An Indy Company Looking to Establish Itself...


The Epitome of Excellence
Not sure if this qualifies as Spam so I'm playing it safe in the spamming section. This is a press release for an upcoming show from a Socal indy called The West Coast Wrestling Company. It has been around for about a year and a half. I'm including pertinent links. For anyone that follows the indies and for anyone who resides in the area, this thing is worth the attention.

"When there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph."
-Al Alvarez, English poet, writer, and critic.

Wildomar, CA-While we have seen the worst of man entangled in the worst of situations while facing the worst of consequences in our tenure in the inland empire, on April 24th at Arena Sports we will inevitably bear witness to the biggest double main event in our short history thus far. While one champion will seek to continue proving the legitimacy of his reign against a scorned former champion and The Westcoast Wrestling Company's biggest fan favorite, another man will attempt to end well-underway legacy in a match that will surely be a milestone in both men's careers. On April 24th, The Westcoast Wrestling Company presents Casualties of War II live at Arena Sports and Fitness in Wildomar, CA.


Main Event #1
A Westcoast Deathmatch 13 Months in the Making
"Krazy" Kyle Haystacks vs. Matt Twizted


-----March 7, 2009: Kyle Haystacks and Matt Twizted collided in an insanely brutal back-and-forth Westcoast Deathmatch that ended in a draw after both men were unable to answer a ten count. Since that point, both of their careers headed in different directions. Haystacks has fought every man put in front of him in many different kinds of matches and has remained undefeated up to this point. Twizted went on a tear and began winning match after match en route to a title shot at Salute to the Troops.

After coming up short in his bid for the gold, Twizted has been quite hard on himself. While some have said that his passion for what he does has been a questionable element of his gameplan rolling into the next show, those closest have claimed different.

"The look that I saw on Matt's face after our title match was disturbing," quoted Chris Evans after his triple threat match with Twizted and Ric Ellis. Evans continuted, "I mean, the guy has all the tools in his arsenal to succeed, but there's something, something that is holding him back, and when I looked into his eyes after that match I was sincerely hoping that I wasn't going to be the one standing on the opposite side of the ring with him in April."

"I believe that on April 24th, Kyle Haystacks is going to be facing the biggest obstacle of his career," said WCWC Owner Adam Ginsberg. "I've spoken with Matt and he's finally starting to grasp the fact that if he can't put up or shut up at Casualties of War II, his spot on the card may be in jeopardy."

While all the buzz had been surrounding Matt Twizted, Haystacks has been quiet. As usual, his only response to voicemails and e-mails has been simple. "Matt Twizted has been my biggest challenge. After April, our match last year will be recognized as the fluke that it was." Haystacks has been openly critical of the fact that despite his undefeated record, he hasn't been granted a title shot. With this in mind, one can only assume that he plans on taking that aggression out on Twizted in savage fashion.

On April 24th at Casualties of War II, one man's legacy goes on the line against another man's pride. In a rematch 13 months in the making, it will be Haystacks vs. Twizted II in a Westcoast Deathmatch!

Main Event #2
Westcoast Heavyweight Title Match-The Final Rematch!
Ric Ellis (c) vs. Chris Evans


-----May, 2009: Chris Evans defeated Ric Ellis in the semi-final round of the Westcoast Heavyweight Title Tournament.

September, 2009: After defending the title in a ladder match against "The Wildcard" Jameson Stafford in the main event of the One Year Anniversary, Chris Evans stands up to the impromptu challenge of Ric Ellis, eventually losing the title after his injuries cost him the match.

January, 2010: At The Gift & The Curse 2, Chris Evans and Matt Twizted faced off in a match to determine who would wrestle for the title at Salute to the Troops. During the match, Ellis' former manager ran a distraction while Ellis took both men out with a chair, causing a double countout. It was determined that both men would face Ellis in a triple threat match.

