Anyone else feel robbed?


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
With TNA last night. The whole night all we hear about is 10/10/10. They shoved it down our throats like it's the only important thing. If it's so important then why didn't you just make these matches be on impact because as far as i'm concerned only 2 matches were even worth watching. Another thing I hate is they apparently have a time limit for every match but they don't announce it until the time is up to "shock" the crowd.

This is the first time in months that I have actually truly felt robbed by TNA and one of their ppvs. I love Anderson and Elijah to death but that main event killed the whole show. If I had actually paid for this event I would call TNA and request a refund.
With the way the card was no. The whole FN show a few weeks ago was better than last nights card.
First of all I agree with Dirty Jose, not sure you should feel robbed over something which you didn't pay for in the first place. Although, at least you had the good common sense to not pay for such a predictably mediocre PPV.

Secondly, nobody should feel robbed because they had to know ahead of time that the most this PPV could possibly aspire to be was lacklustre at best. Setting up the groundwork for Bound For Glory on 10/10/10. Preparing the world for the fact that "they" are coming.

And, I expect, setting up the TNA faithful for another colossal disappointment. You know, the fact that "they" are coming, but in all likelihood, "they" are already there, and "we" are likely going to be let-down, disappointed, and frustrated with this storyline.
If I had actually paid for this event I would call TNA and request a refund.
Pay for the show before you say anything bad about TNA.

Match of the night: Machine guns vs gen me, the rest was an utter snooze feast!, stupid TNA
Why did EV 2.0 beat fortune in there matches? Is Sabu X-Division champ? Did A.J styles say I quit? Did Abyss lose all of the fire he has with 'they' by losing to Rhino? Is Kurt Angle out off TNA? To answer those question you need one word NO .

While watching TNA, one must lower their expectations.
Whilst watching Monday night Raw one must sit though one and a half hour of nothing much to get thirty mins off Miz, Daniel Bryan, Ted Diabase, Chirs Jericho, Edge and only on a rare time the Uso's .
The PPV wasn't spectacular, but Angle vs. Hardy alone was worth the price of admission or worth someone's precious time on here. Styles vs. Dreamer had a very good I quit match. The Machine Guns and Generation Me had a good tag match which you don't see anywhere else. No one expected it to be a 5 star PPV. I would rather watch it online or even pay 35 bucks then to waste 45 to 55 dollars on something major that turned out to be shitty.
It was a pretty strong in-ring show so of course people that regularly watch wwe did not like it. Their eyes automatically glaze over when the bell rings.
It was a pretty strong in-ring show so of course people that regularly watch wwe did not like it. Their eyes automatically glaze over when the bell rings.

Oh yeah, that was a really strong in-ring show. The Knockout match was a masterpiece. Sabu presented an absolute clinic in botch-free wrestling from a very relevant wrestler from the current decade. Abyss versus Rhino, you guessed it, another really strong in-ring effort. SamoaJoe/Jeff Jarrett versus Sting and Kevin Nash, another extravaganza which made all of us who prefer WWE terribly jealous.

I can absolutely assure you, if there was ever a time when the bell rang and it made my eyes glaze over, it was last night. GenMe versus MCMG was passable, as was Anderson/Pope. Angle/Hardy was strong in terms of the match itself, but was a disaster in terms of planning and storyline progression.

I really cannot imagine how any TNA supporter can talk traash to a WWE fan after last night's PPV. Because that could only be generously graded a C+. And the ironic part of that is, that makes it one of their better PPV's of the year. And I predict, better than Bound For Glory. The let-down of the revelation of the identity of "them" will be enough to glaze over many people's eyes. Permanently.
Bucks vs MMG was spectacular as was Hardy vs Angle. People just love to find something ******ed to bitch about regarding TNA. It took them one show to nail a Match Of The Year candidate. They have PWI's #! wrestler of the year. They have a tag team division. The Knockouts, although not as good as they used to, don't trip themselves on the ring ropes or botch 80% of the match. Not to mention they don't suffer from dumb but pretty blonde syndrome.

No Surrender was better than Summerslam, Hardcore Justice and Victory Road. In my eyes, it was on par with MITB.
Bucks vs MMG was spectacular as was Hardy vs Angle. People just love to find something ******ed to bitch about regarding TNA. It took them one show to nail a Match Of The Year candidate. They have PWI's #! wrestler of the year. They have a tag team division. The Knockouts, although not as good as they used to, don't trip themselves on the ring ropes or botch 80% of the match. Not to mention they don't suffer from dumb but pretty blond syndrome. They are doing some things right. Its not like WWE is god-like perfect and the eternal standard of pro wrestling.

No Surrender was better than Summerslam, Hardcore Justice and Victory Road. In my eyes, it was on par with MITB.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2404001]Bucks vs MMG was spectacular as was Hardy vs Angle. People just love to find something ******ed to bitch about regarding TNA. It took them one show to nail a Match Of The Year candidate. They have PWI's #! wrestler of the year. They have a tag team division. The Knockouts, although not as good as they used to, don't trip themselves on the ring ropes or botch 80% of the match. Not to mention they don't suffer from dumb but pretty blond syndrome. They are doing some things right. Its not like WWE is god-like perfect and the eternal standard of pro wrestling.

No Surrender was better than Summerslam, Hardcore Justice and Victory Road. In my eyes, it was on par with MITB.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I guess you're right. After all, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, and Madison Rayne (not to mention Lacey von Erich had she been there) are a set of veritable geniuses, in terms of intelligence and high-end in-ring work.

Actually, Riaku, to be honest with you, I'm just messing with you guys a little, especially shattered dreams because he, like certain other TNA marks (present company excluded) are so damn defensive about their beloved TNA. Fact of the matter is, I didn't even see the PPV and am basing my comments on what I anticipated would happen as well as what I read on here.

I just find it a little amusing when someone praises the "strong in-ring show" when the card featured Sabu, Abyss, Rhino, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Sting, Tommy Dreamer, and the Knockouts who are no longer any stronger in the ring than the divas are (with some exceptions of course). No offence intended, pal, just having a little fun with you all.
Yeah, I guess you're right. After all, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, and Madison Rayne (not to mention Lacey von Erich had she been there) are a set of veritable geniuses, in terms of intelligence and high-end in-ring work.

Actually, Riaku, to be honest with you, I'm just messing with you guys a little, especially shattered dreams because he, like certain other TNA marks (present company excluded) are so damn defensive about their beloved TNA. Fact of the matter is, I didn't even see the PPV and am basing my comments on what I anticipated would happen as well as what I read on here.

I just find it a little amusing when someone praises the "strong in-ring show" when the card featured Sabu, Abyss, Rhino, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Sting, Tommy Dreamer, and the Knockouts who are no longer any stronger in the ring than the divas are (with some exceptions of course). No offence intended, pal, just having a little fun with you all.

That was what amazed me about the show. The guys actually did a good job. As in they wrestled well and lost like they should. Sabu has been better now than his WWECW run. Which is amazing as well. It was probably the hair getting in his way.

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