AoN: Barbosa/S.H.I.T. vs. The Empire

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the Frog

Most feuds go out with a bang, but this one started with one. It happened at Unscripted when The Empire tried to blow up Barbosa and S.H.I.T. with C4 explosives. The effects left lasting damages to both men. Since then, Justin Cooper and Alex Bowen have made it their priority to tell the world that they are the new era. These "second-page roster" men will face off against the wildcard Barbosa and the indestructible S.H.I.T. in a war of a match.

Deadline is Tuesday February 19, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per thread.
Constantine: How far are you willing to go? Are you willing to put your career on the line so that I may succeed? Would you take a chair shot for me, even if it caused you serious injury? The time is here my brothers for the two of you to stand beside me and fight the battle we have known was coming. It’s time for us to break free of the shackles placed on us by the selfish and begin our own journey to greatness.

We open the scene inside a large hall as Constantine, with his briefcase in hand, paces back and forth. Inside the hall stands a large wooden table, its top has been carved with an image of a roaring lion. On opposite ends of the table sit Alex Bowen and Reverend Cooper, both of them are sipping on a small glass of whiskey while listening to Constantine’s address. To the front of the hall is a golden throne with jewels embedding into its structure. A fine red velvet cloth flows down the middle and reaches the bottom but does not touch the floor. On either side of the throne stand two hooded figures, each holding a silver sword with a golden spiral handle. Their heads are lowered with neither daring to make eye contact with Constantine or his knights.

Constantine: Our path has come together for a reason. This is no coincidence or sudden mistake that we all happen to cross to paths on the same night. We have all been drawn here to complete a goal… or better yet, a quest. From the evils of an egotistical tyrant who dares to call himself champion… all the way to a duo of mad men who believe that their hardcore style is something to be proud of. It is these men who we shall destroy! It is these men who we have been called upon to make an example out of and prove to the world that we are destined for success. David Cougar stands on his fake throne at the top of professional wrestling while I stand on mine as King of the world!

With his fist clenched in anger Constantine turns his head and looks directly at Bowen and Cooper. He makes eye contact with both of them; they dare not break the silence at any moment. Constantine continues but this time he lowers his tone of voice just a little.

Constantine: You two men are more than just followers. Unlike Ty Burna I would never stand behind my men and refuse to fight. He used his alliance to hide and just watch them fight the battles. We are stronger than the Apostles of Chaos ever were. They were divided by separate causes while we are united as one entity against the evils that surround us. You two will stand alongside me as I take the World Championship from David Cougar this Sunday and I will be with you, never breaking my promise, as you rid this world of Barbosa and S.H.I.T. Through our connection and alliance the world will not be able to withstand us. They will all bow down to The Empire.

Constantine begins to move closer to the table where Bowen and Cooper sit. The briefcase in his hand is lifted up and placed on top of the table. Constantine becomes fixated on the briefcase, unable to break his gaze from the powerful object that he holds in his grasp. Not only is this briefcase symbol of the fierce war that was won by Constantine but it is also the key to his kingdom. Suddenly Constantine snaps out of it and begins to unbuckle locks. He turns the briefcase around and reveals the contract that sits inside to Bowen and Cooper.

Constantine: On the inside this briefcase looks like any other that you would find in the supermarket. It’s a basic cover with a handle and nothing more. You would expect it to hold a simple collection of documents for the working man.

Swiftly Constantine turns around before approaching his throne. He runs his hand along the top, feeling all the jewels and the thousands of dollars that have been spent on preparing such a fine specimen. With something that almost resembles a smile Constantine takes a seat on the throne and crosses his arms with his head held high with arrogance.

Constantine: What people believe or think is mostly wrong my brothers. They know nothing about what power and strength hides within someone. You two have been regarded as underdogs by those who run the internet and the social gathering websites. They don’t believe in you! None of them believe that you have a chance to defeat Barbosa and S.H.I.T this Sunday at All or Nothing. The guys in the locker room all think that this is going to be a one sided beating and you guys are going to be knocked into irrelevance. They think that this is a joke, that we as The Empire are a joke. Are you going to let them get away with this or are you two going to fight? Will you stand up against those who say you don’t stand a chance this Sunday? Can you triumph when nobody believes in us?


Constantine: I believe in you. It doesn’t matter what they think because they’re not in this match. You two need to rise up and take the next step on our way to greatness. This Sunday will only be the beginning of our journey and it begins with you two sending a message to the entire world.