February, 2010: At Salute to the Troops, Evans and the crowd in attendance rejoiced as it appeared he had regained the title after a german suplex pinning combination, but referee Christian Rosenberg clarified that it was Evans' shoulders that were down, therefore Ellis walked out with the title. Evans then superkicked Rosenberg.

And now we come to this. The final rematch. Chris Evans will get one more shot to reclaim the coveted Westcoast Heavyweight Title while Ric Ellis will continue to pursue his destiny of becoming the breakout singles star that he has proven he can be. In a match that will surely defy gravity, it will be the high-energy, explosive charisma of Chris Evans taking on the meticulous, dialed-in offense of the Westcoast's determined heavyweight champion in Ric Ellis. The beginning of the double main-event of a lifetime will take place only at Arena Sports on April 24th!

Wildcard Championship Match
"The Wildcard" Jameson Stafford vs. Rudy Luna


-----Since mid-2009, Jameson Stafford has embarked on a quest to legitimize his Wildcard Title, inviting and taking on all challengers. Stars including Johnny Saovi, Thunderwolf, SoCal Crazy, and even Industry-member Devin Sparks have all made a go for Stafford's title with each coming up short. For Rudy Luna, this match marks an opportunity to re-write history. In June of 2009 at Conflict Resolution, Stafford won his four-way title defense by making Rudy tap out to the Staff Infection. It was well-known that Rudy was legitmately suffering the effects of a recent shoulder injury which left him extremely vulnerable to submission holds. Rudy has sworn that his luck in the company is about to change and it will start on April 24th when he proves that Stafford's win over him last year never should have happened. Will "The Wildcard" be able to continue to prove that the Wildcard Title can indeed become a sanctioned championship or will the seasoned veteran Rudy Luna take over in the title's quest for legitimacy? Furthermore, will there be any recoil stemming from Stafford and Sparks' unfinished business?

Singles Match
Devin Sparks vs. SoCal Crazy
-----After a series of high-profile wins since losing the Westcoast Heavyweight Title, Devin was on top of the world when he was informed that he would get to wrestle his stablemate, Jameson Stafford at Salute to the Troops. However, in what has been argued as both justified and an upset by many, Stafford pinned Sparks to a thunderous reaction in front of his fellow Marines, sending Sparks a notch down on the ladder. While Sparks will be looking to retake his main-event level spot on the card, his opponent will surely be focused on continuing his rise. SoCal Crazy rejoined the WCWC roster with a successful tag team win with partner Chimaera over Violence Unlimited and The Suburban Commandos. At Salute to the Troops, while Devin tasted defeat, SoCal once again tasted victory. These two now prepare to clash as they battle for their futures in the ranks and for possible contendership for the heavyweight title!

Tag Team Match
Violence Unlimited vs. TBA
-----After the Reno Scum pulled out of action, Violence Unlimited was left without opponents. Tyler Bateman and Funny Bone WILL be in action as WCWC officials are working tirelessly to provide a continuation of this years Tag Team WARS!

Singles Match
Johnny Saovi vs. "Pretty" Peter Avalon
-----Lately, the man who brings his "A" game Johnny Saovi, has seen a slump in his Westcoast career. A string of discouraging losses has put Saovi into a position that no wrestler wants to be in: fighting for his spot. That's where Peter Avalon steps in. Avalon, a prominent competitior in other areas of southern California, has made his intentions clear: he is gunning for whoever is at the top. But like any newcomer, Avalon understands that he must start from somewhere, and that somewhere comes in the form of Saovi. Saovi has expressed his desire to bounce back from his slump and promises that on April 24th, Peter Avalon will learn his place. This match will be high-flying and hard-hitting galore, and it will take place live at Arena Sports!


