And the WWE "Jobber of the Year" goes to ...

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
Drum Roll please....

Jack Swagger

This is such a shame. When he was in E.C.W he had such a great push. He was fighting for the E.C.W like it really meant something to him. His promos there where very entertaining to me. Now that he is on raw , this has all turned down hill for him and has done nothing to help him.

It's being reported that Swagger's record as of right now for 2010 is 0-15.

What a waste. They could push him in the U.S title picture or they could have teamed him up with The Miz instead of big show. Instead they have this all American get beat up by Santino. He has alot of talent that could bring back the wrestling back into raw. Even back with he faced Cena, it was a good match that I enjoyed watching. So how did this happen to swagger from being the Face of E.C.W at one point ,to matches with Cena ,to getting tossed around like a rag doll by Santino.

Will his Career ever recover?
Drum Roll please....
Jack Swagger
This is such a shame. When he was in E.C.W he had such a great push. He was fighting for the E.C.W like it really meant something to him. His promos there where very entertaining to me. Now that he is on raw , this has all turned down hill for him and has done nothing to help him.
It's being reported that Swagger's record as of right now for 2010 is 0-15.
What a waste. They could push him in the U.S title picture or they could have teamed him up with The Miz instead of big show. Instead they have this all American get beat up by Santino. He has alot of talent that could bring back the wrestling back into raw. Even back with he faced Cena, it was a good match that I enjoyed watching. So how did this happen to swagger from being the Face of E.C.E at one point to matches with Cena to getting tosses around like a rag doll by Santino. Will his Career ever recover?

I would've voted Chavo for jobber of the year (are we talking 2009?) but I do agree that Swagger has had a lot of problems too as of late. By the way, is his record really this bad? Not like I'm keeping count or anything. Anyway, I totally agree that WWE completely dropped the ball with Swagger. Such a shame. He has so much talent and he could've been WWE's next Kurt Angle but instead he's jobbing to Santino. FRIGGIN' SANTINO. When you see someone jobbing to Santino, you know that superstar has a problem. Has his career hit rock bottom? Ask me again if he ends up jobbing to Hornswoggle (a la Chavo Guerrero). I'd like to tell myself that he can still make it in WWE but at this point, his future seems bleak. I don't see him moving up the ranks anytime in the forseeable future unless he is featured in MITB and has a good showing (not necessarily winning). Will his career recover? Perhaps but if WWE doesn't utilize this guy and make him the dominant force he was on ECW, then he can kiss his main event aspirations goodbye.
I would've voted Chavo for jobber of the year (are we talking 2009?) but I do agree that Swagger has had a lot of problems too as of late. By the way, is his record really this bad? Not like I'm keeping count or anything. Anyway, I totally agree that WWE completely dropped the ball with Swagger. Such a shame. He has so much talent and he could've been WWE's next Kurt Angle but instead he's jobbing to Santino. FRIGGIN' SANTINO. When you see someone jobbing to Santino, you know that superstar has a problem. Has his career hit rock bottom? Ask me again if he ends up jobbing to Hornswoggle (a la Chavo Guerrero). I'd like to tell myself that he can still make it in WWE but at this point, his future seems bleak. I don't see him moving up the ranks anytime in the forseeable future unless he is featured in MITB and has a good showing (not necessarily winning). Will his career recover? Perhaps but if WWE doesn't utilize this guy and make him the dominant force he was on ECW, then he can kiss his main event aspirations goodbye.
You did make a good point at winning Money in the Bank. I'm 90 percent sure that he will be in that match. But I don't think he will win. As of right now , Swagger winning Money in the back would be the only way he could jump start his push again. But I guess his not jobbing to Hornswoggle yet so that's a good thing , unless we spoke to soon. But even if he pulls off some amazing stuff at Money in the bank that right there also might give him a push. Lets Cross our fingers and hope that Wrestlemania will help swagger out.
I heard he has lot of potential. By the looks of it, i wont be surprised if goes to TNA. He should do what Christain did, go to TNA, call WWE a stale version WCW and TNA the best. And if he leaves TNA, he will get the same treatment Christain got. ECW's main man and champ.
no jack did not job all year so i dont think it should go to him cause atleast he touched gold this year unlike

EVAN BOURNE is jobber of the year because he was set to win the ecw title and instead they sent him to raw to be a jobber.
Jobber of which year? 2010? 2009?

