And I'm the one thats acting like a dick?

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
The following is a little bit of banter back and forth between me and a person who will remain unnamed. This PM sent by me was in response to an a replied post full of subtle insults. Tell me who you think is acting like a dick here.

Person #1 (Me): Don't you ever talk to me like I am a child. Ever. I'm not one of your little lackeys here, you got that? Ignore me and I'll continue to ignore you and there will be no problems.

Person #2: Get off your high horse you insensitve fuck. Way to talk to a 15 year old who's just lost someone close to them (and I did mention that, so don't give me any crap of 'I didn't know' or 'Don't use that as an excuse now'). It seems like the immature one in the equation, is the person who feels like belittling, embarassing and venting off against someone much younger than him. Give me this real life shit again, please. This real world shit you speak of, is personal experiences of your own, probably getting beaten up in school and called a dick by anyone and everyone. I'm not talking to you like a fucking child. One thing though, is that I think it's pretty childish to put up images of you smoking weed on a wrestling board so everyone can say 'Look how cool he is!'. Someone arguing with you is not talking to you like a child. Ignore this shit for all I care, but honestly, you are a fat, arrogant prick, and that's all I will ever think of you. Uh-oh, I talked to you like you were a child! Get over it. I suppose you can always take solace in the fact that you made an 'enemy' with an upset teenager on a wrestling board though. Tell that one to your weed buddies as you listen to My Chemical Romance. Got that?

And yes, I do enjoy absolutely pissing you off. I'm sure you feel the same way. Uh oh, sorry, I've just been really immature haven't I? (There you go, I already used the 'i' word before you could.)

Damn, you're not going to read this. Ah well, I hope you get the idea that I really do just hope your fat ass gets burnt in hell.

How is it any way shape or form my fault that you lost someone? I don't even know you. How the fuck would I know whats going on in your personal life? And further more how does that somehow excuse your behavior? It doesn't. Completely immature and the insults aren't even half-way intelligent.

Oh and when the fuck did I say that I liked My Chemical Romance? Ever? Because I don't. Infact they would probably have to be one of the worst bands playing music today.

So just enjoy reading this everyone, because you all know who Person #2 is and now maybe some of you will realize what a complete and total dick he is.

All of this was posted with permission by Jake. All of it.
Did I tell you it was your god damn fault? No. I didn't imply that you should show any sympathy at all. I implied that you shouldn't be so quick to call me a completely idiotic, immature dick.

And where the hell does this excuse thing come in? You think I came on here a month after my father was killed, thinking I could use this as an excuse for venting built-up anger out? You think I'd make an excuse out of something like that?

Do you have to know someone personally to comprehend what they must be going through losing their FATHER! THEIR GOD DAMN FATHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! At the age of 15 no less, shortly after one's birthday? Did you ever stop and think 'Hey, I shouldn't be calling this kid a dick, or immature little fuck'. Yes, I wouldn't mind having you retaliate to comments of mine. In fact, I would have wanted you yes, to question the intelligence of my 'subtle insults' as you called them in that post, but also to have a decent argument relating to the subject.

Oh and just quickly, if you hate My Chemical Romance so much, it begs the question as to why you have listed them in your 'music' section on your myspace page.

Well, people can think everything they want to think of me, especially after you've posted this. Hurl the insults people. Or at least quiet them down to critical posts and have a little more decency than he did.

There we go everyone on WZ, Xfearbefore just made the revelation that I am a complete and utter dick. I hope you enjoyed this post as much as X's. It will most certainly be my last post on a forum polluted with people like 'Person 1'.

Oh, and next time I'm ever on a forum, I'll make sure that someone close to me didn't die less than a month previously. That way, I can avoid getting pissed off at people who enjoy talking down to me, and think when I retaliate, that that is treating them like a child.

And just quickly, since this is my last post here, I've really enjoyed talking to guys like Jonny, Cola, Ace, all the WZCW guys, Jake and even Luther. But I cannot stay on here any longer with people like Xfearbefore on them. Take this all as 'ducking out' but in reality (in my reality), this is called moving on, and I now realise that the internet is far from a place I should be at this time.

Xfearbefore said:
This is the last post I will ever be writing directed towards you DS. I have never found you to be even in the slightest bit helpful in your posts to me or anyone else for that matter.

But then again, according to Xfearbefore, I have never bettered this forum in anyway, much less been helpful to anyone. So what business do I have making my exit public?
Ok xfear, i don't know all that happened, but after reading both sides, all i can is fuck you. seriously.
Perhaps the best thing to do at this point would be for everyone just to go their separate ways. Everyone knows that I love to argue and debate with anyone over anything, but the one line that I feel should never be crossed is when it gets into personal feelings.

I don't know what started it all, and I'm sure it was just a small insignificant disagreement that blew up. I'm not going to sit here and ask that both sides apologize and make up, because I know that probably isn't feasible. I think the best thing for both posters to do would be to put each other on the ignore list, and just go on their separate way.

From what I've seen Downward Spiral tends to post mainly in the E-Fed, and I'm not sure Xfear goes in there. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. But, why not just let bygones be bygones, and each go on their way?

Because, I see this thread only going in one direction. The wrong direction.

I am sorry to hear about your father Downward Spiral. Hopefully, everyone can put this disagreement aside, and enjoy posting on WZ, like was meant to be done.
I really don't see why this argument even needed to be made obvious by making this thread... w/e started this argument, there is absolutly no reason for it... As far as DS being a dick... I don't agree with that at all either... The kids badly hurt right now, and saying that he's using it as an excuse is wrong...

That's all I'm going to say about it in here... If anyone wants to really argue my point that this thread is not needed plz feel free to PM me...

^ Couldn't have said it better myself.
I dont really understand why this was brought publically I dont recall seeing an insult about your father's passing (which i truley am sorry to hear, i hope your family heals and yourself over this). Leaving the forum because of spat is kind of dumb. I think things could privately be worked out. You're both respected posters here and there is no reason for one of you to leave.
People shouldn't take things so seriously. It's just the internet.

Starting this thread is immature and really you guys should take Sly's advice and jsut ignore each other, no one needs to leave the forum or anything just don't tlak to wach other, cool off and let it go.
What the fuck is happening to this place?!?!?!, it used to be a fun place to come and taslk about wrestling and other shit, now it's being turned into some sort of soap opera bullshit, with people getting banned for racial remarks, and guys getting into a fight in this thread, what the hell guys?!?!?!, enough with all the darmatic shit, can't we all just get along?, please?
What the fuck is happening to this place?!?!?!, it used to be a fun place to come and taslk about wrestling and other shit, now it's being turned into some sort of soap opera bullshit, with people getting banned for racial remarks, and guys getting into a fight in this thread, what the hell guys?!?!?!, enough with all the darmatic shit, can't we all just get along?, please?

Meh, it's the lifespan of a wrestling or any interactive forum. It happens, but it sucks.

It's a combination of guys that just get to comfortable where they are, and start to let shit fly that really shouldn't be said. That's a prime example with the first two that got banned this week. They simply got too comfortable, and had an elitist attitude on here.

Now as far as this particular thread, it doesn't surprise me in the least bit. You have two clashing personalities of two guys that have been on here for a good long while, and shit happens, especially when one is in the emotional state he is right now. I'm not picking sides, because honestly, there are no sides to be taking in a situation like this.
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