Analyzing the Irrelevant superstars in the WWE right now.


Championship Contender
I mostly missed the larger part of the last two Raw episodes, so I missed out on the formation and the first appearance collectively, of "The Social Outcasts". Now, I'm a huge Heath Slater fan, and loved it when I saw them for the first time, last night on Raw. However, I couldn't help but notice that Curtis Axel, even though practically obscure, didn't belong there. I say that because I happen to find the other three amusing and with potential-Adam Rose, Heath Slater, and Bo Dallas- and Curis Axel..not so talented/amusing. So I wondered, where the hell is Damien SANDOW? He would be the perfect fourth guy. Nevertheless, let's look at some of the irrelevant superstars in the WWE right now:-

1)Damien Sandow? Where the hell is he? What's in store for him in the WWE now, after the Mizdow stint and Hogan stuff? Does he stay or do they future endeavour him? I really thought Sandow to be superbly amusing and a very talented performer...not sure about how good he is in the ring.

2)Stardust and Titus O'Neil. Last night on Raw was the first time I watched Stardust's entrance schtick(on Raw)..and I loved it. Some of you here think Stardust sucks and Cody should be back, the others think the opposite. Nevertheless, what we can agree on is that he's one of the Irrelevant, right now in the WWE. Your thoughts on him?

Also, I really think Titus has a lot of personality and it's translucent. However, he is rather rudimentary in the ring. I can't help but wish he was a skilled wrestler like Booker T. I want to see more of Titus on Raw, but will we get to? Your thoughts?

3)Dolph Ziggler. Now, Ziggler is one of the oldest news..and could be called a "veteran" to all intents and purposes. But he never really reached his full potential, IMO. I think he lacks that something which distinguishes a Shawn Michaels from him. Also, what the hell has he been doing? What about his character development? Is a dry, drab feud with a rookie like Tyler Breeze the best the WWE could give him? I wondered whether not being given storylines/feuds is hurting Ziggler. Every superstar needs a feud/storyline/character to make the fans want to care and look forward to seeing him. I connect with Dean Ambrose, I connect with Kevin Owens even more. They're both doing very well with their feud. But what about Ziggler? What's the last time he had a compelling storyline and intense character Ambrose or Owens?

4)The Miz. After watching Chris Jericho's highlight reel, I felt like "now this is a REAL talk show! ". Nonetheless, even though I'm not a Miz fan..I wanted to address the issue of his irrelevance. He is already a former WWE champion and US/IC champ as well. With so many talented wrestlers already floundering (Ziggler, Swagger), where do you think is Miz headed?

5)Jack Swagger. He hasn't been featured regularly on Raw for what- months now?

6)Rusev and Wade Barrett. I seriously doubt they are going to have much going for them in 2 years in the WWE. This is what I realized while watching the US title match with Kalisto and Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio will always have something going for him- the US title, some hispanic wrestlers' feud, tag team, may be a match for the WWE WHC. As will Sheamus. But for now, it's apparent that Rusev and Wade Barrett are almost irrelevant, just within a month of the formation of the LON. May be they'll continue with the LON thing until WM(though the whole thing seems to already have been disintegrated). May be they won't. Nevertheless, your thoughts on Rusev and Barrett?
That's the thing about fickle fans. Everyone wanted more Ambrose, Cesaro, Owens, New Day and the obnoxious; "bring wrestler so and so up from NXT". The ones you listed seemingly got lost along the way. I would say Sandow is for creative reasons, Swagger is a one trick pony, Ziggler for political reasons, Stardust because I feel they've ran out of ideas with him.

They're giving you a Stardust/Titus program just to keep them relevant, they're not bad workers. Many will or have already wrote it off as meaningless instead of seeing how it all unfolds. Where else would they fit in at? Even if you revert Stardust back to Cody - then what? Stardust character gave him extended life and has kept him on TV consistently.

I feel Ziggler has peaked as a top of the card guy, that's really all I can say on that. Everyone points out how WWE dropped the ball with Ziggler after SS '14. But fail to realize he was a replacement for Reigns in the SS match. He was injured at the time. Although WWE used him, they sat on any momentum that was there. Regardless he is still a regular on TV.

