Howard over, but the champion has it locked in hard and his eyes are full of hate and determination! Stormrage shifts a bit to the side, reaches as far as he can for the ropes - but he's short! Akiyama is asking him! He says no! HE raises a hand and struggles - he - he -


Cohen: Look at that! He broke out of Howard's signature hold!

Copeland: Reaching the ropes is hardly breaking out, Jack, and I'd be worried about the toll the hold might have taken on Mikey there.

Howard is forced to break the hold and backs off as Akiyama checks on Stormrage to ensure he can continue. Satisfied that this is the case, he lets the match continue and Howard goes after Stormrage. He pulls him up and tries to whip him into the corner, but Stormrage is just too big and he reverses it, sending Howard into the opposite corner instead. Howard rests there and Stormrage charges him for another avalanche, but Howard ducks aside and lets Mikey crash into the turnbuckle! Stormrage takes a step backwards but Howard dropkicks him from behind, slamming him into the corner once more! He crumples face first in the corner and Howard goes right after him, pulling him to his feet and flipping him around. He uses the corner as a brace and summons his strength to lift Mikey to the top rope. Mikey sits precariously on the top as Howard backs across the ring, signals to the crowd, and flies across the ring! He charges, leaps, and throws a HURRICANRANA - BUT MIKEY REFUSES TO BUDGE! HOWARD IS LEFT DANGLING FROM STORMRAGE'S NECK! Mikey puts a hand on Stormrage's legs on the back of his neck, preventing the champion from letting go. He rears back and pulls Howard into his clutches - the champion struggles - but Stormrage holds on! Mikey stands up in the corner - AND DROPS A SUPER GAME OVER FROM THE TOP ROPE! THE RING NEARLY BUCKLES FROM THE FORCE OF THE IMPACT! HE COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND -


Harrys: Here is your winner, and the NEW EURASIAN CHAMPION, MIKEY STORMRAGE!

Mikey Stormrage gets to his feet and Akiyama raises his hand to the sky. It is impossible to tell what the big man is feeling underneath his mask, but it is easy to tell what the crowd is thinking as they scream hatred at him and resume throwing trash. Akiyama buckles the belt on Mikey Stormrage - surreptitiously using ancient Japanese belt extending techniques - and the new champion stands over his former friend and partner as he basks in the glory of his win.

Connor: A new champion after a hard fought contest, but I have to say, guys, I'm not convinced this is the end of Stormrage and Howard seeing each other in the ring.

Cohen: After the way Stormrage beat Howard tonight, it should be! This no good frog doesn't deserve a rematch! He deserves a trip to the ER!
The camera switches to a view of a table situated in the upper deck of the arena. Sitting on the far left of the table is Leon Kensworth, who picks up his mic and introduces himself.

Leon: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Leon Kensworth and allow me to welcome you to this special King for a Day preview panel discussion. Let me introduce our guests. First, we have none other than WZCW Hall of Famer, Everest!

The camera switches to Everest and the crowd cheers heartily for him. He waves at the camera and tweaks his earpiece.

Leon: Next, former world champions and owner of WZCW, Ty Burna!

The camera switches to Ty and a decidedly mixed reaction from the crowd. Ty smiles and waves a bit.

Leon: And finally, we have a special treat. Originally this slot was slated to be one of our general managers, but just moments ago, our guest insisted that he join the panel...so allow me to introduce, WZCW owner, Mr. Banks!

The camera switches to Banks and a generally positive reaction from the crowd. Banks nods at the camera, but returns to his gaze to his fellow panel members; in particular, his gaze rests on Ty for some time.

Leon: Three of WZCW's best and brightest are right here on this panel so I'm sure we have a lot to discuss. Gentlemen, coming up next is King for a Day. We have Ace Stevens, the Beard, Theron Daggershield, Blade, and Triple X in this match, along with a returning legend whose identity is as yet unknown. That's where I'd like to start - Everest, Ty? Any feelings about who our returning legend might be?

Leon smiles at the end a bit, his question absolutely loaded. Everest and Ty exchange a glance, but then say together:

Everest: No comment.

Ty: No comment.

Leon laughs a bit, but Mr. Banks chimes in.

Banks: Allow me to say that I know exactly who the returning legend is, and I am confident that the WZCW Universe will be thrilled. He's definitely one of the most beloved superstars in our history.

Leon: Well, I can't say I expected to get much out of that one. My next question is for Ty. Ty, you've stepped inside the King for a Day chamber before. What's it like?

Ty takes a deep breath and raises the mic to speak.

Ty: Well, let me first say I was robbed, and Corey Payne stole that match. That said, it's a brutal experience. There's nothing quite like being inside that cage, Leon. It's not a normal steel cage, or even Hell in a Cell. It's something different. Demonic, almost. A guy like me can get into that, sure, but it doesn't make it less painful to be inside. I don't envy any of the men going inside this thing tonight, but that's the price you pay for a shot at the world championship.

Leon: Everest, you never competed in the King for a Day match - or, should I say, you haven't yet. Do you wish you'd had a shot?

Everest: Traditionally, the people inside the King for a Day chamber are people who have never won the world title. Ty, maybe you remember - that night you were in King for a Day, I was defending the world title in the main event -

Ty: Losing the world title. Just saying.

Everest: - nonetheless. I did some research in fact, Leon, and in fact, no former world champion has ever been in King for a Day. What does that tell you? It's a match for those on the up and up, not those who already made it. I don't regret not being in it - that just means I was already at the top.

Leon: Okay, my next question is for Mr. Banks. Sir, the decision to move King for a Day was made before you purchased the company. Do you feel like that was a good business decision?

