An Idea For A Randy Orton Heel Turn


Legend Killer
Now, I know most Randy Orton fans and critics are waiting for him to turn heel. I'm one of them. But I just thought of a possibly good idea. Randy Orton is in a feud with Kane right now. And I think this could keep running to Extreme Rules or even Over the Limit.

Here's the idea:
Have Randy Orton keep losing to Kane and get drafted to Raw. End it with something extreme (no pun intended), even an Inferno Match, assuming WWE would allow it. Then just had him flat-out lose it, to a point where he destroys the top face, I'm thinking CM Punk. And then have him demand a title shot to Johnny Ace. Ace gives him that match at Money in the Bank maybe? Orton completely keeps trash-talking Punk until that point. Then in the match, have him punt Punk, and take him off tv, it doesn't have to even be long. And knowing the history between Punk and Ace, have Orton become Ace's champion, and hold the WWE Title for a long time while in a rivalry with Punk. He would also be Ace's right-hand man.

  1. Good or bad idea?
  2. Why?
  3. How would you turn Randy Orton heel?
Bad Idea.

Because Orton does not require such a dramatic and high profile Heel Turn when he is already a Tweener on the verge of going Heel or Face at the drop of a hat.

How would I turn Orton Heel? Wrap up this Feud with Kane.
And RKO Sheamus or a returning Rey Mysterio for no real reason whatsoever.
Give someone a Punt.... Instant Heel turn and the beggining of a feud.

However I dont think Orton is going to turn Heel anytime soon.... Up and comers like Rhodes and Barrett benefit from their Feuds with Orton as Heels.....until Raw & Smackdown has another top Face/Tweener veteran to help get the Heel talent over....Orton remains where he is.
1) Bad idea- Smackdown doesn't have anyone who could take over as the top face on the blue brand unless Punk goes over, in which case, you're still out a top face in the WWE Title hunt on Raw so you are still at square one. Orton cannot turn heel.

2): see above rant; it makes no sense to turn Orton heel unless there's someone ready to take over behind him. Sheamus might be ready, but right now, this isn't a good idea since he had questionable reactions at Mania/Raw after mania. Punk could work but he's locked in an angle vs Johnny Ace.

3) I wouldn't. Seriously, why turn everyone heel? It seems like no one thinks about the results of heel turns which is, who are the faces? If you turn every single major roster player heel, you lose roster balance. John Cena should turn heel, Randy Orton should turn heel...okay fine? then who faces them? Zack Ryder? Heath Slater? Santino? Right now the WWE Roster doesn't have the depth needed to turn Orton heel. If they could sustain a proper push for a new face with Sheamus it would make sense. Also, for all of Punk's internet smark routine, is he really over enough with the common fan to work? Maybe, but is it a risk worth taking? probably not
1. I'd love for Kane to keep beating him because Orton's current character is the most boring of all the top stars. Does he even speak anymore? But then why would Orton get a title shot after losing several times? Surely Kane would be entitled? Not Orton?

2. Oops kinda already answered that. But i will say that a face Punk vs a heel Orton would be a flippin' (i gotta keep it PG) good match.

3. I wouldn't have any huge Hogan-like heel turn for Orton. I don't think Orton is all that over with the fans at the moment. I think 90% of fans over 18 would say they WANT Orton to be heel. So giving him a Hogan-like heel turn would be pointless because people would cheer rather than boo his heel turn. I would just have Orton get gradually cockier and cockier in his promo's (if they actually start giving him some) to the point where the fans are just like "urgh, this guy's a prick" similar to the Daniel Bryan heel turn. Then eventually Orton will start dissing on the fans. I miss his early days where he was cocky and actually had some life in him.
It sounds good but im not a big fan of the idea. You said look at Punk and Ace's history. Look at Punk and Orton's history. Punk and Orton are both heroes now butthey still dont like each other.
Well, whether he turns heel or not..Orton needs to do something big. He used to be the #2 guy in the WWE, now he is lucky to be in the top 5. He was moved to SD! last summer to be the top guy on that show and while he was for a while he is quickly being passed by the likes of Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Cody Rhodes. Then came the Rock's return and WM build. Randy then loses to Kane clean at WM 28 and now you have Brock Lesner in the spotlight. To me Randy Orton is becoming an after thought. Like I said, whether he turn heel or not he needs to do something big and very soon.
Coming from a guy who rarely posts on here, due to the fact that the administrators on here are too sensitive and need to grow up! (jab jab)

At the moment most of you WWE fans want this and want that, but you all fail to see the big picture! CM Punk is scheduled very soon, to become, the top heel in the company.
He is going to turn on every one soo bad that you all are going to be surprised that you didnt see it coming!
1. 5/10.