The words ring true with Bowen and Cooper as they turn to each other to communicate. They do so not by words, rather they make eye contact and speak through sight. It’s a testament to the level of understanding that both men have of the other and it reinforces how being both allies and rivals can strengthen a connection. Back on the throne Constantine signals for his two knights to approach the throne. Bowen is the first to approach followed by Cooper. They kneel down in front of Constantine with their heads down and their arms crossed over one knee. Constantine extends his right arm and one of the hooded figures hands him a sword that they were holding. Slowly Constantine stands with the sword being held firmly in his grasp. Step by step Constantine moves toward Alex Bowen until he stands just inches away.

Constantine: As a former Apostle of Chaos surely you must know the hesitations I had when deciding to bring you into my kingdom? You and you’re kind turned against the master and if such a thing were to happen to me… well there would be serious consequences. Do you vow to never turn against the king so long as you live? Do you vow to never gather a resistance to overthrow the king so long as you live? Do you vow to always protect and serve the king so long as you live?

Constantine places his hand on Bowen’s head and then taps the sword on his left and right shoulder. The sword is then passed back to the hooded figured that possessed it at the beginning. With one hand still on Bowen’s head, Constantine extends his other hand which holds a ring with a large jewel in the middle. Constantine nods and Bowen proceeds to deliver one soft kiss to the ring, he then stands up and crosses his arms. Still on his knee Cooper lifts his head as Constantine makes his way over to him. The sword held by the other hooded figure is now in the King’s hand. He does the exact same thing to Cooper that he did to Bowen and then speaks.

Constantine: We have battled in the past and you have proved yourself to be worthy of being in my kingdom. You shall stand with Alexander as my knights. Kiss the ring and rise to your feet.

Without question Cooper kisses the ring that is presented to him. Slowly he rises to his feet and crosses his arms just like Bowen. Once again Constantine hands the sword to one of the hooded figures and they disappear behind the throne. The King takes his place on the throne while Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper stand awaiting orders.

Constantine: This Sunday is without question the biggest day of our lives. I am trusting you two with my life. You must succeed because failure is not an option for us anymore. Kings do not fail! I will not have my knights’ fall to the feet of peasants who do not deserve the light of day. They may run wild in the kingdom for now but I do not want them to be able to walk after All or Nothing! Leave them with blood rushing down their face; I want vengeance upon thee who stands in our way! Bring forth every single bit of anger you two have for them and unleash it like the fury of the devil himself. I don’t care what you have to use, just get the job done. Do you two understand what I am asking from you?

Bowen and Cooper turn to each other, not doubt in their mind as for what Constantine wants done. They must defeat the two men who have stood up against The Empire to ensure that Constantine has all the momentum going into his title match. A win over Barbosa and S.H.I.T would surely turn the tables on Cougar and give Constantine the advantage he needs.

Cooper: Barbosa and S.H.I.T will not walk out of All or Nothing.

Bowen: You have no need to fear them because we shall rid this company of the two who tried to stop what cannot be stopped. We will destroy them just like we did at Unscripted. They cannot possibly break us or The Empire.

Cooper: With this victory we will be unstoppable my King. Not David Cougar, Austin Reynolds, Triple X, Steven Holmes or even Ty Burna himself will be able to stop you. Together we will rule this company and you can trust that neither Bowen nor I will ever turn against the crown.

Constantine raises his right arm and motions for something. Out of the corner of the room appears a little servant boy carrying a three glasses of wine for The Empire. His little face is covered in mud and his clothes are all ripped. Cuts cover the little boy’s legs and his hands are totally black. The child struggles to carry the three glasses and as he approaches Constantine he slips over! One of the glasses is flung into the air… the wine lands directly on King Constantine!

Constantine: I-I-I-I- How dare you!

The child tries to run but Bowen grabs him by the neck and pulls him back. Enraged by this child’s clumsy display Constantine summons one of the hooded figures to remove this poor boy. He kicks and screams for help but he is helpless against the King’s ruling. Another one of the servants hands Constantine a cloth which he uses to clean some of the wine off his clothes.

Bowen: Vermin. All children are like that, nothing but toxic infections. You should be glad you’ve rid yourself of one.

Constantine: Yes next time I shall not be so kind to give family a job.

Cooper: Extermination is best for all children my King. Just like Barbosa and S.H.I.T who are basically children when compared to us. They fail to respect what we stand for and how we never back down from a challenge. They call us fake and cheats when really they are the two who are fake. They are the ones lying to the people. We stand here and we tell everyone that our goal is to rule this world. The Empire stands alone but yet we stand united as one entity that will crush everyone who opposes us.

Bowen: We will not let you down, King Constantine. What you demand of us is exactly what we demand of ourselves. Together all three of us will walk out of All or Nothing with victories for our empire.

