And the Greatest Faction is....?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
I have got to wondering what faction is the greatest of all time & why?

While thinking my mind got flooded with DX, IV Horseman, Evolution, nWo, The Ministry, Fortune, The Corporation, Dungeon of Doom & many others.

I really couldn't think of 1 that was truely a hands down greatest but after thinking bout it I would have to go with my pick because

- The talent was apart of it through out its run
- The amount of time they stayed on top
- The amount of time they were used in story lines
- How long they were consistently used in story lines & drew

So looking at it from that way I will go with The nWo!!!
Okay well let me say this. I feel like the same thing happens with this that happens in other threads. So I have to first state there is NO WAY IN HELL that The Four Horsemen should even be up for consideration. This all goes back to the CSR debate, but really too many fans do this. Just because something's the first doesnt mean it's the best or that there would be no DX or nWo without them, so I'll just basically say this argument of who's the best comes down to TWO factions and we all know which ones they are.

D-Generation X and The New World Order.

The two factions Kliq-run are just the best ever in wrestling. The most popular ones too, in the most popular period of wrestling ever, it's not hard here.

Evolution isnt better. It did what it was suppose to do, push stars, but this even came up in the CSR debate. It doesnt matter if they held every title at a point, they just as good as they were, werent the best. It was a nice gimmick stable, but saying they should be considered is like saying Legacy, a poor man's Evolution should be considered as it did the same thing just didnt make as big stars.

DX and nWo had more fan following than any other stable, no matter what other ones you name. These two factions were cool during the coolest period in wrestling!

nWo was great and everything they did was gold to a point. The 3 man trio was where it was at its best, then it got out of hand and there were too many members. The best moments were early on. DX had a few core members aside from Rude and they were well known as DX even though there were several incarnations. Most likely couldnt name every single member of the nWo ever including The Wolfpac without a cheat sheet.

I will say Wolfpac was the only great thing that happened after there were too many members, atleast they split it in two and started a three way split war.

But the popularity of these two stables cant be denied, look at the shirts in the audiences back then and they were flooded with nWo or DX shirts and signs.

Everyone was crotch chopping or telling ppl to suck it.

I would only accept one of these two as a legit answer. However nWo didnt evolve as well as DX did as it got messy and it didnt change up anything save for The Wolfpac which was cool when Black and White wasnt really anymore. DX was a main stay moreso and always did outrageous entertaining things whether it was HHH, HBK, Chyna or HHH, X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws

These two factions even did great in their comebacks as much as some complain ppl will always love it and buy into it. 2002 nWo's return was great, of course yes it did sink when Show and Booker got involved, Nash and HBK I liked and the pressuring of HHH (the only Kliq member to not join nWo) to join.

DX's runs from the tease in the same year of 2002 to the legit comeback in 2006 on through the much awaited full on return at Raw 1000 have just been great to relive. And yeah some may not like it, but I watched the shows and everyone was marking out when HBK crotch chopped on a ladder when fighting Vince and when HHH did it later to Cena.

We love the good shit which is why as much as ppl say they dont want to see it if Hogan signed back to WWE today and ppl were getting Austin/Hogan at Mania 30 it would draw regardless of what you'd get in the ring.

These two factions are the undisputed kings of what factions should be and it doesnt surprise me since they are both led by the biggest backstage faction in wrestling... THE KLIQ

Hell maybe we should just truce and call that the biggest faction as Kevin Nash said it best once when he said it didnt matter which company it was, The Kliq runs it all, in essence they really do.
The other stables were great but no stable has changed the game like the New World Order, so my pick is the nWo. Along with Austin, the nWo are the founding fathers of the Attitude Era. They were straight up badass, and yeah they weren't in the WWF, they didn't have all the vulgarity they had, but they made it look cool to be heels, to be rebels. It also reinvented Hogan and kept him relevant in the wrestling business. If it wasn't for the nWo, Hogan would probably be an afterthought today seeing as his popularity was just slowly dying by 96.
Okay well let me say this. I feel like the same thing happens with this that happens in other threads. So I have to first state there is NO WAY IN HELL that The Four Horsemen should even be up for consideration. This all goes back to the CSR debate, but really too many fans do this. Just because something's the first doesnt mean it's the best or that there would be no DX or nWo without them, so I'll just basically say this argument of who's the best comes down to TWO factions and we all know which ones they are.

