Antonio Cesaro "Face Turn"


Pre-Show Stalwart
Theres been rumor's about cesaro turning face,
so how does this go down. when daniel bryan got big its cuz of the all the extreme he did in the ring, mostly with the shield. cesaro reminds me of how d bryan push stated he gets everyone talking bout him. i think cesaro face turn is much much needed. i could see him doing that spin with big show at wrestlemania 30! whats your thoughts on a cesaro face turn? is this necesarily?
I for one did not like this guy at all when he first started out in wwe. but his in ring work has won me overr. i would not mind him being a face but without good mic work idk if he could stay over as a face. his spin is so immpressive i cant rember last time i saw crowd come to there feet and applauld like they do with this guy. really good in ring work. the same could b said about jack swagger. id like the real Americans team to turn face. with or without Zeb. they to good to keep jobbin likee they r.
Turn Zeb Coulter face, ditch Swagger and turn him face. This would establish Cesaro as a threat to possibly being World champion. If he has Coulter then there's nothing to worry about because he won't be talking.

This is the only way I could see this being a success tbh...
Turn Zeb Coulter face, ditch Swagger and turn him face. This would establish Cesaro as a threat to possibly being World champion. If he has Coulter then there's nothing to worry about because he won't be talking.

This is the only way I could see this being a success tbh...

not a bad idea. but i cant think of a good way to turn coulter as well.

honestly i think cesaro has enough mic skills that he could talk for himself if given the opportunity. you cant not love this guy in the ring. hes dam near flawless in that regard. im just having trouble thinking of a good scenario that would turn him and get him over. the best option might be like the op said, with what happend to daniel bryan. just let the crowd slowly turn him.
I read an article originally sourced from the WON stating that a big reason why WWE is looking to turn Cesaro face is because of the response he's been consistently getting inside the ring. As I've said in several Cesaro threads, fans WANT to cheer for him and WWE has been especially intrigued by the response the Cesaro Swing continues to get. It's a simple move, but one that looks pretty awesome visually. That's especially true when Cesaro has a big guy in the move, like with Brodus Clay on Main Event last night.

As I've also said, in my opinion, maybe they should go for something simple with Cesaro. Cesaro is a genuinely tough guy whose passionate about pro wrestling. It's something that fans see in Daniel Bryan and I think it's been significant in how they've come to rally around him. After all, they've also kept things with Bryan simple and it's paying off. In Cesaro's case, I don't think they need to try and reinvent the wheel. I think if they mostly just allow him to be "himself", then it'll be his best opportunity to get fans behind him.
In Cesaro's case, I don't think they need to try and reinvent the wheel. I think if they mostly just allow him to be "himself", then it'll be his best opportunity to get fans behind him.

I think that's true, plus splitting from the completely detestable Coulter makes the face turn pretty easy to write.

I think it's a good idea, turning him face, but it could go sour very quickly. Even though they've been hyping of many of his impressive moves over the past year or so--I remember seeing a few replays of his Neutralizers on Brodus Clay and The Great Khali, as well as his crazy superplex on Kofi Kingston--it's more or less a comedy move that's getting all the attention at the moment.

While I think Cesaro has it in him to pull off a comedy character, I shudder to think of him paired up with Hornswoggle or something. Or tag-teaming with Santino on PPV preshows. If he turns face, even if they make him a sort of humorous character (which I'm assuming from the fact that they love the Big Swing so much), I hope they do something consequential with him.

EDIT: Off-topic, sort of, but I hope they reignite the Sami Zayn feud once Sami's on the main roster. Could still work face vs face, I think.
I like this idea a lot. It seems like people want to cheer him especially since he started doing that swing. I think it would be easy to turn him. He could break away from Coulter and just be the tough hard hitting face. His feats of power would get him over by themselves. I think it is time to do something different with him and a face turn done right could bring him into the main event scene in my opinion.
Antonio Cesaro is a special Superstar in my eyes. He has the prototypical look that Vince dies for, but also has top-rated in-ring ability, which is hard to find these days. He has a problem in cutting promos, as, although his English are not terrible, they are not outstanding either, as he is Swiss.

When he first started in the WWE, I hadn't heard anything about him, so he came off to me as another random guy, who has a great build and will be found in 2-3 months jobbing to Cena after he fails to connect with the fans, destroys his push and gets demoted to jobbing status.
For the first couple of months, he hadn't shown anything impressive to get my attention, which is the case for most "newbies" anyway. He was inserted in some stupid multilingual gimmick with Aksana, which was so irrelevant and no one cared, then he went on to win the US Championship. His first days were still irrelevant, as I still didn't see much from him, mostly because he wasn't given time to show his skills. Then, during late in 2012, I started seeing him as a legit guy, because he was consistent in his matches ( nothing special but consistent, solid performances). He made me not being irrelevant towards him, but not high either. As time progressed though, he always came off to me as a really great performer, who is really strong and can do a lot of technical moves and work any type of match. Eventually, he lost the title and was inserted to random feuds/ jobbing tag teams which made no sense.

