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AoN: Titus vs. Chris K.O. (Grudge Match)

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the Frog

The long suspected heel-turn of Chris K.O. has finally come to fruition. However, his delusions of being a savior are still healthy and kicking. Titus has vowed to expose Chris for the true phony that he is and show Chris what it means to be a real hero. These two will finally meet in the ring after weeks and weeks of rubbing shoulders. Let the battle of the heroes begin!

Deadline is Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per thread.
Titus: What is a hero? It's a question that has been asked since the dawn of time and is a question that will be asked until the end of days.

The camera was focused on Titus' face but now it pans back and we can see Titus is on a stage as and is giving a lecture. There are males and females sat in attendance mostly college age.

Titus: You may be sat there thinking what does he know about Philosophy? Little Suzie over there is wondering why I'm not addressing the drama club on the importance of Citizen Kane to movie history. Gregory there wants to know why I'm not with the criminologists teaching the art of the detective. Stephen wants me to shush because I should be greeting the wrestling class on how to lay the smackdown. Mary is amazed that there's such a large celebrity in the same room as her whilst Matt thinks he's too cool for celebrities.

Titus gives a cheeky smile as the students laugh.

Titus: Put what you think about me aside as we have a look at what I think makes a hero. Are you ready?

A few of the students shout in agreement.

Titus: It wouldn't be a lecture without a dictionary definition so I shall start with this “A person, typically a man, who is admired for courage or noble qualities.” So who are your heroes? Where have all the good men gone? Where is that street wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

Titus stops and pauses.

Titus: I won't sing it, fret not.

The students laugh and someone shouts out 'go on'.

Titus: That's a definite no, sorry.

The students groan at this. Titus waits.

Titus: Keystone City University asked me to do this lecture in September of last year. I sat down and made a list of who society deem heroes and I narrowed it down to three. It's funny how things change in a year. So get your notepads and pens ready as I tell you the first thing about being a hero.

The camera pans to the class, they all have laptops.

Titus: Or multimedia devices, whichever you prefer.

The students laugh once more.

Titus: A hero must always be humble enough to ask for help and must always be prepared to dish out advice.

Titus pauses again.

Titus: Most of you know I am a wrestler for WZCW.

There is one solitary woo as Titus chuckles.

Titus: Thank you, thank you but back on topic. One thing I've always loved is when new guys approach me and ask for advice. I've been Elite X champion, I've won the Lethal Lottery and I've won the world championship twice. When it comes to wrestling I know my stuff. I have seen hundreds come through that door but one guy stands out and that was in May of 2011. A man called Sam Masters was in a rage and I asked him if he was all right. I remember the look on his face as he was almost wowed that someone like me would take an interest in someone like him. We didn't talk for long but my confusing story about hamburgers inspired him to go out there and make a name for himself. He took the heroic step of getting advice from those who went before him.

A student raises his hand as Titus points at him.

Titus: Yeah, you the guy who wooped for me, do you have a question?

Student: I'm a big fan of yours Titus, but I'm quite interested as to why you chose to pick Sam Masters? Seeing as all that has happened recently.

Titus: What because Masters went crazy, became Chris KO and then tried to force his way into being a hero? I can see your point but what I want to get is the art of being a hero. You see even the largest of villains may seem like they have heroic potential, and to be honest most do. What happens is they struggle with the most basic of human integrity and the pressure gets to them. Why though?

Titus takes a sip of his water.

Titus: Human nature is that when things are tough you quit. That invisible wall that you need to smash through, it's easier to turn around and go home than it is to mount it. So that leads me to my second point; a hero doesn't quit.

Titus pauses again whilst getting an intense look on his face.

