An Idea For CM Punk and Zack Ryder


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, Punk is at the top of the game now and with Cena about to start this programme with the Rock it's rumoured that the WWE Title wont be at stake anymore. If so, I see Punk stepping up to take Cenas spot and going after the WWE Title and having the run he deserves.

Like all good things, and to keep things fresh though it has to come to an end and Punk will probably drift off, out of the Title picture and into another storyline like The Miz did after WM27.

So how about, sometime next year when Punk has had his run he and Zack Ryder start a tag team? What a way to get Zack Ryder TOTALLY over alligning himself with Punk. Why would Ryder want to do this though? Well he can relate to Punk because they are both 'Internet darlings'. This could be used in promos and as a reason.

I really think this could work. They could be the odd couple like Booker T and Goldust, or like Mick Foley and The Rock.......oh and Miz and R-Truth. Potential comedy gold. We all know how witty Punk is, and coupled with a douche like Ryder would make for some funny segments.

I know a few will scoff at this idea....'Punk is above the Tag Division' but aren't WWE wanting to add some prestige to the Tag Division? It didn't do Jericho and Miz any harm last year, or Kane and Big Show and I think we will probably see Miz and Truth get the gold sooner or later.
Sorry sir, I don't see that happening.

Punk will get his run, just not now. Alberto Del Rio would be great to have as WWE Champion for a few months, which is a change of pace from the WWE playing hot potato with the belt.

I wouldn't push Zach Ryder too hard. Let him grab the U.S. Championship belt from Dolph, and keep it at that for awhile. Dolph would benefit greatly in my opinion from this, as he can now focus on the grand prize in the company.
CM Punk is among the very best wrestlers in the company.
Zack Ryder is a piece of garbage.

I can understand making a tag team with an excellent wrestler and a not-so-good one, to try and elevate the second one, but this case would be too extreme, and I'm not convinced that Ryder even has any potential at all to be elevated above lower midcard jobbersville. This would just bury Punk.

Also, I can't ever see their characters working together at all. Punk never seemed to be the kind of character that would like to hang out with joke wrestlers.

Let Ryder change his gimmick to a non-joke character first, and then we'll see what he can do.
I could see this idea working. It sounds very similar to the Second City Saints back in ROH when Punk & Cabana were a tag-team. Punk was the serious one, with Cabana being funny as hell. Also Punk is a huge fan of Ryder, so I could see it working.

As for the guy saying Ryder is garbage, the guy is a self made superstar. In a day an age where superstars are few in between, Ryder made himself against the machine. When the WWE had nothing for him, he created something for himself and look how far it has got him. If your comments are directed towards his wrestling ability, watch Ryder vs Christian on youtube and it will change your mind.
As for the guy saying Ryder is garbage, the guy is a self made superstar. In a day an age where superstars are few in between, Ryder made himself against the machine. When the WWE had nothing for him, he created something for himself and look how far it has got him. If your comments are directed towards his wrestling ability, watch Ryder vs Christian on youtube and it will change your mind.
It's more direct to his "role" in the WWE.
If he has the potential that a lot of people around here see in him, he'll have to break away from that joke character persona before anything else, to really show it, I believe.
Why bring Punk down to that level.

Or, more pertinently, why bring Ryder up to that level?

I have nothing against Zack Ryder but I really had the idea that his method of self-help was going to turn Vince McMahon against him, not for him. For quite awhile, this seemed to be the case. Although many fans (who believe everything they see on the Internet, apparently) were screaming for him, Zack couldn't get an appearance on one of the major brands to save his life. I figured this to be so because McMahon doesn't like his performers promoting themselves in media vehicles outside the scope of WWE.COM. In other words, the fans might have thought Zack was a big deal because HE said he was, but Vince wasn't fooled by the ploy.

Instead, what happens? Zack is on Raw and Smackdown, winning matches.

So, okay, I was wrong. Still, elevating Ryder to the Top 2 status that C.M. Punk today enjoys would be stretching the envelope a little too much, IMO.

A lot too much, actually. Zack isn't nearly good enough to be in Punk's company and I can't see that he ever will be.
It's more direct to his "role" in the WWE.
If he has the potential that a lot of people around here see in him, he'll have to break away from that joke character persona before anything else, to really show it, I believe.