I would have voted for Carlito or Evan Bourne, but I think Chavo is the right choice here. To be stuck in a program with Hornswaggle, where he's regularly jobbing, is not a good direction for his career. They might as well release Chavo at this point. Once you work a Hornswaggle program, where do you go from there?? The next step down is the Barry Horrowitz/Barry O/Jose Luis Rivera/Iron Mike Sharpe level, so might as well leave the company and find an opportunity elsewhere.

I do feel bad for Swagger though. So much potential just being wasted. He might get into MITB, but I wouldnt be suprised if they placed Show in there instead. Maybe a draft to SD! might be good for him. At least he can get away from the inevitable Hornswaggle program.
Swagger's been in WWE for what, a year and a half? Is his career ruined?!?? Give me a break!! Just because a guy has potential and isn't pushed to the moon right away doesn't mean he's wasted. It's just a matter of time, relax. He's gonna be a star sooner than later, I say wait til after Wrestlemania.

As far as jobber of the year, Chavo is a good vote. I'll throw Matt Hardy on that list too. He was a Smackdown staple and former ECW champion. Big pops and good feuds, but once they turned him on Jeff, his career hasn't been the same.
I would've voted Chavo for jobber of the year (are we talking 2009?) but I do agree that Swagger has had a lot of problems too as of late. By the way, is his record really this bad? Not like I'm keeping count or anything. Anyway, I totally agree that WWE completely dropped the ball with Swagger. Such a shame. He has so much talent and he could've been WWE's next Kurt Angle but instead he's jobbing to Santino. FRIGGIN' SANTINO. When you see someone jobbing to Santino, you know that superstar has a problem. Has his career hit rock bottom? Ask me again if he ends up jobbing to Hornswoggle (a la Chavo Guerrero). I'd like to tell myself that he can still make it in WWE but at this point, his future seems bleak. I don't see him moving up the ranks anytime in the forseeable future unless he is featured in MITB and has a good showing (not necessarily winning). Will his career recover? Perhaps but if WWE doesn't utilize this guy and make him the dominant force he was on ECW, then he can kiss his main event aspirations goodbye.

IMO, and only MY OPINION, It was about time this happened to Swagger. I see nothing in him aside from being a legitimate wrestler. Legit entertainer? Nope. There are many things that he needs to change in order to make it to the bigger leagues in WWE (ie. Main Event level). He hasn't done much to try and improve his character, and basically repeats the same crap week in and week out. He has no charisma. Who was the last guy that was slated as the next Kurt Angle that got buried because he couldn't act or entertain anyone? Shelton Benjamin (yet people are still dumbfounded as to why he's on the lower mid-card). Swagger is doing nothing to help himself, and by the looks of things is expecting others to do the work for him, and IF that is the case, he deserves this winless streak.

I'd like to see Swagger drop the chest pounding/screaming routine. He looks like a ****ing ****** when he does that. Not even big men do that anymore. It's lame. His cocky "I'm better than you cause I can out wrestle you" crap is ridiculous, and has been done so much better by the man he will forever be in the shadows of (technically and entertainment-wise speaking), Kurt Angle. He will never be the next Kurt Angle, so I'm pretty sure WWE has given up on him with that.

IMO Swagger's heel character lost it's charm only a few months after he came to RAW. It isn't believable. He doesn't get true blue Heel heat, more in the realm of X-Pac heat in the way that people just don't want to see him out there; he can't draw or make people genuinely hate him.

But I will agree, Swagger DESERVES Jobber of the Year award, because he is just that, Jobber of the year. Its only February, and I don't see the next 10 months having any worse of a mid-carder turned jobber turning up anywhere on any of the brands.
I vote for the Jobber of the Year to go to Tommy Dreamer. He was the only guy left from ECW (the real ECW). He had to kiss the hell out of Vince McMahon's ass to be able to stick around longer than the other originals who pretty much all got released in a few months.

Dreamer was good at what he did, but he just didn't fit into Vince's mold. So, like so many other ECW guys, he only got to stay if he jobbed to every single guy on the roster. If Hornswoggle were on ECW, Dreamer would have lost to him multiple times.

Dreamer showed signs of true character by going out week after week and losing miserably under orders of the guy who ruined his company, ECW. He could have quit or did drugs like the rest, but Dreamer endured for years and years. Dreamer was a valiant Jobber of the Year, and he is lucky the guys on top took pity on him and gave him a 2 month ECW Title reign.
Well, in these days, consider that a blessing. At least he's being used, unlike these other card fillers that are only being kept around so that TNA won't swipe them up. Take Charlie Haas for example, he was asking to be released from his contract about a month ago, apparently TNA contacted him with a job opportunity. WWE didn't want to let him go because they didn't want another wwe reject in TNA. Or Kung Fu Naki, When was the last time we saw him? Or how about Jimmy Wang Yang, we see him...what once every other month? Or what about Curt hawkins or DJ Gabriel or Primo or Slam Master J or Paul Burchill. WWE needs to let these wrestlers go, just wasted talent that the WWE is to stubborn to set free.

