Anderson Has Memory Loss?


I am The Brain
I dont know if anyone remembers back many years ago some of you may have not even been born yet actually. But WCW did a thing like this with Vader and Cactus (Mick Foley) Jack. Mick vanishes after a beatdown then a few weeks later a clip is shown of a " homeless man" on the supposed News. A " Reporter " is talking to a street person and its Mick Foley. after the clip Tenay goes bezerk about how they found Mick Foley who doesnt know who he is they go on for weeks about people going to try and bring him back and get his memory back including his " family "

I remember the story line and can see the vid in my head but can't find it on YouTube. Sorry guys.

Last night I am watching Reaction and heard Hardy bragging about Andersons memory loss and what he did to him and it made me remember that Story Line from way back in the 80's.

Does anyone else remember this but me?
I remember reading about it in Foley's book and he absolutely hated the whole storyline.

They ended up using an actress to play his wife I think because they didnt feel Foley should have such an attractive wife as Collette. To be fair, he is punching well above his weight with her haha

I hope TNA dont try and copy this storyline, it bombed then and it would bomb now!
I dont know if anyone remembers back many years ago some of you may have not even been born yet actually. But WCW did a thing like this with Vader and Cactus (Mick Foley) Jack. Mick vanishes after a beatdown then a few weeks later a clip is shown of a " homeless man" on the supposed News. A " Reporter " is talking to a street person and its Mick Foley. after the clip Tenay goes bezerk about how they found Mick Foley who doesnt know who he is they go on for weeks about people going to try and bring him back and get his memory back including his " family "

I remember the story line and can see the vid in my head but can't find it on YouTube. Sorry guys.

Last night I am watching Reaction and heard Hardy bragging about Andersons memory loss and what he did to him and it made me remember that Story Line from way back in the 80's.

Does anyone else remember this but me?

If you're talking about the one where he calls one of the women "Bang bang" youtube for The Rise and Fall of WCW extras. Idk if it's posted up but on the DVD set theres about a 5minute or so segment about it. It was produced by Dusty Rhodes and even has Dustin Rhodes in it as well.
I dont remember it vividly...but I do remember the reporter and most of the fued with Vadar. But I guess, since you remember it over 20 years later, albiet inspired by a recent event, it does show that it had legitmate potential. It could even more so with Anderson if they let long as it holds a tone of seriousness, and not bubble gum humor, they may have actually accidentally stumbled on a story line that mirrors whats goin on in almost every sport nowadays. Itll probably die, but still. NOt a bad idea to run with it.

But yes, I remember that Jack-Amnesia angle.......... had typical WCW execution.
Yes, I remember it, but what does this have anything to do with Anderson and his concussion?

Are you insinuating that TNA should replicate that pathetic story line and play off the fact that Anderson legitimately might have memory loss from a legitimate concussion? If so, that's an incredibly stupid idea, and insulting to Ken Anderson as a performer.

No. A thousand times no.
Yes, I remember it, but what does this have anything to do with Anderson and his concussion?

Are you insinuating that TNA should replicate that pathetic story line and play off the fact that Anderson legitimately might have memory loss from a legitimate concussion? If so, that's an incredibly stupid idea, and insulting to Ken Anderson as a performer.

No. A thousand times no.

I believe he is in fact insinuating that TNA might be copying this angle, similiar to the copying of the Warrior/Hogan storyline done in WCW with Angelina versus Winter. :shrug:

And as to whether or not, I don't think so. You're worrying over a throwaway line.
I dont know if anyone remembers back many years ago some of you may have not even been born yet actually. But WCW did a thing like this with Vader and Cactus (Mick Foley) Jack. Mick vanishes after a beatdown then a few weeks later a clip is shown of a " homeless man" on the supposed News. A " Reporter " is talking to a street person and its Mick Foley. after the clip Tenay goes bezerk about how they found Mick Foley who doesnt know who he is they go on for weeks about people going to try and bring him back and get his memory back including his " family "

I remember the story line and can see the vid in my head but can't find it on YouTube. Sorry guys.

Last night I am watching Reaction and heard Hardy bragging about Andersons memory loss and what he did to him and it made me remember that Story Line from way back in the 80's.

Does anyone else remember this but me?

