Anybody else think that in 10-15 years...


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we'l be looking back and be absolutely gutted we didnt get to see jericho and edge have their tag run?

i mean it may have been a very tempory stint or it may have run and run up until mania. it could have been brilliant on the scale of the two man power trip with austin and hhh. smackdown AND raw would have benefited from it as being champions you'd have had jericho and edge on both shows which would have just been gold. the promos would have been epic and the matches would have been just as good id imagine.

of course jerishow wasnt as bad as everyone expected so it softened the blow but i just think in years to come il always look back and wonder what would have happend if edge wasnt so selfish to get injured.
Of course. I am still wondering what could have been if they had gotten to run with this. The only good thing to come out of this is we got a rebirth of The Big Show. I am not a fan of the guys work personally, but I know some people who are. I can't help but think to myself that Jericho should get a pay raise for making me interested in The Big Show. When he was first introduced as the secret partner, I hated the idea. Now, however, it has grown on me.

That being said, I haven't seen the past couple of weeks Smackdown. What I have seen from Edge as a face I was not impressed with. The last time I seen it was the birth of the "Spear, Spear, Spear" chant. I can't really comment on how well he has progressed as a face, but it still doesn't stop me from wondering how this years 'Mania would have turned out if he had a slow build as a face instead of a rushed push into Main Event super face.
I think the build to this match would have been better. Edge wouldn't have needed the Rumble win and you would have the constant development of the storyline on TV each week. I also think the matches with DX would have been better. We may have seen the rebirth of the tag division but it still would have seen the Harts etc be ignored.

The rebirth of the Big Show is not that big of a plus. He has always been a performer with massive unfulfilled potential. If anything it may be to the benefit of the Miz.

But Edge should be coming out of WM26 with real momentum as a face and Jericho is a decent chaser and is always great value in the title picture.
The one thing I will say for this "tag team" is that it would have made for a better build up to Wrestlemania. These guys are basing their feud off of something that barely happened. This whoe feud has been stale, boring and, at times, annoying (the Spear! SPear! Spear! crap is just annoying). So for the purposes of this feud they are having, it would have been much better to see them interact for a long time before having their Mania match.

But in 10-15 years, I surely will not be worried that I didn't get to see another random, mega-star tag team. HHH and Austin was a big deal. They had just come off of one of the hottest feuds of the year. At No Way Out before Mania 17, they had one of the coolest matches I have ever seen. At Mania 17, Austin made a HUGE heel turn. This was much, much bigger than Edge/Jericho. And, it took Vince to make the co-exist. Austin was the biggest supestar WWE had since Hogan, and HHH was fast becoming their best heel. They were a bigger group of names, than even Jericho and Edge are today.

I guess I'm a big biased, because I absolutely hate random, thrown together, mega-star tag teams. And I especially hate it when they hold the tag belts, which buries the REAL tag division even further than it's already buried (if that's even possible).
I must admit I was a little saddened by the fact that Edge and Jericho didn't get to have the tag team title-run they were bound to have, because as you said yourself Joe, I believe the promos could have been absolutely golden.
The only problem is I have my doubts WWE would have had Edge and Jericho pop up on RAW as much as JeriShow did because they were on separate brands.
Of course there is the chance that RatedY2J as some so nicely named it, could have been a massive failure as opposed to the success JeriShow had.
Personally I must admit I'm not quite so saddened by the fact though that we got to experience Jericho and The Big Show together in a tag team, seeing as Big Show isn't exactly the strongest guy on the microphone, where as Jericho makes up for it in every way, especially when Big Show was in singles competition, I loved how Jericho would scream and shout at the commentators, golden stuff, and I must admit I cheered a little bit when I saw Jericho do it again when Wade Barrett was wrestling.
yeah i guess its a fair point that austin and hhh team was a much bigger deal. i suppose im looking at it from a biased view as edge and jericho are 2 of my favourite wrestlers of all time and my 2 current favourites now in wwe so to see them come out as a tag team and win the titles was just amazing for me.

and i agree with the jerishow stuff too its shocking how good an angle that turned out to be in the end because when i saw it was bigshow i was so dissapointed. but jericho made him relevant again and now bigshows found himself as a tag team wrestler which is suiting him fine at the moment really.

the build up would have been so much better to this match at mania too, its a shame because it would have allowed edge to have form going into the match..where as it is right now nobody really knows how hes going to fare as hes still recovering from injury probably. hopefully this feud will carry on well after wrestlemania though as its got huge potential to be a great
I really think it wouldn't have matter as much to this point, as I pretty much assume that they would have broken up as a tag team, and started a feud resulting in a match at Wrestlemania.

However, what was missing was a potential great tag team, one we havent fully seen in a while, since Benoit and Jericho teamed up. But on the other hand, JeriShow turned out to be a great tag team, my favourite of all of last year, so I don't feel I am completely gutted, and I dont think I ever will be.
Well, that depends. 10-15 years is a REALLY long time. Unless either of them get a huge injury then who's to say they might not get a second chance at the tag run? One could mention in a promo to the other that they could have been the best team, and suddenly we get team Rated Y2J (or whatever name they choose).... It could still happen someday.

Now, assuming it won't ever happen.... then yes, I think we will be upset in 10-15 years that we never got to see Edge and Jericho's tag team run. It would have been far more impressive than JeriShow because Edge is much more entertaining then Big Show could ever hope to be. Big Show would have just been squashing people in random filler feuds if the JeriShow storyline was Edge & Jericho instead, like they originally planned. It also would have made the buildup for this year's Wrestlemania match between Jericho and Edge better, but I'm not going to rant about that since the build has honestly been decent.
Definitely not. This storyline would have been better, granted, but what storylines do people remember from 1995? Very few. This feud is alright, the match at the end of it will be quite good, but that's all there is to say really. This is never going to be one of those all time classics, and it wouldn't have been even if they had stayed together. The only thing that we were robbed of is not seeing Edge's face turn happen on screen.

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