Any wrestler from the past to take on The Undertaker at WrestleMania!!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
We all know by now that WrestleMania is like The Undertakers playground, his yard, he performs his best at this show...We are all aware of his record that stands today 18-0 and some great wrestlers he has defeated as well...

However, this thread, just like the title says, is not about his streak...its more of your opinion and choice...and about who you would choose..

So I have to ask the question...If you could have any wrestler (late, retired)..anyone from the past whether they were in the WWE or not...Who would you have return and face The Undertaker at WrestleMania???

Now, I am not saying WM27, nor am I saying e.g. (you pick hogan and say Hogan is 5? years old and can't wrestle), but I am not saying that..just consider this wrestler when he was at his peak!!

I would pick Eddie Guerrero...I feel they could have had a classic match...with his style compared to Taker it would be interesting to see the crowds reactions...

Honourable Mention
Randy Savage (88-92) - This Savage...amazing wrestler, this could have been huge!!
Kurt Angle - I know they had that amazing match at No Way Out 2006, but imagine it was WrestleMania??
Only one name comes to mind: Andre The Giant.

Andre would squash Undertaker and his streak like a blackhead. Undertaker's mind games would not work one bit. Andre would just laugh in his face. The only thing Andre was ever afraid of was Jake's python, and I don't see Jake anywhere. Undertaker can't use any of his signature moves on Andre. He would just swat Taker like a gnat. With all the so called giants Undertaker has buried, he will never be able to bury the true giant.
very well said cobravenom--that match would be well worth watching just to see how 'taker could pull that victory off--seems quite impossible

another one i think would be impressive would be vs. goldberg--just raw power vs power----unbeatable vs unbeatable

just one suggestion as this list could be one with many excellent choices
Hogan, circa 1987-88ish. There is NO WAY that the Undertaker would ever have been booked to beat Hulk Hogan in his absolute prime. Hogan may job to Taker at the Survivor Series, but under no circumstances would Hogan have taken the loss at a Wrestlemania.
I know a LOT of people would disagree with me here but I'd like to see Cena vs. Taker at Wrestlemania. Cena's unstoppable persona and attitude that the WWE has created they made a guy who simply can't lose matches it seems unless there's a 6v1, help from interference, etc. Undertaker, on the other hand, is undefeated at Wrestlemania and arguably the most talented in the business. It would be RAW's best vs. Smackdown!'s best.
i like the idea of Goldberg, but Goldberg whilst his streak was still intact so it'd not just be a great hard hitting match but it'd be streak vs streak, both equally important to the character and both un-matched streaks. I'd have liked to see that.

Another i know i'll get issues from that, but can you imagine the build up? Undertaker tries some mind games and Sabu absolutely could not care less and continues on a weekly basis to show the undertaker the lengths to which he will go to, to win the match.
Andre versus Undertaker would have been an awesome confrontation.

I'd really like to see a build up of Goldberg going after the streak. I think it could be a pretty good storyline if he were to ever make a return.

Another feud that has always been on my wish list is Sting versus Undertaker. That feud could rival the eeriness and darkness of all of the Kane and Undertaker feuds of the past if Sting went with the original crow gimmick for it.

How about Ted Dibiase? He brought Undertaker into the WWE. Having him take a stab at the streak would be fun to see.
Well since mulkeymania brought it up I would love to see goldberg vs. The Undertaker at mania that would be a powerhouse match to watch. Even though John Cena isn't a superstar from the past I would love to see John Cena vs. The Undertaker in a submission match or an I quit match at mania. John Cena says he will never quit and the undertakers character won't allow him to quit so that would be a match that no one will know who's gonna win.
Good god, this is a great thread. As CobraVenom said, Andre and Undertaker would have been epic and it would have been interesting to see how Undertaker would have taken down Andre. Even Hell's Gate, his submission maneuver, would have a hard time working on Andre.

