An outside the box idea for Hogan at WM30


Getting Noticed By Management
I was trying to think of a way to utilize Hulk Hogan, love him or hate him it only seems right that he is at Wrestlemania 30 and even has something to do.

It seems the common thought is that whatever happens at TLC there will still be 2 champions. Screwed finish, maybe they swap etc.

(I think my scenario works best if they switch titles at TLC so keep that in mind.)

WWE usually says that the WHC shares not only its likeness but the lineage of the NWA/WCW title. When you think about the "Big Gold Belt" you think of one man and one man only, Ric Flair.

When you think of the WWE title most people would think of Hulk Hogan first above all others.

So we get the announcement that at Wrestlemania we are going to unify the world titles. Now I would be pretty confident that John Cena wins if WWE decides they are unifying the belts and one would think the WWE title will be the one that continues. So at WM30 we find some way to get to the Main Event of.....

World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton with Ric Flair
WWE Champion John Cena with Hulk Hogan.

Hulk and Ric can play up their past feuds, talk about when Flair brought the "Real World Heavyweight Championship" to the WWF, they can argue which title is more important. Orton's past with Ric Flair in Evolution. which could lead to HHH being involved to at least in promos.

In this scenario you get Hogan at least one last important Wrestlemania role. Also you have Ric Flair involved in what in all likely hood would be the last match where that belt design is ever used. This would also mark John Cena's 16 world title. I am strongly of the belief that they could really drum up some interest as to which title is sticking around.

I forgot to mention what I'd do about the Royal Rumble.

For 1 year only we Modify the Rumble rules that the winner get a title shot at Extreme Rules and who ever they want a match with at Mania (sans Cena/Orton). Bryan wins the Rumble picks a match with HHH or maybe HBK. Or you could have Brock win, ask for Taker, Punk wins the Rumble he wants Brock just to name a few ideas. They can announce the unifacation match 2 and half months in advance and I really think it could help the buy-rate.
I like your first post. Great idea. Doubt it'll happen but great idea. I too think they'll swap titles at TLC. But we ain't modifying no rumble. Remember when Del Rio won and fought Edge in the opening match at that wrestlemania? Man that sucked. But they stuck with the "winner get a title shot" thing.

I was thinking they'd have Punk or Bryan win the Rumble this year, but with only one belt, I can't predict anything. With two I can't either. This is dope though. Usually WWE is too predictable.

Still garbage though.
yeah, the rumble part was really just a shot in the dark... if you do unify you have to do something to explain why the winner isn't challenging. I don't think a triple threat works because seems silly to me to have a 3rd guy that doesn't have a title in a unification match.
It would be cool if they could even expand on the returns, and have Batista show up to side with the authority, Orton & Flair. Induct the NWO into the HOF the night before mania, and get Hall & Nash to surprise Hogan & Cena. Orton w/Evolution in his corner vs Cena w/Hulk Hogan for the Unified titles with an NWO interference, talk about nostalgia!
I'm not sure if it will work having Flair and Hogan as managers. Nobody wanted to see Hogan vs Flair in TNA when they were in the corner of Abyss and AJ Styles. The Hulkamania tour bombed in Australia in the same year and Hogan and Flair were the headliners. It has just been done to death and I don't think the people would buy it. I think they could maybe have Orton attack Hogan on Raw and give him the punt and write him off for a few weeks. Then have Hogan return at Mania and have him throw a few punches and Hulk up and help Cena win.
To be honest, I quite like that idea. It is a simple way to get both Flair and Hogan involved in the build up and Mania itself. I really like having Flair with Orton although I'm not totally convinced of Cena with Hogan.

Flair obviously teamed with Orton at WM20 and it could be HHH bringing him back to help his former Evolution team-mate. As for Hogan, having him involved in the main-event is a slippery slope. The most he should get is a quick segment with a group of jobbers just as one final moment rather than having THE moment once more. Also, he doesn't have any reason for being in Cena's corner - other than both being the top guys in the WWE. I suppose there aren't many other options to accompany Cena (HBK, The Rock) but none with the same weight as Hogan.

Also, does anyone really want to see Hogan and Cena celebrating at the end of WM30. I've been adamant for several months that WM would end with Taker beating John Cena. This now seems less likely then ever and having Cena close the show with Hogan doesn't excite me.