Titus: One of the three on my list was the Pope. Leading the Catholic church is no mean feat let alone leading a country on top of that. One sixth of the world population is under his jurisdiction and when he took over he vowed to do this until the day he dies. Yet this week he shocked every media outlet on the planet by quitting. How can the Pope quit? How can someone that so many look up to quit? Was it because of the scandals that have rocked the church? Is it because of ill health? He did it during Lent, the second busiest time of the year for the church. He has let over a billion people down, and for what? What will he do now? I hardly think it's a title one can just forget about and it's definitely not one he can return to.

Student: Yeah but...

Titus stops as the student from earlier shouts out. Titus points to him as if to say carry on.

Student: Didn't you quit acting? Didn't you quit WZCW twice? How can you say an 85 year old man who has retired due to illness is less of a hero for doing that?

A couple of the students clap.

Titus: I think you may have been misguided with that question. Did I quit acting? I film at least one movie a year, last years Sunrise Principality made over $65million. I never quit WZCW, the first time I was forced out and the second time I lost a match and therefore my contract. I didn't quit, I've never quit and I never will. This can all be verified on my Wikipedia page.

The rest of the students laugh as Titus once again gives the audience a cheeky smile.

Titus: The second hero on my list was seven time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. How could he not be a hero? Sportsman of the year by the IOC, athlete of the year by the press several times, he even has an asteroid named after him. How could he not be a hero? He defeated testicular cancer and raised millions and millions for charity. The yellow 'livestrong' bands were a must have and charities have since used the knock on effect to do all sorts. How could he not be a hero?

An awkward silence fills the room as Titus pauses.

Titus: A hero doesn't cheat. It was all a sham, he conned everyone by taking drugs to cheat his way to the top. It is not acceptable to cheat in any circumstances.

Student: Yeah but...

The same student shouts out, Titus rolls his eyes and invites a response.

Student: Didn't you cheat to get your WZCW contract? Didn't you pretend to be someone else so Bateman could sign a contract?

Titus: Wow you have read my Wikipedia page.

The students laugh some more.

Titus: How can you compare drug cheating to this? I was disguised when Bateman signed the contract however there were two very glaring thing that could have happened. First of all he actually read the contract, I would doubt that a man of his calibre would not read the fine print. Secondly I can be fired at any point, they didn't so by that logic I didn't cheat. They let me wrestle in the biggest show of the year. There was no cheating.

Titus grabs another drink of his water bottle.

Titus: A hero is humble enough to ask for help. A hero will give advice. A hero never gives up. A hero doesn't cheat. A hero can lose it all in an instant. Think of a hero like a building, where does the hard work go? It goes on the foundation and once that is sorted the rest of the building shoots up. If the foundation is not right the building will come crashing down in an instant.

Titus takes a deep breath, the rest of the classroom is in silence.

Titus: Oscar Pistorius. The third hero on my list. Olympic fever gripped the UK and the world last summer and the undisputed hero was the blade runner, Pistorius. The first amputee to enter the Olympcs he inspired many people across the world. So what happened? He currently stands trial for murdering his girlfriend, did he do it? Maybe. Even if he didn't he still will lose the hero status he got. I could list many like that who lost it all. What about Nixon? Jimmy Saville in the UK? OJ Simpson? Phil Spector? Roman Polanski? These are men who were admired and who lost it all. For what reason? Trying to rush at the foundations? A moment of madness? I guess we'll never know.

Titus pauses and looks to the student who has been asking him all the questions. He motions but the student shakes his head as if to say 'I'm all out'.

Titus: Anyone else got a question?

Student: I have.

A female student with blonde hair pips up.

Student: You've had a rather distinguished career. You are an actor, wrestler and even were a vigilante right here in Keystone City. How come you've never lost it all? What makes you so unique in that sense?

Titus: Everyone mucks up, I'll get that straight off but it's how you deal with it that matters. The best example was in my life was at WZCW where I was persuaded that my friend Everest was out to get me. Turned out it was just a ploy so they could win the match against him. I was then forced out of the company I had gown to love and my acting career was on a forced hiatus so what did I do? I could have moped about and refused to do anything but instead I came to the place who had always took me in.