Constantine drops the cloth that he was cleaning himself with and he locks his eyes on both Cooper and Bowen who have raised their fists high in the air. A small smirk appears on Constantine’s face, just a small one, though the fierce and anger warrior still remains on his outer shell. The Empire all nod and confirm that they all know their goals for this Sunday night. The time has come for The Empire and the battle has begun!

Bowen: Long live the King!

Cooper: Long live the King!

Both: Long live the King!
*Bethlem Royal Hospital.

It was the earliest memory that Barbosa had.

The walls of Bedlam.

So prominent had they been in his shattered psyche that it was where he had told WZCW officials that that was where he was from. The announcers say it every time he came to the ring.

He did not know anything before that. Nothing about his origins. Or to be more accurate, he could not remember them. They could be in his mind somewhere, locked away in some dank, dark corner, unwilling or unable to escape.

That was why he was here…

Actually, that was a lie. He was lying to himself. Why was he doing that? He really did not care about his past before Bedlam. It meant nothing to him.

What he really cared about and the real reason behind his presence in the bowels of this ancient building was Them…

They managed to get out of here legally and without help despite not being even remotely cured.

And now they were about to escape again… That was the reason why he was here.

There must be some clues here in the original Bedlam as to how they had kept themselves under control and out of public view long enough to trick healthcare professionals. Clues that could help him keep them under control now when he is about to go to war once more with an Empire and an "ally" he could not trust.

After wondering around the darker recesses of the building trying to reconnect with this place by making physical contact with various walls, doors and other features without getting caught by whatever security was around, Barbosa eventually finds himself in the archives.

It is here that he will find what he is looking for, if it is to be found - a case file. His case file.

Immediately, he is happy to find that many of the older paper records are still in tact as his computer hacking skills are as useless as Ricky Runn's insurance premiums are high.

However, that added an extended period of time to his search. No "Ctrl + F" or search programme to help him beyond a general alphabetical idea of where it should be.

Except of course it was not 'where it should be' under "B." Or even "Б." Or any other way he, they or any any other semi-literate authority might have taken to spelling his moniker.

He eventually finds what he is looking for under "F" for "Fapsixoca." It seems that the inability to deal with anything outside English language was not confined to the New World side of the Pond…

As Barbosa then starts to flick through his file, looking for nuggets of potential help, he moves around the archive before coming to a stop beside a large, recently delivered box marked with a large THIS WAY UP sign and an even bigger arrow pointing to the top, against which he begins to lean as he continues to digest the contents of his file.*


*A police car pulls up outside the museum wing of the Bethlem Royal Hospital on a cold, drizzly day in London. Detective McCroskey, looking his usual taciturn self, steps out of the car with his more straight-edged partner, Detective Kramer. McCroskey calls out in a low growly voice to one of the already assembled underlings.*

McCroskey: What do we have?

*The reply comes back.*

Constable: Breaking and entering in the museum wing with some vandalism; although the staff report that nothing substantial was stolen or destroyed.

*This elicits a grunt of disgust and exasperated sigh from McCroskey.*

McCroskey: Another high profile case, eh Ted?

Kramer: Bedlam in the original Bedlam. Rather poetic.

McCroskey: Poetic? Some two bit punks break in to a museum, destroy some things and do not steal anything… and they send two veteran detectives to 'investigate'?

*Before Kramer can answer, another subordinate approaches the two grizzled detectives with a laptop.*

Constable: Detectives, we have managed to pull the security footage from the museum and its archive. I think you will want to take a look.

*McCroskey throws his hands up in mock surrender.*

Kramer: A real case to get our teeth into then… How are we ever going to solve this one?

Constable: This is an odd one, sir.

*The constable presses play. The video immediately shows a suspect climbing in through a window and through various security cameras tracks his progress throughout the halls and darker recesses of the building.*

Kramer: He is pretty deft at avoiding whatever security is on duty. Seems we have a seasoned invader.

*However, the initial snap judgement of the detectives is immediately altered as the intruder stops and touches one of the walls.*

McCroskey: This is no ordinary vandal.

Kramer: It's almost as if he is trying to remember something.

*The compilated video footage then shows the suspect reaching the archive and rummaging through some of the older files.*

Kramer: He is clearly looking for something specific.

Constable: And he spends quite a bit of time searching for it until…

*The video then fast-forwards.*

Constable: …he eventually finds it.

Kramer: What does it say on that file?

Constable: Sorry, detective but we could not clean it up enough and it cannot be traced.

McCroskey: Well, this is a bust then.

Constable: Wait, sir, there is more.