Swagger, Barrett, Rusev and The Miz have been pushed down the card for quite some time and to be honest it doesn't matter to me if they're apart of the product or not.
Did anyone else mark out when they saw Bo and Bray in the same ring? I was so disappointed they didn't get to wrestle each other.

I don't know where they're going with the SO, but I think it's a bit too early to call out one member or another. I think they could be another stable forced heel by the crowd only to turn popular. Anyone think Creative looked at New Day and "well that worked, let's do it again"?
Damien Sandow Where the hell is he?

He was there last night, standing with the rest of the crew on stage as Vince & Stephanie taunted Roman Reigns. I agree, Sandow would seem a better fit in the Social Outcasts than Curtis Axel, yet Axel hasn't been a featured player for an even longer time than Sandow....and that might be why Curtis got the nod.

Stardust and Titus O'Neil. Some of you here think Stardust sucks and Cody should be back, the others think the opposite.

I'd leave Stardust alone. This character is the only one in which Cody has shown any personality; his natural persona is dry & boring. To me, Titus is nothing but a nice smile with a big belly. There's nothing exciting about his ring repertoire and the aborted push he and Darren Young were getting apparently went nowhere and was dropped.

Dolph Ziggler.But he never really reached his full potential, IMO.

Honestly, I think he did reach his full potential, which is the bulk of his problem. They've tried everything with him and while there are folks on this forum who find him incredibly exciting, I see him as a human pinball machine, bouncing & flopping around the ring. Don't get me wrong; I don't want him gone from WWE, but he doesn't seem to have what it takes to be a top star.....and that's okay; getting all the TV time in the world and making a lot of money for it ain't the worst way to make a living.

I wanted to address the issue of (Miz) irrelevance.

I don't find him irrelevant, but like Dolph, he's not main event material. Yes, they made him a world champion a few years ago, and when it didn't work as they hoped, they returned him to the midcard and made use of his top-notch speaking ability, willingness to play any type of fool needed, and flaunted his obnoxiousness in the occasional program. If he's happy with his situation, I'd leave him be.

Jack Swagger. He hasn't been featured regularly on Raw for what- months now?

He's a superb technical wrestler with as bland a personality as you'd ever want (or not want) to see. As with Dolph, WWE tried everything in their arsenal to get him over, but he's a steppingstone for the Rusevs' of the world.....and that's all. Let him work with someone....and keep the poor guy off the mic.

Rusev and Wade Barrett.But for now, it's apparent that Rusev and Wade Barrett are almost irrelevant....

Barrett is rapidly becoming irrelevant. Even when not injured, he wrestles well but can't seem to get fans excited. I'm still crazy about Rusev as an individual performer and feel they have to get him back to that; the notion of Rusev cooperating with anyone, including tag team partners, is so out of place as to cancel out what makes him unique.

He did his best work with Lana as a manager...and if WWE Creative can find a way to write an effective program for the two of them as lovers.....allowing Rusev to work the ring in the manner he does so well.....perhaps they can bring him back to where he was. As much as people claimed to dislike the program in which Rusev worked with Summer Rae...and then Lana....I thought the 'humanization' of Rusev was a good step in his character evolution. If they can keep him as a monster in the ring....with a human heart when not fighting, he can be around for years.
He did his best work with Lana as a manager...and if WWE Creative can find a way to write an effective program for the two of them as lovers.....allowing Rusev to work the ring in the manner he does so well.....perhaps they can bring him back to where he was. As much as people claimed to dislike the program in which Rusev worked with Summer Rae...and then Lana....I thought the 'humanization' of Rusev was a good step in his character evolution. If they can keep him as a monster in the ring....with a human heart when not fighting, he can be around for years.

When there's missed opportunity like that and WWE goes back to try to capitalize on it, for some reason it isn't perceived the same - if that makes sense. While we accept DX, NWO and Evolution reunions - it feels different. There were rumors that McMahon was upset about TMZ picking up the engagement of Rusev and Lana and he felt they broke kayfabe. I think in a sense, why he appears to be buried.
Damien Sandow: I'm with you in wondering why the hell he wasn't put with the Social Outcasts. That group desperately needs somebody who the crowd can get behind and who can actually work a mic. No offense to Heath Slater, but his promos are mostly jargon rambling. He would have been a good fit and probably would have given the group a legitimate chance of getting over. I'm thinking he'll eventually get a shot in the WWE again. I'm just wondering if now's not the time, when is?