Iowa-based promotion Magnum Pro Wrestling will be extending their territory to encompass part of California and will be using Arena Sports as their first stage of development. April 24th will see a two-part day of wrestling action with Magnum Pro beginning at 6 PM and The Westcoast Wrestling Company's Casualties of War II beginning at 6:45 PM. Tickets to both shows are included with the single price of $10 for all ages, with children 5 & under getting in for free. As always, our "bring three, get in free" buddy program will be in full effect so grab your clueless friends and use them to get a free show!
Arena Sports is located at 22482 Walnut Dr, Wildomar, CA 92595. Card subject to change.
You know what else is good? Pro Wrestling Guerilla. DDT4 is coming up too, and looking to feature the Young Bucks/Generation Me.
You know what else is good? Pro Wrestling Guerilla. DDT4 is coming up too, and looking to feature the Young Bucks/Generation Me.

The Bucks worked for us back in January 2009, putting over our top tag team at the time of Devin Sparks and Ric Ellis. We are very proud of their success and wish them all the best in TNA!
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A great man once stood upon a few flights of stone steps in a location held sacred to our great and free nation. At the national mall, before the clouds of political and racial persecution and during a time of yearning for equality, Dr. King uttered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech to a thunderous reaction-both positive from his supporters and radically negative from suppressionist protestors. Five years later, while standing on the second-story balcony of a motel room, he was shot through the right side of his cheek, the bullet travelling down his spine and lodging itself in his shoulder. He was declared dead at St. Joseph's Hospital. With the end of the life of one of the most influential figures of the civil rights movement came a time of grieving, but along with his assassination came his status as somewhat of a martyr, for he had set in motion a movement that would eventually lead to the equality of a nation regardless of race, religion, or gender. While the tribulations of hate still exist, we would like to believe that the world has been made a better place due to this man's existence.
While this is not the month of February and while we at The West Coast Wrestling Company wish not to drive your attention away with a history lesson, we feel that the quote mentioned above by this awesome individual defines the upcoming 2-year history of our promotion. For those involved in the running of this company, this has been the lifeblood of our existence for going on two years. It has led to persistent times of dissent. There have been arguments. Friendships have been tested. Wills have been pushed to the limit. Shoving matches have nearly turned into blows. Through the torment and stress that comes with the running of a promotion, the addiction remains. After every show that drew a low-attendance and/or lost us all a hefty penny we swore we would just bow out and quit. We didn't simply because we couldn't let ourself do so, thus producing a follow-up show with a great attendance with a hot crowd and a fantastic night of wrestling. The cycle continued with success after failure after success, with our attendance figures taunting us month in and month out. While I believe that what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, I am adamant that those who are addicted to this thing we call wrestling will ultimately die by the sword-and to feed a hunger-nay, satisfy a passion that burns deep down within the very deepest reaches of our being, we come to the conclusion that we are content. Why are we content? Because no matter what any detractor says; regardless of whether we break our attendance record of 368; notwithstanding the sickening feeling of drawing our lowest number of 32; and without regards to the best-or worst-product that we have ever produced; in the end it will all be NOT for naught (I don't care how much sense that doesn't make) because we have had a great f@#king time doing it. On September 18, 2010 it is time to celebrate.

The West Coast Wrestling Company presents WrestleWar 2010: The 2-Year Anniversary, live from Arena Sports on September 18, 2010.

On this evening we present a triple main event of epic proportions...

