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Anybody remember Maven?


The Abdi
I remember listening to Maven's awesome theme song and I remembered how great Maven was he was very over with the crowd espically when he debuted on Smackdown. He always recieved amazing ovations and he rarely ever had to speak on the mic. Being that over without always having to speak alot is crazy, you must be really over than and Maven was. Maven had the best dropkicks I have ever seen. Maven had the "look" and was pretty good IMO. So I was wondering what did you think of Maven as a face/heel and of his personality and in ring skills.
I loved Maven, he had the athleticism and the look.. he had what it took to become something big but I think he was lacking in heart for the business because after he got realeased he didnt even bother looking anywhere else for a contract he just left wrestling all together and started doing infomercials :| but yeah i lovedddd him! when he was both heel and face he was fucking awesome.. someone that had true potential but let himself down.. who could ever forget Maven, he eliminated Taker from the Royal Rumble! and then when he was on the winning SS team and got his turn as GM of Raw for the night and almost won the WHC! god I wish he would come back!
Maven is currently hocking garbage on Home Shopping Network now - it's glorious and pathetic all at the same time. How the mighty have fallen since tossing Taker from the RR.
maven was over because of tough enough, not because he was that good. While he had the look and had a great drop kick, he just couldn't get away from the winning tough enough gimmick.
maven was over because of tough enough, not because he was that good. While he had the look and had a great drop kick, he just couldn't get away from the winning tough enough gimmick.

He did get away from it and could of got away from it even more I just honestly believe he lacked passion for the business and he wasn't just over because of tough enough.. he was a great talent.
Maven was annoying and generic.. he flat out sucked.. his theme song blew and his only claim to "fame" was eliminating Undertaker, other than that, i don't remember anything else he really did while in WWE
Just to throw in my two cents, I've actually seen Maven a couple of times (once at an indy show and once at a TNA taping) not wrestling, just hanging out with friends or whatever. So I really don't think he lost his passion for the business. TE1 was an experiment. A good experiment, but you'll notice all the people from the season that had great potential never really turned up again. Taylor Matheny was another good example of this, she came in second place to Nidia and wrestled for years on the indys and Japan, but not unlike any of us working a 9-5 chasing a dream, eventually you have to know when enough is enough. There is no doubt in my mind that if WWE called Maven today he'd be back in a second.

I can hardly fault him or make fun for selling stuff on HSN though, it keeps his face on TV and I'm sure he's being paid decent. I always liked him though and thought he had a serious upside if they knew what to do with him. I think a lot of the problem was TE1 was really hot and the fans wanted Maven and Nidia on TV immediately, what a lot of them don't seem to realize though is while they may have been very athletic they had NO prior wrestling experience. They did get sent to OVW to brush up, but it still wasn't really enough long term. So when he got released, the only thing I think he could've done is get further training and work the indy shows to improve (but I'm not sure they he didn't do those things), anyway beyond the appeal of TE he didn't have enough name value to get a lot of indy bookings, so I can kinda see why it didn't work out with him long term.

Though, I've said it before and I'll say it again. It would be AWESOME if he came back and did a program with the guy that wins the new season of TE. Have Maven come back and attack him when he makes his first appearance on Raw after winning. Then Maven can launch in to a program about how he was left in the shadows and forgotten while some new 20 year old kid is gonna try and steal his thunder. It could be really cool.
Maven had a great body,drop kick and entrance song, but that was it. He didn't have mic skills, only wrestling move was the drop kick , every other move he made was very sloppy,he had the santino eyebrows, he was squash in most of his losses, besides winning TE, throwing Taker out at the RR and winning the hardcore tittle once, which I believe everyone in the attitude era held that title at least for 5 seconds. I'm surprise people even remember him. He only won Though Enough because he was the only guy that looked like a average Joe and WWE want you to believe anything can happen in the wwe. Who is better than Maven? 3 other guys that are still around from TE lol.
Yeah remember fuzzy eyebrow Maven. Best Dropkick next to Bob Holly. And I remember him dropkicking Taker, and eliminating him from the Royal Rumble, thus, getting his throat jammed by a steel chair. He was alright, I ain't see nothing special about him other that he won tough enough and lacked committment to then WWE. John Big Guberick, !or whatever his name is), be wining about being passionate about the business, and don't waste your time if u planning on quitting. I think for how fast his career went without him establishing himself as a WWE Star, they should've picked somebody else. But other than that, Maven was just Maven.
Yeah, basically it was the 'Taker elimenation.....and the Survivor Series team win! That's as good as it got. He was decent in the ring, and was good for getting the crowd going during a "Heat" taping, but really the guy had nothing to offer. He was plainer than an unsalted chip.
I was really disappointed that Maven didn't go onto big things in the company. He had a lot, he had the look, the charm, and some great moves (like his dropkick). I especially noticed his star power the night he was Raw GM for the night. If you remember, as a stipulation for winning the Survivor Series match, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton and Maven were all given a week where they could book matches. I knew what to expect from the other three, but Maven's turn as GM was surprisingly great. He engaged with the audience, spoke well (a hell of a lot better than the Miz did in his first year), and commanded a presence.