*Both McCroskey and Kramer refocus on the video as the intruder walks around the archive reading the file he has found before coming to a stop and leaning against a large box. Suddenly, the scene of in-action springs into life as the intruder is himself attacked.*

McCroskey: What the Hell is that?


*As Barbosa leans on the upright box to further study the file he has lifted, two large hands burst through the box to grab Barbosa's throat.

After a brief moment of shock, Barbosa is able to break the grip of his assailant and stagger backwards away from the box, which then bursts open to reveal SHIT. The sight of the Scaled Humanoid draws a large sigh from Barbosa and with it seeps away all of his composure.*

Manic: What are you? Some sort of Terminator? First you want to destroy us, then you save us, now you want to destroy us again?

*When this pleading does nothing to stop the approaching mechanical monstrosity, Barbosa's body language changes dramatically to a far more aggressive stance. He raises his hand towards SHIT.*

Barbosa: Stop, you ridiculous automaton!

This little song and dance between us has gone on long enough. We are Barbosa former WZCW champion and we will not be treated like this. We will not waste anymore time with a moronic specimen such as...


*Barbosa's outburst is cut short by a massive overhand top from the ridiculous automaton. His opponent suitably staggered, SHIT then proceeds to send him from pillar to post, destroying much of the archive.*


Kramer: Is that a man in a box… in a box?

*As the events unfold, McCroskey reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hipflask.*

McCroskey: Boy, did I pick the wrong day to quit drinking?

*McCroskey takes a quick slug before Kramer snatches the hipflask away but as he continues to watch the unfolding archive brawl between a former resident of the hospital and someone who looks like he should be there.

Kramer also takes a swig from the hipflask.*


*When one final throw launches him across the room, creating separation, Barbosa is able to regain his feet before SHIT gets to him again. Using this moment of rest, the former inmate of Bedlam once again calls out to his attacker. However, this time it is far from the blustering anger than categorised the last outburst. This time the battered and bruised Barbosa is far more somber and hunched over.*

Barbosa: Stop... why are we still doing this?

*SHIT seems to cock his head to the side as if querying such a question.*

Barbosa: What happened the last time we did this to each other? Yes, part of us found it functional. Fun even. But where did it leave us? In a pile of rubble just waiting to be picked off by whichever wolves decided to pick up the scraps.

It left us vulnerable. Weak.

*This pronouncement of weakness definitely gets across to the Scaled Humanoid, who takes up a more passive stance. Recognising that he has gotten through to SHIT in some way, Barbosa continues.*

Barbosa: The walls of this establishment have seen over seven centuries of history. They have seen the rise and fall of numerous empires and rather than fight each other, we should be banding together to make sure that it sees the fall of another…

While some wither and decay, collapsing under the weight of their own accomplishments and decrepitude, others are destroyed, wiped from history, ground into dust by those more powerful.

*Barbosa, or at least some part of him, realises that his grandstanding is getting through to the automaton but has not quite sealed the deal yet as the cyborg takes another menacing if less forceful step forward.*

Barbosa: Would you be ground into dust by those more powerful? Destroy us here, now, and you are all alone against them and you cannot hope to beat them by yourself.

*This sees SHIT stops dead and clearly get lost in whatever passes for its thought process, calculating the consequences of what his erstwhile target has said.

After a long few seconds, the Scaled Humanoid nods, seemingly in acceptance of the notion of it sharing an enemy with Barbosa, and then as abruptly as it appeared smashing through its box, SHIT turns to leave.

The second that it does, it is Barbosa's turn to take a less than forceful step towards his assailant, like he is about to blindside the automaton. However, he is clearly conflicted about such an attack as his movements are jerky and slow, as if he is fighting against an invisible force; an outward physical manifestation of internal indecision or of an internal struggle between two wills…

One of those wills clearly prevails as Barbosa remains in his hunched over stance, watching the lumbering SHIT exit the archive. Once his automatic tag team partner has finally disappeared from sight and sound, a large sigh escapes Barbosa. However, rather be one of relief , the accompanying inhale of breath sees yet another change in body language.*

Barbosa: We should have attacked. Its guard was down.

*Barbosa turns his head to one side.*

Barbosa: And have to face our enemies alone? Individuals do not bring down empires…

*He turns his head to the other side.*

Barbosa: No! We do not want that! Not alone!