Student: Here?

Titus: Yeah. I was born in Newcastle in England and the town right next to Newcastle is called Gateshead. During the 60s Jimi Hendrix would go to Gateshead to be a normal person. Yeah they knew who he was but they respected his privacy. For me Keystone City was my Gateshead. A few weeks after moving in here I noticed the crime and poverty so out of that came the symbol of the Red Mask. Did I change the city? Not by myself but I got the ball rolling and in a few years the change is noticeable. People made themselves count and I'm proud of that.

Student: So who would you say your hero is now?

Titus: Great question, I knew someone would ask that. My current hero is a man by the name of Jeff Albertson. I'll read this out.

Titus pulls out a piece of paper and begins to read.

Titus: Hey Titus, Karen from the office forwarded me this. She hoped you'd send a signed picture or something for this kid. I think you'll do more than that, thanks. Becky.

Titus makes a quick pause then continues.

Titus: Dear WZCW employee,

My name is Jeff Albertson and I'm a single father. Last year my wife died leaving me to bring up my six year old son William on my own. One thing that always brings a smile to his face is WZCW, he's the biggest fan I've ever seen. He knows all the words to the entrance musics and can do the best impression of Action Saxton I have ever seen. We had never seen WZCW live as it rarely comes to town and when it does it sells out straight off. Recently I managed to get tickets for Meltdown, I did extra shifts at the plant knowing it would make William happy.

William loved it from start to finish he was on his feet cheering and booing. When I asked him if he enjoyed himself he replied “Yeah Daddy, thank you so much. I just wish Titus had have been there as he's my favourite. I hope he gets well soon.”

This e-mail is not a complaint but a thank you to the joy that your company brings my son during a very bleak time. He also wanted me to send a message to Titus to say get well soon. He doesn't think he'll be strong enough to be a wrestler someday but he does want to be an announcer.

Thanks for everything.

Jeff Albertson.

Silence with a few aww's from the girls in the audience.

Titus: So you know what I did? Roll the video.

A video plays on the screen behind as the image becomes just the video and not the lecture.

Titus: Hi, I'm WZCW star and four time Oscar winner Titus Avison. I'm here in Pawnee, Indiana to bring some hope to a very special young man.

Titus is stood on a street, he's holding a WZCW branded bag. Titus walks to a house and knocks on the door.

Titus: Here goes.

The door is answered by a man in his early 30's, he smiles at Titus and turns around.

Jeff: Hey William, there's someone at the door to see you.

William: Who is it Daddy?

Jeff: Just come and see.

William comes rushing to the door and realises it's Titus, he stops in his tracks finding it hard to believe who's here.

Jeff: So who is it?

William: It's...Titus! Yes it's Titus! I'm going to tell everyone at school.

Titus crouches down to the level of William who by now is very shy.

Titus: I heard that you're the biggest WZCW fan in the world, is that true?

The young child looks at his Dad who motions to his son to answer.

William: Yes sir.

Titus: I also heard that you went to see WZCW recently but it was when I was ill so you missed me. Is that correct?

William: Yes sir.

Titus: Well I hope I can make that up to you.

Titus pulls some things out of the bag which includes T-shirts, figures and a replica WZCW belt.

Titus: I even got Showtime to sign the belt for you. Plus there's this...

Titus pulls out two tickets.

Titus: These are two all expenses paid tickets to Lethal Lottery. Including flights, hotel and you can come backstage.

Jeff: I don't think work would let me have the time off.

Titus: Already sorted, I've called and your boss was more than happy to let you have the time off. Seemingly his wife is a big fan of my acting work so it's a win win for both of you.

Jeff: I just don't even know what to say.

William: You say thank you!

Titus laughs at this.

Titus: There are two other things a little bird told me. Firstly I hear you want to be a WZCW announcer?

William: Yes I do.

William has gone from shy to confident in the space of about two minutes.