I don't know that I would say the Four Horsemen were the best, but to say they shouldn't even be up for consideration is ridiculous. The NWA certainly wasn't as big as the WWF during the Horsemen's time, but the people who did tune in to TBS and who showed up to the arenas came to watch the Horsemen get their asses beat. They carried that company for a good 4 years. I don't see how a group that does that doesn't warrant consideration in the discussion.
I don't know that I would say the Four Horsemen were the best, but to say they shouldn't even be up for consideration is ridiculous. The NWA certainly wasn't as big as the WWF during the Horsemen's time, but the people who did tune in to TBS and who showed up to the arenas came to watch the Horsemen get their asses beat. They carried that company for a good 4 years. I don't see how a group that does that doesn't warrant consideration in the discussion.

I get why you would say that, it's just at this point Rock and Austin are the two biggest names in wrestling and to even suggest Hogan and Flair are greater at this point is also ridiculous. Just stating the facts, but ppl will always give them that glory some will because of what they did in their time, but they were surpassed. It's not me hating on The Four Horsemen, but they truly were surpassed in popularity and everything else by two groups. Maybe they had better tech wrestlers, but as a stable they were surpassed, theres nothing wrong with being real and saying that, it means the business is getting better


and to Oozin, because I'm sick of ppl getting it twisted. nWo were not founding anything of The Attitude Era. PPL need to stop making this mistake. The Attitude Era had absolutely nothing to do with WCW other than being a response to it dominating WWE in the Monday Night Wars, the MNW is what nWo are the founders of, the MNW and Attitude Era are two seperate things, one of the major highlights of the Monday Night Wars IS The Attitude Era.

Austin and DX are the founding fathers of Attitude

nWo of MNW, they were the big driving force WCW had that helped them win, but WWE went edgy when WCW was family friendly even Bischoff stated they were so how in the hell can family friendly be Attitude? I didnt see an Attitude logo in WCW, that is an era that was strictly in WWE. Dont see how ppl keep making this mistake.
I'm going to say......The Hart Foundation (96-97). They didn't have a run as long as the aforementioned factions above, but at one time, they boasted the most talented stars in wrestling. Berfore Cena started getting these "polarizing" responses from fans, The Hart Foundation was doing that. They were loved in Canada and hated in the States. They had aurguably the best wrestler top five, dead or alive, Bret Hitman Hart, The equally talented but more charismatic Owen Hart, one of the most underrated and most versatile wrestlers ever, Davey Boy Smith, The powerhouse and probably the best tag team parter anyone would want, The Anvil and the wildcard, Loose Cannon Brian Pillman. At one time, these guys held all of the gold available in WWE. I don't think there was a crew with so much raw talent since the original Horsemen.

Sure, there was NWO, but they went through so many goofy changes during their run, it kind of dilutes their me at least. Same goes for the Horsemen and DX. After a while and like 37 comebacks, DX was just a novelty act, an also ran. The original was the best.

But I stand by my pick. The Hart Foundation definitely. The part that made it all better for them was they were all family (save for Pillman). Like I said before, they had a short run, but they had an incredible impact.....
I get why you would say that, it's just at this point Rock and Austin are the two biggest names in wrestling and to even suggest Hogan and Flair are greater at this point is also ridiculous. Just stating the facts, but ppl will always give them that glory some will because of what they did in their time, but they were surpassed. It's not me hating on The Four Horsemen, but they truly were surpassed in popularity and everything else by two groups. Maybe they had better tech wrestlers, but as a stable they were surpassed, theres nothing wrong with being real and saying that, it means the business is getting better


and to Oozin, because I'm sick of ppl getting it twisted. nWo were not founding anything of The Attitude Era. PPL need to stop making this mistake. The Attitude Era had absolutely nothing to do with WCW other than being a response to it dominating WWE in the Monday Night Wars, the MNW is what nWo are the founders of, the MNW and Attitude Era are two seperate things, one of the major highlights of the Monday Night Wars IS The Attitude Era.