2. a) I like the idea of Orton and Punk feuding again, their match at Wrestlemania was one of the highlights of the night.

b) Johnny already has a corporate stooge sidekick in Otunga, who is doing quite well for himself right now, so they should leave it at that. Though the beef between Punk and Laurinaitis is far from over, as we saw on Raw this Monday.

c) If Orton were to turn heel again, he'd do it the way we know him best for, kicking a face or legend in the head. I can see that you're a mark for Orton, Alfonzo, but his character has little depth, and the lines between face-Orton and heel-Orton are very blurred. Punting Punk wouldn't necessarily turn the crowd against him.

d) Where would Kane go after Orton puts him over? (Which he definitely doesn't need)

e) Orton can't convincingly trash-talk to save his life.

f) An Inferno match wouldn't work between Kane and Orton, unless Kane sets Orton's trunks on fire, and I have no desire to see the extent of his tan lines.

g) The WWE Championship already has a storyline for the time being. What would happen to Jericho? Your idea could work when Jericho takes a break for his Fozzy commitments, though.

h) Orton was injured twice in the past 12 months; this feud with Kane - one of the best workers in the business - could just be a way of working a somewhat less strenuous schedule and staying out of the main event picture whilst still being on the radar. Orton himself could have asked for this feud, I don't know how much swag he has backstage wit these kinds of things.

3. I wouldn't, not right now. Too many heels at the moment. Eventually he could kick off over not getting enough title opportunities and being bumped down in the hierarchy. Punk would be the ideal person to do this with; Punk could belittle Orton by claiming he isn't relevant anymore, I dunno. I still can't find one good reason to like Randy Orton though, so overall, I don't actually care.
Coming from a guy who rarely posts on here, due to the fact that the administrators on here are too sensitive and need to grow up! (jab jab)

At the moment most of you WWE fans want this and want that, but you all fail to see the big picture! CM Punk is scheduled very soon, to become, the top heel in the company.
He is going to turn on every one soo bad that you all are going to be surprised that you didnt see it coming!

First I wanna say that I agree with you about some of the mods (most are cool but some take this way too seriously) This a pro wrestling forum, not a college course.

Secondly, I would like to know where you heard of this plan to turn Punk heel. IMO, Raw has enough heels on the show, too many actually. With his continued program with Jericho seemingly going towards Extreme Rules I cant see it happening anytime soon, if that actually is the long term plan for Punk.
look at it this way if punk v austin happens at wm punk will not be cheered so he might aswell be a heel.

Well, did they turn Cena heel during his feud with the Rock even though Cena was being boo'd out of every building he walked into? No they didnt. Will they turn Cena heel for his program with Lesner? Nope. Just because Punk might face Austin next year doesnt mean they HAVE to turn Punk heel.
1.good way to get heat injure top face align yourself with a heat magnet and cheat 2 win with help of johnny in matches to piss people off.
3.i would probably turn him heel the way you say but he doesn't neccessarily have to get beaten up by kane. and doesn't need to be drafted, brand extension doesn't exist he could just tag with punk then turn on him.
Not going to bother answering your questions, I'll simply run down why a Randy Orton heel turn won't work.

Randy Orton is the number one face on Smackdown. To whom it may concern, he is not really a tweener. When was the last time you saw Randy Orton in a feud with a face character? Exactly (sans Christian who was transitioning at the time). Not since he was a heel. Why is this? Because he is a face, he acts like a face a majority of the time, his character is that of a person who is cold and callous, so doing dastardly things such as brutal attacks, punts to the skull or unrelated attacks fall into it. Therefore he can get away with it while resuming as an over face.

If Randy Orton was to turn "heel", you also need to realise how simple that can backfire. WWE turned Orton due to the fans reaction, while he was punting people in the head and attempting to screw people out of matches with the help of Lagacy, Orton became so bad that he became cool. WWE are probably aware that a heel turn wouldn't be the best idea, because if people cheered for him when he was a heel, previously, what would stop them now?

And finally, turning him heel would have an affect on the way in-which Orton has fell into a supporters role; in other words, Orton looks to be the catalyst for young heel Superstars, e.g. Wade Barrett. There are more young heels coming through than face characters and therefore maintaining Orton's face persona, which is very similar to his heel persona anyway, would have an affect on that. Going over Randy Orton is a lot bigger than going over the likes of Alex Riley. Don't believe me? Look at past threads related to Wade Barrett, he came out of his feud with Orton smelling like roses.

