An Awesome Feud


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I am (like many millions of other people) a big Hardy Boys mark. I love watching both Matt and Jeff perform, so the whole Jeff leaving thing is pretty heart breaking to me, and even though the Undertaker CM punk thing going on will be awesome, I just cant help but feel a little cut that Matt Hardy isn't the one feuding with Punk to avenge his younger brother. But despite all this, I think I've thought of a feud that could quite possibly be one of the greatest of all time. Randy Orton has pretty much carried the title since Backlash, (yes I know he lost it to Batista for like one day after Extreme Rules, but still), so during this time he's beaten John Cena, Triple H, and injured Batista. Now I'd have him also beat Shawn Michaels, and maybe another Main Event level face, or even Ted Dibiase to help him go face. So after all these Pay per Veiws, the still WWE Champion goes on to say that hes beaten everyone blah blah blah and more heel talk. So then we have RAW's next guest host, and OMG is JEFF HARDY. Jeff goes on about how hes missed the WWE and is thinking about returning to the ring. Randy Orton comes out, starts running his mouth about how Jeff is a screw-up and will never ever be good enough to win WWE gold again so he shouldn't waste his time. So then after this promo a match is scheduled to main event RAW, and in this match Jeff Hardy is some how involved, whether its a guest ref or hes competing, whatever. So after the match, Randy Punts Jeff in the skull, taking out any chance of him returning to the squared circle, and he says somthing along the lines of "the name Hardy will never ever be associated with WWE gold ever again". So next week on Raw Randy comes out to his usual crowd reaction of Boooo's and rants about him slaying yet another possible contender for the WWE title, and then much to his surprise Matt Hardy runs out and attacks him, Orton eventually escapes and Matt grabs the mic starts going "I'm gonna kill you Randy, your gonna wish you never even spoke to Jeff and not only that i'm gonna prove that a Hardy will once again win a WWE championship", so this is basically what the feud is based on, now I don't necessarily think that Matt should win the title in this feud, but that is something I would definately want to happen. Tell me what you think
To be completely honest, I've never ultimately understood Jeff Hardy's popularity. I think he's very damn good in the ring, but I personally don't see what's so charismatic about him and he's probably the worst on the mic in the WWE at this moment. However, the guy's popular, brings in the cash and puts on very good matches so I can't complain about him. Now Matt is even less charismatic than Jeff is, he's just never gotten over to the same degree as his brother.

Now, putting the Undertaker in a feud with CM Punk makes all the sense in the world. Punk and Hardy have been playing hot potato with the WHC and, while it's been entertaining, Punk needs a feud that can legitimize him and get him over once and for all as a main event caliber performer. The Undertaker can do that, Matt Hardy can't. A feud with the Undertaker, win or lose, can instantly elevate a young guy like Punk. Even if Taker ultimately takes the WHC, Punk will still look like a million bucks. If Punk manages to hold onto the strap throughout the feud, he'll also look like a million bucks and nobody could really claim him to be a weak champion. While I've very much enjoyed what's been going on with Punk for the past few months, Punk hasn't looked like a very capable WHC. He lost two matches on SmackDown against John Morrison while he was champion. They were great matches and I do kind of like the idea that Punk wasn't this ultra dominant champion like we've seen with guys like Triple H, Cena and Orton on Raw, the WWE really can't go back to that well this time and keep Punk shining. This makes his 3rd time as WHC and he needs a big feud that makes him look great and doesn't have to take anything away from him no matter what happens.
So your Matt Hardy Orton idea is one of the worst ideas ive ever heard, Matt freakin Hardy goin for the WWE title, yea right, its gotta be a joke man. hes barely deserved any title hes had other than tag belts, and i agree that i dont understand Jeffs popularity, he sounds like a damn hick on the mic, botches big spots a lot, and has pretty much told the fans to go F themselves. Wat need to happen on Raw is for MVP to FINALLY get his push to the title, but will we see that, prb not, Cena will prb just come and bitch about losing twice last nite.
While the idea of Orton/Cena main eventing for the 200th is driving me insane I don't think that a Matt Hardy/Orton fued will do much. Matt just doesn't have the following that Jeff does plus he seems injury prone.