Austin and DX are the founding fathers of Attitude

nWo of MNW, they were the big driving force WCW had that helped them win, but WWE went edgy when WCW was family friendly even Bischoff stated they were so how in the hell can family friendly be Attitude? I didnt see an Attitude logo in WCW, that is an era that was strictly in WWE. Dont see how ppl keep making this mistake.

Where do Rock and Austin have anything to do with what I said? And where did I say Hogan and Flair are the greatest? I simply said that I felt carrying a company for 4 years warrants the Horsemen being in the conversation. I don't understand your response to me, but at least it was easier to read than your response to oozin.
I would go with DX if you don't count when they were just HHH and HBK. They were the group in WW. I would have gone with the nWo but they only had 3 good years. The rest of the time was just trying to be like they used to be.
and to Oozin, because I'm sick of ppl getting it twisted. nWo were not founding anything of The Attitude Era. PPL need to stop making this mistake. The Attitude Era had absolutely nothing to do with WCW other than being a response to it dominating WWE in the Monday Night Wars, the MNW is what nWo are the founders of, the MNW and Attitude Era are two seperate things, one of the major highlights of the Monday Night Wars IS The Attitude Era.

Austin and DX are the founding fathers of Attitude

nWo of MNW, they were the big driving force WCW had that helped them win, but WWE went edgy when WCW was family friendly even Bischoff stated they were so how in the hell can family friendly be Attitude? I didnt see an Attitude logo in WCW, that is an era that was strictly in WWE. Dont see how ppl keep making this mistake.

The Monday Night Wars started long before the nWo arrived on the scene, it started in 95 when Nitro began, so what are you talking about when you say they are the founders of the Monday Night Wars? Do you even know what founding means? And how can you say the Attitude Era had nothing to do with the nWo? Yes, WCW was PG, they were family friendly, but the nWo wasn't family friendly. They defied & spit in the face of authority, they told everyone to go "bite them" which was the PG way of telling them to go fuck themselves, they raised hell, they were cool heel rebels, they were the first of that kind, which is why it was so successful & popular because nobody had ever seen that type in wrestling before and it was happening in a family friendly environment. They weren't in the WWF, but the nWo was an inspiration for the WWF to head in that direction but to a higher level with the edginess & vulgar language, and so the Attitude Era was born. They inspired Stone Cold Steve Austin, and DX was created as a ripoff of the nWo until it found it's own ground. So yes that does make them a founding father of the AE, if they were an inspiration for it. They didn't need to be in the WWF to have attitude.
The Monday Night Wars started long before the nWo arrived on the scene, it started in 95 when Nitro began, so what are you talking about when you say they are the founders of the Monday Night Wars? Do you even know what founding means? And how can you say the Attitude Era had nothing to do with the nWo? Yes, WCW was PG, they were family friendly, but the nWo wasn't family friendly. They defied & spit in the face of authority, they told everyone to go "bite them" which was the PG way of telling them to go fuck themselves, they raised hell, they were cool heel rebels, they were the first of that kind, which is why it was so successful & popular because nobody had ever seen that type in wrestling before and it was happening in a family friendly environment. They weren't in the WWF, but the nWo was an inspiration for the WWF to head in that direction but to a higher level with the edginess & vulgar language, and so the Attitude Era was born. They inspired Stone Cold Steve Austin, and DX was created as a ripoff of the nWo until it found it's own ground. So yes that does make them a founding father of the AE, if they were an inspiration for it. They didn't need to be in the WWF to have attitude.

Go look at The Monday Night Wars DVD, I have it. They have always highlighted the night Scott Hall first came to WCW and Kevin Nash powerbombing Bischoff as being the start along with the birth of the nWo. Of course competition started before that but the WAR started and was called for by Scott Hall more specifically when The Outsiders came (albeit a phony WWE invasion war, but that was really a reverse shot at WWE, it was beautiful) nWo was the driving force of it.