Banks: Absolutely. Previous ownership is this company has been questionable at best, but hey, even blind squirrels find an acorn every now and again, right? King for a Day has always deserved a bigger stage, and Apoacalypse needed a little more pop to it. It's a match made in heaven, frankly.

As Banks stops talking he notices Ty staring at him, from the "previous ownership" comment.

Leon: Let's talk a bit more about the men in the match tonight. I'd like to ask each of you - what's the most interesting storyline going into this match tonight?

Everest: It has to be Triple X and Blade. Triple X has finally found an edge - no pun intended - and I have to say it's got me interested. He and Blade are going to meet one on one sooner or later, but I can't wait to see them cross paths inside the cage tonight.

Ty: I think the story here is the Beard. He has been on a rampage since turning over his new leaf, but he fell just short of being the number one contender tonight. Imagine an unpredictable monster like the Beard with the King for a Day briefcase. My old friend Barbosa wouldn't be able to sleep - ironically enough, considering.

Banks: The story that intrigues me most, frankly, is young Theron Daggershield. He's got nothing to lose entering this match, and how many times do you see a rookie like that get a shot like this? Even if he loses, what a story he has to tell to all his friends at the dice shop over the Doritos and Mountain Dew. Ha ha!

Everest smiles a bit but Ty looks unamused as Leon rolls with it.

Leon: Okay, we're close to the match beginning, so let's get real quickly from everyone - who's your pick tonight?

Everest: Triple X. He's got the raw edge and there was a time he was looked at the uncrowned champion of this company. It's time for him to find his crown.

Ty: The returning legend. Whoever it is, I don't think anyone in this match can contend with him.

Banks: The real winner, Leon, is me! This is the most exciting King for a Day ever, and that means buys. And buys mean dollars in my pocket, Leon. Ha!

Ty gives Banks another long look and Banks seems about to say something, but Leon cuts in quickly.

Leon: Well, folks, it's about time to start King for a Day, so get ready to enjoy a huge match!



The fans grow deathly silent as the chamber begins to slowly lower from the rafters.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the King For A Day match!

Cohen: I've been waiting on this one all night. Six men, one sick and twisted steel structure. It takes a real man to walk out of here alive, so I'm picking The Beard to take it home tonight.

Connor: Sick and twisted indeed Jack. This match will test all six men inside, and in that test I think brains will serve well. So I'm going with our returning veteran. He should have the experience to overcome tonight.

Cohen: What about you Seabass? Or are you too good to enjoy some good old fashioned violence?

Copeland: On the contrary Jack, I think the King For A Day Match is a brilliant display of athleticism and will test the very limits of our athletes involved. That is why I'm picking Blade tonight. He may not stand out in any one category, but he has enough of each to make him a threat.

Harrys: The rules of the contest are as follows: two men will enter the ring whilst four others will be locked inside one of these steel pods. The match will begin and at five minute intervals, one competitor will be released from their pod. After all six men have entered, the last remaining superstar will be declared the winner and will receive the King For a Day briefcase that allows the winner a World Title shot at any time!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190lbs. He is The Warblade Theron Daggershield!

Theron comes out to a round of applause as he waves to the fans and slaps hands on his way to the ring and into his pod.

Copeland: Theron Daggershield, the winner of the fan vote to determine the final entrant into this match. This is definitely a chance to make a big impact for the young superstar.

Cohen: You have to question if he can survive the brutality of a match like this. This is no fantasy world.


Introducing second, weighing in at 285lbs, he is The Manliest Man in Professional Wrestling, The Beard!

The Beard makes his way to the ring, with Ezekiel Hewitt coming out to give him a few last minute instructions. He removes the towel from Beard's head as the crowd boos him. He slowly makes his way to his pod, adjusting his wrist tape.

Cohen: Here is my pick to take this home. He is big, bad, and on a tear recently. He is going to write the wrong that happened at Redemption and tear through the competition tonight.

Connor: Coming off two big wins over Titus and James Howard in recent weeks, Beard has the momentum, can he put it all together tonight? That remains to be seen.


Introducing third, from Phoenix, Arizona by way of Birmingham, England, weighing in at 220lbs, Triple X!

The crowd boos heavily as Triple X makes his way to the ramp. He psyches out a young fan with a high five before he rolls into the ring and climbs into his pod, taunting the crowd.

Copeland: A shame that Triple X has turned his back on these fans in recent weeks, as this could have been quite the homecoming for the English born X.

Cohen: What have these fans ever done for him Seabass? I applaud the efforts of Triple X for opening his eyes and realizing the truth.


Cohen: Yes! Finally! He is back! The Incredible One has returned!

Introducing next, making his return to the ring, from Yokohama, Japan, weighing in at 240lbs, Mr. Incredible, Doug Crashin!

The lights go out of the arena. Green money signs fill the spot lights as they pan in the arena while strobes flash. Ram Jam plays as a huge pyro display blasts from the stage. When the smoke clears a spotlight shines on Crashin who shows his back to the fans. He turns around and starts to strut down the ramp as he insults some fans. He poses before he stops at ringside.

Cohen: Can you guys believe it? Doug Crashin has returned to the WZCW ring!

Copeland: No Jack I can't believe it. Any chance you want to change your pick Cat? Now that Doug Crashin has been...wait what the hell?!