Titus: Well you better get yourself ready because you're going to interview me for my match at All or Nothing. Before that though I want you to do your Action Saxton impression.

William: I'm going to beat you up jive suckah!

Titus: Brilliant.

The scene cuts to Titus stood with William who in turn is stood on a box. There's a makeshift WZCW banner in the writing of a child.

William: I'm with Titus. Titus why are you fighting Chris K.O. This week? Is it because he beat you up?

Titus: Fantastic question Mr. Albertson but that is not the reason why. The problem with Chris is he lost his focus, he turned on WZCW and tried to 'save' it. If you did something bad but then tried to make up for it does that mean you're a good person?

William: You still did the bad thing.

Titus: Exactly and it was something many people were scared of pointing it out.

William: Do you think you were a bit nasty to him? He was just trying to be good.

Titus: I guess you could call it a test. If Daddy tells you not to eat the cookies from the jar, that's easy right?

William: Yeah as long as they're away.

Titus: It's hard if they're on the table with the top off and no one looking isn't it?

William: Daddy's always more proud of me when I don't take one that way.

Titus: It's how you learn. If someone wants to be a hero and it's hard they're a better hero for it, I'd prefer he kept at it than complaining or attacking me backstage. I actually thought it was the New Church who beat me up, so I was honestly surprised.

William looks at Titus.

William: Do you have a question for me?

Titus: Who will win?

William: You will.

Titus: Good man.

Titus gives him a hi 5 as the camera pans back to the lecture theatre where a fair few people are applauding.

Titus: That is how you become a hero to someone. One random act of kindness at a time. Ladies and gentlemen it's been a pleasure, be excellent to each other.

The rest of the room applauds as the camera fades to black.
The Gospel of Chris K.O.

We begin with a memory.

The scene shows Sam Masters sitting on a bench in a locker room at the WZCW House Show after the Contract Battle Royal. Sam is covered in sweat as he unravels the white tape wound around his forearms and fists. Sam, halfway through unraveling the tape, stops and grabs his gym bag located at his feet. He scrounges through it frantically and pulls out a cigarette carton. He opens it up and spies that the carton is empty.

Sam: Damn it!

Sam throws the box across the room and drops his head in a bowed position. He presses his palms against his closed eyes as he sulks over his loss. He does this for a couple minutes until he hears a voice in the room.

Titus: Hey, you all right?

Sam looks up and sees WZCW veteran, Titus, standing across the room at the doorway. Sam hesitates to speak at first, but replies hazily.

Sam: No.

Titus: That was one hell of a show out there. The best Contract Battle Royal I’ve seen in ages.

Sam: It’s not “one hell of a show” if you don’t win.

Titus smirks and begins to walk over to the bench where Sam is sitting.

Titus: Well.. whoever said wrestling is about winning?

Sam looks up at him in respect as Titus takes a seat on the bench next to Sam. Sam looks back down at the floor, embarrassed to be in the presence of a legend after his losing effort. Titus watches him and grins.

Titus: You wanna know why I think you lost tonight’s match Sam?

Sam: Why?

Titus: Well, I don’t mean to be nosey, but I read your application. It seems to me that you want this pretty bad.

Sam: I do.

Titus: Well, that’s not good enough. It’s not enough to want something Sam. You don’t just get a hamburger because you want it. You get it because you get up and you drive to get it.

Sam: I don’t understand, I’m here. I took action; I made an effort to come out here and compete. What are you trying to say?

Titus smirks and then continues.

Titus: You wrote on your application that your primary source of income was from your dad, and that if you ever wanted to you could go work in the oil business. It sounds to me like you don’t need this business Sam; you want it, and that’s your problem. You can want the hamburger and go get it, but that doesn’t mean you need it; your kitchen is stocked with food.

Sam eyes widen as he stares at the floor; Titus now has his complete attention.