Main Event #1
Student vs. Teacher
Stretcher Match
Chris Evans vs. "Impact" Adam Ginsberg
-Adam Ginsberg was there the very first time Chris Evans ever set foot in a wrestling ring. The straight-laced kid from Oceanside was a born natural, performing just about everything he was taught correctly the first time he was shown how to do it. His timing, fluidity, ring psychology, and presence were well above par for someone of his experience level. Throughout the course of his early months of training, Chris Evans bonded closely with Adam, embracing him as not only a trainer but as a friend. It wasn't long before he had earned his status as Adam's "shiner", advancing rapidly, even beyond the level of some previously trained wrestlers. While humble in the first months of his training, it was during the course of this time that Adam Ginsberg began to sense something different about Chris Evans. It was a lingering feeling that would end up exploding with time. A feeling that maybe Chris Evans' was getting just a little bit too confident; that maybe, just maybe, he was beginning to look at Adam as someone who was slowing down his success. Although the feeling was in its initial stages, it didn't stop Adam from supporting Evans all the way through his hunt and eventual winning of the West Coast Heavyweight Title and through his fierce rivalry with former friend and tag partner Jameson Stafford. Even after Evans lost the title to Ric Ellis under unfair circumstances, Adam stuck by Evans. However, it was after Evans' bid to reclaim the title failed that he began to lose just a little bit of the control that he felt had held him down within the roster. After a harsh confrontation at the West Coast Training Academy, Evans snapped and assaulted one of Adam's students, sending a message to Adam and to Ellis. Finally, at Casualties of War II, Chris Evans failed to recapture the title from Ellis. After a beatdown from The Industry, Adam ran down to the ring, seemingly to aid his former student. But to the chagrin of the fans in attendance and the delight of The Industry, Adam joined the group and berated Evans while assisting in the beatdown. Adam thought he had rid the WCWC of Evans, proclaiming him gone at Conflict Resolution II only to find that Evans had gotten into the building incognito. That night Evans laid out Adam and challenged him to come out of retirement to face him one-on-one... in a Stretcher Match! Now we have come to this. It will be violent. It will be bloody. It will most assuredly be the end of one of these two men.

West Coast Heavyweight Title Match
Ric Ellis (champion) vs. Rocky Romero (challenger)​
-Rocky Romero's list of accomplishments: CMLL World Super Lightweight Champion (x3), EWF Tag Team Champion (x5), IWC Tag Team Champion, MPW Tag Team Champion, NWA World Jr Heavyweight Champion, IWGP Jr Heavyweight Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion (x2), UPW Tag Team Champion.
Ric Ellis' accomplishments: NWPW Tag Team Champion, WCWC Heavyweight Champion.
At first glance, it would appear that our current heavyweight champion is far outmatched. But he, well, actually yeah. He's got his hands pretty damn full. But let's look at Ric Ellis' track record. So far, in defense of the WCWC Title, Ellis has defeated Scorpio Sky, Brian Cage, Jaysin Strife, Matt Twizted, Chris Evans, Tony Kozina, Devin Sparks, and Ryan Taylor in defense of the West Coast Heavyweight Title. Rocky Romero, however, is not intent on becoming another notch in the belt of the champ. It was well-known backstage that Ellis was obsessed with wrestling Davey Richards at some point in his career. After winning the WCWC Title, he made it clear that his immediate goal was to become the greatest WCWC champion yet by defeating his dream opponent in a title defense. While the cards would not deal in favor of the champ's wishes, he has begun a personal highway toward achieving his goal. However, as stated before, Rocky is coming to the West Coast to do one thing and one thing only: win Ric Ellis' championship to add it to his already long list of accomplishments in pro wrestling. Having stated his intention to carry the belt with him to Mexico and Japan, Romero has placed a target right on the forehead of the champ. At this point in time, regardless of his past title defenses, some are beginning to question whether or not Ric Ellis has finally bitten off more than he can chew...