Stardust: Last night I noticed something. Cody Rhodes is great at playing Stardust. The character is superb and one of the more unique gimmicks on the roster. I guess they don't see much in Cody but all he really needs is a decent program to get his feet back under him. A US title feud with Kalisto might do that.

Titus: Meh, I've never seen much in Titus. Big guy, not great in the ring, pretty bad on the mic, still green, but a lot of charisma. At 38 years old, I don't see Titus ever doing much more as an active competitor. I can see him transitioning into a commentator or a PR role eventually.

Dolph Ziggler: What seems to have hindered Ziggler the most is him being straightforward about his career. He's said he's only got a couple years left and already has another "job" that he dedicates a lot of his time to. Why push a guy who's admittedly only got two years left?

Miz: Miz is somebody that I can agree with being underutilized. The guy is a whiz with the mic and he wasn't terrible in the ring. He should at least be working in the mid-card as an enhancement talent. Maybe give him another run with the I.C. title to build him up first.

Swagger: Sally touched on it, but it's nearly impossible to utilize a guy with the personality of a stick. He's been pushed multiple times. Every single time he's done miserably. There comes a point when you have to either show up or go home.

Rusev: I wouldn't call Rusev irrelevant, but that triangle angle seriously hurt his credibility. If he wants to ever find his stroke again, he needs to split from the LON soon, re-unite with Lana, and begin dominating people again. Out of everyone on this list, I have the most hope for Rusev.

Barrett: Similar to Swagger in the sense that all of his pushes have ended in failure, whether it be an injury or something else. Barrett has a ton of talent and it will be a shame if his career ends this way, but eventually, WWE is going to give up on you if you can't prove yourself to be durable or reliable. WWE has seemingly given up on Wade Barrett.
Miz: Miz is somebody that I can agree with being underutilized. The guy is a whiz with the mic and he wasn't terrible in the ring. He should at least be working in the mid-card as an enhancement talent. Maybe give him another run with the I.C. title to build him up first.

The Miz could be the top heel right now. He drew nothing but heat in his own hometown, how great is that? It's just turning him face was a terrible decision, mixed in with fact they tried to push him to using the figure four as a finisher as a gesture to Flair. He helped elevate Sandow and has constantly looked for ways for his character to evolve. Now he's just so underused and at times for long stretches that it's easy for me to forget he's still on the roster.
What about putting Miz & Ziggler together as a face tag team??? They could do some DX style pranks on some of the other factions.
When I read the topic of this thread, my first thought was, "Well everyone in a WWE except The Chosen One, Roman Reigns is irrelevant". Isn't that true? Or just debate me to how much extent my statement holds true. On a scale of 1 to 100, that statement would hold true at least upto 90!

WWE is just ruining every chances they have to buildup their next Mega Stars! Maybe they're focusing on the IC title at least which I feel alright. But if Kevin Owens is relevant, then why the hell he is in the One vs All match? Other than that, nothing and no one seems to be relevant with the WWE. Big Show is back yet again, yeah right and why did the Social Outcasts stood tall against the Wyatt family?

WWE is boring these days. Some can say it has been for a long while but I didn't see that in that perspective. But now it really is boring to me from all the perspectives.

Shame on you WWE!
I think J.J. kind of touched on a few things that're important. For one thing, how often do we indeed hear the "bring wrestler so and so up from NXT" stuff from posters? Much of the time, they don't realize that when that happens, certain other wrestlers on the card often wind up being removed from TV for quite a while because they need the room. Not everyone can be featured prominently or pushed in the limited amount of time that's available and the answer isn't to add even more time but, rather, to simply accept things the way they are.

Damien Sandow is someone that I think's just ultimately slipped through the cracks right now. That's not to say that he can't rise to a more prominent place on the roster in time; the guy's only 33 years old and there seems to be this prevailing mind set among a good number of posters that you have to attain greatness by the time you're 30 or you're gonna be left in the dust. Sandow's a talented guy, though I don't think he'll be in the main event. It wouldn't bother me to see him get an opportunity to prove me wrong, I just don't see it happening.