People here mention about his feud with the Undertaker. I heard that the reason the Undertaker did the job to Maven, and allowed him to both eliminate him from the Rumble and win the Hardcore Title off him, is because, apparently, when Maven heard that he was doing a feud with the Undertaker, he told the Undertaker that he was excited about it, and asked Taker for tips to make the feud work. Apparently, Undertaker, who is a student of the game, was very impressed with what he saw: a humility and eagerness from Maven, and liked that Maven didn't act like he knew it all, but was willing to learn. So he got the Undertaker stamp of approval as well.

However, maybe he didn't get the Triple H one. I think that that night as Raw GM, which should have been the launch of Maven into the top-line, Triple H beat Maven easily in a Lumberjack Match on the same Raw. Now, earlier in the night, Triple H asked Maven to join Evolution, but he turned it down. But through the night, it was teased "will-he, won't-he". Normally, in these situations, the guy does turn heel and join, but this didn't happen. I think if Maven had joined Evolution, would have elevated him like it did to Randy Orton and Batista. But insecure Triple H probably played politics, and saw Maven as a threat to Trippers' star-making turn on Monday Nights, and had him buried.

There are two or three other things that I think hurt Maven as well. Firstly, he has the looks that girls like, but he would then be booed, even as a heel, since most male wrestling fans don't like "pretty-boys" (e.g. John Morrison, a fellow "Tough Enough" winner).

Also, there was a big deal at the time, amongst many of the talent, that these guys "haven't paid their dues", so Maven had to do much more than anyone else to get over backstage. I remember during his "Tough Enough" series, people such as Tazz, Bubba Ray Dudley and Hardcore Holly did everything to humiliate the youngsters, and send the message "you'll never be one of us" (because you never wrestled in pool halls and took many years to break through, like us). Even the Miz and John Morrison (both "Tough Enough" alumni) took a long time to get to where they are, and are only now emerging. It was worse back then, and I hear many of the talent though using a reality show to recruit a wrestler was an "insult". It would be better now, especially with NXT and the success of some members of the Nexus.

So, we probably didn't get to see Maven's full potential. I think it is a bit rough to say that he gave up wrestling. He fininshed with the company in 2002-2003. There was no WCW or ECW to jump to, and TNA hadn't started, and when they did, didn't use as many WWE wrestlers like they do now. If Maven came along today, he would certainly be in WWE or TNA.

Some other interesting facts from "Tough Enough":- The following people, as well as Maven , started on "Tough Enough", Mike Mizanin was runner-up and became the Miz, John Hennigdon won, and is now John Morrison. Jackie Gayda won season two, was Rico's valet for a while, and is now Mrs Charlie Haas (so she won the competition, and gained a husband as well). Also, the guy who plays Shad was in the competition, but failed a drug test, and also a guy who lied about his age (I don't remember his name) had a stint as the Boogeyman (he apparently had his teeth removed to play the role):shrug:
I remember listening to Maven's awesome theme song and I remembered how great Maven was he was very over with the crowd espically when he debuted on Smackdown. He always recieved amazing ovations and he rarely ever had to speak on the mic. Being that over without always having to speak alot is crazy, you must be really over than and Maven was. Maven had the best dropkicks I have ever seen. Maven had the "look" and was pretty good IMO. So I was wondering what did you think of Maven as a face/heel and of his personality and in ring skills.

He was alright. Was in great shape, athletic and executed his dropkicks well. I think a lot of his pops had to do with winning the first tough enough. It was new for the audience at the time to follow a new guy from before the beginning to watch him try to overcome the odds and make it in wrestling. That was the story of Maven, so the audience instead of watching a wrestling personality felt like it was watching someone they knew.
Maven was ok...not that great, not that bad, just ok...except for when he was teaming with Simon Dean(that was a joke).

Obviously it was shocking when he eliminated the Undertaker from the Royal Rumble, and even beating him for the Hardcore title(granted, he had a lot of help from The Rock). He even had a singles match at Wrestlemania against Goldust for the Hardcore title, not too many people can say that they had a singles match at Wrestlemania(although there was so much interference in the Hardcore title matches).