*Barbosa turns back to the direction that SHIT disappeared in.*

Barbosa: Hmmmpf… We had better get some fun out of this…

*Barbosa then moves to follow SHIT out of the archive but before he leaves, he notices his file lying on the ground. Bending down to pick it up, Barbosa produces a cigar and a lighter from his pocket. Lighting the cigar and taking a fews puffs, the former resident of Bedlam then uses his lighter to set fire to his case file, watching it burn away to nothing before flashing a smile at the security camera as he leaves.*


Kramer: Have we any idea what they were saying?

Constable: No, sir.

Kramer: And nothing about who either of them are?

Constable: No, sir. The camera footage is of too poor a quality to clean up for facial recognition and with the first intruder burning the file, we cannot get anything from it either.

McCroskey: What about the origins of the box that the Man in the Box came out of?

Constable: Preliminary reports suggest it has a fake return address, was delivered in person rather than by mail and neither the deliverer nor their vehicle was never caught on camera.

Kramer: So let me get this straight… we are trying to find a man who broke into the archive of a psychiatric hospital presumably searching for his past where he got into an altercation with a man in a box who had himself delivered to the same archive in a box before then having an extended conversation and then leaving but managed somehow to not leave a shred of evidence behind?

Constable: It seems that way, sir.

*Both McCroskey and Kramer fall silent for a few moments.*

McCroskey: Boy, did I pick the wrong day to stop sniffing glue?

Kramer: Thank the Lord that we only have another few weeks to retirement…
The sound of furious clicking echoes around the dank and dingy room, the latest of little cesspits that S.H.I.T has been dragged to with this strange man for its supposed own good, it had been warned that there was danger on every corner and that the “bad people” were just waiting for either The Machine or the Scientist to slip up. S.H.I.T could not understand the need to hide, as far as it was concerned it was the most dangerous thing ali..... in the World.

The clicking was coming from a computer mouse, this man had managed to acquire a decent PC and was usually occupied playing games or looking things up online, paying less and less attention to S.H.I.T. The Machine didn’t care, it had matters of its own to attend to, Barbosa. Empire.

“You see,” he said, breaking S.H.I.T’s train of thou.... Programming, whatever it was. “Now that the evil Fascists have invaded from the East,” and here he indicates the screen of which there is a map of Europe covered in a range of different colours, the most prominent of which is the encroaching Gold on the far right, “the only way the rest of us can survive is to join together, otherwise we will be destroyed. This is why I am allying with the Communist faction for this battle. Despite myself being a Capitalist.”

S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

He sighs and mutters to himself, “I am a certified genius and I am stuck looking after this pile of bolts.”

“Because now we need each other to survive or we will be destroyed. As the old saying goes, 'My enemies enemy is my friend.'” He continues, attempting to drive the point home. “You see, the forging of Empires have always made for odd allies, because in this game" he indicates the screen again, "you either win, or you die!” He glances sidelong at S.H.I.T, recent weeks would indicate that it is grasping the idea, but each and every time the name “Barbosa” is mentioned it draws the same reaction. The fists clench, sometimes it even says “Destroy!” less than a split second after the name had passed his lips. He needed a permanent method of control, this man/machine could be manipulated for short periods, Alhazred had found that out, as had Ty Burna, but nothing stuck, in the end it would fall into its old destructive habits. Dangerous, but often stupid.

He gives an exasperated sigh, “fine then, take all three of them on by yourself. See how long it takes before they lay you to waste.”

He had been researching a controlling method online for weeks now, a method discovered by a doctor from the Bethlem Royal Hospital, an age old technique that was made illegal due to it being considered cruel, but the Scientist had no time for niceties, he just needed that technique, which was locked away in the archives of that damn hospital. Luckily he had devised a plan, it just hinged on that damn Machine being able to do what it was told for long enough.

Bethlem Royal Hospital.


That is why it was here. Sent on an errand to apprehend some information at this place, it had not been told what it was, it had been told where to find it, it had been told not to be seen at all costs. This was proving to be difficult as there was clearly another figure wandering around the archives, doing his best to avoid security by ducking and hiding. Through a crack in the box S.H.I.T watched whoever it was wandering around, whoever it was was searching for something, perhaps the same thing S.H.I.T was searching for. It was not to be seen, it must lie low, wait for the other to leave.

This would cause a problem, for two reasons, the other was acting as though he had all night and as he approached the box it was clearly S.H.I.T’s deranged nemesis, Barbosa, a Human would not be able to believe the coincidence.

Mission Protocol 1 overrides current instructions. Or in laymans terms “S.H.I.T exists only to destroy.”


The door opens to the nasty little room, the sound of furious clicking still going strong, the Scientist takes a break from whatever computer activity he was undergoing to greet the newcomer, a short, dark haired, moderately well dressed man, with a nod of his head.