Flair and Orton, yes. Hogan and Cena, maybe but I'm not entirely convinced.
If they switch you have to have brock or punk win the rumble with the winner of the rumble challenging taker. Brock because he doesn't care about pointless titles and punk because he wants to achieve what he couldn't with Paul Heyman. This then allows Cena to challenge Orton again
I'm not sure if it will work having Flair and Hogan as managers. Nobody wanted to see Hogan vs Flair in TNA when they were in the corner of Abyss and AJ Styles. The Hulkamania tour bombed in Australia in the same year and Hogan and Flair were the headliners. It has just been done to death and I don't think the people would buy it. I think they could maybe have Orton attack Hogan on Raw and give him the punt and write him off for a few weeks. Then have Hogan return at Mania and have him throw a few punches and Hulk up and help Cena win.

well likely they think Orton/Cena is the biggest draw, the unification is the icing on the cake. To expand that analogy Hogan and Flair are the sprinkles on the icing on the cake.
I can see this sort of working, the winner of the Rumble isn't always the one who gets the title shot though, Vince won the Rumble and Austin fought the Rock. Rock won the Rumble and it turned into a fatal 4 way. Rey won the Rumble and it was a triple threat. Austin won the Rumble, lost the title in the Final Four IYH, Bret lost it the next night to Sid and Undertaker ended up main eventing with Sid. So I could see the winner of the rumble not being in the main event.

In terms of Hogan and Flair being involved again I like the concept, but I think the one thing Hogan hated about TNA was he went from being involved in 2-3 matches and for the next what 2 years he became a cheerleader for other guys I don't see Hogan wanting to do that, I do however think it would be interesting if it was a tag match with both titles on the line, how big of a swerve would it be for Hogan to turn on Cena in the main event at Wrestlemania allowing Orton to unify and setting up for a Hogan/Cena match in the next month or 2 to help the non big 4's ppv buys.
I can see this sort of working, the winner of the Rumble isn't always the one who gets the title shot though, Vince won the Rumble and Austin fought the Rock. Rock won the Rumble and it turned into a fatal 4 way. Rey won the Rumble and it was a triple threat. Austin won the Rumble, lost the title in the Final Four IYH, Bret lost it the next night to Sid and Undertaker ended up main eventing with Sid. So I could see the winner of the rumble not being in the main event.

In terms of Hogan and Flair being involved again I like the concept, but I think the one thing Hogan hated about TNA was he went from being involved in 2-3 matches and for the next what 2 years he became a cheerleader for other guys I don't see Hogan wanting to do that, I do however think it would be interesting if it was a tag match with both titles on the line, how big of a swerve would it be for Hogan to turn on Cena in the main event at Wrestlemania allowing Orton to unify and setting up for a Hogan/Cena match in the next month or 2 to help the non big 4's ppv buys.

theoretically you can only unify the titles 1 time so changing the rumble rules for 1 year because on the unification, I think most fans would accept the explanation in advance..
First off are we forgetting a triple threat possibility. Perhaps the winner of the unification match faces the royal rumble winner in the same night. Have the royal rumble winner face the world champ and still have a wwe title match. That way the winner of each could face off like when jericho won at vengeance.

Anyway on to hogan... I think the guy will have some kind of "moment" at WM. Like doing the leg drop on someone, but that is about it. Him as a manager or a host is just stupid. Wrestling should be out of the question, for obvious reasons.

Knowing the WWE, I could see them having hogan leg dropping the 3MB at WM. What a big "surprise"... I mean disappointment.
First off are we forgetting a triple threat possibility. Perhaps the winner of the unification match faces the royal rumble winner in the same night. Have the royal rumble winner face the world champ and still have a wwe title match. That way the winner of each could face off like when jericho won at vengeance.

I am purposely ignoring the idea because for me I just think a unification bout needs to be 1 on 1. Now if they want to take the 4 man, 3 match approach I can get with that. but 3 way or 4 way in one match, I don't like it.

Anyway on to hogan... I think the guy will have some kind of "moment" at WM. Like doing the leg drop on someone, but that is about it. Him as a manager or a host is just stupid. Wrestling should be out of the question, for obvious reasons.

Hogan hits Flair with the AA as Cena hits one on Orton. Cena then hits a leg drop 1...2...3...

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