An Idea for Earl Hebner


Occasional Pre-Show
So a while back my G/F had an idea for how TNA could use Earl Hebner. She noticed that Earl is always the ref for the Knockout matches. Her idea was to have Earl play something of a Hugh Hefner role. Have him do the whole pajamas and pipe thing. Not sure how the storyline could play out but I thought it was kind of funny.
Earl has done stuff other then ref before and wasn't bad at it. I know it's a bit of a silly way to do things but hell TNA needs some comic relief from time to time and Eric Young get old after a few minutes.

So what do think? Could it work?

Sorry but that idea is stupid as hell it would give marks more things to bash TNA about and to be honest it just does not make sense TNA has enough comic relief i.e sting(joker) and it just doesn't sound right
Absolutely, positively, 100% no way. I don't see how I or anyone else would be able to (kayfabe) respect a ref if they came out like that for any other matches they'd have.
I chuckled at the thought of Earl Hebner playing a Hugh Hefner role. In all honesty, I think I would probably take that over what TNA is doing with Eric Young and Robbie E. At this point though, I don't think I want to see this happen. TNA shows already have enough comic relief with Young and Robbie being featured weekly (which I unfortunately don't see stopping anytime soon) and I've personally never been a fan of refs doing angles outside of their job of officiating matches (*cough* *cough* Garrett Bischoff *cough* *cough*) anyway. Would be amusing but not something I think I see happening anytime soon.
I will admit that I laughed my ass off at the idea of Hebner being walked to the ring with TNT on his arms and getting in the middle of their kiss when they hop up in the ring. But is this something that I think could be good/ would want to see then the answer is hell no, TNA has enough shitty stuff going on like the Bischoff vs Bischoff feud and Robbie E & Eric Young feud that something as horrible as this would put me over the top as a regular viewer. Keep the damn refs doing their jobs, if you want to include one of them in a story line have it be something where the ref counts too fast and has a quick segment backstage, we don't need a ref playing a major part in a story line even if it is in the Knockouts Division.
Need to clarify the idea is not to have Earl ref matches as Hugh. Have him be like the Knockouts GM or something. Again I admit this is silly but kind of fun in a way.
Even if for a minute you disregard the fact that this idea is stupid, albeit funny in a WTF way, what would you gain from developing a character for Earl Hebner anyway? He is a referee, not a pro wrestler. As it is people complain all the time about how TNA uses too many non wrestlers in its storylines. Now this is something that would set their tongues wagging again.
I'd give it a chance. It would be cool to have Karen who wants the KO's to be non trailer park dressed up girls to see Earl one night after a KO match up come out with his crew of KO's all "trailer parked out" to take on Karen and her group of perfections.

Earl could come out and just say he had enough of reffing these matches and Karen trying to take away the way the KO's want to dress so now he has taken off the ref attire and has become the opposite of Karen. He could say he likes the sleazy sexy look of the half naked KO's so he is going to run a faction of them and take Karen out.

I don't know it's the only way I could see it ever happening. Sure it sucks and people will hate on it but I would give it a watch. I think it could make the KO's seem more serious and we never seen a power struggle for the KO's before.

Lol this is what my tired mind came up with. So sure I'd give this idea a shot.
No...just no. Hebner has no personality. Not a drop. And TNA did a Knockout seduces the ref angle a couple of years ago with Slick Johnson. This wouldn't be comic relief, it wouldn't even be funny.

TNA gets enough people bashing it without another stupid storyline to encourage it.
This storyline idea made me laugh. It sounds exactly like something TNA would do and it would be the most interesting thing Hebner has done since Montreal. It could be good for a way to start some Knockout feuds, so why not? If the fans don't like it then they can always end the angle. I think that it has the potential to be hilarious if done right but really dumb if done incorrectly. Feuds for both the Knockouts Championship and Knockouts Tag Team Championship could get started out of it. The only problem I'd have with it would be if Hebner ended up having matches himself. That'd be a waste of everyone's time because he needs to only be a ref in the matches and perhaps a promo here and there. If he wrestles I riot.
This is a wonderful Idea, he has no personality, which would make it all the more hilarious, especially if you make him act uncomfortable. He could have people like ODB in his stable, and he could sim on a PBR tall boy while doing this ring side, kind of like Dean Martin or Heff, but non smooth. Bring back Rosie Lottalove to complete the stable just genius.
I normally hate storylines like this, but this would actually be pretty funny I reckon. It wouldnt have a long shelf life, but for a little while seeing Hebner pimping it up as Hugh Hefner would be hilarious.

It would be something different thats for sure, and as long as it didnt take up much time on Impact, a couple of minutes a week maybe, then it would provide me withj a few laughs thats for sure.

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