Doug Crashin goes down from a wicked chair shot to the back. The camera pans to reveal that Drake Callahan is the assailant. Another chair shot across the back puts Crashin back down. Drake throws the chair to the ground and lifts Crashin for Faded Memory. He connects with the brainbuster right on the chair! As medical crews attend to Crashin, Drake grabs the chair and scares back various ringside attendants who attempt to corral him. He scrambles into the chamber and into the remaining pod. He closes the pod, locking himself inside.

Copeland: Is this even legal? What the hell is Drake Callahan doing?


Making his way to the ring, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 228lbs, The American Sentinel, Ace Stevens!

Ace Stevens comes out proudly waving an American flag. The English crowd is a mix of boos, for the overt display of foreign patriotism on their soil, and cheers for the ever popular former Mayhem Champion. He hands the flag to a ringside attendant before popping off his jacket and stepping into the ring.

Copeland: Well Ace Stevens making his way to the ring, as it looks like Drake Callahan is going to be allowed to continue in this match.

Cohen: Well, aside from ruining the return of Doug Crashin, I say smart move on the part of Callahan. He just got a free pass into this match.

Connor: Well I am going to change my pick to Ace Stevens. No one oozes more confidence in this match than Ace.

Cohen: I saw the way you were looking at him Cat. I bet Ace isn't the only thing oozing right now.


And finally, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235lbs, Blade!

Blade walks from behind the curtain clapping with the fans. He slaps some hands on his way to the ring before he steps in, fixing his gaze upon Triple X.

Copeland: My pick tonight, Blade. Like I said I think he has the right mix of speed, power, and experience to see this one through.

Connor: Solid insight, but as you see Blade may have other interests tonight in the form of Triple X. Hopefully he doesn't take his eyes off the big prize.

Referee Dillon Morse orders the chamber to be closed and the match gets underway. Stevens and Blade both take a moment to pace around the ring, staring into the pods of their competitors. As Blade walks past the pod of Triple X, he takes a moment to bang on the glass, giving Ace the opening he needs to kick things off. He rushes in with clubbing blows across the back as Blade stumbles back toward the center of the ring. Ace keeps up the offensive with short punches as Blade tries to fight back. Stevens grabs an arm and Irish whips Blade into the ropes. Off the rebound Ace drops the Irishman over the ropes, but he lands on his feet. Ace turns and shakes his head before he grabs the hair of Blade and drags him closer to the ropes. An uppercut softens his foe up enough for him to toss him back inside. Blade grabs his back in pain but is back on his feet rather quickly. He has no time to rest however as Ace is back on him, working him over with short punches. He backs Blade into a corner and connects with a sharp knife edged chop to the chest, eliciting an audible "oooh" from the crowd. He connects with a second before he takes a few steps back and springs into a splash. As Blade stumbles out of the corner, Stevens scoops him up and slams him down to the mat. He makes the cover...
With relative ease Blade gets a shoulder up, but Stevens keeps his foot on the gas, locking onto a chinlock.

Copeland: Your pick is looking good thus far Cat, Ace is in total control.

Cohen: It's still early but can you imagine if Ace Stevens wins this whole thing? He may grab his flag and storm the gates of Buckingham Palace.

Blade has managed to work his way back to his feet, though Stevens has switched to a headlock. Blade throws a couple of elbows to work out of the hold and hits the ropes. Ace leapfrogs and as Blade rebounds, Stevens connects with a clothesline to put him back down. He goes to pick Blade up but Blade counters with a roll up..
And a frantic Stevens just manages to kick out. Blade does his best to clear his head before Stevens gets back to his feet. The two square off in the center of the ring and begin to trade right hands. The crowd "ooohs" with each blow until the countdown timer begins to play on the tron.


The lights dim and the spotlight begins to briefly illuminate each pod.

Connor: Let's see who is about to enter the fray.

The light stops on Theron Daggershield's pod. The crowd voices their approval as the pod opens and Theron jumps into the match. He immediately climbs to the top turnbuckle and connects with a cross body that takes out both Blade and Stevens. As Ace sits up Theron connects with a running dropkick and follows it up with an elbow drop. He hooks the leg of Stevens..
And Stevens is able to kick out. Theron keeps up the energy, picking up Stevens by the hair. He whips him into the corner and follows it up with a leaping back elbow. The former Mayhem champion stumbles a few steps out of the corner before collapsing. Blade rushes in but Theron side steps and tosses him over the top rope, leaving Blade to land on the cold unforgiving steel.

Copeland: Daggershield is on fire!

Dagger raises his arms into a X above his head and climbs back to the top rope. He measures up Stevens and leaps, rotating for a shooting star press. At the last minute Stevens rolls out of the way and Theron crashes face first into the mat. Stevens scrambles to his feet as Daggershield stands on wobbly legs. Stevens spins and connects with an elbow square to the jaw! Punchline! Theron goes down in a heap and Stevens hooks the leg..

Harrys: Theron Daggershield has been eliminated!

Cohen: Go back to the basement nerd! Looks like the Limit Break got Limit Broke!

Connor: Oh hush Jack. The young Daggershield took a big step making it into this match and despite his short time, put on a fiery performance.

Stevens celebrates his victory just a few seconds too long, as Blade is back on his feet and connects with a big double axe handle smash. With Stevens down to a knee Blade lifts him into the air and connects with a fisherman suplex. He looks like he is going to bridge it, but forgoes at the last minute. He gets to his feet and begins to stomp away at the right arm of Ace, smartly weakening the dominant arm of the patriot. He focuses most of his attack on the elbow, having just witnessed the effect of The Punchline. As Ace struggles to his feet, Blade connects with a swift kick to the midsection. He follows up with a suplex, holding Ace high in the air. He drops Ace across the top rope, and he crumbles to the outside.

