anyone ever eat more than they should eat


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not in a way that u become obese...I mean like ur cooking dinner for urself and u overestimate how much u can eat and then u eat it all and u feel like ginormous. I made myself 6 large pieces of chicken (oven baked) and cooked some fries with it, as well as salad. It overfilled me......anyone else eat more than their stomachs can take? (thanksgiving in america does not count)
well u know those frozen chicken sort of pattes, size of ur hand basically.. a little bigger.
see I never in a million years would have imagined a girl doing that....thats hardcore.

That's like some trying to drink a gallon of milk in one sitting, and then throwing it up

Although I've never tried it, my friends and I have orchestrated various different competitions of this before. Back in senior year, we got a kid to try it during lunch. He failed and (for some reason) got suspended for it haha. We got my friend Charlie to try it one day in the parking lot of a ShopRite and some cop stopped to not only watch but also be the timekeeper. He failed. We got my friend Aug to try it, he failed. So we decided after a long time of doing it to convince Nick and Larry to try it as well (with Aug on video/commentary) and myself and some others as spectators/commentators. The results (warning, Part II isn't for the weak stomached):


As far as if I've ever eaten more than I needed really sucks, doesn't it? All of a sudden you go from being still hungry to being more than full.
Yes! (Often)

When on an anabolic mass building cycle I frequent an all you can eat buffet for my weekly cheat/carbo load and slam down plate after plate of food. Only after I finish do I realize I'm in way over my head and proceed to be stuffed for a few hours.

Another more distinct time was when I had already eaten a modest steak dinner, met up with friends and participated in an all you can eat pizza contest. Though I was the winner I didn't feel as such when I was doubled over for the next 3 hours. Sleeping through the pain was my only recourse.
I over eat all the time. I love food. Love it. I have come to the conclusion that some day I will probably be fat.

Yeah well...
The tragic irony is that today (day after I ate a loot) it is almost 5 here in Cali and I am barely eating my first full meal. Chicken wings

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