And we come to his infamous match with Bryan, which was at least SummerSlam main-event worthy. Great connection with the crowd by both sides, partly because of the YES/NO thing by Bryan, but they both showed how amazing they are in the ring and how well they can work any match.

With all the above being said, I'd like to answer to your opinion. The guy can easily split off the Real Americans and follow a solo career again. To me, at first, it doesn't matter if he is a face or a heel, as much as he is inserted in a high profile feud, like the Heyman-Punk thing, or the corporate storyline. He needs to be given attention, because we know that he can go in the ring, now he needs to get that attention by everyone (yes, even the kids) which is only attained by working into a high profile situation.
With that out of the way, I will point out that the easier way to get that attention is obviously by being a face. You want to make noise everytime you get into the ring, and what better way than having people cheer for you.
We know that the grown-up fans for the most part will support a guy, no matter his face/heel status, as long as it entertains them, so this brings us to the kids. The kids will cheer the face and boo the heel. So if you want to create noise, you go face so that you get the kids involved too.

I don't know the exact booking required, because there are already many faces and heels and Superstars in general involved in the Corporate storyline, and the Punk-Heyman feud seems to be filled with Superstars right now, since Punk is the loner and Heyman already has 2 guys and 1 part-timer to his arsenal. He could chase Del Rio and the WHC though, which would make a decent case for the typical by-the-book face vs heel. If he is the one who manages to take the title off Del Rio, which lately he seems to be kinda untouchable, as he has held the title for some time now, the place will show support and probably will get him over.

Him turning face seems to be the best option at the moment. Give him something big and I believe he won't disappointed (as long as he isn't overshadowed too much by other angles going on).
Idk. I think Cesaro, much like his partner Swagger is "too good" to be a face. As a heel, his skills and strength make him a good "dragon" for an underdog face to overcome (see his matches with Daniel Bryan, Sami Zayn, Alex Riley, Zack Ryder, and The Miz). As a face, I feel he would be over-powered to the point where almost no one can be bought as a threat to hin.
I like Cesaro. His US title run put interest in the title. It's a shame he didn't have a guy like Rey Mysterio to feud with. His feud with Miz was good. He and Kofi could have had a good feud, but they ripped the title so quick off of him neither guy was given a chance, then Kofi quickly handed the title to Ambrose. Ambrose I love as a performer, but the only legit feud he's had has been with Dolph Ziggler. Dolph was a GREAT US CHAMP, but the belt's beneath him at this point in his career. I wouldn't mind seeing Ziggler, Cody, and Goldust vs. the Shield sooner rather than later. I feel the performers if given the opportunity can make that feud really personal. I like how the Rhodes' and Shield feud has developed. If you think about it. It really began at MITB when Rollins and Reigns attacked Cody. WWE needs to cash-in here because Ziggler, Cody, and the Shield are the immediate future of the WWE along with D Bryan.
Caesaro as a face? Aint Nobody Got Time For That, he's obnoxious and easily hateable.
Good in ring talent but not someone people would get behind IMO.
If the Big Swing is getting over than you sit and wait for a while. If it lasts then you turn him face. If it doesn't then you haven't made a hasty decision in changing somebody who I feel is a more natural heel.

I want to see more of the Real Americans. Ideally they'd get a tag title run. Then split them up and have a Swagger/Cesaro feud which nobody will care about, but should deliver good bouts.

Regardless, Swagger has all the babyface potential in that team. You only need to see his world title run & his role in the Cole/Lawler feud to see that.
cesaro is the best wrestler in the wwe??????
this is what everyone is saying why cause cesaro has gotten alittle attention.
my gosh! santino is given attention but marella is'nt a good wrestler at all.
i do like cesaro but lets not get all after school special on a good match.
A few months ago I would have said this was a bad idea, he seemed a great fit as the new Heyman Guy but that went to Axel and then Ryback. I thought he'd fit well in the new Corporation but there doesn't seem to be any room, and then suddenly he has started getting a large pop for the Big Swing!

I don't think WWE will rush into this, Cesaro has gotten some great responses for his impressive feats of strength but firstly The Real Americans will be jobbed out to Los Matadores. If the Big Swing is still over come November then they can start coming up with a way to turn him, probably something simple like Swagger turning on him over a couple of miscues.
He might get cheered for a few weeks but then what. Why is he a face, presumably because he is feuding with Swagger. Then what. There is no long-term reason for Cesaro turning face other than the WWE having nothing for him. He has a great gimmick, manager, partner and they should stick with that. They don't have to be a tag-team but they can be pushed and succeed. Turning Cesaro face would do nothing for his career.
The best way to turn him face is for Swagger and Coulter to start questioning "how real American" is Cesaro. Have this happen a few weeks. Then get Swagger and Coulter to attack a fallen opponent and have Cesaro refuse, thus building a "with us or against us" rumbling. Finally have Cesaro claim that after researching he realises that a "real" American embraces liberty equality and respect. Maybe tagging with Hogan(if he returns) to solidify a real face turn.
Would be stupid. His entire offense (besides the big swing) is intended to provoke sympathy for his opponents. Perfect for every under 220 face character they have. Him getting pops is respect from fans, but it would be foolish to change all the things about him that are good.

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