Actually that beatdown on Cactus Jack that led to the "memory loss" was from April '93 (April 24 if I'm not too terribly mistaken). Either way I doubt highly that TNA would go that route with Anderson. It's more likely they'll either go the RVD route and have him come back demanding the first title shot or have him turn heel again by costing Morgan Sunday. (which I'm hoping won't happen...BUT it's TNA, you never know).
If they'd done it with Eric Young when they made out he got knocked silly then, yes, that'd be alright. But not on a top level talent, that's the sort of thing for comedy effect only, not for someone you're grooming as one of your top names.
Nah. Remember Anderson's phone thingy on Impact? He sounded just fine, knew who he was and stuff. But we'll see. It's TNA. They can come up with the coolest stuff and the crappies ones either. You never know ... ever.
yeah, they discussed him as having short term memory loss, but he remembered the incident where Hardy hit him in the head with a chair, did he not?

I do remember the incident you're referring to. Im glad Foley can look back and see what a garbage idea it was. It's the type of thing that plays for comedy-not for an up and comer in your company, or for a future World Champion. It was far beneath Foley, even at the time.

Im not going to assume that youre suggesting they do that with Anderson, because you didn't specify. But if they did run something like this, it would be a terrible idea. It would destroy his credibility and damage his gimmick. Plus, it's taking a real life issue too far. I think they've done a nice job in handling the concussion storyline so far, they don't need to sabotage it by running a parody of an angle that was a miserable failure.

Leave the "comedy" to the Eric Young's and Santino Marella's of the world. Anderson can be funny and all, but he doesn't fit in low brow crasp like this whatsoever.
Yea, that was also the match Foley lost his ear lobe. I remember it even though I myself have suffered four concussions since then. The difference is that nobody expected Hardy's chair to miss it's mark of the upper back/shoulder area and the top of the chair clobbered Anderson in the back of the head. With Foley that whole thing was a storyline made beforehand. The ear coming off was an accident though. Anderson's situation is different because the entire situation was not planned on due to a chair shot that was aimed wrong.
Do I think that they should rehash this story line HELLS NO!!!!

It was just a thing that came into my head while watching Reaction.

It was actually the first time I sat down and watched Reaction and I kinda like the concept doing a whole work promo show but making it look more like a shoot. But its been done before and will be done again. Making a regular promo look like its real and not scripted. But I digress.

I hope and pray they do not rehash that story line that WCW did it was Lame-o. Do I think Anderson really has memory loss? uhhh no. Is he out for a diffrent injury? Yes plus now he has stitches in the back of his head from JH being sloppy.

So my whole reasoning was that I wondered if anyone else remembered it besides me.
I believe that Foley skit was Dusty Rhode's idea in WCW. Cactus Jack Lost in Cleveland. The sad thing is that Mr. Anderson really has suffered from short term memory loss after the concussion. He stated that he went to wrestle AJ Styles a week after the concussion and couldn't remember what him and AJ talked about the match just few moments earlier. This shouldn't be a storyline because its not funny in any way. Hopefully this incident Anderson experienced is only temporary. No one should make fun of memory loss.
thing is Kenny I am betting that him saying it was all a work.

Just like we all know Reaction is all a work yet it is an attempt to look and feel real
Yea, that was also the match Foley lost his ear lobe. I remember it even though I myself have suffered four concussions since then. The difference is that nobody expected Hardy's chair to miss it's mark of the upper back/shoulder area and the top of the chair clobbered Anderson in the back of the head. With Foley that whole thing was a storyline made beforehand. The ear coming off was an accident though. Anderson's situation is different because the entire situation was not planned on due to a chair shot that was aimed wrong.

OK, so it wasn't just me that thought that was a botched chair shot? When I saw the slow-motion of it i cringed when I saw the very edge of the chair slammed into the back of his head. No wonder he was split open so bad.
I surely do. Dusty Rhodes had a lot to do with creating these moments. It could be something interesting with Anderson, with some tweeks.

I'd like to see him become forgetful and not know what's really going on. And he could even seem to think that Jeff Hardy is a good guy or what have you. Anderson could leave a hospital and face who ever Hardy tells him actually hurt him. He could face him and get some help from Hardy to win, even.

Then, in the back you can see Anderson watching a monitor that shows everything that happened. You don't see it, but get the idea. He comes out when Hardy is in the ring and Hardy doesn't think anything of it, and you can build from there. Could be nice.
To clear it up this is what happened. Ken Anderson recently did a interview with Pro Wrestling Report on ESPN radio 540. He said what happened was he tried to get back in the ring to early and while having a match against AJ Styles at a house show he forgot what was supposed to go on in the ring. He also said he is very good at coming up with moves on the fly to add to the match. He said he couldn't even think about things to do in the match. He went to the back and talked to D-Lo brown about it and D-Lo told him that he was going home on the first flight home in the morning to get checked.

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