"Being humble and patient may work for some people, but not for me, If I want something, I get it, I get it hard, and I get it without saying sorry. Call me a Son of a bitch, but while your doing that, I'll be at the top, while you'll be where you were yesterday, being humble and patient, waiting in line, like the rest of those passive aggressive dumbass's.-Roxanne 'Roxy Roxy' J.
The jobber of the year goes to evan bourne. To me bourne doesnt even belong in the WWE,evan is a x division type of guy and he pretty much jobs to any one that doesnt have any fueds for the moment one day he could wrestle miz an get squash and next day he wrestles orton or cody.The only way that evan will get some true action is if he goes to NXT and becomes the NXT champ.
unless swagger did something bad backstage that we don't know about or their giving him the mvp treatment where he keeps losing other than that wwe (triple h) is burying him 12 feet under
IMO, and only MY OPINION, It was about time this happened to Swagger. I see nothing in him aside from being a legitimate wrestler. Legit entertainer? Nope. There are many things that he needs to change in order to make it to the bigger leagues in WWE (ie. Main Event level). He hasn't done much to try and improve his character, and basically repeats the same crap week in and week out. He has no charisma. Who was the last guy that was slated as the next Kurt Angle that got buried because he couldn't act or entertain anyone? Shelton Benjamin (yet people are still dumbfounded as to why he's on the lower mid-card). Swagger is doing nothing to help himself, and by the looks of things is expecting others to do the work for him, and IF that is the case, he deserves this winless streak.

I'd like to see Swagger drop the chest pounding/screaming routine. He looks like a ****ing ****** when he does that. Not even big men do that anymore. It's lame. His cocky "I'm better than you cause I can out wrestle you" crap is ridiculous, and has been done so much better by the man he will forever be in the shadows of (technically and entertainment-wise speaking), Kurt Angle. He will never be the next Kurt Angle, so I'm pretty sure WWE has given up on him with that.

IMO Swagger's heel character lost it's charm only a few months after he came to RAW. It isn't believable. He doesn't get true blue Heel heat, more in the realm of X-Pac heat in the way that people just don't want to see him out there; he can't draw or make people genuinely hate him.

But I will agree, Swagger DESERVES Jobber of the Year award, because he is just that, Jobber of the year. Its only February, and I don't see the next 10 months having any worse of a mid-carder turned jobber turning up anywhere on any of the brands.

I totally agree with you. People say the next Kurt Angle? Some of the purists out there need to realize it takes wrestling and personality to get you over. Angle was comedy gold, was amazing on the mic, and put up great matches. Swagger is great in the ring, but his promos are a joke and is the typical high school jock character. Nothing new

He needs character. Benoit was really one of the only guys who got over just by wrestling, but Benoit was different. There's a reason why Benoit was never as over as Eddie. Cuz Eddie had both.
I definitely agree with all the aforementioned names. Especially when it comes to Swagger and Chavo, because both of them have been former ECW Champions and have amazing potential to at least be an upper mid-carder.

Another name that I'm going to throw out there is Goldust. This guy goes from a downward spiral in his career when he got released from WWE a few years ago, and gained an IMMENSE amount of weight as he became one of the worst gimmicks in TNA history (Black Reign), to losing an IMMENSE amount of weight and physically looking better than he has (as far as in the ring) in at least 10 years.

If I'm not mistaken, the only win that he got in ECW in '09 was against Sheamus, and that was around the middle of the year. So very unfortunate for Goldust, I'm still a fan... but apparently the WWE bookers aren't. :(
Unless they've really given up on him, which i hope they havent, they could be doing what theyve doe before and have somebody go on a shitty losing streak before they win a title or something.

He's lost all name value pretty much by this time, and there would be no real purpose in having other jobbers like Santino go over him for no reason. I can bet he will be in MITB and i think he has a chance of winning it. It's the only logical thing i can think of. I just dont think theyd put time into him and have him seem so credible to tear him all the way down. Unless they wanted to build him back up stronger which i think is the case. Triple H made him look damn good on monday. Maybe not as good as Cena made him look some time back, but still he looked legit against one of the best in the business. They wouldn't have given it that much time if they did have something in store for Swaggah.
I have to go with Bourne. Lately, when hes been wrestling, hes ALREADY BEEN IN THE FRIGGIN RING when his opponent comes out! He hits a few signature moves, and maybe once in awhile his finisher even, but hes on the wrong end of the 1-2-3 EVERY TIME. I thought was saved for the likes of local wrestlers aned the Kung Fuakis. I read a recent interview with the kid, and he said his goal in wrestling while training was to be a "masked jobber." Hes just missing the mask!

