Ankle Surgery


Undercardbob Jobberpants
So as it turns out, I'm having surgery on my ankle to repair an injury from a few years ago. I lived with it for a while but it finally got to the point that I had to see a doctor about it, and it seems I have a torn ligament.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this kind of surgery... recovery time, what's involved in the surgery, things like that? The doctor didn't really explain it very well.
I had a plate and four screws put in my ankle to join three bones that all broke while I was trying to get in shape for my freshman year of college football. I spent 12 weeks in a cast and 12 more in a boot, the last six of which I started rehab. After I lost the boot, I went to three weekly sessions for three more months. The recovery process was 30 weeks for bones and tendons to repair and regain strength. I never got to play college ball either.
Sorry to hear that, man. I broke my ankle last July, and I was walking in a boot by mid-September (it was probably around Novermber that I could finally walk without any type of support). More than likely, since you just tore a ligament, you won't need a cast, but, you'll definitely be out of commission for about 4 to 6 weeks (that is to say, you'll be on crutches). Then, you'll have to worry about muscle atrophy, but, I think you'll be back in tip-top shape by the holidays.
Recovery for reattachment will take about 6-8 weeks. Then you'll have some Physical Therapy and like a full recovery will be 6-8 months. As for the time the surgery will take will likely be 3-5 hours. It's not to awlful long. You'll be out for the whole thing of course.
Just worried about work. There's a lot of great things about owning (or in my case, co-owning) a business, but one of the major downsides is that taking time off work means money stops coming in. I guess what I'm asking, for you guys that have been through this, is whether or not I'll be able to be on my feet at all? I don't need to be all THAT mobile, I just need to be able to stand up in a kitchen and cook.

If I can do that, all is well. Otherwise, I think I'm going to cancel the surgery and just live with it.
Yeah no, what Tdigle said, for the first 6-8 weeks you won't be on your feet man, not for a reattachment surgery, it's different that a broken bone, they won't cast your foot. For the first two months or so you won't be doing much after that, then it's on to crutches, depending on how things go, maybe, maybe a walking cast.
If you can function well on crutches, you could make yourself some mac n cheese, or maybe Hamburger Helper, but as far as mass service goes.....nope.
Dude if you don't do it, it'll get worse and worse and the worse it gets, the longer it will take when they do finally fix it. And trust it'll get bad enough, you won't have any choice likely. So it sucks when you need money, but it'll be worse in the long run.
Dude if you don't do it, it'll get worse and worse and the worse it gets, the longer it will take when they do finally fix it. And trust it'll get bad enough, you won't have any choice likely. So it sucks when you need money, but it'll be worse in the long run.

I'll maybe check and see if I can find someone to work for me for a month or two while I supervise from a chair like a loser, but that's the best I can hope for. The only other option is just shutting everything down for the duration, which for a catering business, means you may as well just sell the building and get on Unemployment.
I'll maybe check and see if I can find someone to work for me for a month or two while I supervise from a chair like a loser, but that's the best I can hope for. The only other option is just shutting everything down for the duration, which for a catering business, means you may as well just sell the building and get on Unemployment.

I can understand that, things the way they are now, it sucks to have to take any time off of any work really. Shitty situation man, I feel for you.
This is how raising the minimum wage kills small business.

THIS! A million fucking times, this. I could go further along those lines and point out how the proposed nationalized health insurance plan will probably put me out of business entirely, but I think that's been discussed at length on here already.
If it's a surgery to repair only ligaments, than recovery's only 6-8 weeks, as has already been said. Rehab for ligament injuries isn't too grueling, and I'd say you could be back to walking around and cooking without too much discomfort in around 3 months. And it does suck to take time off, but it's better than putting it off until it worsens and the impending recovery process from that takes much longer than 3 months.
Surgery aye? I have had previous knee surgery for me. Ligament & knee reconstruction. The whole kit & kaboodel really. 4 screws, 2 pins & a long bolt are in my left knee.

I had physio 4-5 times a week for one hour sessions after a couple weeks of rest. I also had to do exercises 3 times a day at least. It really, really sucked. I was away from sports from 12 months, but normal activites was around the 4-6 month mark.

All I have to say, is take the medication they give you. I hate medicine & will refuse it every time, but painkillers help you progress through the injuries easily.

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