As for Stardust and Titus, again, not every program that's featured on TV can be the stuff of greatness. It gets them on TV, can give fans some brief enjoyment while they're there, but that's ultimately it. I think Cody Rhodes/Stardust is another example of someone who's been placed under the same sort of imaginary time constraint as Sandow or others. Rhodes is all of 30 years old which suggests that, to some, he's almost over the hill for some strange reason. He's been a 2 time IC champ and 6 time tag champ; he has a good deal of personality and he can go inside the ring. He's someone else who may someday find himself given opportunities at a later time to elevate himself further. As far as Titus goes, I think Titus really has gone as far as he's going on the roster; he turns 39 in late April and he got started in pro wrestling when he was well into his 30s in the first place. Titus' role seems to be more along the lines of a brand representative in that he's gotten great acclaim for representing WWE at various charity functions.

In Dolph Ziggler's case, I don't see him being WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I think Ziggler is viewed as someone that's more of a workhorse, someone who can be depended upon to give great matches whenever he's called to do so. Dolph's 35 years old, so there's still time for him to be elevated up the card but, as we've seen with others before, there's some reluctance on the part of officials given Ziggler's history of concussion related issues.

The Miz is someone that I think has also gone as far as he's going, especially since Triple H is gaining more and more power and isn't a huge fan. Miz is also someone who does well for WWE in certain media functions and, eventually, I could see them moving him to commentary at some point in time. I genuinely wouldn't mind seeing Miz as part of a relevant tag team, but I feel that his time in the main event is over and I've little to no interest in seeing him back in the mid-card title picture; he's had a total of 6 runs as IC & US champ, so putting him in that field again is a waste of time as it's just a dead end in my eyes.

Jack Swagger was very recently feuding with Alberto Del Rio over the United States Championship, a program that Del Rio came out the winner of. As a result, Swagger has moved back to his role as a fixture on Main Event and Superstars. Swagger was slated to beat Del Rio at WrestleMania a few years back for the World Heavyweight Championship, but he got busted for DUI in Mississippi after tapings of SmackDown and lost the spot; since that time, other wrestlers are coming up that are fresher, more interesting and more over than he's ever really been. As with Miz, I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger back in the tag team picture with a partner with whom he has chemistry with.

As for Rusev and Barrett, Rusev has been featured quite extensively on WWE television since his arrival on the main roster 2 years ago. In fact, with very few exceptions, he's been on WWE television almost each week. In Barrett's case, the guy's just too injury prone. I've been a fan of him since he first appeared as part of the first season of NXT nearly 6 years ago, but he keeps getting injured. I know that shit happens and can happen to any wrestler at any time, but it just happens to Barrett so often; it's tragic really as he seems to get sidelined whenever he has a lot of momentum or big things are planned for him. A few years ago, it's alleged he was penned to win the WHC MITB match when it returned to WrestleMania a few years back, but he suffered an arm injury that put him on the shelf for 6 months. After returning, he gets into the IC title picture for a while before being injured again, a shoulder injury I believe, that also kept him out for about 6 months and just after hooking up with the League of Nations, he's suffered some sort of neck injury that's kept him out of action for the last month.
When I read the topic of this thread, my first thought was, "Well everyone in a WWE except The Chosen One, Roman Reigns is irrelevant". Isn't that true? Or just debate me to how much extent my statement holds true. On a scale of 1 to 100, that statement would hold true at least upto 90!

WWE is just ruining every chances they have to buildup their next Mega Stars! Maybe they're focusing on the IC title at least which I feel alright. But if Kevin Owens is relevant, then why the hell he is in the One vs All match? Other than that, nothing and no one seems to be relevant with the WWE. Big Show is back yet again, yeah right and why did the Social Outcasts stood tall against the Wyatt family?

WWE is boring these days. Some can say it has been for a long while but I didn't see that in that perspective. But now it really is boring to me from all the perspectives.

Shame on you WWE!

Wow mate! That's quite an impassioned feeling now isn't it?

I have no idea why you think WWE is boring these days, and it baffles me because I had been feeling so for years, and it was only compounded after the departure of Punk, but I have been thoroughly enjoying Raw, lately. I should tell you a few things about myself first :-

1)I hadn't watch Raw in its entirety, or even partially, between 2014- Oct 2015. And even before 2014, my interest in the WWE had diminished on account of all my favourites(HBK, Edge, Chris Jericho, Batista) either having retired, or bitterly left(Batista, Punk). And I just couldn't take Sheamus and John Cena and Miz anymore.