Copeland: I don't like the look of that one. Ace landed awkwardly on his arm on the way out.

Blade sits up and walks over to the pod of Triple X. The two exchange a few words as X taunts safely from behind his pod glass. Blade regains his focus and approaches Stevens, who is still down on the chamber steel. Blade lifts him to his feet and slams his head hard against the chamber wall. Just as Blade is about to follow up with a second go round, the timer begins to count down again.


Cohen: Who's it going to be this time?

The spotlight begins to flicker over the remaining pods as Blade turns his attention to the ring. Finally the spotlight stops on Drake Callahan's pod.

Copeland: Callahan, a former world champion and Lethal Lottery winner will look to improve on his performance from last year's King For A Day.

Callahan is met in the ring by Blade. Blade connects with a couple of punches before Callahan manages to block one and go on the offensive. Sharp kicks to the shin take their toll and drop Blade to one knee. Callahan follows up the kicks with a skull rattling enzuigiri. Blade collapses face first as Callahan turns his attention to Stevens, who has managed to make his way back to the ring. Stevens is still favoring his arm and his face is busted open from the steel chamber, but he still has fight left in him as he doesn't back down from Callahan. The two throw blows but Drake gets the upper hand and secures a hammerlock onto the bad arm of Ace. He wrenches on it, causing Ace to flail his good arm in pain. Drake manages to work the hold into a belly to back suplex. He keeps up the pressure and drags Ace to his feet before putting him back down with a sidewalk slam. He cockily stays on top for an unorthodox pin..
Stevens is able to kick out to no great surprise. Drake begins to stand, only for Blade to club him across the back. A couple more blows across the back soften Callahan up enough for Blade to whip him into the corner. A couple of short shots and Blade sets Callahan on the top rope. Blade climbs to the second rope, looking to suplex Callahan to the mat, but Callahan fights it. Blade is knocked to the mat, but he manages to land on his feet and look up just in time to catch a flying Drake Callahan. The momentum causes Blade to stumble into the ropes and drop the former world champion. As the two recover their wits, Ace Stevens manages to get to his feet and throw himself at the two. All three men end up tumbling over the ropes and onto the steel floor below. As the three men struggle to their feet, Stevens and Callahan are the first two up. They start to grapple for supremacy as Blade makes his way to his feet. He charges at the two men and and crashes into them, causing them to break into the pod of the Beard.

Copeland: My God! Blade has just thrown himself, Ace Stevens, and Drake Callahan through the pod glass!

Cohen: Worse yet, they broke into Beard's pod early. They may have just unleashed a sleeping giant.

Beard begins to step over the wreckage of bodies and glass. He grabs Ace Stevens by the shirt and lifts him into the air. He slams his body into the steel walls before tossing him to the floor. He kneels over him and begins to punch away, further opening up the gash on the forehead of the brash comedian. As Beard pounds away, Blade is using the steel walls to pull himself to his feet. He uses what little energy he currently has to stand and drag Callahan to his feet. He slams the head of Callahan into the steel wall before he connects with the Blade Runner! He pushes Callahan under the bottom rope and then crawls under the bottom rope himself and drapes an arm over Callahan..

Drake Callahan has been eliminated!

Copeland: I don't know many men who could survive being put through a glass pod and then be hit with a high level move like that.

Connor: So now we are down to four men, with Triple X still locked in his pod.

Cohen: And you know that Triple X has to be loving this. He is fresh as a daisy and Blade and Stevens look to be on their last legs.

Blade takes the opportunity to crawl into the corner and rest as Beard continues to manhandle Ace Stevens. Beard has Stevens on his feet, pounding away with blow after blow. He throws Stevens into the ropes and off the rebound throws him over head with a belly to belly suplex. Beard lifts Stevens to his feet by his hair and throws Stevens over the top rope with a military press drop. Stevens body bounces off the demonic unforgiving cold steel. As Beard steps to the outside, he decides to inflict further pain. He throws Stevens head first into the cage wall. He follows it up with a fall away slam, rag dolling Stevens back into the ring. He takes his time stepping back into the ring and covering Stevens...

Ace Stevens has been eliminated!

Medical personal rush to attend to Stevens, who has lost a lot of blood as The Beard stands tall.

Cohen: Well there goes your pick Cat, and my pick is looking strong.

Connor: I hope Stevens hasn't lost too much blood, he took a beating from that savage animal.

Copeland: It just goes to show how brutal this match can be. Beard, Blade, and Triple X, which of these men is willing to throw caution to the wind for a shot at gold?

Beard turns to face Blade, who is standing in the corner. He had time to recover and looks rested as he and Beard slowly advance on each other. Beard uses his strength to get the upper hand and grab Blade on either side of his head. A big headbutt rattles Blade, and a clothesline puts him down. Beard hooks a leg..
And Blade is able to get a shoulder up. Blade shows great resiliency, staying alive despite starting the match. He fights Beard every step of the way, but the big man is able to slap on a tight headlock. He drops an elbow onto the head of Blade and again covers his foe..
Again Blade gets a shoulder up.

Copeland: Blade is hanging around as the final countdown is starting.


The spotlight shines down on Triple X's pod, but instead of charging in, he simply takes a seat on the top turnbuckle and allows Beard and Blade to battle it out.

Cohen: Smart move on the part of Triple X, let the other guys battle it out and stay fresh.