Here are some others I would personally have liked to have seen:

Randy Savage (1988-92)- This would have been epic and a five-star wrestling match, especially with the Undertaker's current gimmick. Savage-Taker would have torn the roof off of any WrestleMania.

Ultimate Warrior- This would have been the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. Warrior and Taker feuded for a while after WrestleMania VII, but one has to wonder how would it have worked on a grand stage like WrestleMania.

Rob Van Dam (1996-2000)- Make the match an extreme rules match, and let RVD rip like "The Whole F'n Show" could have. This would have been amazing to see.

Sting (1997-early 1998)
- The Stinger vs. The Dead Man. This would have been epic. Both had a similar gimmick of a man wronged seeking vengeance on evil men. This would still make a great WrestleMania match despite both wrestlers being in their late 40s-early 50s. Given the right audience, this could possibly, possibly, reach Rock-Hogan standards in terms of fan participation.
there are 2 i would really like to see and that would be.......

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker- i know it has been done a bunch of times but its never been done on the grandest stage of them all. They have always had great promos leading up to the matches and have always delivered on them. The whole place would be torn into 2 like when the rock vs. hulk.

2. Flyin Brian Pillman vs. The Undertaker- it would be a perfect speed vs. strength match but Pillman would put up a great fight but the ending would be the best you know you can see Pillman going for the Air Pillman then the undertaker catches him in mid air and powers him down with a chokeslam
I know a LOT of people would disagree with me here but I'd like to see Cena vs. Taker at Wrestlemania. Cena's unstoppable persona and attitude that the WWE has created they made a guy who simply can't lose matches it seems unless there's a 6v1, help from interference, etc. Undertaker, on the other hand, is undefeated at Wrestlemania and arguably the most talented in the business. It would be RAW's best vs. Smackdown!'s best.

To be totally honest...I think that is where we are headed!
Cena is the only HUGE name left that he hasn't yet faced at Mania.
Small correction,he hasn't faced Rey at Mania either

It isn't some marketing decision...more like lack of options!
Other than giving a newer star a HUGE push!
who would that be though
Miz? Sheamus? Drew Macintyre?
so many great wrestler to choose from that taker hasent wrestled at wm like bret hart, kurt angle, the rock, brock lesnar and stone cold. my #1 pick would have to be ricky steamboat. imagine the match these 2 would put on. no doubt the dragon is one of the best wrestlers in wwe history and that would be an awsome match
I'd have to go with a somewhat obvious choice of The Rock. The promo's building up the match would be highly entertaining with Rock cracking zombie jokes at the Deadman, eventually leading to Taker getting pissed at the lack of respect and getting the win at Mania
I would love to see the deadman take on one of my all-time favourites..Curt "Mr.Perfect" Hennig..Perfect would of sold that match brilliantly
Easily Andre, simply because Taker gets to squash everyone he faces, including HBK. I'm sure Shawn wanted Taker to finish him off, due to respect, but Taker is not on the level of HBK. He's been given a great, can't miss gimick and they kept it for over 20 years. He's a lucky guy with great skill. However, against Andre, those skills wouldn't work. If not Andre, then I'd say Ric Flair, circa 1988-90. Imagine the Horsemen at ringside, the long stage to the ring, etc...
Sting v Undertaker would be awesome at next yrs Wrestlemania since it will be in Atlanta and then Sting could go in to the Hall of Fame since he was the "Franchise" of WCW, the only man who did not go to the E and back when everybody was jumping brands. The match could be like HBK-Taker streak v retirement since Sting has been nursing a shoulder injury and they have been talking about Sting retiring within the next yr or so. Sting v Undertaker would be a epic Mania match.
97-98 Sting for sure, can see it.. Takers in the ring after just winning a match, lights go down, crowd erupts thinking its Kane or someone.. lights up theres a Crow on the ringpost.. crowd goes insane.. lights down.. lights up.. Sting on the top of the set pointing the bat at Taker. Let the psych war begin.. both guys can still deliver in ring, both are true legends and both can cut promos. goosebumps
I'd still like to see Jericho vs Taker at Mania.

