AoN Discussion: Barbosa/S.H.I.T. vs. The Empire

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Most feuds go out with a bang, but this one started with one. It happened at Unscripted when The Empire tried to blow up Barbosa and S.H.I.T. with C4 explosives. The effects left lasting damages to both men. Since then, Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen have made it their priority to tell the world that they are the new era. These "second-page roster" men will face off against the wildcard Barbosa and the indestructible S.H.I.T. in a war of a match.​
Only in Wzcw will you see something like this, Both teams have fought wars with each other. But now we are seeing them both come togther. When you look at the four men in this match, very few names will ever be more synonymous with the word hardcore in Wzcw.
Even with a Mayhem match on the card and no crazy stipulations (that I'm aware of), I have no doubts that this will be the most violent match on the show. There will be no winners in this match and there probably won't even be a man standing at the end. It'll come down to which team has the man with the last bit of fight left in the match. A win would solidify The Empire as a force in WZCW, especially if Constantine wins as well, but I think a unified S.H.I.T. and Barbosa will be too much.
A double victory for The Empire would be huge. But there is massive pressure on Prophet and Phatso to match their leader step for step with their RPs. Barbosa and Miko could not be a bigger test for them as a team. An Empire win would be a real upset.

The match should be brutally good though.
Under-estimate Booper at your own peril. Bowen has a win over Barbosa under his belt and Cooper beat K.O and Constantine in the same match, the same K.O that pinned S.H.I.T on Meltdown and the same Constantine that is battling for a World Title at this very PPV. S.H.I.T and Barbosa have no pedigree as a team and can't afford to give an inch.
Vicious and delicious, this one has blood-shed written all over it. Arguably three of the most hyper-violent men/machines in WZCW's history and a very vocal Justin Cooper take to the stage. Personal preference says Barbosa/S.H.I.T take this to silence the Empire for the time being, but how can we guarentee that the former world champion and his former nemesis won't turn on one-another?
I correctly predicted this one and I'm glad that I was right. This is going to be bloody good fun, no stipulation has me thinking it's going to be a regular tag match but not even those rules can stop these chaotic four. A lot of pressure on The Empire here to take the win while Barbosa doesn't want to lose and SHIT aside from the six man tag on AS hasn't been that successful lately. Regardless I'll pick my favorite robot and the Ultimate Inmate in this one, though I just want to read a bloody massacre.

This match is going to be an absolute war. Broken bodies, crushed cardboard, blood, oil?, just about anything can and probably will happen in this match.

Cooper has really impressed me as of late with his writing, and Bowen is improving as well. I know it's odd to say of someone that's been in the fed for so long in Bowen, but he's really working his ass off to become a better writer and I applaud both for stepping their game up so well. Pairing up with Constantine is going to help them as well, and honestly I'm sad to say I didn't see the alliance coming (should have, Empire, King Constantine, it was right fucking there).

They're walking into a buzzsaw of a team with Barbosa and S.H.I.T. Both of these guys are two of my favorites, and I always make it a point to read what they come up with each week. The thought of the two of them teaming up their individual geniuses to cooperate is down right scary. S.H.I.T. hasn't been as successful as I would have guessed as of late, but Barbosa can certainly bring the best out of anyone he works with.

I see this as a match where it ends with no one left standing. I'm going with Barbosa/S.H.I.T. but I believe that The Empire winning would probably do them a lot more good and bring a lot of validation to their claims as well as their alliance with Constantine, especially if all three were victorious at AoN.

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