Not to mention Orton makes a great go to guy when they need him. He'll eventually hold the World Heavyweight Championship again. He is very over, he is a great in-ring worker, they can use him in various situations because he is very adaptable as a character and not to mention, a majority of the time he makes a great Champion.

There is no point whatsoever of turning Randy Orton heel. If you don't like the character, that's your fault, because it is unique to the majority if not the total WWE Roster. Call it "boring" or what you will, but he gets the job done and does it better than most, hence why he is held in such high regard.
Why does someone have to go heel to be effective?? Fans want to like Orton, he is the number 1 face on SD. We have seen the best of his heel charecter for years. How about evolving his charecter as a face. Build up his promos and his ability to speak on the mic as a face. His promos as a face suck "My name is Randy Orton...pause (queue the head turn and smirk) crowd pops....he says he will win and RKO someone and does his pose crowd pops end of promo... Give him back some of his edge, but work that into a face persona. He doesn't need to be happy go lucky high five the fans good guy, but give him some depth and let him run with it. He is getting stale because he isn't changing and he hasnt't really went over in a while. He put over Barrett, Henry and Kane as of late. He can have a mean streak and still be a face they just need to make him show that in more than a repeatative 3 minute promo.
Randy does not need to be a heel. I mean technically although he's a baby face, his character is still a heel with him being dark, cold and edgy. What the WWE needs to do is take him off Smackdown and put him on Raw. At first it was ok when they first drafted him onto Smackdown. Christian and his feud last summer was dope, but now I feel like he's barely in the spotlight anymore. The change he needs is to be on Raw again, and stop having him put upcoming talent over.
Punk will call out Austin after winning the Royal Rumble next year,instead of calling for a WWE Title match.
As for Orton, he will turn heel with the reson being that the guys he came through with like Cena and Lesnar seemingly hogging the limelight, whil he has been buried with fueds with guys like Kane. Orton will bang on about how he outshone Batista, how he is better than Lesnar who ran away in 2004 and how Cena is getting beaten by everybody these days from Punk to Rock to Lesnar. While Sheamus tends with Alberto Del Rios and Daniel Bryan slowly burn towards a face turn with the amount of support the fans are giving him on a nightly basus, I see Orton returning to Raw when the draft happens, as a heel by taking out somebody higher up the food chain on Raw.
Randy could get into a Feud with a Face right now and nobody would bat an eyelid, nobody would go "oh no isnt he meant to be Face"...its just Randy Orton...Why? Because he is a tweener. He leans way toward Face at the moment based on his most recent Feuds....but he is a Tweener.
Attempting a Punt to the Head is a Heel move. No FACE would do that.
Personally I feel Orton shouldn't turn heel. He should become the bad ass tweener he was in mid 2010.
He's better when he attacks whoever he wants just for the Hell of it.
He is getting stale so a punt to win the championship or on someone before they go do a movie would help.
see above rant; it makes no sense to turn Orton heel unless there's someone ready to take over behind him. Sheamus might be ready, but right now, this isn't a good idea since he had questionable reactions at Mania/Raw after mania. Punk could work but he's locked in an angle vs Johnny Ace.
simply correct.

3) I wouldn't. Seriously, why turn everyone heel? It seems like no one thinks about the results of heel turns which is, who are the faces? If you turn every single major roster player heel, you lose roster balance. John Cena should turn heel, Randy Orton should turn heel...okay fine? then who faces them? Zack Ryder? Heath Slater? Santino? Right now the WWE Roster doesn't have the depth needed to turn Orton heel. If they could sustain a proper push for a new face with Sheamus it would make sense. Also, for all of Punk's internet smark routine, is he really over enough with the common fan to work? Maybe, but is it a risk worth taking? probably not
Good logic here. why turn the guys who draw the most on each program heel? to appease the internet fan? why? that fan is still going to watch (and likely complain) regardless of what happens on t.v. Orton turning heel would be a huge mistake for WWE. There is no one to bring up to face him unless you turn the current midcard heels, which would make the turn irrelevant. Unfortunately while there is a large roster in wwe there is not a large amount of room to change things around at the moment. people seem to want to stay behind their favorites for the time being. I can see a change coming around summerslam to boost interest in the big summer ppv, but honestly a big turn now would fall under the radar from the Lesnar return and the rock/cena fallout.
I agree that Orton should be a heel. He’s much better as a heel. As a face his in ring work is boring unless it’s up tempo because his style is that more of a heel. He NEVER gets mic time because as a face his monotone voice just doesn’t work, it doesn’t get people interested which is why he has the new thing of stating his name at the beginning of every promo to get a cheap pop.

