Angle v. M. Hardy Dream Match


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I'm going to make this short and to the point...Do you guys think TNA missed an huge oppurtunity for not booking a Kurt Angle v. Matt Hardy fued ?

My answer hell yeah they did, When you have two icons on the sport under one roof that just screams out ratings and PPV buys

If I was in charge of TNA i'd book them in a Ladder match, i believe the fans in the impact zone would be jumping outta theirs seats from the action.

What match would you book them in ?
Right. And Matt Hardy's supposed to be an icon? A feud between those two would only be grounds for Angle to pull a Stone Cold, take his ball, and go home. Gimme a break. Matt Hardy an icon. Now I've heard it all.
If you are trolling, I'm only going to say this once — stop.

As to your thread... this is ridiculous. Matt Hardy is not an "icon", so no, TNA did not miss out on some "dream" match here, because in order for it to be a dream match people have to actually dream of it.

Hardy/Angle is not a dream match by any means. It's an average match between an average competitor in Hardy and a star in Angle.
Yeah, I'm a hardy fan and all but in no way would I consider matt close to an icon. I really hope this thread was meant to be a joke
They could have had this match any week on Impact. Matt Hardy was pushed so many times during his WWE stint and it never worked. His feud with Edge was the highlight of his career and could have springboarded him onto to bigger things but it never happened. I think he's capable in the ring but nothing that special.
In what universe is Matt Hardy an Icon?

Matt Hardy is a lifetime mid-carder at best and Kurt Angle is a legend and one of the top 5 technical wrestlers of all time.

Kurt Angle capitalized on his opportunities where Matt Hardy constantly screwed them up.

Kurt Angle is an icon and Matt was lucky enough to be in the ring with icons.

This is not a dream match by no stretch of the imagination and the best this match would ever do would be the main event of an episode of iMPACT.

Matt = Waste, Kurt = Awesome.
Matt Hardy is an Icon to lunatics and McDonald's employees in North Carolina.

But in mainstream wrestling, Matt Hardy is that guy whose known for teaming with his brother and once being cool. Once is the word I'd like to emphasize! And to place him against Kurt Angle is funny, as I doubt Kurt would give Matthew the light of day to discuss an angle with.
No not really, as I don't think this is a dream match up. If Matt was as over as Jeff and because Matt is a little better in the ring then Jeff then maybe this was an could of been a dream match. But as I see it right now this could of just been a IMPACT match with some decent wrestling from Matt but Angle would carry him and make Matt look like Gold.

So no my friend this is not a dream match but reading this was a good laugh. It would of been an IMPACT ME match if it was to be anything serious. And that says a lot.
hardy a icon? jeff maybe if he can get his shit together but matt theres no way in hell. it would be a ok ladder match.
Why would an olympic champion waste his time with Meth Hardy???

The only reason for calling Kurt Angle vs Matt Hardy a "dream" match, is because you'd have to be asleep to believe Matt Hardy is an icon.
Lol. If Matt Hardy is an icon, then Nickelback is a great rock band. Angle vs Hardy dream match? Who the fuck would want or care to see that? Nobody cares.

If you are trolling, good work. I commend you. If not... you don't deserve to post on these forums.
A real dream match would be WWE Angle circa 2004/2005 vs Now Danielson
Calling Matt Hardy an icon is like saying Santino Marella vs CM Punk would be an even match.
Ok so maybe isnt icon status YET but with the right motivate Matt Hardy can be a main eventer, do i need to remind you of his series of matches with edge ?
Ok so maybe isnt icon status YET but with the right motivate Matt Hardy can be a main eventer, do i need to remind you of his series of matches with edge ?

The ones Edge carried him through???

Listen man I like Matt Hardy (strange as it may seem) but he is just mediocre in every sense of the word. He doesn't excel at anything, he's a perfectly good worker (when he wants to be) but he just doesn't have IT at all. Its not a knock on the guy being a decent hard worker is an accomplishment and if you have enough patience you will be rewarded, look at Kane he's a great worker (not excellent) and he was rewarded last year with a World title run and a fued with the Undertaker (an icon), however Matt Hardy believes he is better than he is and should be rewarded now and he just isn't.
i'd book a drunk driver smash up royale, both angle and hardy have to get as fucked up as they were when they've had their most recent booze / drug related car problems with the law. ding ding
Ok so maybe isnt icon status YET but with the right motivate Matt Hardy can be a main eventer, do i need to remind you of his series of matches with edge ?

You mean the matches where they had to use real life circumstances to get Matt over as a somebody and he STILL got his ass kicked by Edge?

Yeah, I remember those. I also remember his angle with MVP, his whole United States Championship run, his feud with Jeff and basically his whole entire career from the moment he debuted alongside Jeff as the Hardy Boyz.

