Another diva tag match? *SIGH


Yo, just like many other people, I am getting annoyed with the fact that near every week, there's always a divas tag match. 2 on 2, or 3 on 3. I just don't see any point of them, they always seem like something people would just fast foward because they know it's coming.
Having a tag match with divas every now and again is okay, but when you have one every week, it gets weak. The only thing that they seem to do is fuel a fued between the champion and the challenger, nothing else. There's no orignality in it any more. Maryse and Mickie James, McCool and Melina, we all know what will happen, the heels will win with one of them distracting wilst the other does something underhanded. Or they have the champion / challenger as a co-announcer watching the match and at the end they're just going to be looking at each other intently. COME ON, do something a different every now and then, singles matches with JUST 2 divas and not 2 rejects following them around. At the moment the only two things I saw which has been remotely different is Gail Kim beating Maryse, and a diva battle royal to determine the number one contender. Even that had Maryse at the announce table. These matches have gone really stale and need to be shaken up a bit. So my question is this...

What can they do to shake up the women's division? Think of different matches, fueds, scenearios, anything.
The ever present Diva tag matches are used for one thing and one thing only - showcasing of tits and ass.

Back in the day, we would see an occasional Diva's match, but we would see a ton of half naked Divas.

Now, with the PG rating, it's inappropriate to have a bra and panties, a mud wrestling match, a swimsuit contest, etc... Yes, as evidenced on the Seth Green hosted Raw, we'll get one every once in a while.

Vince still believes that some men watch his product for the hot women and he needs to put those hot women on TV in order to keep those select viewers.
While at first I thought it was because they need to showcase them in any way they can with the PG rating, they then go and have a match in bikinis. I don't know about you guys, but i think that bikinis are about equal to lingerie. In any case, it's pretty much that creative is being so lazy that they probably don't spend more then 5 minutes talking about the divas matches. Personally I don't think that there's much they can do with the diva's "division" anyway, since most of them can't wrestle, so they go with the theory of throwing enough of them at a wall, something will stick.
I see where your coming from with this & I do agree. All we see in the WWE's womens divison today is just all tag team matches & I feel that they should mix it up alittle. Do something different with some of the divas. I know that some of divas aren't worth shit. But not all of them are. They really should tried an angle with Maryse & Mickie. Or even with Michelle & Melina. But theirs nothing no promos just tag matches. it just seems like they aren't eevn trying with the divas. Their just their for show. It's like their isn't much point having them around anymore.
I said it before that the Women's Division has been dwindling and this is further proof of it. I would have rather Mickie and Maryse in a tag match because there's an somewhat storyline behind it but we didn't. I believe most of the tag matches are consisted of divas who Vince doesn't feel are ready for one-on-one matches regularly. The matches are just filler anyway and usually you see two divas matches on RAW: a singles match and a tag match so I don't see it changing anytime soon.
The only way to shake up the Divas Division is to send them to wrestling school at least for a solid year. There are so many of them that should be solely used as arm candy for real wrestlers and never step foot in a ring. The tag matches don't bother me anymore than the others. It's all equally shit. It doesn't matter how many are in the ring, they will never put on a match higher than half a star. They are to the point where they have women pretending to wrestle. Ironic huh?
Turn Mickie back into a psycho heel. She has the capability of turning the division around and a major feud with her and Gail Kim could possibly be what is needed. Plus you can interject Beth into it and i bet there would be solid matches people wouldnt be turning off the tv for
I think an idea for Raw would be for maybe Trish or Lita to be the Special Guest Host possibly and return in a match for one night only. The diva division just hasn't been the same since the both of them departed from the business. I think it'll bring people back to the good old days when the divas weren't looked at as a joke or just hot and not athleticism...although some are athletic. ex: Melina...but anyways thats just an idea.
I don’t understand how no one likes these matches. I for one am a huge fan of botched spots, poor in ring psychology, and overall useless matches on WWE TV. I am so thrilled by these matches I hope they make a set of Diva’s Tag Titles. They would be awesome, just think of all the great matches and pair ups we could have in the Diva/Women’s Division. Just think of all the story lines they could build and work on by teaming up all the women in the WWE by giving them tag titles.
The matches themselves are no worse now than they ever were. For the most part, we are men talking about women wrestling, and until the division became "clean", we weren't so focused on which woman pulled off the best moves. Nowadays, when all you can see is that, it becomes boring. However, watch most of the matches on Raw with the men....they aren't much better! It's not the the women can't wrestle. In fact, a decent amount of them are quite good. The one thing I would suggest would be to utilize even more the gymnastic or athletic backgrounds of the divas who can do it. If guys like Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio can survive by flying around the ring, why not the women.