2)Even though I missed out on The Shield(besides watching their PPV triple threat matches), when I had access to a TV last september, I instantly connected with Seth Rollins, and was aware of Cesaro.

3)I have been notorious as a proclaimer of "Everything sucks" here on WZ forums, so most of the times, I can completely see where you or anyone else who feels so is coming from.

But right now, I feel that WWE is terribly exciting and loaded with good wrestling matches every single Raw and Smackdown. Ironically, I feel this despite previously having been in the same boat as you..and cursing fate because Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Randy Orton were injured. But:-

1)Like him or not, Roman Reigns has truly improved. He's good in the ring...yes I said it. Not Daniel Bryan or Cesaro good. He'll never be that. But as a powerhouse wrestler, Reigns isn't that bad.

2)Kevin Owens is the next big thing. I've been loving everything concerning KO and Dean Ambrose for weeks now.

3)Sheamus is a terrific brawler. I had actually been in this "Sheamus sucks" state of mind for weeks, throughout december. But last night while watching Raw, seeing him be the intense Irish warrior, throwing Ambrose on the announce table...I felt like okay..he's a bit interesting. So yeah, I enjoyed the match.

4)Kalisto vs Alberto Del Rio was another awesome match. I do think Del Rio isn't all that compelling because of his gimmick, and his spewing out Spanish which is hardly intelligible to me or the majority..but he's pretty good in the ring.

5)New day vs The Usos. Throughly enjoyed it.

6)Chris Jericho is back and he is awesome. The New Day amuse and entertain with their antics, as usual.

So there. If all of this to you only constitutes "WWE sucks these days"..I'm baffled! But it'll only get better in the coming months and after the eventual returns of Seth Rollins, Cesaro, Orton, among others.
Oh there is no baffle in that mate! You see, it was interesting to see Seth Rollins, John Cena, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan amongst the many others in the ring when you weren't watching WWE. That fun isn't there anymore. That's what my rant is all about. I didn't say Roman Reigns is boring or spread some person hatred on him. Its not that, you have to underhand that. He really improved a lot, but this one versus all scenario is boring.

Contrary to that on the other thread about the US Championship, I quoted that Kalisto vs Del Rio match was the best segment in the RAW last night. I reckon you haven't noted that yet. I'm not criticising without any rationale like a smark or a mark. This is just my perspective.
That's the thing about fickle fans. Everyone wanted more Ambrose, Cesaro, Owens, New Day and the obnoxious; "bring wrestler so and so up from NXT". The ones you listed seemingly got lost along the way. I would say Sandow is for creative reasons, Swagger is a one trick pony, Ziggler for political reasons, Stardust because I feel they've ran out of ideas with him.

They're giving you a Stardust/Titus program just to keep them relevant, they're not bad workers. Many will or have already wrote it off as meaningless instead of seeing how it all unfolds. Where else would they fit in at? Even if you revert Stardust back to Cody - then what? Stardust character gave him extended life and has kept him on TV consistently.

I feel Ziggler has peaked as a top of the card guy, that's really all I can say on that. Everyone points out how WWE dropped the ball with Ziggler after SS '14. But fail to realize he was a replacement for Reigns in the SS match. He was injured at the time. Although WWE used him, they sat on any momentum that was there. Regardless he is still a regular on TV.

Swagger, Barrett, Rusev and The Miz have been pushed down the card for quite some time and to be honest it doesn't matter to me if they're apart of the product or not.
Cody Rhodes has embarassed himself with Ziggy Stardust character too much even though he is a David Bowie fan he shouldn t go this far and be shameful that is the reason wwe poked fun at a celebrity that died! He is a cross between Paul Stanley from KISS and Ziggy Stardust minus the wing he needs1 Cody Rhodes needs to go back as himself or head to TNA now that his brother is gone
Cody Rhodes has embarassed himself with Ziggy Stardust character too much even though he is a David Bowie fan he shouldn t go this far and be shameful that is the reason wwe poked fun at a celebrity that died! He is a cross between Paul Stanley from KISS and Ziggy Stardust minus the wing he needs1 Cody Rhodes needs to go back as himself or head to TNA now that his brother is gone