Titus: You know if you fail here, that you can always fall back on your dad’s promises. It isn’t make it or break it for you Sam, and that’s your problem. You know that if you don’t get that hamburger that you will still find something to eat in your house… My advice for you Sam is that before you come back, you make sure that wrestling isn’t just a dream for you, but a need. Make sure you clear your entire kitchen before you go after the hamburger.

Titus stands up and pats Sam on the back. He exits the locker room and leaves behind Sam Masters deep in thought.

Chris: When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. But when I became a man, I gave up childish ways...


We open up to a scene outside in an open gravel parking lot. A shaky pan of the camera reveals a small crowd of people dressed in warm clothes as feathered snow flakes fall from a light-gray sky. In the distance, a banner can be seen hanging over a stage. It reads, “All or Nothing 2013 Fan Fest”. The camera pans some more until we set our sights on WZCW Interviewer and Announcer, Johnny Klamor, standing next to the lovely Rebecca Serra. Klamor is swaddled in layers of fabric as he tucks his hands inside his arm pits for warmth. Serra has on a pair of fuzzy brown earmuffs to match her cute winter-esque coat. Her cheeks are rosy and her nose his red as she looks around the parking lot in a rabbit-like fashion.

Klamor: How is it that we get stuck with doing fan Q&A in the cold? Where is Kensworth for this type of thing?

Serra smiles at the grumpy old man.

Serra: Come on, you know that Kensworth is the most popular interviewer during PPV time. Besides, we are a team. "Aftershock fo lyfe", remember?

Klamor: Bah! How that guy gets more requests and assignments than me is astonishing. Baffling I tell you!

Serra: Maybe you should try being a little nicer.

Klamor: Yeah yeah, you and I both know that everyone only requests Kensworth because he throws them the softballs. They can’t handle the curves that I pitch!

Serra just smiles as Klamor tucks his head in like a turtle as he clinches his body more tightly in order to stay warm. Serra begins looking out at the crowd again as she looks for potential candidates to be interviewed for a fan feature going up on WZCW.com about the upcoming All or Nothing Pay-Per-View.

Suddenly, a screeching sound invades the airwaves and causes everyone in the crowd plugging their ears. It quickly vanishes and Serra looks up to discover the source. She looks over at the stage, but sees no one of interest. A tapping of a microphone can be heard as she turns her head and spies the culprit. She squints her eyes to make sure she is actually seeing what is in front of her.

Serra: Johnny, is that Chris?

Klamor looks annoyed as he turns and stares off into the direction where Serra is looking.

Klamor: What the hell is he doing out here?

Serra and Klamor share a confused look before Serra breaks out into a run towards the commotion. Klamor hobbles behind her. A small cluster of people have begun to form around the man Serra thinks is Chris. Upon getting closer, her speculations are confirmed. There he is, the self-proclaimed savior of WZCW.

He is standing on what appears to be a wooden crate as he tinkers with the head of a microphone that rest upon an elevated stand to meet his lips. Serra cocks an eyebrow in curiosity as he positions herself in the front layer of the crowd surrounding Chris. Klamor finally catches up behind her. Words are muttered underneath falling flakes of snow until a charismatic tone shushes them all into a silence.

Chris: Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of heroes. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. Their true purpose...

Chris peers out over the small crowd. We see that he is appropriately dressed for the cold weather by bearing a nice charcoal-gray coat with a black scarf to headline his wardrobe.

Chris: There is not a single doubt in my mind that the heroes of the past had only good intentions in their beginnings. However, like most “good” men, they forgot what their goal was along their journey and were overcame with invasions of pride and greed.

Chris creates a circulation with his hands as if he is summoning a ball of energy.

Chris: And in that, a false doctrine was created...


Not a single man would pick up his cross and bear the true purpose of a hero. They would watch from afar as the poor became poorer and the rich became richer. “Heroes” sat by as men were attacked and persecuted; rings were flogged while the weak was crushed. Do you call these men who sit idly by with a turned ear in hopes of their own desires a “hero"?