I personally would like to see a little more mic time for the divas. With that, we would learn more about their characters and develop feuds better. As of now, we kind of have feuds develop when a face pins a heel champ or vice versa in a tag match and thus find themselves in line for a title shot. The same way we don't buy feuds with men when they aren't developed, we shouldn't buy women's feuds that don't give enough of a story. I will respectfully disagree that the current Maryse/Mickie James feud has none because they've actually tried to develop it and they haven't fought one on one since Maryse got to Raw so it's actually quite hyped in that regard.

Last point, STOP with the "Trish and Lita can save Raw because they were the best ever" stuff. First off, the claim that they both were always amazing wrestlers is bogus. LITA was the Hardy woman and wrestled as such which was new and exciting for the WWE. Trish was arm candy for quite a few years and barely got in the ring. When she did, she was about as skilled as Eugene at a Mensa meeting. She was awful and it took a lot of time for her to be remotely credible. However, she worked hard and got better. Much of the diva division is young and inexperienced given that women debut on the show and dont' get much ring time in the beginning. I know we see them every week and get very impatient, but give them time, they might surprise you.

That seems to be the solution, give them time. Time in the ring to be innovative and not do the same match layout every week, time on the mic to develop their characters, time with trainers to improve week to week, and time to develop feuds and thus time to build great PPV matches so it could at least be something other than the least watched match on a PPV.
JJY: I agree with you completely. There are a lot of Divas who CAN wrestle. We have Beh Phoenix, Mickie James, Natalya, Melina, Katie Lea Birchill, Gail Kim, Michelle McCool, Maryse and Jillian Hall who can wrestle pretty well. We also have the Divas who aren't nearly as good, but are showing promise. Those Divas include Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres and Alicia Fox.

Lita and Trish weren't the best Divas when they started either. It took time. It also helped that they were involved with the men. Now, we rarely see a program with a man and a woman. Trish had Test and Albert to work with. Lita had the Hardys and later Edge. My point is, the Divas need more attention. I like the Miz/Maryse thing. It is not only helping Maryse, but also gives The Miz something to brag about once he gets her in his arms. Katie Lea and Paul Birchill had promise and hopefully it continues on ECW. Look at Natalya. She has the Hart Dynasty. That already makes her look great. It goes to show that it helps to get the Divas started with the Superstars.

And for those who keep saying the Divas division sucks, well, it's improving. We are getting feuds for the titles. It takes time to improve.
The only thing that they seem to do is fuel a fued between the champion and the challenger, nothing else.

You said it there yourself. The tag team matches serve to get as many people as possible on TV at once, while pushing the main title feud along. Just like those 6-Man tag matches people always get pissy about.

What can they do to shake up the women's division? Think of different matches, fueds, scenearios, anything.

Get women who won't kill their opponent? Oh. Other than that, you mean.

There is really no way to spice up the women's division; except perhaps more air time. They get the equivalent of one match and/or promo a show. That's for the ENTIRE division, mind you.