And STILL Matt Hardy will never be a serious main eventer. Especially after all the shit hes pulled. When Scott Hall pulled it, he was one of the highest paid guys, he may have been a liability but his face and presence were seen by some as an asset. Matt Hardy is a liability and his face and presence are seen as nothing but a road block on the path to success.

Released by WWE. Fired by TNA. Unemployed, arguing with fans on Twitter because he is ignorant to the giant assholes hes became and probably doing drugs and downing some vodka straight as we speak.

Some Icon.
I'm going to make this short and to the point...Do you guys think TNA missed an huge oppurtunity for not booking a Kurt Angle v. Matt Hardy fued ?

My answer hell yeah they did, When you have two icons on the sport under one roof that just screams out ratings and PPV buys

If I was in charge of TNA i'd book them in a Ladder match, i believe the fans in the impact zone would be jumping outta theirs seats from the action.

What match would you book them in ?

I think this guy really is Matt Hardy.

Anyway I dont think a Angle/Hardy match would have anybody jumping out of their seats. Angle is quite possibly the best wrestler in the World and Matt is a fat alcoholic loser
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Please be a troll because I dont know what I would do if you are serious. Kurt Angle is a legend. Matt Hardy is a washed-up, lazy, fat piece of crap. It would not have drawn a dime.
If you were talking Kurt Angle back when he was mid-carding and Matt Hardy a little earlier, then you may have had something here. Back in those days, Kurt was more of a pure athlete with a bit of a slightly goofy stuffed-shirt persona. Matt Hardy was actually doing fairly well at the time. I believe that was around the time of "Mattitude". Say what you want about Matt Hardy now, in those days, he was doing very well and could perform with some degree of excellence.

Matt has been greatly underrated when it comes to his promo-work, though, and that is where this sort of feud would have really shone. Not necessarily in the ring work. Angle would have eaten Hardy alive if it came to a purely wrestling match. If it were a ladder match, then it has some possibilities. I'd say make it a TLC match and have done with it. This sort of match has the maximum potential to allow Matt to look good. Angle could adapt and still shine here.

If it were a short mid-card feud in the past of the WWF, then maybe this would work. Nowadays...Angle would eat Hardy alive without breaking a sweat. On the other hand, if Matt were actually willing to work and turn his act around, a feud with Kurt angle might actually do wonders for him. Back when Cena truly couldn't wrestle, or at least didn't wrestle very well, it was Kurt Angle who basically taught him how to step up his wrestling game. A feud like this could have done the same for Matt Hardy...but it's too late now.
Really? Matt Hardy an icon? Really?

I highly doubt that this thread was made while the poster was sober. Or the poster made this thread to annoy people. Anyway why would Angle waste his time on a fat, stale Matt Hardy. Angle is an Olympic Gold Medallist, he's an icon, he's one of the greatest wrestlers of all time he shouldn't be facing guys who have really lost it.

I just want to say I don't hate Matt Hardy, he's just really has pissed me off by saying to a guy on Twitter "you haven't done anything & you never will", I mean come on get some class. I would actually say I'm still a fan of Matt but I admit that he's fat, stale and he's not an icon. It sounds weird but hey and people will say you can't be a fan of his if you slate him but I promise you I am a fan of his, sort of.
maybe if hardy took kevin nashes words of advice from raw last week
"hit the showers, hit the weights and get a clue". I honestly can say matt hardys big flaw and possibly really only huge problem that helps him get over is his image
I honestly Feel TNA is gonna do with Jeff Hardy ... what the WWE did with CM Punk. and make things Real with JEFF thats where the Matt Hardy Firing is tied in. i really dont think Matt is gone for long.
Ok so maybe isnt icon status YET but with the right motivate Matt Hardy can be a main eventer, do i need to remind you of his series of matches with edge ?

Yet? Are you shitting me? Using the word "yet" implies that the situation at hand will take place in the future. Matt Hardy will never be a wrestling icon. He began wrestling in the mid '90s, if things haven't worked out for him yet, they never will.

It would be insulting to Mr. Angle to be involved in a storyline with a "wrestler" who has lived in his brother's shadow his entire life and now spends his time arguing with fans on Twitter and making an ass of himself on YouTube. Even in Matt Hardy's prime this wouldn't of been anymore than a mid-card match on SmackDown.

Kurt Angle wrestling Bryan Danielson or CM Punk might be considered a dream match, but certaintly not Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy used to say "I will not die!", now he just won't go away. At this point in his career, I can't think of anyone Matt Hardy could have "dream match" with.
this is a joke right? kurt angle vs matt hardy being a dream match? really? really? no just no not a dream match at all tna didnt miss out by not putting these 2 against each other matts a midcard jobber at best and angle is 1 of the faces of the company them having a match would be pretty random

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