Here’s how you turn Orton heel AND fix the solution of replacing him as top face on Smackdown.

Two words: Double Turn

After several failed attempts to recapture the World Heavyweight Championship you have Daniel Bryan enter into a feud with Orton. I’m thinking you have them fight at Money in the Bank to determine the Number One contender for Summerslam while Sheamus feuds with…..Cody Rhodes? Ziggler after he’s drafted to Smackdown? Whatever.

Anyway, have them put on a show stealing match where neither guy will quit and really play up how much the World Heavyweight Championship means to both of them during the match. In the end, a frustrated Orton resorts to cheating (chair shot, low blow, feet on the ropes, ect.) to pick up the win and in affect he gets booed and Bryan comes out looking like the tough guy who got screwed. A heel Orton feuds with Sheamus for the World title and Bryan turns face after months of being cheered by the fans. Orton eventually becomes a cross between the current character he plays and the arrogant Legend Killer that he came up with. he's still creepy and diabolical but also egotistical at the same time. his promos would be so much better if he was given some more free will with what he could say running down his opponents.

It’s similar to Hart/Austin but not as dramatic and Bryan won’t become Stone Cold he’ll just be the underdog who lost his opportunity because he got screwed over. I think it works very well.
It's not even just "turn Orton heel", I think the biggest problem is just he's not interesting. The whole Viper gimmick just feels like it's run it's course, not to mention it feels like his overall ringwork has gotten progressively slower, which works good for a heel, but for a face it just makes it boring if two guys are trying to play slow, calculating masterminds. Although I will say this, I think your idea might work for the "Ace's second-in-command" thing, but it seems like that's what they're doing with David Otunga. But I do like the idea that we change Orton's gimmick to something that allows him to get away with what he's doing in WWE.
Why is it when there is a problem the answer is "turn them heel/face"? I hate the terminology in that sense. I do believe Orton is better as the bad guy. He should establish himself as the Austin of this era (even though I despise this comparison) The guy will get cheered by the hardcore and booed by the others. At least they'll react.

I think Orton needs to snap if they're going to say he's the bad guy now... He needs to step up his game. He can talk but he needs some lines fed to him. Can he cut a promo like Punk, Jericho or Cena? No. That's why you get him into a battle with one of them and get him to take time on the stick to get better speaking skill. He has the ring presence and the body language, he just needs the voice to add to it...

He could use a gimmick overhaul... but the way to do it is to "injure" him... keep him off tv for a month or two and have random people laid out everywhere. and then have him come back in a hoodie and pants (aka you cant see who it is) and have him go after the champ (any champ) and hit a finisher that's not the RKO... and bolt off... and go from there...

As for your idea... there should be a decisive finish that causes him to disappear... although I dislike the inferno match... a casket match could work. He could be the person Ace has been talking to recently on the cell phone... just sayin...
How I would book Orton's heel turn since he is my favorite wrestler in the world, this is how I would do it:

I would have him interfere in a match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Sheamus and Daniel Bryan where we think he is going to cost Bryan the title but instead he low blows Sheamus which causes Sheamus to fall down on to the canvas while Bryan is distracting the referee and when Sheamus is trying to get to his feet, Randy Orton is in the corner setting up for the punt and he hits the punt on Sheamus punting him right in the skull and when Bryan tries to take advantage of the situation, Orton WHAM! hits Bryan with an RKO leaving the ring causing a no contest

And then afterwards on RAW during one of Punk's matches, Randy Orton comes out while the referee is knocked out, and Randy Orton comes in steel chair in hand and we think he is going to hit one of the heels in the head with the chair, but wait he hits CM Punk in the head with a chair and then afterwards drags Punk's opponent on top of Punk and he then revives the referee with the ref making the pin costing Punk a match

And Orton then cuts a promo about why he's doing the things he's doing, basically becoming the Viper of old, caring about no one or nothing except himself and that he is sick of other superstars hogging his spotlight when the spotlight should be on him and that is why he is attacking superstars and he's going to keep doing it until he gets back what's his and that's the World Heavyweight Championship

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