Main Event #3
Ladder Match for the Wildcard Title
Jameson Stafford (champion) vs. Rudy Luna (challenger)​
-It all started at Casualties of War II. That night, Jameson Stafford was scheduled to defend the title against Rudy Luna. However, he would end up trying to fake an injury in order to get out of his match. After nearly fooling the referee, Stafford was assaulted and brought back to the ring, fully exposed as a liar. Rudy then proceeded to take advantage of the fact that Stafford was clearly not prepared for this match by beating him from pillar to post and then pinning him with a top rope variation of his own Death Valley Driver. As Rudy celebrated with the title, Stafford managed a sly smirk while proclaiming that Rudy had indeed defeated a world class athlete and a great champion, but that he had forgotten the cardinal rule in reference to the Wildcard Title: that in order for the title to be on the line, both competitors must shake hands prior to the match (a rule that Stafford had clearly just made up). But seeing as how the Wildcard Title itself wasn't "officially sanctioned", Stafford was able to snake his way away from the arena that night with his belt. At the next show, Conflict Resolution II, Stafford was to defend the Wildcard Title against the winner of a four-way lucha match involving Thunderwolf, Rudy Luna, Mexus, and Mercurio Jr. Much to Stafford's dismay, Luna was able to secure the victory after a devastating top rope lungblower to Mexus. When Rudy called Stafford out to defend the title, however, Stafford blatantly refused, claiming that Rudy had already had his shot at the title and given up all respective title shots due to his "non-compliance" with Stafford's rules. Stafford announced that he would defend the title against Mexus instead, clearly choosing to take on the man who was the most battered from the four-way match. Even after the lucha match, Mexus put up a bigger fight than Stafford was expecting, but in the end he was able to capitalize on his exhausted challenger. After a short celebration, Adam Ginsberg came out to announce that due to being a "fighting champion", he was declaring the Wildcard Title a newly sanctioned belt in the West Coast Wrestling Company. While on the shoulders of Devin Sparks and Ric Ellis, Stafford held the belt high only to end up on the recieving end of a HUGE top rope cross body from the 230 pound Rudy Luna! After the show, Stafford decided that the only way to earn respect for himself and his title was to face the music and wrestle Rudy in a match that guarantees that he cannot run from his challenger... a Ladder Match! With nowhere to run without running the risk of losing the belt, Stafford will be hard-pressed to overcome the challenge of a relentless Rudy Luna. And with a burning desire to hurt and maim who he deems to be a cowardly excuse for a champion, Rudy has his sights set firmly on the Wildcard Title that will hand precariously above the ring on September 18th. Two men. One undisputed Wildcard Champion.

Tag Team Tables Match
Damage Inc. vs. Bobby Rios & Amazing Junior
-It was at Casualties of War II that Krazy Kyle Haystacks and Matt Twizted tore each other limb for limb in a West Coast Deathmatch. It was then that Twizted ended the undefeated streak of the 20-year veteran. It was immediately afterward that Haystacks invited Twizted to become his new tag team partner. Twizted proudly accepted. Their first challenge was The Suburban Commandos at Conflict Resolution II. After a hellacious brawl with the twins from Norcal, the duo of Haystacks & Twizted look to establish themselves as Damage Inc. Being that they desire to run roughshod over any team in their path-and being that this isn't any ordinary show-it was decided that this tag team match was to be made a Table Match! Their opponents, Bobby Rios & Amazing Junior, have welcomed this opportunity, claiming that should they beat Damage Inc in a match that favors them at one of the most important shows in WCWC history, they will automatically have to be considered a force to be reckoned with. Big things are at stake for both teams in this one.

Singles Match
Devin Sparks vs. "The King of Strikes" Brandon Parker
-Since losing the West Coast Heavyweight Title last summer, Devin Sparks has been on a rollercoaster run here in the West Coast. After a failed bid in his return match for the title, Devin submitted Jacob Diez (formerly Markus Riot) and Jeremy Jaeger separately in singles competition. At the next show, after assaulting and walking out on Jameson Stafford during a time of dissension within The Industry, he was on the losing team against The Negro Division. Soon thereafter, he was beaten while challenging Jameson Stafford for the Wildcard Title during said time of dissension within The Industry. Afterward, he lost a singles match to SoCal Crazy and then a title match against Ric Ellis during their tour of Texas. At Conflict Resolution II, Devin was finally victorious once again as he defeated Vintage Dragon via submission. Now Devin will look to raise the bar high once again as he faces a star making his WCWC debut, Brandon Parker! Parker is a well-versed wrestler who has already achieved a lot of success in other parts of SoCal. Can Devin keep his record on the rise, or will Parker's innovative strikes be too much for the submission specialist to handle?