MNW has the same parallels of Attitude Era in that the birth moment was Outsiders and nWo' birth but it had sparks before that built to this true kick off of the war just like WrestleMania 14, the kick off of the Austin era began The Attitude Era but truly there were sparks all throughout 97

nWo didnt inspire DX, DX wouldve been DX. They even said they went out there and did what they thought was funny. And keep in mind that all these guys were Kliq save for Hogan. So they would share the same humor and DX was truly gutter, nWo wasnt, you cant pretend they were s hardcore gutter when they werent.
Sandman was more Stone Cold before Stone Cold. Hall started crotch chopping over there because of DX. nWo made a big impact with Hogan and all, but DX was a different styled stable completely. nWo were not DX dirty

Attitude was a response to WCW's dominance, not inspired by it, get it right, Attitude was ECW inspired. Go watch Paul Heyman's shoot promo on Vince McMahon on Smackdown!
Go look at The Monday Night Wars DVD, I have it. They have always highlighted the night Scott Hall first came to WCW and Kevin Nash powerbombing Bischoff as being the start along with the birth of the nWo. Of course competition started before that but the WAR started and was called for by Scott Hall more specifically when The Outsiders came (albeit a phony WWE invasion war, but that was really a reverse shot at WWE, it was beautiful) nWo was the driving force of it.

MNW has the same parallels of Attitude Era in that the birth moment was Outsiders and nWo' birth but it had sparks before that built to this true kick off of the war just like WrestleMania 14, the kick off of the Austin era began The Attitude Era but truly there were sparks all throughout 97

nWo didnt inspire DX, DX wouldve been DX. They even said they went out there and did what they thought was funny. And keep in mind that all these guys were Kliq save for Hogan. So they would share the same humor and DX was truly gutter, nWo wasnt, you cant pretend they were s hardcore gutter when they werent.
Sandman was more Stone Cold before Stone Cold. Hall started crotch chopping over there because of DX. nWo made a big impact with Hogan and all, but DX was a different styled stable completely. nWo were not DX dirty

Attitude was a response to WCW's dominance, not inspired by it, get it right, Attitude was ECW inspired. Go watch Paul Heyman's shoot promo on Vince McMahon on Smackdown!

I'm gonna address only a few things cause the majority of your response is just confusing & pure ignorance.

Scott Hall did the crotch chop before DX. He did it a few times back in 97 before DX was formed, and DX took that off him cause like I said, they were created to rip off the nWo. Hall was the guy who made up all the slogans & the signature poses for the nWo.

The only similiarity between Stone Cold & The Sandman is that they both drink beer. Sandman wasn't somebody who went around, defying authority.

Yes, ECW inspired the Attitude Era, forgot to mention that in my previous post. WWE got the nudity, the edginess, the vulgarity, the hardcore style from them, but it was also inspired by the nWo when it came to creating anti-authority rebel figures, and the WWE relied mostly on their anti-authority rebels like Stone Cold, DX etc. to carry them.
Original DX and New World Order. Those two teams were able to push the envelope to heights not seen before and the dominance that both teams were able to convey in their respective companies. To me it's a little too hard to distinguish between the two because they never were able to face.
I'm gonna address only a few things cause the majority of your response is just confusing & pure ignorance.

Scott Hall did the crotch chop before DX. He did it a few times back in 97 before DX was formed, and DX took that off him cause like I said, they were created to rip off the nWo. Hall was the guy who made up all the slogans & the signature poses for the nWo.

The only similiarity between Stone Cold & The Sandman is that they both drink beer. Sandman wasn't somebody who went around, defying authority.

Yes, ECW inspired the Attitude Era, forgot to mention that in my previous post. WWE got the nudity, the edginess, the vulgarity, the hardcore style from them, but it was also inspired by the nWo when it came to creating anti-authority rebel figures, and the WWE relied mostly on their anti-authority rebels like Stone Cold, DX etc. to carry them.

ECW was anti-authority in itself, ECW was rebel in itself. nWo had nothing to do with inspiring any characters in WWE.

The stars even tell you this, this is just a fan saying what they think.

