Any poker players here?

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Skullz Crack'Em

Lord of the Skulls
I was wondering who here on WZ plays poker(Texas Hold'em, Omaha, etc.), with friends or online. I occassionally play online on PartyPoker(for play chips i do not have a real money account) and some Saturday nights me and my friends get together and play texas hold'em for small amounts of money. My account name on Partypoker is JazorBlade so if you have PartyPoker installed on your PC look my name up and join the table im at so i can kick your ass! lol jk
I play Texas Hold Em' with some off the guys in my dorm. We play almost every week. Its 10 bucks to play, and usually we have 8 to 10 guys play in a game. I think I lose more money betting on these games in a month, than I do paying for the gas for my car.
I was a croupier for like all of a week. I can play poker but I dont play online. And I dont know any of my mate's who are willing to play with me.
I play poker and I am damn good at it also. I pretend that I am really bad when I ask for people if they want play, and then they think that they are going to win. NOOOOOOO I nail their asses to the wall.
I play with friends once a while mostly. I'm pretty good, have a good poker face... sometimes I get really frustrated and don't know when to quit though, lol.
I have a great poker face. the only problem I have is that is I have a good hand I will tap my right foot really lightly. I don't think that I do it hard enough for anyone to notice because I still beat them.
I have a party poker account under the name farqbiatch. Although, I don't play anywhere near as much as I used to. I must go alright, I turned a $50 deposit into nearly $6,000 over a bit of time. Although I gave up after that was wasted paying to repair my car after a moment of insanity that saw me end up going through a post and rail fence - $5,200 damage!!

Also play a bit in clubs with the Australian poker league. Have won a couple of smaller events, and made a final table in a 250 person event.
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