As Beard drags Blade back to his feet, Blade battles back with shots to the midsection. He backs Beard far enough back to get to his feet and continue the onslaught of punches. A vicious shot to the body doubles Beard over and Blade connects with a DDT, plating the big man. He forgoes a pin attempt and rushes right at Triple X, who jumps from his perch to meet him. The recent tension between the two boils over and each man connects with blow after blow. Blade with solid rights and lefts, X with sharp kicks and quick jabs. Neither man is able to gain an upper hand when Beard comes in bangs the heads of both men together. He throws Blade aside and focuses on Triple X. He whips X into the corner, but X is able to leap to the top rope and jump off, connecting with a spinning wheel kick from the top rope. He rolls through and run to the ropes and springboards off, connecting with a kick to the jaw of Blade. As Blade uses the ropes to get to his feet, Triple X comes from behind and low blows Blade before he rolls him up!

Blade has been eliminated!

Connor: Triple X just stole one from Blade!

Cohen: Anything goes in this environment Cat.

Blade is absolutely livid as he kicks out just after the count of three. The referee has to physically restrain him from attacking Triple X, who continues taunting his rival. Out of the corner of his eye, Triple X sees Beard rushing in, and he ducks a big boot, then connects with X-Rated right to the jaw! He quickly hooks the leg of the big man..

NO! Blade broke up the pin at two and three quarters. Triple X is livid as the ref has to again pull Blade away. X does his best to regain his composure as Blade walks to the door. He grabs the ropes and springs to the top turnbuckle. Some of the English fans are cheering their countryman, and it compels him to hop to the top of the pod. He goes for The Firefly, but at the last second he connects head first with a chair thanks to Blade! Triple X is out cold as the chair Callahan dropped earlier in the night is left with a sickening dent. Blade grabs the body of the Beard and drags him over the lifeless body of Triple X.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner and King For A Day, The Beard!

The Beard gets to his feet as Dillon Morse raises his arm. He quickly jerks it away and looks down at the lifeless body of Triple X and then to Blade, who is walking out the door. He chases Blade down and throws him back inside the chamber. He then connects with Poetic Justice on the chamber floor! Ezekiel Hewitt steps into the chamber with Beard and hands him the briefcase.

Cohen: I told you he would do it. The Beard is King For A Day!

Connor: He won and then showed Blade just what he thought of the assist that he was given. Can anyone stop this animal?

Copeland: A brutal match and a vicious animal indeed comes out on top. I don't envy whoever wins our main event tonight between Ricky Runn and Barbosa with this monster lurking in the shadows.
Harrys: The following contest is your main event, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

The crowd roars in anticipation as the night’s main event is about to unfold.


Ricky Runn comes out from backstage, arms raised as he greets his adoring fans with all the warmth he can muster on this spectacular Christmas evening. The crowd doesn’t feel return the love, and starts slinging boos at the swagtastic superstar. Behind Ricky is his now infamous Swag Pack: Hollywood Jameson, Joe Mason, and Donny J.

Harrys: Introducing the challenger, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Swagtastic voice of a generation", Ricky Runn!

Cohen: Our future world champion has entered the building! And he brought all his friends with him to see him achieve the grandest prize in professional wrestling: The WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Connor: Since when are you a fan of Runn, Jack?

Cohen: Since he gave me my Christmas present!

The camera cuts to the announce table where Jack Cohen holds up his present from Ricky Runn, an Ed Hardy Santa hat.

Cohen: You know, he may be onto something with this swag stuff. I look fantastic in this thing.

Copeland: Fantastic isn’t the word I’d choose…

The Swag Pack hops onto the ring apron and Joe Mason holds open the rope for Ricky Runn. Hollywood Jameson and Donny J offer Ricky a hand and help him up to the apron. He climbs through the ropes and heads to the middle of the ring where he rubs his hands together and blows into them. When he pulls his hands apart, a cloud of glitter flies above the ring, covering Ricky as well as parts of the mat in sparkles.

Connor: Oh man, that’s going to take forever to get out!

The crowd continues to boo as Ricky Runn and his Swag Pack huddle in the far corner, but the audience starts to quiet down as they anticipate the arrival of their World Champion.




The crowd roars before Barbosa even enters the arena, and their volume doubles when The Ultimate Inmate explodes onto the stage with a ton of energy. He lets out a primal roar as he hoists the title belt above his head. He brings the belt down, and then looks down at his feet as he starts to shuffle towards the ring.

Harrys: And the champion, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds, he is your WZCW World Heavyweight Champion… Barbosa!

Copeland: As we begin our last match of 2013, we get to see perhaps the top star of the year: Barbosa.

Cohen: Top star? He just won the title like, a week ago!

Copeland: His reign is young, but it began when he overthrew one of the most successful WZCW Champions of all time in Showtime, and Barbosa has shown no signs of slowing down.

Barbosa slows down as he approaches the ring. He takes a deep breath, and suddenly gets a second wave of energy! He jumps from the floor to the ring apron, and then vaults over the top rope. He ascends the nearest turnbuckle and thrusts the WZCW Title into the air, eliciting a huge cheer from the crowd.


Barbosa climbs down from the top rope and turns around… but he’s blindsided by a charging Hollywood Jameson! Barbosa crashes to the floor and is pounced on by Hollywood Jameson. The rest of the Swag Pack isn’t far behind, and soon all three men are stomping away at Barbosa. The ref tries to put an end to the assault, but Donny J shoves the ref back and continues to stomp on Barbosa.

Copeland: What the heck is going on?! This is a world championship match and Ricky Runn and his Swag Pack are making a mockery of it!

Cohen: Barbosa has already made a mockery of that championship belt! Ricky Runn will do whatever it takes to win the title and then he can worry about restoring its prestige!

