Anyone else worried about Matt Hardy?


Master of the Scorpion Death Lock
Here's the link, in case you haven't seen it yet (I couldn't figure out how to embed it here for some reason):

Is anyone else worried by this video? I'm no therapist, but this seems like the kind of thing someone would say before seriously contemplating suicide. I hope that I'm reading too much into this, since Matt's been known to use the internet to stir up controversy before. Still, this has me worried.

What do you guys think about the video? Is it legitimate, or is it part of a storyline for WWE? Should I (or anyone else) be worried for Matt's well-being?






Lulz, but seriously. In addition to the video, he put up some strange tweets and to be honest, the most this means is that he's going to TNA. He is probably emotionally raped by the fact that he can't get out of his brother's shadow and realizes the most success he has is when he is in The Hardyz. Knowing TNA, Matt and Jeff will get DX treatment and be a flagship on the show. It would be interesting to say the least. If he's not going to TNA, then he's probably gonna debut some new psychotic character on SmackDown! this Friday, which, unless it involves defecating and urinating in someone's luggage bag, does not sound all that different from Randy Orton's character.
I am not so sure that that is what Matt Hardy was doing any more.

The first time I saw the video, I was pretty sure that he was going to do something incredibly stupid and end his own life. However, as time goes by and I watch the video again and again, I cannot help but feel that this is just a cry for help. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like Matt Hardy as much as I used to but I would never even harbour the thought of him killing himself and regard it as a good thing. That being said, I am growing increasingly sure that this is not what he was intending. I don't know if Matt is actually considering killing himself but I doubt it. Now, the first thing that tells me that is the fact that he left a video on Youtube. He has how many followers? Thousands probably. All of whom would be worried that this is a suicide note and alarms would be raised.

Let's all remember that there has been a lot of speculation that he will be going to TNA to join up with Jeff. Why has no one thought that this could be what he means? Why has no one thought that he is just saying goodbye to his WWE fans? Is that so out of the question? Personally, I have no idea what he is up to but I am worried about him. I am of the impression that he is depressed and I have seen the effects of that first hand. In fact, a lot of people around these boards have had depression at some point in their lives and they will tell you it is not something to get any enjoyment out of. I am worried from a personal standpoint but I feel that suicide is not the case here.
I think that this is nothing to worry about, why would Matt kill himself or be depressed during his biggest push since his feud w/his brother. I think that Matt was really drunk, high, maybe both and was tired, the time was like 1:30 or something like that. I've done weird shit when i was high and tired. Maybe he's just debuting a new weird charecter soon and he's doing a promo on his little YouTube account.
Read my thread on what I thought what should happen to Matt's character called A Suspended Matt Hardy. I told you guys so that Matt would be pushed and that his character was going to be a crazy SOB similar to the Edge feud.
Na man this is deeper than just a new character.Matt's not a good actor,and he looked like he was about to cry in both videos,I hope he has someone traveling with him cuz I would hate to see such a nice guy go out like that.Matt's been good to me for the last decade.He's been entertaining me since the hardyz and hasn't stopped so I'm worried about the guy...
After seeing him on Raw last night, I am no longer worried about Matt Hardy.

We all know that Matt Hardy likes to have a little bit of fun with IWC and I am growing increasingly sure that the Youtube video was just more of the same from him. He seemed really up for it on Ra last night and went out and proved a point against McIntyre. He looked charismatic and really up for the challenge. It was clear that the fans were behind him too. He won the popular vote with 88% and had 13,000 people calling his name during the match with McIntyre. If he is seriously considering suicide, or something equally fucking stupid, then he is a moron. He is a hero to a lot of WWE fans and to throw in the towel on them would be an act of cowardice, especially after the reaction that he got last night.

As for his future, I think the feud with McIntyre has some juice left in it and I would like to see how this one is resolved. McIntyre is playing his role of Golden Boy to perfection and really is getting over with the help of Matt Hardy. To say I was relieved to see him acting normally on Raw last night is an understatement and I just hope that he is in a better place mentally.
Matt has obviously found Jeff's stash,
I love Matt to death
He needs to stop crying,
Go to the gym,
loose some damn weight,
& Bring back mattitude
Yea that vidoe kinda spooked me some too, but after I thought about it for awhile I just figuered he was thinking about going to TNA not comitting suicide. I wouldn't blame him if he did go to TNA, that's where Jeff is and Shannon Moore too, I don't know where Gregory Helms is at though. Matt would probably get a pretty good push there.

But also right now he's in the WWE, that's the place almost every wrestler should aspire to be in. He's worked hard to get where he is now and has been with WWE for around 10 years now. He didn't leave WWE the first time Jeff left for TNA, but Matt was being used a little bit more back then I think anyways. Also he's in contendership for the IC title right now, does he really want to give up what he has now for the uncertainty of TNA. Yes his friends and brother are there but he's gotten to where he is now without there help anyways. Matt's probably feeling some conflicting feelings so to cope he make a video to get some fan support to help boost his moral while he's trying to decide what to do with his life.

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