Chris extends out his arms and hands in the air.

Chris: What say you WZCW Universe?!

Chris leers out at the people as they exchange timid looks between each other. We see Serra look back at Klamor, but neither of them know what to say. Chris smirks after a few seconds pass without a single response. He lowers his arms.

Chris: Let me tell you all here a story about the one who comes to abolish all sin from WZCW. Let me tell you about the one who ranks higher than just a mere “hero”.

Serra: Puh-lease.

Serra mutters under her breath, but a soft nudge from Klamor forces her to be quiet.

Chris: In the beginning, there were the gods of WZCW. They deemed WZCW worthy to be created and set forth a motion that would quickly spark a worldwide phenomenon. A roster had to be assembled. There were those that were face; who projected purity.

Chris holds up one hand as if he is holding a circular object.

Chris: Then the heels came...

Chris holds up his other hand.

Chris: And with that, the first heel brought the opposing force of purity; that which is known as evil.

Chris looks up at the hand which is representing evil.

Chris: Since June 21, 2007, the debut episode of WZCW, a war was waged between the two. Sometimes purity would win, and then other times evil would. Battles between the two produced fickle outcomes. However, as years went by, there was a distinct advantage in favor of evil.

RWO, Vengeance, and then Ty Burna...

Chris lowers the hand representing “good”.

Chris: Until finally, evil peaked its roaring head in WZCW by taking complete control. At first, it was only a small stable taking out WZCW legends...

Where were the heroes?

Then it was half of the company in the hands of a chaotic mad man...

Where were the heroes?

Finally! It was complete control at Kingdom Come IV whenever Ty Burna won out Vance Bateman’s half of WZCW and owned the company in full!

Where were the heroes?


Chris pauses.

Chris: I’ll tell you where they were at. They were out fighting over pointless masks. They were ought stopping King for a Day cash-ins for selfish reasons. They were out competing for world titles and losing them to men who spend their spare time naked in mud saunas in-between wrestling shows...

Serra appears to be speaking up, but Klamor grabs her arm and shushes her.

Chris: All the while, WZCW was crumbling and decaying... Hope was barely existent and Ty Burna had a vice grip on the entire world of professional wrestling.

Chris looks out at the people.

Chris: Where was your hero?

Chris pauses and looks down at the black gravel that is blanketed with soft snow. He then looks back up with glazed eyes.

Chris: He was as far away as he possibly could be. But there was a man who was willing to bear a cross... There was a man willing to take the mental and physical punishment that came with saving the company for every human being. There was man who was willing to serve the true purpose of purity.

Chris pauses.

Chris: For you see, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.

Chris rubs his chin as he steps down from the wooden crate. He begins walking around the inner circle of the crowd.

Chris: This man was much like all of you.

He points out to the people.

Chris: For months he was tempted by the great evil, Ty Burna. He was promised everything of the world if only he would bend and do as he was told.

Chris shakes his head no.

Chris: But this man would not give in so feebly like the false heroes. He diligently put forth every ounce of his being (mind, body, and spirit) into seeing the destruction of evil come about. Even if it meant bearing the weight of unthinkable punishment.

Chris steps into the center of the crowd. He positions himself just a few steps in front of his microphone. He rolls up the sleeves of his gray coat and holds out his arms in front of him for all toe see. The camera zooms in and we see very visible red scars on his wrists from whenever he was bound and crucified on the chaos symbol by Ty Burna and the Apostles of CHaos. Chris closes his eyes as he allows the people to look at his wrists.

Chris: But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Chris seems very moved by his own words and a chilling silence circumferences the small crowd.

Chris: I am the way, the truth, and the life. Only through me was Ty Burna destroyed and the captive WZCW was set free.

Chris opens his eyes.

Chris: You people didn’t need a hero.

Chris smiles innocently.

Chris: You needed a savior. I am that savior...