But Barbosa isn’t about to take this affront lying down. Barbosa explodes to his feet, sending the swag pack stumbling backwards. The champ starts swinging for the fences, hitting all three members of the Swag Pack with punches in succession. Donny J, Joe Mason, and Hollywood Jameson can’t seem to regain control from the feral Barbosa, and they pay the price when Barbosa finally drops Joe Mason with a roaring elbow. As Mason hits the canvas, Donny J and Hollywood Jameson finally recover enough to grab a hold of Barbosa’s arms and pin him against the rope nearest the entrance ramp. Barbosa struggles to break free, but the two fiends have him exactly where they want him. Joe Mason make his way to his feet and walks over to Barbosa and slaps him across the face. Barbosa is staring razor sharp daggers at Mason, but he’s helpless to do anything other than watch as Joe Mason runs at the opposite rope and rebounds, hurdling towards Barbosa at extraordinary speed. Mason is about to connect with a jumping crossbody, but Barbosa gets his foot up and drops Mason with a big boot! The tripolar star continues to turn the tide as he breaks free from captivity and stuns both Donny J and Hollywood Jameson with throat thrusts! He takes a few steps back, but then charges at the duo and sends them over the top rope with a double clothesline! As Barbosa turns his attention to him, Joe Mason begins to plead with the monster of a man, begging on his knees for Barbosa to spare him. Barbosa is familiar with many concepts, but mercy is not one of them. He grabs Mason by the hair and pulls him up to his feet. Barbosa starts running towards the rope, holding Mason by the arm and back of the neck, and with one mighty heave he throws Joe Mason over the top rope and sends him crashing into Hollywood Jameson and Donny J!

The ring is clear, the match is ready to begin, and the bell rings!

Connor: This match is finally underway, but can Barbosa recover from that vicious attack?

Barbosa doesn’t seem to notice that the bell has rung as he shares a few last words with the downed Swag Pack. Suddenly, Barbosa is flipped on his back with a roll up pin from Ricky Runn.




Copeland: NO! NOT THREE! Barbosa kicked out at the very last instant!

The ref waves off the three count and the match continues!

As though the pre-match assault wasn’t enough, Barbosa finds Ricky’s pin attempt to be yet another insult to his dominance. Barbosa stares down Runn, and Runn can do nothing but retreat into the nearest corner as Barbosa pressures him back. Trapped with nowhere to go, Ricky climbs up the top rope in an attempt to escape the ring, but Barbosa grabs him by the legs, causing Runn to be stuck upside down hanging over the top rope. The ref starts to count for the rope break, so Barbosa delivers a stiff kick to the upside down head of Ricky Runn before pushing him over the top rope. Runn falls on the apron and lays there for a moment before rolling back into the ring and takes a few moments to recover from the kick.

Cohen: Come on Ricky, you have the advantage right now! The longer you take to recover, the more time he has to recover!

Connor: Yeah, from the illegal beatdown he received before the match started!

Barbosa and Ricky meet each other in the middle of the ring and enter a collar and elbow tie-up. Barbosa gains the advantage very quickly and uses the advantage to throw Ricky Runn against the ropes. Barbosa ducks the first rebound and Ricky jumps over him and continues to the far rope, but instead of rebounding off of it, he springboards off of it and performs a springboard moonsault… but he’s immediately caught by Barbosa! The champ carries Runn around on his shoulders for a few moments as he appears to set something up… but Ricky Runn slips out of it and gets Barbosa in a reverse headlock! He drops Barbosa’s neck into his knee, and then hits a neckbreaker for good measure. Ricky rolls over for the pin.



Kick out!

Ricky immediately springs back to his feet and hits the nearest rope, rebounding and dropping a hard elbow into Barbosa’s gut. Barbosa sits straight up and Ricky hits the ropes again, this time using his momentum to hit Barbosa with a vicious dropkick. He makes another cover.



Kick out!

Copeland: In a surprising turn of events, Ricky Runn has the early advantage over Barbosa, and you have to believe that the pre-match assault has something to do with that!

Cohen: Oh enough of this, "pre-match assault,” malarkey! If Ricky Runn wins this match, it’s going to be because of his own merits, not because of some excuse you two clowns invented.

Runn and Barbosa are both on their feet, and Runn has Barbosa positioned for a suplex. He tries to lift Barbosa up, but the champ hooks his leg around Ricky’s, blocking the suplex attempt. Ricky releases the hold and instead kicks Barbosa in the gut before taking him down to the mat by dropping an elbow across the back of Barbosa’s neck. From there, Ricky locks in a crossface, but without trapping Barbosa’s arm the move becomes instantly ineffective. The mistake costs Ricky the move and perhaps momentum as Barbosa wraps his arms around Ricky’s waist, and the champ uses his incredible strength to get to his feet and drop the challenger with a side-suplex, breaking the hold.

Both men lay on the ground for a few moments, trying to regain their composure. Ricky Runn is up first, but Barbosa isn’t too far behind him. Ricky Runn throws a knee at a kneeling Barbosa’s chin, but Barbosa catches the leg and wrestles Runn to the ground. He uses his advantageous position to plant an arm in Ricky’s chest and uses his other arm to deliver elbow strikes to the challenger’s face, but Ricky covers up and avoids most of the damage.

Cohen: Look at that defense! Say what you will about Ricky Runn, the guy is smart!

Connor: Yes, nothing says smart better than wearing a pair of sunglasses with small plastic bars instead of lenses.

Realizing his strikes aren’t accomplishing much, Barbosa releases Ricky and starts to get to his feet… but Ricky moves quickly and grabs Barbosa from behind and rolls him up again!