As for the second question, concerning Swaggers career, its tough to say. Having him job out to Santino was like the kiss of death. It was nice to see the guy in a qualifying match for the wwe title, then hhhs music hit. Im hoping the showing he put on against HHH alone(in a loss, of course) will be enough, because i thought he looked like gold in a losing effort. I thought he carried HHH in the match, so hopefully, WWE took note, and a run with the US title is in his future. I have a hard time seeing him winning money in the bank, as hes lost too much credibility to win one of the "Big Two" any time soon.
I only disagree with you because he had an amazing push for the most part of the year. Sure he has been jobbing for a couple of months, but that doesn't make him jobber of the YEAR. Hell, he had the ECW Title from January to April. That gotta be like 25% of the year. I would say William Regal. Nothing spectacular from him besides fighting Christian for the ECW title.
unless swagger did something bad backstage that we don't know about or their giving him the mvp treatment where he keeps losing other than that wwe (triple h) is burying him 12 feet under

I am almost inclined to call out Meltzer mark here. People don't realize 99% of the stories of Triple H Holding down other talent are completely yellow journalism with absolutely no way to confirm that it's actually happening or not. People tend to take Triple H's character MUCH too seriously and actually believe he is the same guy in real life that he portrayed in WWE for nearly 4 years from 2001 to 2005.

Read my post on the page back from this. Swagger has absolutely no potential to be anything but lower-midcard. He can wrestle, and that is it. He doesn't try to improve, and he expects (and his fans expect) that he should be shot to the roof just because he used to be in NCAA wrestling (and if you check his history, he didn't do very well at that, either). He has no character, no mic skills, and gets absolutely no good heat from the fans, and like I mentioned, X-Pac heat, meaning "Get him the hell off my TV because this guy SUCKS!" type of heat.

He needs to improve himself and show that he's worth that sort of booking investment before anybody books him in the top spot. And No, Triple H is NOT the booker, nor does he have any sort of decision who gets pushed or not. He just happens to be Vince McMahon's son-in law, and everything he has accomplished he has deserved, because he has what it takes to be successful in any role that is thrown at him.
My top 5 are:

5). Mark Henry-the man was the most intimidating ECW champ, yet once moved to RAW, just knock him down and he gets pinned. It's just sad. It reminds me of "a Christmas Story" where his brother gets knocked down and can't get back up; but in Mark's case, it's a joke on him; not with him.

4). Evan Bourne- he has all the flash, yet can't win over someone with wrestling talent. ECW was building this guy up for a while. Again, traded to RAW and now he can't get past opening match. Hell, even Hornswoggle gets higher position on the card.

3). Jack Swagger-hmm, third one from ECW that gets no recognition on RAW, sound familiar? The guy can wrestle, but he needs more of a persona; more character. He reminds me in a way of Lance Storm, he could wrestle, but was boring. Has anyone else notice the resemblance with Jack and Biff from "Back to the Future"? I keep waiting for him to knock on someone's head and say, "Hello, McFly!!"

2). Chavo- only because, DAMN!! He lost how many times to Hornswoggle?, ten, a hundred? Come on!! Here is a former (that's 3 folks) ECW champ that got embarrassed on national television repeatedly week after week. I don't know what he did back stage to deserve this; but I hope everyone back there was watching.

Finally, my number 1). Santino-Yes he's great comic relief, but he's a serious joke in the ring. Even in mixed tag team matches, he lost. I don't recall him winning a match in the entire 2009 year (as Santino, not as his "twin sister"). At least Chavo, Jack, Evan, and Mark won at least one match this past year. Sorry, but statistically, it comes down to Santino.
Jack Swagger is more talented than almost the whole WWE roster, let alone the Raw roster. He showed how good of a wrestler he is back when he was on ECW, but since moving to Raw, WWE has done a horrible job on capitalizing on that. I really don't see what the problem is.

Back a couple months ago, I looked at the "Tomorrow's Champion" edition of WWE Magazine. If you look at the 10 young superstars focused upon, besides Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger is my favorite one. He has the most raw talent that I have ever seen. To see that he is on the flagship show now, after winning the ECW Championship 4 months after his debut, holding the title for 4 months, and then jobbing months later. That's a huge slap in the face to Swagger.

