Andy Leavine


Dark Match Jobber
June 10th 2011 - Andy Leavine has his second child.

August 15th 2011 - Andy Leavine was suspended by WWE due to a wellness policy violation.

September 7th 2011 - Leavine has his first match on FCW against Mack Hetfield.

So I was just watching some old episodes of Tough Enough and was wondering when Leavine will Debut for WWE and what his character will be like..
In my opinion he will return at Royal Rumble 2013 as a big, dark charactor simular to The Undertaker or Kane.

How would you like Leavine to Debut and what would you like his charactor to be?
I don't think he will debut. He has no personality and he's not good in the ring. The only reason he won is because he's a big dude. The one guy (can't remember his name) that had to back out due to injury was the best guy they had.
if nash was still around, i could see him mentoring andy as a vinnie vegas/deisel type character. he has the size and the look to pull off both
He was greener than grass and had basically only started wrestling in 2010. He's got a LONG way to go before he's remotely acceptable as an active wrestler. He also has no charisma or mic skills, at least thus far.

Very bad choice for winner, as several others were much more skilled and would have not needed much more training to be ready for full time wrestling.
I know this might be considered cheap on WWE's part but I honestly think his best chance of getting a main roster debut will come if he's featured on NXT.

As to how I would actually like him to debut, I dunno.

I guess for his character I'd say something that plays to his strengths. So maybe a big giant dumb ass.
I also doubt if he'll ever even make the active roster. He's severely limited as a pro wrestler in almost every sense of the word. Let's face it, the WWE has enough marginal talents on the active roster that just float around- what would be the point to adding 1 more in Leavine? Plus, this is the time of year where cuts are made, so it definitely wouldn't be now. Honestly, I'm not even sure why or how Andy won. Sure, he was determined, but he really wasn't skilled enough to be the winner, especially on the mic. As someone else pointed out, Martin (who got hurt and left the competition) probably should have been the winner. It's a shame he got hurt/didn't win. Maybe he could have had a future in the WWE, but I don't think Andy does.
Yeahh he's big but that's all he really has I don't see him making it onto the active roster. Martin or Jeremiah would have been a better choice for the win.
Martin that was his name thats right!! As far as silent rage goes that dude is greener than grass and weeds put together!! I also dont think if we will ever see him compete he needs a whole makeover and he is extremely limited in the ring.

Really he has no charisma and why they picked him as the winner and not Luke (i think that was his name) terrible terrible choice as a winner!! Probably the worse winner in Tuff Enough history
I've done several interviews with A.J. Kirsch, who made the final four. He was 10 times better than Andy, had loads more charisma, and tons of experience (including a pin over the New Age Outlaws). And he wasn't even the best, Martin and Luke were heads over heels better.

He'll never see action on the WWE main stage.
Like others said I doubt that he will debut. He was not very interesting on the mic and his in ring ability was meh. I think it would be better for him to stay in FCW for a while and work on both of those things then when he is ready he should debut.
I would like him to debut as ass face, a big guy who has buttocks where his head should be. He'll become tag team champion with some random wrestler's kid and get twenty minutes of promos every night until falling off the face of the Earth entirely after dropping the tag belts to the team of "Nobody and who gives a fuck".
I still have no idea how Andy won that competition(Silent Rage? ugh). Luke came off like a legit douche bag who you would't want to be around or work with in real life so I get that they didn't pick him. None of them really stood out, but out of everybody he had size and not much else, so a very long term project at best. What's funny to me is they had Matt Cross on that show and he was probably the most roster-ready guy on the cast, but he was gone before he really got a chance to show them anything...damn shame, he shouldn't have held back. I wouldn't hold my breath on Big Andy popping up on tv any time soon though.
I've been wondering were he has been for a long time. I was actually wondering if he would debut at all. I doubt he will debut at the royal rumble, i doubt his debut will be that big at all. He will get some build up, a bit more then Tensai did. I think he will go the route of johnny Curtis. What i would like to see is for him to debut and immediately join forces with someone that can help get him heat or cheers OR have him do the basic beat jobber-beat jobber-beat jobber-beat jobber over and over until someone is found to feud with him. but i prefer the first one.
I personally couldn't understand why he won TE in the first place. For all intents and purposes, he was invisible for 2/3 of the season. Then, at the very end, we're expected to believe "Silent Rage" turned it around? Yeah right, the only two reasons Andy won is b/c he's big and his wife was pregnant. Otherwise, his mic work and in ring skills are very limited. Hell, he couldn't even sell a Stunner convincingly. As far as I'm concerned, if he didn't come back, I'd be happy. The dude is nothing but a huge waste of space and is about as bland and boring as a guy could be.
I had actually completely forgotten about him. Which in a way shows how pathetic it was that he won, good thing it was only a 1 yr contract, they will likely bring him up near the end of the contract and as a boost to a TE2 season.
He actually came close to ruining the show for me. I just didn't enjoy seeing him do anything. The one episode where he couldn't do the obstacle course was so bad I had to change the channel. I was a fan of the show honestly, I just couldn't stand to see him. I always wondered why he won. Luke just seemed to be hands down better than Andy. I really don't see him ever being on the active roster. Just nothing about him stands out besides his size.
Honestly, if he's going to continue with the Silent Rage thing, I think he should basically live up to the name. Don't say anything. Just be there to fight, walk in, destroy the opponent, then leave without saying a word. Granted at one point, he'll probably have to start talking, but when he first starts out, it may work if he just does a Silent Bob and doesn't say anything other than the occasional grunt for any selling purposes.

I think it'd be unique and a quick way for him to get over. This is assuming he can get out of developmental.

unless he has a undertaker,kane style gimmick i cant see him doing much
I hope its soon as I'm sure there's not gonna be another Tough Enough until he actually makes it.

I don't care if it's New Diesel vers 3.0, as long as it means a new series of TE (minus Booker T)
Every single person on the show was the essence of suck. Andy won and he seemed like a nice guy and all, but I highly doubt any of them will be much more than a pimple on the ass of the suckiest indy promotion.

It's a great concept, but they'll never get anybody worth a shit to be on the show. Any dude or lady that's truly "tough enough' for the WWE is already on their radar and in FCW.

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