"Did It. . . He succeed?" Asked the moderately dressed man.

The reply comes back.

"No, in fact S.H.I.T managed to destroy it, during a fight."

This elicits a grunt of disgust from the other man.

"Another waste of resources, eh Gustav? Or whatever your going by now."

"Bedlam in the original Bedlam. Rather poetic." Said the Scientist, stroking his huge white moustache.

"Poetic? It takes us weeks to find a method to control that thing that might actually work, a way to acquire it which can't be traced back to us and that idiot in a box manages to destroy it. What was it doing? Fighting all the Security Guards?"

"Interestingly enough, it is quite important to know who it is fighting."

The moderately dressed man throws up his arms in mock surrender. "A homeless man, one of the inmates, how can it possibly matter?"

"Take a look." The Scientist turns his computer monitor to face the moderately dressed man and clicks a button with his mouse.

"Fap. . . I can't pronounce that." He said, "who is it?"

"I find it easier to say 'Barbosa'" he replied, "that is the person that S.H.I.T has been at odds with S.H.I.T for months now."

The man stares at the picture of the ultimate inmate, "what was he doing there?"

"You know our Machine rarely stops to ask questions, I do not know."

"Well, this is a bust then." Said the moderately dressed man, rubbing his face in a sure sign of stress.

"Wait, there is more."

Barbosa manages to fight free of S.H.I.T’s grip and back off, S.H.I.T kicks the front of its box down in pursuit. It had expected Barbosa to come back swinging, instead what it got was an unusual response from this Killing Machine.

Manic: What are you? Some sort of Terminator? First you want to destroy us, then you save us, now you want to destroy us again?

The only word the Machine comprehended was “destroy” and Barbosa was giving S.H.I.T an opening to do just that.

Barbosa: Stop, you ridiculous automaton!

This little song and dance between us has gone on long enough. I am Barbosa former WZCW champion and I will not be treated like this. I will waste anymore time with a moronic specimen such as...


A Human would be unable to believe his luck, a chance to destroy his nemesis without them trying to fight back, S.H.I.T’s thoughts on the matter are far more plain and it seemed it was going to press its advantage anyway. Throwing Barbosa into just about anything it could, destroying much of the archive, heedless of the damage it was causing, in front of it its foe and nobody to tell it to stop.


As the story unfolds the moderately dressed man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hipflask. "Boy, did I pick the wrong day to quit drinking?"

He takes a quick swig before the Scientist snatches it away from him, who instead himself takes a massive mouthful.

"Aah, not fine German Beer but it will do."


A final throw creates separation between the pair and Barbosa uses this time to regain his composure. His posture completely changed from his earlier haughty appearance.

Barbosa: Stop... why are we still doing this?

S.H.I.T cocks its head, it had thought Barbosa had revelled in this. Both outbursts from before were wrong in their way, but at least his usual aggression was there before. This, this was even more wrong.

Barbosa: What happened the last time we did this to each other? Yes, part of us found it functional. Fun even. But where did it leave us? In a pile of rubble just waiting to be picked off by whichever wolves decided to pick up the scraps.

It left us vulnerable. Weak.

Weakness. The match at Unscripted had been necessary after all they'd gone through, but the end result had nearly ended with the destruction of them both. S.H.I.T had been attempting this very thing at first, but self preservation is apparently not unique to Humans. Willing to listen to what this different Barbosa had to say, S.H.I.T assumed a more passive stance.

Barbosa: These walls have seen over seven centuries of history. They have seen the rise and fall of numerous empires and rather than fight each other, we should be banding together to make sure that it sees the fall of another…

While some wither and decay, collapsing under the weight of their own accomplishments and decrepitude, others are destroyed, wiped from history, ground into dust by those more powerful.

S.H.I.T takes another step forward, although less forceful than before.

Barbosa: Would you be ground into dust by those more powerful? Destroy us here, now, and you are all alone against them and you cannot hope to beat them by yourself.

It remembered how helpless it had been at the hands of Empire, tied up and left to die, in that moment it had done an odd thing, it had saved the man it was determined to destroy in an effort to save itself as well. Perhaps, perhaps this really was the man to stand side by side with and in a rare moment of shame S.H.I.T knew that this other had realised it first. This was why this fight had not escalated into a total war between the two.

This was best, because they both had a total war of medieval proportions at their doorstep.

It would have even relished the other man fighting back but in that moment it knew Barbosa had done the right thing. “My enemies enemy is my friend” is what the scientist had said. It seems the two Humans had the right of it, an endless quest to destroy would only result in S.H.I.T itself being destroyed by those more powerful. In the great game alliances must be forged and perhaps broken and the forging of Empires has always made for odd allies, the Fascists in the computer game united the Capitalists and the Communists. Bowen and Cooper have gone one better, they’ve united Barbosa and S.H.I.T. Between them they could destroy an Empire.