Kick out!

Barbosa and Ricky both get to their feet quickly, but Ricky moves first as he charges at Barbosa looking for a flying clothesline… but Barbosa drops Ricky with a big headbutt to the challenger’s chest! Ricky hits the mat hard, and Barbosa makes his first pin attempt of the match.



Kick out!

Ricky starts to worm away as he crawls towards the edge of the ring, but Barbosa grabs him by the ankle. Ricky flips over to his back and kicks Barbosa off, then proceeds to roll back onto his stomach and crawls on all fours towards the ropes. He’s about half an inch away when he gets yanked back by his hair as Barbosa grabs a fistful of it and drags Runn to his feet. The ref starts counting, but Barbosa quickly releases the hair and turns his illegal hold into a hangman’s neckbreaker! Ricky’s neck bounces violently off the canvas, and Barbosa rolls over for another pin.



Kick out!

Copeland: Has the tide of the match finally changed? Can Barbosa continue to maintain this advantage over Ricky Runn?

Cohen: Don’t sound so optimistic, Seabass! I can’t believe how biased you are sometimes!

A look of frustration crosses Barbosa’s face as he pulls his opponent back to his feet again. Barbosa whips Ricky into the ropes, and drops him with a stiff clothesline. Barbosa liked that move so much, he decides to try it again, this time whipping Ricky into the opposite ropes, but again dropping him with the clothesline. Once more, Barbosa drags Ricky to his feet and whips the wobbly Runn into the rope, and this time attempts to catch him with a slam, but as Barbosa lifts the challenger into the air, Ricky Runn springs off and his Barbosa with a lift up drop kick! Barbosa hits the mat hard, but Ricky’s elevated fall doesn’t exactly result in a smooth landing either. Both men are down and show very few signs of moving.

The crowd gets a slow clap going as both men take sluggishly get to their feet. The sum of everything that has happened so far in the match has clearly taken a toll on their stamina, but Barbosa seems to be a little worse for wear as Ricky is the first one back to his feet. He quickly stomps towards Barbosa and smacks him in the face with a kick and then hits the ropes, rebounding and smacking into Barbosa, taking him down with a Tornado DDT! Barbosa’s head is driven into the mat and he flips over onto his back, but quickly rolls back up onto his feet! Ricky is taken aback as Barbosa turns around and wags his finger at the Swagtastic Voice of WZCW. Barbosa’s face turns considerably less friendly as he begins to charge at Runn, and the challenger has no interest in dealing with this version of Barbosa, immediately running towards the ropes and sliding out under the bottom rope. As Ricky ducks out, Joe Mason pops back up on the apron, but with full momentum at his disposal, Barbosa just drops him with a running punch! Hollywood Jameson has climbed to the apron a few feet away, and soon he too is dropped with a punch! Donny J has ascended to the top turnbuckle, but before he’s able to do anything, Barbosa grabs him and hoists him above his head, dropping him to the outside with a military press slam! The crowd goes, for lack of a better word, ape shit.

Copeland: No man the size of Barbosa should be able to do that! That’s just not right! That was one of the most incredible feats of strength I’ve ever seen in a WZCW ring!

The ref has intervened now and has the attention of Ricky Runn and the Swag Pack. The ref points at Ricky Runn’s three crownies and then points to the exit.

Cohen: No! You can’t throw the Swag Pack out! We were going to go to P.F. Chang’s after this!

Hollywood Jameson argues with the ref, but the ref continues to point towards the exit. Joe Mason helps Donny J up, and soon gathers Hollywood Jameson before the three of them make their way to the exit.

Crowd: Na-na-naaa-naaa, hey hey hey, goodbye!

Barbosa looks on as the three men make their way up the ring, but soon realizes that he has lost track of Ricky Runn in all the chaos. He turns around only to get a face full of Ricky Runn’s crotch as the highflier hits the RickyRana! He springs to his feet and hits the ropes, rebounding and hitting the Yolo Roll on Barbosa, leaving the champ sprawled out in the middle of the ring showing few signs of life. Ricky gets to his feet and smiles, taking the whole scene in apart from the sounds of the crowd. Vicious boos fill the arena as Ricky takes pride in his work thus far, and he heads to the nearest turnbuckle to finish it off. He climbs to the top rope and turns around to measure his leap for a brief moment… and then springs off the top rope and slams into Barbosa with the R&R Swanton Bomb. He makes the pin.




Cohen: NO!

Connor: Yes! Barbosa just kicked out of Ricky Runn’s finishing maneuver, the R&R! The resiliency of this man is unbelievable!

Ricky Runn is on his knees, arguing with the ref. Ricky holds up three fingers, but the ref, the only person whose fingers matter, holds up two. Ricky slaps the ground and gets to his feet and sticks one finger in particular in the refs face, but the ref points to the WZCW logo on his shirt, reminding Ricky who is in charge. All the while Barbosa has quietly made his way to the ropes and has pulled himself up to his feet, but he’s not exactly stable. Ricky turns his attention to Barbosa, and charges recklessly at the champ, but Barbosa ducks him and sends him flying over the top rope… but Runn holds onto the rope and lands on the apron, though he is dizzy and dazed from the excitement. Barbosa takes a few steps back before running at Ricky Runn and hitting a bicycle kick… but Ricky dodges it, rolling out of the way! Barbosa’s foot is trapped in the rope, and Ricky takes advantage by rolling over Barbosa’s back and pinning him with a Sunset Flip!





Copeland: NO! KICK OUT!

Barbosa kicks out of the pin, leaving Ricky Runn grabbing his face in agony, wondering what he has to do to beat the big man.

