Animated music videos


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on Animated Music Videos and in particular The Gorillaz. They are one of my favorite bands ever and they did nothing but animated music videos. They even came up with a fictional Band history for the characters in the music videos. Basically what I want to know is if this hurt them or made them great by being different. Please watch the Videos before answering and please don't just say you don't like them because of the music.

Gorillaz-Clint Eastwood

Gorillaz-Dirty Harry

Gorillaz-Feel Good Inc


These are just my favorite 4 there are many more if you want to check them out on youtube.

While Gorillaz are the most well known for there Animated videos they aren't the only ones to do it. One of my top 3 favorite songs ever also has an animated music video

Linkin Park-Breaking The Habit
I think that these videos are much more enjoyable then the typical music videos that are produced. Granted, I haven't watched MTV in about ten years, so I'm not sure what's on there now. I'm pretty sure It's not music videos though.

I don't know, I get so irritated with music videos. It's usually some crap band playing in some crap party with a bunch of dumb little kids jumping around. Or it's the opposite, some hot model walking around, and the douchebag headsinger is crying to her and they try and make it all artsy fartsy.

Videoes like the Gorillaz are certainly a welcome change. It takes a good amount of talent and dedication to make an animated video, plus it's creative as hell. I enjoy the time and effort that they put into it to create alternate characters of themselves. So videos like this, and ones that Manson and NIN used to put out, are very good in my opinion. they break the mold of bad pop music videos of stupid shits dancing around, or rappa's having parties with half naked women getting crunk. It's stupid crap that isn't any good to watch. Anything refreshing like this is a welcome change.
I enjoy the Gorillaz and I enjoy their music videos. I think they have a sound which is good, but what makes them stand out even more is their videos. It's something nice fans can discuss, another reason to bring them up, which in turn is helping them get new fans.

I think it's a nice change to the music videos I'm sick of seeing. With a girl seeing to the gyu she wants, or some shit like that. It's a nice story going on, which adds to how good the songs are.

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