As far as from the past, Andre vs Taker would be a 'marquee matchup' but I don't know that it would really be a very good match.

I'd love to see (as mentioned above) Steamboat, Sting, Guerrero, Goldberg or even Lesner in their primes.

Hart, Rock and Austin may never have faced Taker at Mania, but they all faced him so many times that I'm not all misty over seeing it at Mania.
I would like to see Big John Stud wrestle Undertaker at WM. The man who couldn't be body slammed vs the guy who can't lose at WM. It might be a slow match but two power houses. Or how about JYD, i could actually see him coming down to another one bites the dust and him barking at the deadman after he punches him or puts a tombstone on him. The Hot Rod vs Taker would be epic. Two masterminds at the promo and psychology.

Wrestling is not FAKE!!!!---Gordy (Ready to Rumble)
very well said cobravenom--that match would be well worth watching just to see how 'taker could pull that victory off--seems quite impossible

another one i think would be impressive would be vs. goldberg--just raw power vs power----unbeatable vs unbeatable

just one suggestion as this list could be one with many excellent choices

I'm shocked at you guys, he defeated Show & A-Train in a Handicap Match. I know all about Andre, but he wouldnt have beaten The Streak. All it takes is one big Chokeslam from the top rope. That shouldve been obvious as to how he wouldve won. Hell, even a Last Ride could happen from the top rope, Andre just jumps back to help Taker do the move.

Dare I say a Tombstone from the top rope if they really wanted to impress risk wise, may seem impossible to you guys, but they could have Taker tombstone a giant from that high up. I think that would be an awesome moment maybe as popular as Hogan slamming Andre

Have Taker on the inside of the ring with Andre outside and bend him downward inside the ring over the turnbuckle and Taker gets his back to the turnbuckle and slowly bends Andre forward more and more until he flips completely over onto Taker's shoulders for a split second as Taker falls to his knees, Andre could catch himself too and Taker COULD do this safely as he wouldnt have Andre on him completely that long, but it would be a slow set up and a quick booming wow, but definately exciting

He can do all three moves from the top rope, but damn it some of you just wont agree, but that doesnt matter because I know it can happen, but agree or not you cant argue two words...

Hell's Gate!

Taker adapts and is smart and this would be his defeat of Andre if a ChokeSlam, Last Ride & Tombstone from the top rope didnt work

As far as being on topic with my pick: Stone Cold, The Rock, Hulk Hogan (he's staying out of the ring as I've heard it)

These three NEVER faced him at Mania and I always wondered how close each would come to breaking the streak and am very happy Hogan never faced him early on or we may have gotten ANOTHER Hogan win and no streak before they realized they had something special with it. Shocked that anything else special got by and wasnt squashed by Hogan who it seemingly was all about back then, but I like the guy

Anyway I feared Vince cutting it close with Austin if he ever faced Taker at Mania. The Rock couldve given a good fight too
Either The Rock or Austin, they are the only two people I can seriously think about that are big enough to make me question if the Taker would win. Don't get me wrong I am not a Taker fan, and the fact he beat HBK twice at Wrestlemania is disgusting, but at 18-0 the deadman is untouchable. For nostaglia reasons though, The Ultimate Warrior, I would love to see that!!!
Goldberg vs. Undertaker has always been a big time fantasy match for me. Dating all the way back to Goldberg's undefeated streak in WCW. Wrestlemania 27 will be in Goldberg's hometown of Atlanta, and Taker has never wrestled at Mania in his opponents hometown. And earlier this year I heard about Goldberg wanting to come back to wrestling, but too bad that match would probably bomb today.

Another great choice would be Rob Van Dam: in an extreme rules match. RVD vs. Taker would be streak vs. streak. RVD has never lost at Wrestlemania!

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