Anyone else enjoying heels vs heels?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I love it when heels square off against each other. The skits between Sheamus and Batista recently have been great!

And I know Orton strictly isnt a heel, he's a tweener, but him facing off against a heel Edge is a fued I have wanted to see since they were a tag team! Having Orton obsess about Cena is a great way to keep him as a tweener.

Im glad WWE have been going down this route. Started at the Rumble with Sheamus vs Orton. It really makes a change from the tried and tested face vs heel.
Personally, i aknowledge the fact that people are heel or face characters, but they're all the same to me. I dont know them as heels of faces, just as wrestlers. So yeah im kind of enjoying seeing their attitudes clash and go apeshit at each other.
Let's start with Monday's confrontation between Sheamus and Batista. Sheamus is establishing himself as a main event contender and it seems to me that a feud with Batista should be forthcoming. Just might give the heel v heel concept a lift.

In general heel vs heel doesn't work but some cases, a heel is just so hated that a lesser heel will draw face pops. See Orton vs. Sheamus pre-turn for Orton. Orton actually got pops because no one wanted to see Sheamus walk out as champion.
Example 2: Pretty much any heel that faces Chris Jericho. Jericho has that rare ability to draw heat no matter who he faces and I must say I love it.
Example 3: CM Punk could work a good heel v heel feud. He's also quickly gaining the ability to draw heat with his mere presence (Vickie for SES anyone? :lol::lmao:)
It's really a damn shame Batista is leaving soon and I say that because a feud between him and Sheamus would be great. It could go on for a month or so. The first month, Batista beats Sheamus, but barely and Sheamus calls him out and says he'll walk away forever if he loses, but if he beats Batista, he must leave instead. That or Sheamus could just destroy Batista since Dave's on his way out the door anyway and it would be a great boost for Sheamus as he would then put both Triple H and Batista out in back to back months.

Edge vs Orton looks good. Orton doesn't need to be a face ever. Just let him stay a tweener in this program so it can keep us all guessing. I like these heels feuds right now and it's something that isn't done a whole lot and it leaves us to question who the hell is going to face John Cena down the road if all these guys are going at eachother instead!
I hate heel vs heel because for some reason it never seems to click unless there is a real back story to the program. Like I loved HBK-Hart heel vS heel feud, but Hart was face in Canada & HBK was face in the USA, so I wouldn't say it was a total heel vs heel. Other than that I can't remember any other great heel vs heel moments. There has to be a face in the program to make it work. Face vs Face is great, but heel vs heel is terrible.
i personally love heel vs heel feuds and storylines....but the problem is that the fans are way too sorry but theyre so dumb that they have to cheer for them it has to be theres a good guy and bad guy....thats not the way life is...we all have good qualities and bad ones....look at randy orton...when he went against sheamus no one liked sheamus or accepted him at all so randys face turn was inevitable because the fans felt the need to cheer someone...why cant they just enjoy good wrestling and enjoy 2 different personalities clashing instead of the same ole good guy bad guy you really believe john cena is the goody to shoes he portrays on tv....hell no ive seen him partying and drinking before.....thats another reason so many hate cena cuz he is good guy all the doesnt work that way at all
I always thought it was a bit odd that faces rarely fought faces, and heels almost never fought heels in the past. Looking at boxing or MMA, doesn't matter if two guys are liked or hated, they fight when it gives them a chance to move ahead. I understand the storyline reasons in principle, but it was always curious when there was a tournament, and you could predict the winners by looking at the matchups in the later rounds, and seeing where a face would be forced to wrestle a face, or a heel go against a heel. It's tough to sell heels against heels, since the crowds tend to boo them both, but it CAN be done, and it can help both wrestlers. Orton vs Edge could be a fantastic feud...I don't really care for either Sheamus or Batista, but they could help one another with some confrontations, especially if Batista is really leaving.
i enjoy these, its like a 'who draws more heat match'..

there a a lot of heel vs heel matches, they are always entertainment, some better than face vs heel, and surely better than face vs face..

i would like to see more of this..
I have to admit the alignment of wrestlers when it comes to match-ups doesn't really matter to me, I think in the end it really all comes down to the people in the ring, I think I would still be excited for a Batista vs Randy Orton promo / match / feud if they were both faces, or both heels, in the end just because of their history, and the fact that they truly are over the top mega stars of the company today, with a history of being a tough fight, it significantly increases the chances of a great match than if they were to mix say.. Evan Bourne and Randy Orton (yes they did that, sick RKO I know) which wouldn't give me much of an reaction unless Evan Bourne eventually goes to become a mega star himself and actually has history with Randy Orton, or a reason to even be near Randy.
I cheer the heels anyway. Faces BORE me. I always back the bad guy. They are funnier in promos! So for me heel vs heel is great. Both do bad stuff...
Heel vs Heel is quite frankly my favorite thing in the world. I am dying to see Edge vs Orton (even though Orton is getting over as a face). I love watching them both cheat to win and then freakout whenever the other does something wrong. They could also have a "whining"fest with the ref when they complain about the other doing something cheap. I'm curious to see how Batista and Shaemus turns out, but i dont think it will go anywhere because Batista is rumored to leave soon. If he doesn't i would love to see them go at it.
I'd like to see more Heel vs. Heel and Face vs. Face matches. We sometimes get the same old stale options of Face vs. Heel, and feuds can get repeated too much because the main eventers cross paths too much.

Heel vs. Heel is a good way to freshen things up. Its a good filler between PPVs. Its also a good way to gauge who the crowd hates more. The match doesn't even have to end properly. The heels can get counted out as they brawl to a stalemate. Both still look tough and evil.

What I hate is tag matches on every other raw or smackdown that smash two heels together as a tag team, but the focus is on the faces or non/heel team (can they tag together?? Will they be able to co-exist? Give me a freekin break). Its overdone, and sometimes the heels tagging together just makes no sense. Their characters shouldn't care about something like that. These mashup tag matches have no gain for them in any way, so why do it? Oh right, cause the faces need to win.

But one on one heel matches, gimme more.
Yes I do prefer to see heels vs heels because I honestly think that it seems more interesting than faces vs faces because I think that its boring . this way they can prove who is the better heel and who deserves to be called the top heel of the company. They can also both use their own dirty tactics to win the matches. I really like the Orton vs Edge feud (not sure if Orton is completely a face now) but its the match I'm looking forward to in over the limit. IMO a heel vs heel will be more interesting than lets say Cena vs Mysterio feud as an example ( I hope this feud never happens). And also I hope that they bring us more heels vs heels feuds in the future.

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