It seemed to me that, when he had his head in it, he was a decent wrestler, but, that didnt seem to be the case very often. There were plenty of other guys in that season that should have won besides him(Matt Morgan was in there)

I think the best thing they couldve done with him was team him with Al Snow for more than the two months that they did, then, have him turn on Snow, setting up a pretty good feud, that wouldnt worked.
Whenever I hear the name Maven, I think of one thing and one thing only, and it just so happens to be one of my favourite Royal Rumble moments in history:


Honestly, I just LOVE this. It was absolutely brilliant. And I'd rather keep this as my overall memory of Maven the wrestler. Most people remember Maven as the flop of a wrestler who was apart of some reality show style deal in 'Tough Enough'. But for me, this is how I'll always remember Maven.
Just to throw in my two cents, I've actually seen Maven a couple of times (once at an indy show and once at a TNA taping) not wrestling, just hanging out with friends or whatever. So I really don't think he lost his passion for the business. TE1 was an experiment. A good experiment, but you'll notice all the people from the season that had great potential never really turned up again. Taylor Matheny was another good example of this, she came in second place to Nidia and wrestled for years on the indys and Japan, but not unlike any of us working a 9-5 chasing a dream, eventually you have to know when enough is enough. There is no doubt in my mind that if WWE called Maven today he'd be back in a second.

I can hardly fault him or make fun for selling stuff on HSN though, it keeps his face on TV and I'm sure he's being paid decent. I always liked him though and thought he had a serious upside if they knew what to do with him. I think a lot of the problem was TE1 was really hot and the fans wanted Maven and Nidia on TV immediately, what a lot of them don't seem to realize though is while they may have been very athletic they had NO prior wrestling experience. They did get sent to OVW to brush up, but it still wasn't really enough long term. So when he got released, the only thing I think he could've done is get further training and work the indy shows to improve (but I'm not sure they he didn't do those things), anyway beyond the appeal of TE he didn't have enough name value to get a lot of indy bookings, so I can kinda see why it didn't work out with him long term.

Though, I've said it before and I'll say it again. It would be AWESOME if he came back and did a program with the guy that wins the new season of TE. Have Maven come back and attack him when he makes his first appearance on Raw after winning. Then Maven can launch in to a program about how he was left in the shadows and forgotten while some new 20 year old kid is gonna try and steal his thunder. It could be really cool.

YOUR SIG :worship:
But anyways I really liked Maven. Didn't he get thrown into a feud with Evolution at some point in '04? Also he must of did something right if he's the only winner of Tough Enough I remember....
Maven was quite unique. He had a good look, and he connected with the crowd. The one problem was his ability. He never really improved, he just kept his game at the same exact level. That's always a problem with wrestlers. He had an excellent opportunity, he got a Tough Enough contract, that was an easy pathway to success, but he didn't use it correctly. It's not ALL his fault though. The WWE should have pushed him differently out of the gate, they should have seen that he really did have a lot of tools to succeed if pushed correctly. He shouldn't have been a Hardcore guy, had he been built correctly he could have been a solid Intercontinental Title contender, but it's hard to take someone seriously when they're made to look like a fool week in and week out (see Kaval). The obvious highlight in his career was eliminating Undertaker in the Rumble, they could have used that as a springboard too, but they didn't. Maven had the talent, but his lack of motivation to improve, and the WWE's terrible push for him didn't help him succeed.
When I think of Maven now, I do immediately think of him eliminating Taker. But, I also think of him on The Surreal Life show.

You could tell when he was on there, that he was completely done with wrestling.

Maven wasn't horrible. I didn't think he would end up being World Champion or anything. But I actually thought he would be around for a decent amount of time. He was around for about a couple years, and then BOOM! He was done!!

I think as far as Maven goes, in wrestling, he will probably always basically be remembered for Tough Enough, but I think his Royal Rumble elimination of Taker probably takes the cake.

I remember him being all happy and the crowd going off...

Taker was out there all pissed off. When Maven look at Undertaker and saw how mad he was, Maven's excitement turned to fear quick! Pretty classic moment!!
I thought Maven had alot of potential. After winning Tough Enough he did pretty well for himself considering he had such a short time training for the business. How anyone can expect a rookie with no wrestling training to immediately be capable of hanging with everyone on the roster is beyond me, it takes a special talent to be able to do that- see John Morrison, and even he struggled for a while.

Maven had a great body, a fantastic dropkick and was clearly extremely athletic. I think with more time he could have become a pretty good mid-carder. His mic skills were poor but come on, the guy had only been in training for a few weeks. I think the Tough Enough winners would all have benefitted for some time in the developmentals in order to fine tune their skills before being thrown on TV and left to flounder.

Maven only got the push he did because Tough Enough was new and it was a novelty seeing this kid who won it fight the Undertaker. Maven did all he was required to do, and I would have liked to have seen him being kept in Ohio/Florida or whatever it was back then to fine-tune his skills, get more training, develop a personality on camera and then be given another shot when he was really ready.

I do not think he should have been released. Maybe I am being selfish, I just wanna hear that Mercy Drive song again. Brilliant.

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