Cody seemed to struggle a little with "plain wrestle-guy Cody". He was constantly changing directions never really settling into a groove. Stardust seems to come to him really effortlessly, allows him to tap into his other passions of sci-fi and comics and the like. I feel he's on the cusp of turning Stardust into a HUGE character for WWE. Maybe? They just need to pull the trigger with a consistent push.
1)Damien Sandow? Where the hell is he? What's in store for him in the WWE now, after the Mizdow stint and Hogan stuff? Does he stay or do they future endeavour him? I really thought Sandow to be superbly amusing and a very talented performer...not sure about how good he is in the ring.
I love this guy. And started loving him more due to his Mizdow gimmick. He is an awesome talent wrestler who is too much underutilized. :shrug:
2)Stardust and Titus O'Neil. Last night on Raw was the first time I watched Stardust's entrance schtick(on Raw)..and I loved it. Some of you here think Stardust sucks and Cody should be back, the others think the opposite. Nevertheless, what we can agree on is that he's one of the Irrelevant, right now in the WWE. Your thoughts on him?

Also, I really think Titus has a lot of personality and it's translucent. However, he is rather rudimentary in the ring. I can't help but wish he was a skilled wrestler like Booker T. I want to see more of Titus on Raw, but will we get to? Your thoughts?
I like both of them and am disppointed at them being booked as just fillers. Titus is a good power brawler while Stardust has an unique gimmick & is a good technical wrestler.
3)Dolph Ziggler. Now, Ziggler is one of the oldest news..and could be called a "veteran" to all intents and purposes. But he never really reached his full potential, IMO. I think he lacks that something which distinguishes a Shawn Michaels from him. Also, what the hell has he been doing? What about his character development? Is a dry, drab feud with a rookie like Tyler Breeze the best the WWE could give him? I wondered whether not being given storylines/feuds is hurting Ziggler. Every superstar needs a feud/storyline/character to make the fans want to care and look forward to seeing him. I connect with Dean Ambrose, I connect with Kevin Owens even more. They're both doing very well with their feud. But what about Ziggler? What's the last time he had a compelling storyline and intense character Ambrose or Owens?
I think he is never gonna be pushed rightly. They could have pushed after his Survivor Series Win but i think they have just left him just floundering there. :shrug:
4)The Miz. After watching Chris Jericho's highlight reel, I felt like "now this is a REAL talk show! ". Nonetheless, even though I'm not a Miz fan..I wanted to address the issue of his irrelevance. He is already a former WWE champion and US/IC champ as well. With so many talented wrestlers already floundering (Ziggler, Swagger), where do you think is Miz headed?
I think he can and should still put over young talents.
5)Jack Swagger. He hasn't been featured regularly on Raw for what- months now?
No Idea what they are doing with him.
6)Rusev and Wade Barrett. I seriously doubt they are going to have much going for them in 2 years in the WWE. This is what I realized while watching the US title match with Kalisto and Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio will always have something going for him- the US title, some hispanic wrestlers' feud, tag team, may be a match for the WWE WHC. As will Sheamus. But for now, it's apparent that Rusev and Wade Barrett are almost irrelevant, just within a month of the formation of the LON. May be they'll continue with the LON thing until WM(though the whole thing seems to already have been disintegrated). May be they won't. Nevertheless, your thoughts on Rusev and Barrett?
I like these both guys. Rusev should been a loner. Barrett could be the mouthpiece. I hope they remain relevant enough for midcard or upper midcard.
1)Damien Sandow? Where the hell is he? What's in store for him in the WWE now, after the Mizdow stint and Hogan stuff? Does he stay or do they future endeavour him? I really thought Sandow to be superbly amusing and a very talented performer...not sure about how good he is in the ring.

Personally I love Sandow and don't know why they don't use him more. It might be just a "we don't know what to do with him thing". Guy is good in the ring, has a good look and is awesome on the mic. Shame that he's ignored.

2)Stardust and Titus O'Neil. Last night on Raw was the first time I watched Stardust's entrance schtick(on Raw)..and I loved it. Some of you here think Stardust sucks and Cody should be back, the others think the opposite. Nevertheless, what we can agree on is that he's one of the Irrelevant, right now in the WWE. Your thoughts on him?