You could tinker with making Superstars the all Divas show. Or a major Divas focus, at least. Though the plummet in ratings that would most likely occur would argue against that idea.
Just like 7 time wwe womens champion, Trish stratus said in an interview there are to many divas on these shows and the wwe doesn't know how to use them!! and since they only get 1 match per 2 hr shows how are you really going to not have tag team matches?? I just think the wwe need to work on letting go some of its divas, like The bella twins, Maria, Rosa Mendez, Jillian and thats probably it, but i have a felling Maria will be getting released pretty soon because on her twitter page she said she has a real important meeting tomorrow and for her tweets to think happy thoughts, PEASSSS... and it did seem like a very nervous tweet. SO i think Maria will get released this week, but that is the only way we will see one on one matches in the wwe. The divas division does have talent but execs just can't seem to figure out a way to us them. But on Friday night smackdown we will see Eve vs Natalya and from some of the spoilers i am reading people are saying that this is a very good divas match one of the best they have seen in a while. But i am real hopeful for the Smackdown divas division with the Great Wrestlers such as Melina, McCool, Natalya Eve and i do see some major potention in Layla, but maria is on the way out. Raw they are just to up Orton, HHH and Cenas asses so i really don't see any hope there, we are just going to see the same 3 on 3 bikini or leg matches give me a break!! This is why the Smackdown divas division is dominate over the raw diva division woowoowoo!!!
I'm kinda bored of using "back in the day" references but let's look at a few years ago. There were alot a tag matches then too. Obviously they weren't as regular as they are now, but they weren't rare. Whenever there was a tag match there would be a storyline behind it. At least one person on either side would be feuding with each other, and it's still the same now. You get the singles matches, tag matches and the rare special stipulation matches. So it really hasn't changed much, maybe we're just taking more notice in it now? Let's compare years:

1998 - 2000: These years were pretty much dominated by Sable, Luna, Ivory & Jacqueline. Of course, Sable & Luna had their feud mid 1998, and teamed up with Marc Mero & Goldust from time to time. However, there weren't really enough divas to work a fully functioning tag team match between them just yet, with or without Jacqueline & Ivory

2000 - 2002: The womens division started to pick up around this time with the likes of Stephanie McMahon, Lita, Trish, Molly Holly. Also, with the Invasion happening too, alot more women joined the WWE such as Stacy Keibler & Torrie Wilson. But even back then, the division was dominated by tag team matches. Intergender or just between the divas.

2002 - 2005: About this time, Trish Stratus had her feuds with Victoria, Molly Holly & Gail Kim and also Lita. Yet, even in these time periods, there were more tag team matches than singles matches. Nidia, Stacy & Victoria teamed up with one another around this time, when facing Trish, Gail & Molly. However, over on Smackdown, the womens division was dominated by heels so Torrie had alot of singles matches, with or without Sable.

2005 - 2007: Tag team matches became less regular around this time. Of course there was a few, Vinces Devils vs Trish Mickie & Ashley in particular, appeared through late 2005. However, there were more singles matches on RAW and more tag matches on Smackdown.

2007 - Now: The amount of tag team matches grew alot in 2007, with Candice, Mickie & Maria teaming up most of the time on RAW, along with Melina & Jillian working together. With less on Smackdown, which dominated with Torrie Wilson vs Victoria, Michelle vs Jillian/Victoria, etc etc. Until only recently, new talent has entered the picture, evening out how many tag matches and singles matches.

So to basically sum it up, nothing has really changed. And even if it has, maybe it's just because alot of fans are bored of the same tag team matches that they notice them on the shows more often. Now as for future feuds, scenarios and such, I don't think there is much they can do. You're getting singles matches, but people tend to complain about them. You're getting tag matches but people are getting bored of them. And as far as battle royals go, let's just say we're better off with the same ol' shit than watching another WM25 botchfest. Unless anyone wants to pray for a miracle?
Quite simple answers for these questions. Although women's division threads is one that I dont mind & sometimes, enjoy, writing extensively... Im going to keep it brief.

Issue A: Diva Tag Matches:

- Gives exposure for more diva's.
- Allows fued building whilst giving other diva's spotlight time
- In essence, it creates suspense for the fans as those in the fued have to turn their attention towards others not involved with their primary target.
- Having singles matches every week would ruin the actual PPV match. So, by utilising tag matches, the two in a fued can fuel the fire whilst not taking away from the match. It's like the HHH-Orton Last Man Standing match on RAW for the WWE title a few weeks back only to fight in a Three Stages Of Hell match in a couple of weeks at a PPV. Completely takes away that special something from the match.

Issue B: Whats Wrong With The Diva's Division?:

- WWE creative/booking team doesnt care all that much for the division. They use three basic personalities with one storyline of challenger vs. champ.
- High expectations. Compared to the male wrestlers, most of them suck. The diva's arent to blame... quite a few actually can wrestle, the rest are on their way or just about there.
- Fan interest before the PG rating around was all about how hot they were & the gimmick matches more than how good they can wrestle [expections include Trish & Lita]
- Layla. 'Nuff said.

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