S.H.I.T nods at Barbosa. Few words had been exchanged, but the words were not important, only the content and the outcome.

Looking around the archive it realised it had destroyed the section it was supposed to search, not giving a second thought to things it cannot change it turns to leave.

It perhaps detected a movement behind it, but something told it not to turn and face whatever it was.


"Have we any idea what was said?" Asked the moderately dressed man.

"No." The Scientist replied simply.

"All we know is that, person whoever he is, succeeded where you've been failing all this time?"

The Scientist gritted his teeth at the word 'failing' but let it slide.

"Who'd have thought when I found you in that back alley all that time ago and hired you to work for us we'd have both ended up on the run from those same people, with a cardboard contraption that apparently can only be reasoned with by. . ."

"A deranged former mental patient?" The Scientist chips in helpfully.

"Hmm, can we still trust it?" he said thoughtfully.

"I don't know."

"Boy, did I pick the wrong day to stop sniffing glue?"
Over the last few days, something close to Twenty-five thousand dollars has gone missing from Alex Bowen's bank account. Both Iris and Mr. Twist have still not told The Empire how much money they really have saved now. But Both Cooper and Bowen have guessed it to be more than they could spend in one sitting. Bowen has been sitting in a hotel in Toledo, Ohio for four days, he has a meeting with Cooper tomorrow. He will be bringing a locked suitcase with him, and David Bowen will meet him at the Air port with the key. Cooper and the Bowen brothers will make their way to his old trainer James Takei, to give him a gift for all he's done in the past.

But Bowen isn't worried about this, he's spent the last half a week messed up. Bottled up in his own head about tapping out to Showtime last week. Many men have taken Bowen to the limit, some have beaten him. But only a few men in his close to two decade career can lay claim to making him tap out, and even fewer in Wzcw. His long beard is a mess. no comb or brush has moved through it in about a week. Bottles of beer, whiskey, rum, small hotel complementary bottles line the floor of his room. Shades of his father past, Bowen is showing his true form. Until he feels nothing, he will not be happy, and he's waiting for a knock that will get him to that point. Demons are something that Bowen talks about a lot, it's true. But very few have ever known how Bowen quells them, because it's obvious to any regular viewer that Bowen has a long list of them. Silence is a premium in his life, feeling numb is the only thing he wants. Ten minutes pass with Bowen sitting on the side of his bed, the only thing that changes is the weight of the bottle of Wild Turkey in his hands. Shaking his head he slowly gets up and drops the bottle on the floor, it's joining a mess that the maid will soon have to clean. Putting on a shirt that looks about two days to dirty, and stumbling over to his door he falls into it. A mixture of being drunk, and cleverness, Bowen is looking out his peep hole, he laughs and starts to open the door.

Alex- I thought you wouldn't show.

Man- Yeah, you owe me three hundred and fifty from last time, why should I?

Alex- Look bro, I've told you a hundred times. I'm good for it, and you know I am.

Man- You're drunk again dude, how can I trust a drunk. What happens when you go on the road again.

Alex- Dude, I'm always on the road. Look man, you know I'm good for this shit.

Bowen walks out of the door to the outside, it closes behind him. We can barely hear the conversation.

Alex- Look dude, I bought all that booze, and I lost my wallet. How long have you known me? Have I never not paid you back? This is bull man, just give me what I asked for, and for your trouble, I'll get you back with some extra money. Why is this such a big deal?

Man- Because I'm sick of giving fronts to old friends, this isn't a joke to me Bowen. You get to run around the world, but I'm always going to be here. It's just... I need my money dude. I'll give you what I have with me, but dude.... one week is what you have. You have one week to get this money to me. Or you're done, I'll never talk to you again. I NEVER do this anymore...

A few moments pass, and a buzz is heard. Bowen has unlocked his door, and makes his way back into the room. He turns his room light on to make it past the booze bottle landmines, he is looking to the bathroom. Only after drunkenly slipping on two bottles does he make his way into the small room and close the door. Wrestling is still his life, but as much as he wants to ignore it, Alex Bowen now has two loves in his life.

When it all comes down to it in life, The Empire will take care of it's own. David and Alex Bowen are standing next to Justin Cooper right outside a limo in Toledo, Ohio. All three are dressed to the hilt, money is no option. Ever wonder how much a suit for a man over seven foot tall costs? Don't ask The Empire, they have the money, and at All or Nothing they are looking for the power, the cost of the suit was no matter. In Coopers hands he has a suitcase, it's been locked for the past two days, begging and pleading had no effect on Iris. Justin still doesn’t know what's in the case, because the mountain of a man David Bowen has the key!