Austin has told the story time and tim again about how he was inspired with what he wanted his character to be, no where in there was the nWo. He even talked about how ppl kept thinking a cold character in a literal subzero type sense rather than what he was going for

DX again was edgier than nWo. nWo wasnt edgy at all really on a level of Attitude's standards, they were corny in some ways, if it wasnt for Bischoff it may not even have come off that great as long as it did.

nWo was by chance. Couldve easily had been Sting as was up in the air at the time. DX was more natural.
four horsemen/thread yes we could all say oh dx/nwo but in all reality without the four horsemen do u think that nwo/dx would even exist?
I thought about this for a while, and i want to say the Horsemen. They assembled the best wrestler of their time, and it really seemed like those guys lived the gimmick. You had Flair as champ, and usually the group held the tag belts along with the TV title and or the US title. They were the best talkers in the business and could back it up in the ring. Here is the thing though. Their job was to keep the title on Flair, and man were they good at that. Everytime Flair defended the belt you could be sure the Horsemen were not far behind. The supported Flair in all he did, and he always clung to the title due to their helped. Now that I got that out of the way, what I said was that I wanted to say the Horsemen. I wanted to, but I can't. It has to be the NWO. I said this in another thread. They turned one of the most beloved wrestler off all time to the darkside. That alone puts them near the top just because of the impact they made that night. They actually had people questioned whether WWE was actually invading WCW. They just changed so many things that I have to give them the label of greatest faction.
Okay well let me say this. I feel like the same thing happens with this that happens in other threads. So I have to first state there is NO WAY IN HELL that The Four Horsemen should even be up for consideration. This all goes back to the CSR debate, but really too many fans do this. Just because something's the first doesnt mean it's the best or that there would be no DX or nWo without them, so I'll just basically say this argument of who's the best comes down to TWO factions and we all know which ones they are.

D-Generation X and The New World Order.

The two factions Kliq-run are just the best ever in wrestling. The most popular ones too, in the most popular period of wrestling ever, it's not hard here.

Evolution isnt better. It did what it was suppose to do, push stars, but this even came up in the CSR debate. It doesnt matter if they held every title at a point, they just as good as they were, werent the best. It was a nice gimmick stable, but saying they should be considered is like saying Legacy, a poor man's Evolution should be considered as it did the same thing just didnt make as big stars.

DX and nWo had more fan following than any other stable, no matter what other ones you name. These two factions were cool during the coolest period in wrestling!

nWo was great and everything they did was gold to a point. The 3 man trio was where it was at its best, then it got out of hand and there were too many members. The best moments were early on. DX had a few core members aside from Rude and they were well known as DX even though there were several incarnations. Most likely couldnt name every single member of the nWo ever including The Wolfpac without a cheat sheet.

I will say Wolfpac was the only great thing that happened after there were too many members, atleast they split it in two and started a three way split war.

But the popularity of these two stables cant be denied, look at the shirts in the audiences back then and they were flooded with nWo or DX shirts and signs.

Everyone was crotch chopping or telling ppl to suck it.

I would only accept one of these two as a legit answer. However nWo didnt evolve as well as DX did as it got messy and it didnt change up anything save for The Wolfpac which was cool when Black and White wasnt really anymore. DX was a main stay moreso and always did outrageous entertaining things whether it was HHH, HBK, Chyna or HHH, X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws

These two factions even did great in their comebacks as much as some complain ppl will always love it and buy into it. 2002 nWo's return was great, of course yes it did sink when Show and Booker got involved, Nash and HBK I liked and the pressuring of HHH (the only Kliq member to not join nWo) to join.

DX's runs from the tease in the same year of 2002 to the legit comeback in 2006 on through the much awaited full on return at Raw 1000 have just been great to relive. And yeah some may not like it, but I watched the shows and everyone was marking out when HBK crotch chopped on a ladder when fighting Vince and when HHH did it later to Cena.

We love the good shit which is why as much as ppl say they dont want to see it if Hogan signed back to WWE today and ppl were getting Austin/Hogan at Mania 30 it would draw regardless of what you'd get in the ring.