An uncomfortable chatter breaks out in the crowd over the sacrilegious claims from Chris K.O. Serra watches as Chris climbs back up onto the crate. She turns her head to speak to Klamor.

Serra: This guy is nuts-

Chris: I said a lot of things on the ending of Aftershock 18.

Chris is now back on the wooden crate with his lips pressed against the microphone.

Chris: Most of which was directed at the “hero”, Titus. You see, I shared most of my thoughts with the masses. Because unlike Titus, I see no reason to whisper in the ear of Leon Kensworth about his shortcomings. However, I am aware that even as I speak, he is most likely out there mustering up every script he can to produce a Hollywood-esque promo about me and feel you more false doctrine. Therefore, allow me to warn all of you here. So listen closely.

Chris pauses.

Chris: False heroes will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. The elect being you, WZCW Universe. I have no shame in calling Titus for what he is: a false hero and failed archetype. From Everest to The Angel, Titus has never cared about avenging the broken. From day one, he has only cared about one thing; gold. And the love of gold is the root of all evil. Golden globes and World Titles will only take him so far. Eventually, they will all perish and he will be left with nothing but his guilt.

Chris holds up his fist.

Chris: But I am kind and I am merciful. I will save Titus just like I did with all of you. I will save Titus from his own self. He will no longer have to live with his sin.

Chris pulls out the white arm sleeve that he usually wears during his matches. He then proceeds to slide it on his right arm.

Chris: I will purify him by way of The Sword.

Klamor: Amen!

A lot of people in the crowd stare at Klamor, who looks annoyed by the attention he is receiving. Chris just looks at his right arm with a delightful smile. The camera goes black.



8 Months Ago​

We begin the scene with a knocking on a door.

???: Ah, come in.

The door opens up and we are treated to a small room with terracotta walls. A few candlesticks are perched around the room and it appears that a television set rest towards the back wall. In the center is a single chair that faces the television. A woman steps into the room and closes the door behind her. She is not alone. Two men stand up against opposite walls inside of the room. One is standing right next to a candlestick, while the other favors the shadows. The one standing next to candlelight has a blue sweater on with black pants underneath. He appears to have a red scar upon his cheek. He addresses the woman.

???: Juliet, thank you for coming. Please sit.

The woman known as Juliet looks at the chair in the center of the room and then looks over at the man in the shadows. She hesitates, but then proceeds to take a seat.

Juliet: Yes, Ethan.

She sits down and the man known as Ethan holds out what appears to be a remote control. He clicks a button on it.

Ethan: Watch, please.

The screen turns on. We hear screams from a woman on the screen as a bloody face appears on the screen. It quickly becomes evident that the footage is from Ascension 49 whenever The Apostles of Chaos strapped Chris to the chaos symbol and crucified him. The woman in the chair watches for a few seconds, but then turns her head in disgust.

Ethan pauses the footage.

Juliet: Why are you making me watch this?

Ethan walks over to Juliet.

Ethan: Do you recognize the man on the screen?

Juliet slowly looks back the screen and she sees the still shot of Chris’ bloody face. She gasps and hops out of her seat. Her eyes begin to get watery as she runs up to the screen and rubs it.

Juliet: I don’t believe it!

Ethan: I needed to show you that your sacrifice was not in vain. The prophecy has been fulfilled.

Juliet begins to weep.

Juliet: Are we going to reach out to him? He needs to know.

Ethan: Not yet Juliet. But in time I promise. Regula will be watching over him for the time being. You have nothing to worry about.

The man from the shadow steps into the light. We see him wearing a brown raincoat and a brown rain hat. Under his hat is a black and white mask. Tears continue to stream down Juliet’s face. Ethan turns off the television, and Juliet reacts as if she would give anything for one more glimpse.

Ethan: Come now, we must prepare for what is to come. We must prepare for your son.

Ethan holds out his hand to Juliet. The last shot we get is of Juliet looking at Ethan with tears rolling down her cheeks. The camera fades out.
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