They are standing in front of a ratty building with a few windows, it actually looks like it's closed. But Bowen just stretches and motions for them to follow. He has sun glasses on today, the sun that shines off his head is terrible, and after a close to week long bender, is completely out of the question for a man like Alex Bowen to have in his eyes. Making their way through a long hall they enter a room we've seen before. Barren, just wrestling mats, pain has been felt and pushed through in this room. in the middle of the room is a jumping rope and an older Asian man, he's going through some pre work out stretches.

James- You're twenty minutes late, you know that right?

Both Bowen brothers laugh, Cooper has a confused look on his face. But just shakes his head.

Alex- Don't blame me, blame the driver! For as much as we pay him you think he could move the heavens. Typical stuff, I can never count on good help. I've came with the boys today to sort of help you out, James. You know I love you like a father, and I've saw you strugle over the years since you retired. I don't think I've ever paid you enough for the training you've gave me. Justin has the suitcase, David has the key, and I know how much money is in the case. James here is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, use it to build this place up. So hopefully some day The Empire won't have to die.

James- If you trusted Cooper The Empire wouldn't have to die. Each week you try to turn him into Alex Bowen Jr, and you can't do that, son. You need to put trust into your partner, and let him be Justin Cooper. Just because the manic and machine are on the same page, dosen't mean that you two can't beat them at the one thing they both preach.

Cooper- And what is that?

Alex- Destruction...

James shakes his graying head.

James- Who knows destruction, brutality, and more than Alex Bowen?

James points up to Justin Cooper.

James- And I know you know about it to, I saw the match you both put on at Kingdom come. Why have you stopped the path of destruction? Do you really care about what people think about you? Use the money you now have to win at any cost. If you have to pay off a ref, do it. If you have to pay off a Gm from holding you back, do it. You won't be there when the bombs drop. The hourglass is emptying my boys. Do you think John won't pull anything out to win?

Cooper- We can win clean though, Alex has beaten both of them.

James- But you can't win that way all the time.

James gets up and cracks his knuckles staring at the former Mayhem champs.

James- This isn't a joke to you guys, and I know this isn't a joke to me. I'm not saying the deck is stacked against you, but the pay per view is called All or Nothing. So you will have to do it all to win, if that's what it comes down to.

Alex- I think we know that, Boss.

In a lightning quick movement James slaps Alex across the face.

Alex- I HATE it when you do that.

James- Well pay attention to me then, they just spent the past half year tearing each other apart. Play at your strengths, use your minds. That will get you a win over man and machine. When it all comes down to it, will anyone really think anything less of you? Alex you've opened up the Machine like a tuna can, and you boys tried to blow them up. Just go all out, because any of this crap I've saw the last two shows will not cut it.

Alex- I know I've not been myself of late.

Jaames- That's the truth, you've had your head up your ass. Alex you can teach the things I've taught you to Justin, but you have to let him learn it at his own pace. That is what will really make you a strong tag team. You know he has it in him, that is why you are trying to push him so hard. Thank you for this money, but if you both just work together, I'll never have to train a new Empire, you will all own Wzcw. IT all starts at All or Nothing for you guys.

Cooper- I think we understand, thank you.

Cooper puts his hand out, looking at the giant. David Bowen reaches in his pocket and comes back out with a tiny gold key. They both lean forward and give the key and suitcase to James. James reaches down and grabs his jump rope, holding it out to Alex.

Alex- Sorry, Sir. I don't have my shorts with me. How about you call me next week, and I'll help you spend that money?

Bowen reaches down and slaps the old blue wrestling mats under his feet.

Alex- I'm sick of taking stuff bumps on these damn things anyways.

James smiles and turns around slowly working into a jump rope pace. Bowen puts his arm around his brothers back, and they walk away with Cooper following suit. Making their way down the hall way, they open the door to the outside.

Alex- I stood on top of this company once before, arm and arm with a monster. It's time Justin, the reclamation of this company has started. The age we have saw for the past few months will soon come to be known as a failed experiment. It's walking the path to extinction as we speak.

Cooper- Wzcw is doing nothing more than spinning it's wheels right now, huh?

Alex- We will watch as John sets this company on fire, soon we will earn our shot again. The Empire will reign over all.
Alex puts his arm around his partner, embracing him. A true pact of brothers is shown with a long handshake.
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