Anybody else..

Jay Sherman

Jay Sherman Mark.
Hold the original Exorcist as the end all be all of truly "scary" horror films?

I can not see that film, or simply even images of a possessed Linda Blair and sleep at night. At 22 years old, and have been employed for 2 years now as an EMT who has seen some gruesome stuff, I can still say this movie scares the piss out of me. Every scene is so iconic, every part with the demon is terrifying, maybe I am just a bitch?. If not what movie scares you? I could use some good new material

If that does not scare you, you are brave.
No, I actually find it to be a mediocre film that was scary for its time. Anyway, if that image frightens you, then Boorman's Exorcist 2 blows Friedkin's original out of the water in terms of scariness.
No, I actually find it to be a mediocre film that was scary for its time.

I agree.

I'm a real horror fan, and no doubt this is one of the classics, but movies like this, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Jaws, and Psycho, whilst all entertaining at the time, pale in comparison to some of the other horrors that genuinely freak us out this day and age. I'm talking about the Paranormal Activities, The Ring, Rec., The Grudges, and to a lesser extent, the Hills Have Eyes Remakes & Human Centipede - all terrifically scary movies.

Personally, scary movies from the 70's/80's/90's are humerous to me - not scary at all. However, this day and age, you have to siff through alot of crap to get the genuinely scary movies that don't involve weak acting and/or obvious CGI.
the exorcist was a classic back in the day that was "THE ONE." But since then there has been numerous attempts at scary movies, the to me that is up there with the exorcist, is the exorcism of emily rose, that one down right almost gave me dirty pants

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