These two factions are the undisputed kings of what factions should be and it doesnt surprise me since they are both led by the biggest backstage faction in wrestling... THE KLIQ

Hell maybe we should just truce and call that the biggest faction as Kevin Nash said it best once when he said it didnt matter which company it was, The Kliq runs it all, in essence they really do.
Are you kidding me? The Flair, Tully, Arn and Windham version of the Four Horseman is the greatest faction ever. They were the top draw in the NWA at that time. They had crazy heat and caused riots at arenas. They held all the major titles and were involved in all the top feuds. They were heels but had incredible pure wrestling talent. I liked the NWO but they come in second in my opinion. I understand why they're number one on a lot of lists and I'm ok with that. I was never a fan of post Michaels DX. They were way over, no doubt but the Horseman were way above them. Flair was a better talker, wrestler and leader than Triple H. Tully and Arn were a way better tag team than the Outlaws. Barry Windham was considered one of the best wrestlers in the world at that time. Syxx was a good lightweight wrestler but wouldn't of stood a chance against Windham. Now if Shawn Michaels didn't suffer that back injury and stood with DX during those years than that's a different story. That would of been a strong faction. Without Michaels, DX doesn't stand a chance against the Horseman. DX was entertaining but in terms of a wrestling faction, the four fingers go over the crotch chop.
Well I have to say I like the debates going on but I'm going to be the odd ball, and yes if you're reading this you will quote me on this and bash me but im ok with that. Im goin with the heenan family. Heres why. If you compare eras the heenan family was like the"nwo" of the golden era. of course if you're a 90's baby your eyes are filled with tears cuz u dnt understand why im saying this. lets look at the member. The Original Black Jacks. Nick Bockwinkle, Ray Stevens, Bob Duncum Sr, Andre the Giant, King Kong Bundy, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Haku(WCW"S Meng)Hercles, Adrian Adonis, Big John Studd,The Barbarian, Harley Race, and Buddy Rose,oh and Scott Hall who aka Razor Ramon. Oh yeah and 3 of the Heenan family members went on to join the nWo.
The Horsemen deserve to be in the conversation, in fact they were the best. ANyone watching wrestling between 85-88 knew that throughout the NWA the Horsemen in their heyday were as big and over as the NWO. The Horsemen were the first true bad ass heel clique that actually got cheered from fans, and one of the few cliques with multiple members being capable of drawing in the main event spot, not just one top guy and a supporting cast.

Also, the NWO really only had a two year run from 96-early 98. By mid 98 there really wasnt an NWO anymore, there were two competing subdivisions, a Black & White Group that was mainly heels consisting almost entirely of mid carders like Virgil and Scott Norton, occassionally Scott Hal and Curt Henning would show up but only for short periods (both had plenty of personal issues to keep them out off the show), Hogan was there for parts, but he wasnt fronting the group anymore he was entirely in his own feuds. The Wolf Pac was a fan fav group with former NwO'er Kevin Nash and a revolving door of WCW Fan Favs like Sting, Luger, and Brett Hart who were niether heels nor part of the NWO Invasion angle, neither stable was really strong although the Wold Pac got more play, in part because the WCW guys were able to be on screen anymore. What it wasnt was the NWO, with most of the original or founding members, and it wasnt very good. By the end of 1998 WCW's two biggest PPVs had almost no NWO connection at all, Hogan's feud vs Ultimate Warrior was a 1990 WWE re do that really didnt involve anyone other than those two (unlike when Hogan was challenged in the past by the likes of Sting, Flair, Piper, Luger, and the whole NWO was involved and covered his back, just like The Horsemen with Flair in the 80s), Goldberg vs DDP & Goldberg vs Nash were in no way promoted as having anything to do with the NWO. Only Flair vs Bischoff at Starrcade really was pumped up as an NWO vs WCW thing in the company's last two big shows of the year.

The NWO did have a mini revival in 1999, reuniting Hogan, Hall, & Nash, and purging any mid carders (Disco Inferno was an NWO Intern for heaven sake!!!) and re establising the unit as lean, tactical, killer heel group. It was short lived howver and by March of 99 the NWO broke up and essentially was done. There were mini revivals like The Jeff Jarret era in 2000 and the extremely brief WWE Invasion in 2002 but they were never a major force for a prolonged time after that. You cant even argue that the NWO was on top for four years because the whole story and the group itself basically changed and ceased to exist for much of 1998 and the 99 revival lasted less than four months, other incarnations were too short and not very successful. Over a four year period The Horsemen 85-88 had a greater impact than the NWO 96-99, largely because 98 was a cluster $#@% and 99 was way too short (I actually really liked the whole Nash heel turn, Finger Poke of Doom, etc, I feel WCW realy blew it not focussing on an all out NWO PT 2 vs Flair & Goldberg, especially considering they had Sting & Brett Hart on the shelve injured, their mid year returns would have huge impact, but it's all water under the bridge now).

