Any other whisky drinkers?

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
A couple of years ago a distillery near a caravan park that my family has a caravan at re-opened and started selling whisky again. This coincided with my best friend acquiring a taste for whisky too so we decided one Christmas to just buy each other a nice a bottle.

This has carried on for every birthday and Christmas since and this year I ended up with several bottles of various sizes of some bloody good stuff.

At the moment I'm drinking Lagavulin (ironically nigh-on possible to say when sober but rolls off the tongue nicely after a couple of drams) which is incredibly peaty when drank straight but is soooo nice when a little water is added.

Are there any other whisky drinkers with recommendations here?
I like the cliches Jacky D, Chivas. But drink the more economical ones available usually.
A good whisky is like a good woman. Lock it up for months at a time and share with your friends on special occasions.
I'm a sucker for Crown Royal, but a cheaper alternative is Canadian Club. Jack Daniels Single Barrel is awesome. And Johnnie Walker Black is excellent as well.
I've had the fortune to visit a number of whiskey distilleries. Most of them for free too.

I own several whiskeys which I'm looking at right now, mostly Irish as I'm not a fan of bourbon but if I had to choose a bourbon It'd be Buffalo Trace or Bullet. Some of my whiskeys include Jameson Black Barrel, Jameson Select Reserve, Green Spot, Johnny Walker Blue, Writers Tears, Bushmills, Bushmills Black Bush and a half bottle of Irishman that has my name inscribed in it.

My favorite would be Writers Tears. Very smooth, goes down like water. Doesn't leave a long aftertaste.
Crown Royal drinker here, my go to is a Crown Sour.

I also enjoy Pendleton, basically any good Canadian Whiskey i.e. not Black Velvet. I haven't been too adventurous however as I know what works and gets me drunk without throwing my wallet in a barrel fire.

I avoid Tennessee whiskey like the plague. Jack and I had a bad argument one night and we haven't talked since.
Jamesons is a strange one in that it's relatively smooth but always leaves a heavy feeling in my stomach.

I found a bottle of VAT 69 in a nearby whisky/wine shop which I mainly bought just because it was mentioned in Band of Brothers. After a few glasses I knew why it was so cheap.

My friends into his Japanese whisky at the moment, or more specifically Hibiki whisky. I've had it a couple of times but never been compelled to get my own bottle.
Japanese whiskey is very strong. I have drank but it's usually the start of my downfall on nights out. We were trying to buy some for my bar but it never happened. We didn't think there'd be a huge demand for it to quantify the purchase.

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