Anderson P. Styles vs. Masked Gentleman

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Two of AF's rising stars will be competing against each other for the first time when Anderson Styles takes on the Masked Gentleman. Although there is nothing on the line, both men will be looking to jump up the ladder and finally make a name for themselves... possibly even get themselves in the mix as a top contender for a title later down the line.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 12th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
We open up with the scene of Times Square in the middle of New York City amongst the cars squeezing themselves through the other cars to the path they need to go, the flashing neon lights advertising their yogurts and people running through the busy streets thinking they are the ones in control, It is here we once again see the man known as 'Le Gentleman Masque' walking along the sidewalk, wearing an attire different from his usual. Instead of his normal suit, he is wearing a white shirt with the slogan 'I <3 NY' printed on it, Instead of his lovely top hat, he wears a 'Mets' baseball cap and in his hand, he holds the most American hot dog to ever exist, a half-eaten Coney Island hot dog.

The Gent: To beat the man, you have to be the man. So I am put up against a Sir Styles, is that right? A man with unparalleled nationalism in WZCW. Such dedication, I must respect. However, two opportunities arises with with the situation. One is the possibility of a shot at the Mayhem Championship. On the other hand, I may find what I was looking for if I was to rid WZCW of the classless buffoons such as Sir Stevens or Sir Overlast, a possible partnership.

Le Gentleman Masque finishes up his Coney dog. He notices to the left of him just slighly away enough from the road so that if he fell, he wouldn't tumble into the busy road, a small shop on the street selling small cut out pictures of an animated interpretation of Time Square and small posters of the nearby musicals. He contemplates buying one, only to notice the twenty dollars required for such a cheesy gift, and decides against it.

The Gent: I've officially trained myself in the way of the American man. I have climbed up the empire state building twice in a row, I have studied upon the workings of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, despite not being able to go into it because nobody ever tells you that you need to rsvp for fifty dollars in advance and I have even eaten the american diet, which ranges between delectable to repulsive. Yet it feels as if I am missing something if I wish to truly understand the true beauty of this land like Mr. Styles does.

Finally, Mr. Masque arrives at his location, the Times Square Hilton Hotel. He enters through the golden doors, making his way down the red carpet past the counter, checking his keycard for the right number before taking the staircase up to his room. He pulls out his card, about to enter, before hearing to his left a vicious scream from a female coming from a nearby room with their door open.


Le Getleman Masque puts his card key back in his pocket, running towards the scene like a dog chasing a truck. He gives a light knock to signify the owner. There, from behind the space not visible to the left comes a gorgeous blonde female in her early thirties.

The Gent: Excuse me, miss. Was that you who was frightened?

Female: ...Why yes. Might I ask why?

The Gent: I could hear you had troubles. Do not worry, for I am a professional with dealing with problems such as this.

The female stares a bit confused at the masked man wearing the tacky tourist T-shirt.

Female: Huh. You look a bit different from most I've seen in my life. Come on in.

The Masked Gentleman, takes a step through the door, slowly looking around the hotel room.

The Gent: Alright, miss. Where is the vandal causing such strife?

Female: Uh...I think he may have crawled into the wall, but I'm not sure.

The Gent: The wall, eh? What an odd case.

Female: ...You said you've dealed with these before, right?

The Gent: Why yes, but never once did they go into the wall. SHOW YOURSELF VILE VERMIN.

Suddenly a squeaking noise is heard, causing the girl to scream again. Le Gentleman Masque looks down to see a small mouse.

The Gent: A shapeshifter, eh? Well, well, well. It appears that we need look no more, for we have found what we were looking for. Now Mickey, I am giving you fair warning. Leave the premises, or I am forced to remove you.

Masque stares at the tiny mouse for a few seconds, who isn't budging an inch. He picks up the mouse with one hand, walking outside the door. Before leaving, he is stopped by the voice of the female that brought him there.

Female: Question. How much do I owe you for catching the mou--"shapeshifter"?

The Gent: This, my lady, is as free as the country we are in. For an important lesson was taught to me today of what the average American feels. For to be an American, it's dealing with the problems in stride, and taking on challenges despite what the cost. Anderson P. Styles, I hope you are ready for the fight of your life. To the victor, a chance of getting ever so closer to the top. I know that I must not stop here if I wish to truly do well in WZCW. Win or lose, I am proud to say that I fought against a man who speaks his word. I am proud of the--

Female: Sir, can you leave with the mouse already.

The Gent ...Very well, miss. I shall take my leave, but I would like to thank you for all you have taught me. Adieu, miss.

Le Gentleman Masque takes out one of his calling cards from out of his pocket, throwing it up in the air, before closing the door behind him to dispose of the mouse.

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