However, if you look at it, Sheamus is the only person who can survive debuting on ECW and move to Raw with a huge push. Evan Bourne isn't doing much on Raw. Kofi Kingston, while has had pushes, was never as big as Sheamus's. Jack Swagger is the same way. It's really a shame what WWE is doing to Jack Swagger and I hope he will soon get drafted to Smackdown and see where things will go from there.
Well before i post my opinion i honestly can't tell if your talking about jobber of the year for 09 or 10. Anyways i have to disagree with swagger, he had quite a nice push in ecw but wwe just doesn't know what to do with him on raw. IMO they have too many stars on raw and now they can't fit people like swagger, bourne, and carlito into proper programs. my vote for jobber of the year is Chavo Guerrero. He lost to HORNSWOGGLE not once or twice but MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!! enough said.
[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1792492]Jack Swagger is more talented than almost the whole WWE roster, let alone the Raw roster. He showed how good of a wrestler he is back when he was on ECW, but since moving to Raw, WWE has done a horrible job on capitalizing on that. I really don't see what the problem is.

Back a couple months ago, I looked at the "Tomorrow's Champion" edition of WWE Magazine. If you look at the 10 young superstars focused upon, besides Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger is my favorite one. He has the most raw talent that I have ever seen. To see that he is on the flagship show now, after winning the ECW Championship 4 months after his debut, holding the title for 4 months, and then jobbing months later. That's a huge slap in the face to Swagger.

However, if you look at it, Sheamus is the only person who can survive debuting on ECW and move to Raw with a huge push. Evan Bourne isn't doing much on Raw. Kofi Kingston, while has had pushes, was never as big as Sheamus's. Jack Swagger is the same way. It's really a shame what WWE is doing to Jack Swagger and I hope he will soon get drafted to Smackdown and see where things will go from there.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, being a good wrestler isn't what gets you over in WWE. As mentioned previously in this thread, the only man to get to the top based mainly on his wrestling prowess was Chris Benoit.

Swagger needs to refine his Mic skills, and learn how to act. The only thing the guy knows how to do is smile cocky and stand the same way. Otherwise, he couldn't act if his life depended on it.

In WWE, you need to be able to connect with the fans and entertain them, not bore them and make them want to have a toilet break.

Now don't get me wrong the guy can wrestle like a champ and does a good job at that, but it's not enough to push him to a top level.
Carlito for sure.

Carlito has been a multiple time champion. He had a great future ahead of him, until WWE made a blind choice of breaking up the Colons. It was like they went "Hey, lets break up the Colons and see how it plays out." They had no plans for the following weeks. To top it all off, he had the match of the week against Evan Bourne, yet they have him job to people like he's Santino.
It's hard to say who's the jobber of the year. There was a lot of guys who really got the shaft in '09. I think it'd either have to be Evan Bourne or Chavo Guerrero. While I don't think either would be world champion material, I do think neither should be jobbing. Chavo jobbed to Hornswoggle for how long? I mean, honestly, that was ridiculous. I almost feel bad for Evan Bourne. I mean, his matches seem so random. He's always faced against or teamed with someone who they just decided needed a match that night or someone who they were trying to prove a point with. I hope they change directions with this sometime soon.
I think I agree with the majority here. My vote goes to either Bourne or Chavo. I would choose Bourne BECAUSE like it was mentioned his matches seem so random. They are making him face not only mid-carders but main eventers where in all honestly he doesn't belong. One example would the Monday that they had him come out and "challenge" Sheamus. Like no one knew what would happen? It seems he is there to make other look good because he can take some crazy looking bumps. He seems a great talent but they don't know what to do with him. I wish they would bring back the European belt or something.

Yes, Chavo did job to Hornswoggle multiple times which is probably the worst thing for any superstar to have to do, but at least not much is usually expected from his opponents. I often wonder if the only reason Chavo and Vicki have jobs is out of respect for Eddie. Because otherwise what have they done?

And I would put Swagger in 3rd. He held the ECW championship and did have something of a little push over the summer. Unfortunately for him I truly think if it isn't because of something that happened backstage he is held back because of his lisp. It is a poor stereotype but it is hard to see someone as a powerhouse when they have a lisp. Vince's image, we all know, seem to be the big muscle heads. A tweaked gimmick would really help.
I may shoot myself in the foot here but I doubt the WWE creative is as dumb as we think. They know who and what is stale and I'm sure they see the talent we see but I think they kind of back themselves in a corner sometimes with the draft because they try to get 'new' talent more exposure. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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