DX really was a couple of alternating groups with the constant being HBK & HHH. Now you can say that the core of the NWO was Hogan, Hall & Nash but the fourth "major member" changed a bit (Big Show for awhile, Savage for a bit, Henning for a bit) with Scott Steiner evenually settling in and giving the group a consistently good four man front. DX never really had that, although for awile the NOA were a pretty hot tag team. Even The Horsemen had three core guys (Flair, Blanchard, & Anderson) while rotating the fourth spot (Ole, Luger, Whyndam). Essentialy DX was HBK & HHH's tag team with other guys coming in for a bit. Also, unlike The Horsemen & The NWO, DX at their height was not the centerpiece of WWE programming. WWE 1998-99 had a lot of Faction Warfare and several main event or near main event level feuds that involved the likes of Austin, Rock, Foley, & Taker but not DX. In fact, HBK wasnt even a factor after WM in 1998, although the group lived on for a bit with HHH as the anchor before he was split off on his own. Almost every major title and feud in the NWA from 1985-88 involved some incarnation of The Horsemen... Dusty vs Flair & Magnum vs Blanchard in 85, Dusty's tilts vs Blanchard in 85, 86, & 87, some of that time Magnum feuding with Flair. The Road Warriors vs Flair and at other times Blanchard & Anderson, Koloff vs Flair in 86 and Luger in 87, Whyndam vs Flair in 87, The Horsemen vs The Garvins in 87 (Both Flair and Blanchard had major feuds vs Ronnie Garvin in 86-87), Sting feuding with both Flair and Blanchard & Anderson in 88, Luger vs Dusty, and later after leaving the group Luger having multiple runs vs Flair and The Blanchard/Anderson tandem in 88. Certainly when The NWO was at its best they were the cenerpiece of WCW programming, the idea of the Invasion, taking over the company and bleeding it dry, the idea of former WCW rivals joining together to fight off their common enemy, pretty much evey major WCW angle during the year & half from summer 96 to early 98 when they split the group and members started disappearing involved some combination of WCW biggest stars like Sting, Flair, Luger, DDP, and at times Savage vs some combination of NWO guys. At best DX was a part of an ensemble that was dominated by Austin & Rock and who they battled. They had their moments but too many times the path to the main event did not end with them. That wasnt the case with The Horsemen or the original NWO.

Now all of these groups had incarnations after their heyday. I dont think anyone looks at Jeff Jarret's NWO in 2000 as a legendary ground breaking heel faction. Likewise The Horsemen with Sid Justice or Paul Roma is embarassing. DX decided not too even bother with other members, to just focus on HHH & HBK like no one else ever existed, which was OK but their sophmoric humor came off really bad during their mid 2000's revival (it's hard to be taken seriously as pransker teenager character when you're in your mid 40s). HHH had spent too much time as a super serious, Flair Like Villain fronting Evolution to go back to the juvenile antics of old DX, HBK had spent much of his time in his come back being portrayed as the company's resident elder statesmen legend, he looked just as sad trying to recreate the ridiculousness of original DX. Perhaps that is the biggest handicap to DX in this discussion, for most of their existance they were as much about comedy as they were about being serious villains, they were not the cut throat, cunning rulebreakers The Horsemen were or the dangerous, gang land mentality rutheless aggressors the original NWO were. They were potty jokes, comedy skits beating up homeless people, they just were not serious enough.

For me it comes down Horsemen 85-88 vs NWO 96-early 98/early 99 - WCW's national presence was huge in the late 90 but The Horsemen dominated the storylines and big matches longer and definately were better in the ring and on the mic than the NWO. The NWO Invasion Storylne may have been the biggest storyline in wrestling in the decade of the 90s but The Horsemen were a better group. DX wasnt as serious, they didnt dominate the top of the card as much as the other two in their glory periods, but they were great on the mic, better than the NWO in the ring, HBK putting over Austin at WM was a defining moment for WWE. They were good, just not quite as good as the other two.

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