Connor: Two years ago, Saboteur rolled up Ty Burna in nearly the exact same scenario in what many considered to be one of the biggest upsets in WZCW history. You have to believe that if Ricky Runn had pinned Barbosa there, there would be no question that this match tonight is the biggest upset in WZCW history.

Cohen: Ricky Runn is better than you give him credit for, Cat! He’s been dominant in this match today and has been nanoseconds away from beating Barbosa several times. In my opinion, it’s only going to take one or two more give moves for Runn to get the win.

Copeland: First they need to get to their feet! Both men are exhausted as we get closer and closer to the end of our allotted time for this pay-per-view, and neither man has shown any signs of giving up. Both of these wrestlers want nothing more than to be the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, and neither of them are going to go down without giving it everything they have.

Barbosa and Runn have both finally gotten to their feet, but Runn’s frustration manifests itself physically as he charges at Barbosa and rams him into the corner. Ricky starts thrusting his shoulder into Barbosa’s midsection, but this only works a few times before Barbosa catches Ricky’s head in a side headlock. Barbosa jumps into the air and springs out of the corner, hitting Ricky Runn with an improvised swinging DDT! Ricky crashes face first into the mat, but Barbosa doesn’t let go. He gets to his feet slowly, but as soon as he is vertical he drops Ricky Runn again with a straight DDT.

Connor: Duplicity!

But Barbosa still doesn’t let go! He pulls Ricky Runn up one last time, and this time hits a lifting DDT.

Connor: Scratch that. Make that Multiplicity!

Barbosa scrambles onto Runn for the pin.




The crowd groans as Barbosa shakes his head in disappointment, but the champ doesn’t stay down for long. He tilts his head back and roars to the crowd, and the crowd roars back.

Copeland: The crowd sounds like they’re ready to see the end of this match! Let’s see if Barbosa can finally put Runn away!

Barbosa grabs Runn by the head and pulls him to his feet. Barbosa lifts Runn’s arm over his head from behind, and then pulls him into the air, clearly looking for the Doppelganger. Barbosa is about to drop him, but Runn swings his leg over Barbosa’s head and locks his legs around his neck for another RickyRana… but he can’t get Barbosa down! Ricky dangles upside down with his legs tied around Barbosa’s neck, but Barbosa soon hoists Ricky into the air and powerbombs him into the top rope, catching Ricky on the hotshot and turning the move into a Doppelganger! Ricky hits the mat, and Barbosa collapses onto Ricky for the pin.




The bell rings, the match is over, and the crowd goes nuts.

Harrys: The winner of this match and STILL WZCW World Heavyweight Champion… BARBOSA!

Barbosa slowly gets to his feet and staggers about before the ref grabs his hand and hoists it into the air. The ref offers Barbosa a shoulder as he hands the champ his belt, but Barbosa gently pushes the ref away before climbing a nearby turnbuckle and posing for the fans.

Copeland: What an unbelievable match! After numerous attempts, many of them devious, by Ricky Runn to put Barbosa down, the champ uses his incredible combination of strength and determination to come back and win this very important match!

Cohen: Devious? The only thing devious about this match is how many times Ricky Runn was less than a second away from becoming champion! Something smells fishy to me.

Connor: Stop being a scrooge, Jack! Listen to this crowd! It sounds like Christmas cheer is alive and well.

Barbosa’s name is being chanted around the arena as the champion continues to pose for his fans. He marches around the ring with his title, exuding pride with every step.

Copeland: And there you have it folks! It wasn’t exactly a Christmas miracle, but in the end Barbosa stands tall over Ricky Runn...wait what is the Swag Pack doing out here?

The members of the Swag Pack hit the ring and Barbosa tosses down his title belt and starts to fight off his attackers. Just as they push Barbosa to the other side of the ring, Runn begins to stir. He focuses his eyes on the belt lying in the ring and springs forward, latching onto it. He quickly scurries out of the ring and up the ramp while his minions continue to distract Barbosa. Once Barbosa manages to fight off Mason and Jameson, he climbs out of the ring after Runn, who has hightailed it out the arena.

Connor: Ricky Runn has the title belt! Somebody stop him!

Cohen: He's long gone! Ha ha! That clever fox! He's taken the belt right out of Barbosa's hands!

Barbosa continues to run down the ramp but Ricky is nowhere in sight. The world champion looks furious as he yells like a raging beast at the top of the ramp, clearly furious that his belt has been stolen.

Copeland: Barbosa is the world champion, but has Ricky Runn gotten the last laugh by absconding with the title belt? We're out of time here folks, enjoy your holiday and we'll see you next time on Meltdown!
Alright, there you go folks! It's still Christmas somewhere so Merry Christmas to all of you. Our gift to you is Apocalypse. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for putting up with us and we'll be back in the New Year.


JGlass - Ricky Runn vs. Barbosa
Yaz - King for a Day
Harthan - James Howard vs. Mikey Stormrage
Killjoy - Celeste vs. Los Magnificos Dragones
Haiku - SHIT vs. Baez
Blade - Kurtesy vs. Dr. Zeus

Showtime - Showtime/Titus confrontation
Pancake - Saboteur vs. Vega

Congratulations to our many new champions and our new King for a Day. Special thanks to our guest writers on this round for helping us out.

We'll see you all soon for the road to Unscripted, which includes the monumental Meltdown 100! I'm super excited for the coming cycle and you guys should be too.

And we'll end on a sad note - JGlass will be leaving creative now that Apocalypse is through. Thanks for everything, JGlass. We'll miss you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.
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