Lucha Libre Returns to Wildomar!
Singles Match
Mercurio Jr vs. Mexus
-This will be a rematch of sorts, as both men competed in the lucha four-way match at Conflict Resolution II. Mercurio was originally poised to win the four-way match, as he had Mexus in a compromising position, but was forced to abandon those plans to take out an advancing Thunderwolf, whlie Rudy Luna instead was able to take advantage of the situation. Mercurio certainly feels the need to earn a win in the WCWC, but not moreso than the wayward Mexus, who fell victim to Rudy Luna and then was forced to wrestle Jameson Stafford immediately thereafter, ultimately falling victim to a post-match assault by The Industry. These two luchadores have a lot to prove within the WCWC and will pull out all the stops to accomplish their goals.

The WCWC searches for a breakout star
Six-Man Elimination Fray for the Wildcard Title #1 Contendership​
Vintage Dragon vs. Thunderwolf vs. Jacob Diez vs. Johnny Saovi vs. "Iron Lion" Tony Leo vs. Kid Vegas
-This is expected to become a contender for match of the night. Vintage Dragon will be looking to vindicate his loss to Devin Sparks. Thunderwolf is in the hunt for an elusive victory-a victory that he has not seen in the WCWC since early last year when he defeated Doom in singles action. Jacob Diez, the odds-on favorite, is aiming to make a run at the WCWC Title at some point in the near future. A win here (and a subsequent victory in Wildcard Title contention) would definitely propel him to that point. Johnny Saovi is making his return after a hiatus and wants the world to know that he is capable of breaking the mold that many SoCal promoters have placed him in. Tony Leo and Kid Vegas are both stars from Las Vegas and will be more than determined to get this huge of a win in their very first appearance in the WCWC. This one will be a hard-hitting athletic match that we are banking on drawing quite a few "holy-s@#t" moments.

As if this day couldn't get any bigger for us, The West Coast Wrestling Company is proud to announce that along with the debut of Rocky Romero at WrestleWar 2010, The West Coast Training Academy will be hosting a training seminar. Rocky Romero will join our list of guest trainers at The West Coast Training Academy which includes such stars as Disco Machine, Tony Kozina, Joey Ryan, and Paul London. This seminar will be open to any active workers or students from any promotion who wish to recieve training from the mind of one of wrestling's great international stars. Rocky's seminar will be held at Arena Sports which is located at 22482 Walnut Dr., Wildomar CA, 92595 which will also be the venue for WrestleWar 2010 later that evening. The seminar will start at 11AM and last until 2PM. The cost of the seminar is $40. For info, please e-mail us at info@westcoastwrestling or call us at (661) 313-9391


A special pre-show starting at 6:30 which will include live interviews and a live preliminary match featuring the in-ring debut of "The Oeuvre of Perfection" Scott Groen as he takes on a returning Robert Hall, who hasn't been seen in the WCWC since his hellacious beatdown and subsequent injury at the hands of current champion Ric Ellis.

The West Coast Wrestling Company's WrestleWar 2010 emanates live from Arena Sports in Wildomar on September 18th! Arena Sports is located at 22482 Walnut Dr, Wildomar CA, 92595. Tickets are $10 all ages. Military gets in FREE and military dependents get in for half off. The doors open at 6:15 with the pre-show starting at 6:30 and the main bell time being 7:00. Card, as always, is subject to change. We hope to see everyone there!
Not sure if this was sarcasm or not, but thank you lol. We are merely wishing to make our presence felt in the IWC. We believe in the quality of our product and hope to one day rise to the level of the top indy companies out there today.

Wasn't being sarcastic, lol. I appreciate all wrestling as long as I get my fix.
Rudy Luna is unimpressed by Jameson Stafford's training efforts and is coming to WrestleWar 2010 to take his Wildcard Title!


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