I disagree. I feel it's entirely possible to get a joke character over. Mick Foley only got over and started winning world titles when he was playing a joke character.

As for Punk and Ryder as a tag team, I just can't see it. Most of those tag teams that OP mentioned had about the same spot on the roster. Obviously Punk and Ryder are not at about the same spot on the roster.
you said that Zack Ryder has a reason to team up with Punk,but what is the reason of Punk wanting to team up with the biggest douchebag?
no no no no no no no a million times no! :banghead:

ryder and punk would make a horrible team there 2 tottaly different people,punk is supposed to be taken seriously as a main event level talent in wwe and his offense is all mma type kicks,eblows,knees, and stuff along those lines (plus the elbow drop tribute to macho man he does) while zack ryder has all his moves named to go with his gimmick (broski boot,rough ryder,zack attack etc.) and ryder would never ever be taken seriously teaming with punk and it would just ruin cm punk's career forever your a moron for thinking they should team up it doesnt matter if both are internet darlings they should never form a thing you know your gonna say they should form a stable with daniel bryan and call themselfs the IWC Favorties im sorry but your just a moron dude
I can see what you're trying to say but honestly, your connection is pretty forced and like most things forced, it isn't good. CM Punk is on a completely different level from Zack Ryder and last I read, he's still in line for a mega push so why would you want The Best in the World to be held back by the Number One Broski? I live Zack Ryder, I hope he gets a decent Mid-card push but as far as CM Punk is concerned, he in no way should be dropped to the level of being in a tag team (regardless of what kind of so called prestige they want to add to the division), much less be teaming with Ryder. I get the odd couple thing but Booker T was no CM Punk, and Zack Ryder is no Goldust. I won't insult you or anything but this is a bad idea.
Yeah, this is a terrible idea.. Punk is awesome, Ryder blows.. if you're going to get Ryder into a tag team, just get him back with Curt Hawkins and have him drop the Jersey Shore gimmick..

and i wouldn't brag about him being made through the internet.. isn't that how Justin Bieber got his fame too? And plus, how do you any of you know that Zack Ryder created his internet fame all by himself? For all we know, the whole internet thing could be a huge WWE storyline.. heck, they do storylines using Twitter.. it's not farfetched that they would and could use youtube to create a storyline for someone that's not on tv much or at all :)
Punk and Ryder as a tag team would be very entertaining. Both of them are skilled on the mic and decent in the ring. They could add an interesting addition to the tag team division, even if it is only for a brief while. I don't see it happening for a while though, not with Punk and Del Rio's rumored world title feud coming up. Perhaps in a few months when neither have any angles going on. Having a former world champion like Punk in the tag team division could help it much like JeriShow did and how Miz's team with Truth can help it now. I would want to see this Punk/Ryder team because it would be very entertaining and they'd make interesting champions if they got a title run together.
no no no no no no no a million times no! :banghead:

ryder and punk would make a horrible team there 2 tottaly different people,punk is supposed to be taken seriously as a main event level talent in wwe and his offense is all mma type kicks,eblows,knees, and stuff along those lines (plus the elbow drop tribute to macho man he does) while zack ryder has all his moves named to go with his gimmick (broski boot,rough ryder,zack attack etc.) and ryder would never ever be taken seriously teaming with punk and it would just ruin cm punk's career forever your a moron for thinking they should team up it doesnt matter if both are internet darlings they should never form a thing you know your gonna say they should form a stable with daniel bryan and call themselfs the IWC Favorties im sorry but your just a moron dude

seriously? you mad bro? :lmao: your just a punk mark lol and by punk mark i mean one of those idiot ones. this would help Punk just as much as Ryder...why? because WWE is burying Punk just as much as WWE is burying Ryder, see your not giving either a chance, Make Ryder seem more badass and change his gimmick broski. After that you have Punk take him under his wing so to speak. Ryder changes his move set up and starts cutting serious promos. They shouldnt talk about internet darlings though. Let them have a good few run with it then after that split them with the draft and Punk can keep his run and Ryder can be more main event or high mid card on smackdown.

Who honestly likes Douche Bryan? DB is so much better...Bateman for the win!
It would knock CM Punk down, I don't see this happening. Put it this way Zack Ryder's interactions with Cena still couldn't get him over I doubt Punk will.

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