Also, I really think Titus has a lot of personality and it's translucent. However, he is rather rudimentary in the ring. I can't help but wish he was a skilled wrestler like Booker T. I want to see more of Titus on Raw, but will we get to? Your thoughts?

I can't stand the Stardust character and have said this before. The way he jumps out at people and gets in their faces, gives me the wig. Other than that though, he's quite good in the ring, and he and Titus, who I also like, make quite an interesting team. It seems to me that Titus is more like the dad, and Cody is like a mischievous child.

3)Dolph Ziggler. Now, Ziggler is one of the oldest news..and could be called a "veteran" to all intents and purposes. But he never really reached his full potential, IMO. I think he lacks that something which distinguishes a Shawn Michaels from him. Also, what the hell has he been doing? What about his character development? Is a dry, drab feud with a rookie like Tyler Breeze the best the WWE could give him? I wondered whether not being given storylines/feuds is hurting Ziggler. Every superstar needs a feud/storyline/character to make the fans want to care and look forward to seeing him. I connect with Dean Ambrose, I connect with Kevin Owens even more. They're both doing very well with their feud. But what about Ziggler? What's the last time he had a compelling storyline and intense character Ambrose or Owens?

The ship has sailed on Ziggler. They had a chance last year after SS but didn't take it. His matches are all the same, with him flopping around like a fish out of water. I have no problem with the guy, but they've tried and nothing. He is over with the fans, but don't expect to see him in any more WHC matches, unless they need him as a filler. He's a bit too whiney as well, and that might have come back to bite him in the ass.

4)The Miz. After watching Chris Jericho's highlight reel, I felt like "now this is a REAL talk show! ". Nonetheless, even though I'm not a Miz fan..I wanted to address the issue of his irrelevance. He is already a former WWE champion and US/IC champ as well. With so many talented wrestlers already floundering (Ziggler, Swagger), where do you think is Miz headed?

I used to hate the Miz until I realized I was supposed too. Other than Owens, he's the most natural heel on the roster, doesn't even have to try. Just one look at the smug bastards face and you want to knock his head off. That's a compliment by the way. He plays his part to perfection, and he's one of the best talkers they have. He'll have a job as long as he wants one, but doubt he will ever rise to the heights he once did.

5)Jack Swagger. He hasn't been featured regularly on Raw for what- months now?

Big guy, boring as shit, can't talk. Enough said. That's why he isn't on TV anymore.

6)Rusev and Wade Barrett. I seriously doubt they are going to have much going for them in 2 years in the WWE. This is what I realized while watching the US title match with Kalisto and Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio will always have something going for him- the US title, some hispanic wrestlers' feud, tag team, may be a match for the WWE WHC. As will Sheamus. But for now, it's apparent that Rusev and Wade Barrett are almost irrelevant, just within a month of the formation of the LON. May be they'll continue with the LON thing until WM(though the whole thing seems to already have been disintegrated). May be they won't. Nevertheless, your thoughts on Rusev and Barrett?

Both of these guys are being wasted. Barrett is finished as far am I can see. Too many injuries have taken their toll on him. I'm sure the WWE sees him as being injury prone, and he'll get no further pushes from management. He's on unlucky guy in the ring. Shame because I love Barrett. Would love to see him on commentary.

Rusev has a one hell of a fall from grace. Here is a man who entered Mania last year in a tank, and now he's part of the LON. Lana has been nowhere to be seen lately, and both of them from what I've read aren't in the WWE's good books right now. He needs to get his monster status back, but that horrible storyline he was in with Ziggler and Summer Rae really did him in. Again it's a shame because they really could have done something with him. Too bad you can't have a real life if you're a WWE superstar.

Cody Rhodes has embarassed himself with Ziggy Stardust character too much even though he is a David Bowie fan he shouldn t go this far and be shameful that is the reason wwe poked fun at a celebrity that died! He is a cross between Paul Stanley from KISS and Ziggy Stardust minus the wing he needs1 Cody Rhodes needs to go back as himself or head to TNA now that his brother is gone

Gee I thought it was a nice tribute to Bowie, not an insult at all. Weird how different people view the same thing. I suppose that Jericho should be ashamed too then for using the expression "wham, bamm, thank you maam" from Bowie's Suffragette City. But you didn't seem to notice that.

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