WWE has a real problem here because they are almost stuck with Cena/Orton. HHH & Shawn will probably continue their program with Legacy, Batista is still out, so who does that leave to face Orton? Mark Henry? Kofi? Primo? Fetus???

Maybe MVP could be given a trial run to see how he does. Given the right build up it could work for one PPV and give us all a break from the same old stuff we've been seeing all year. I think WWE has really worked itself into a corner as far as main eventers go. For the forseable future its the same three or four guys going at it every month.
lol Fetus. Hardy vs Orton....right now I have to say no and here's why- Matt isn't built to be a Main Eventer JUST yet. Give it another year or less. I want Matt Hardy to have that push though, he has been dedicated to WWE since debuting, even with ups and downs like the Lita fiasco. Jeff....much more charisma and more of a daredevil and that is why he was champion. Matt needs to get into that phase like he did returning to Smackdown after leaving Raw. At another time I want to see this feud, but now is a bad time.
Vince McMahon is not going to bring back Jeff Hardy as a Raw guest host after he is essentially screwing him over by leaving at the apex of his popularity. Jeff Hardy leaving right now stings. Yes, the Undertaker-Punk program is going to be excellent. I look forward to seeing how Punk can handle this. But Hardy leaving is, IMO, a long term goodbye.

Jeff may come back somewhere down the road, but not in your proposed scenario. Also, Matt would not be the man to take down Orton. I think Randy is holding the title for a very, very long time.
I think jeff following is because he interacts with the fans signs autograghs for the fans he understands the fans made him and he gives back to them i attend all the wrestling events in my area and the hardy boys always came over to sign autograghs talked to the fans the last event i attended only 5 people came over to talk to us sign some autograghs and it wasnt like a hugh crowd of people there standing there was 20 of us jeff hardy, bella twins, tommy dreamer, and rickey ortiz were the only ones to come over so i think it all boils down to he respects the fans and the fans in return respect him
I don't think Matt should take down Orton. especially if Orton's gotten through all those top guys. But you know all we ever here is the repetitive main event scene of Raw that is HHH v Orotn Batista v Orton etc. And well, this is a change. And plus I wouldn't be so sure of Vince never choosing Jeff as a guest host. The guy may not have any mic skills but he still draws more then any other guy in the WWE. I'm a Hardy fan so I want to and believe that Matt can make it to the Main Event
there is really no one on the raw roster that can take Orton's place. i really don't wanna see him feud with Mark Henry. M.V.P. would be cool. but that's unlikely. Raw is kinda screwed. the only thing they can do is have one of Legacy turn face. but then that leaves D-X with nothing to do. the Cena vs Orton thing was played out a long time ago. they could use Festus. if they bring him out with a new gimmick. the only thing they can really do. is try to do something with someone from another brand. bring back a old, or debut a new star. or just keep milking this Cena thing.
There's a real simple cure to this wwe title situation...

Orton and Cena should continue their feud for a long time. Maybe another 4 or 5 months. And when I mean continue their feud I mean them two alone. No triple threats fatal four ways or any shit like that on PPV's.

At the end of the feud you have Orton go over CLEAN in a some definitive feud ending match. Not only would that shock the IWC because lets face it, we all think it's inevitable that Cena will take that strap off of Orton and we all think that the chances of Orton going over cena clean as a heel is some what of a pipe dream. But it would make Orton look like great. And he wouldn't be a superstar anymore... he'd be a mega star!

Then you have Orton face someone like MVP, henry, swagger etc. and have them go over Orton and win the title in a short time. (Keep in mind you'd have that up and comer going over some like HHH or HBK during the orton-cena feud)

Since Cena is the poster boy for the company it wouldn't make Cena look bad to job to Orton because Orton is one or two paces behind orton in popularity anyway. And to have an up and comer beat orton for the title after his feud with cena it would mean that whoever beat orton is not only better than orton but better than cena because cena couldn't beat orton.

Woila, you got raws next big thing.
I don't see anything appealing about this Matt/Orton feud. Orton would win out easy. Undertaker/Punk is going to be intriguing and I see Taker winning at probably the HIAC PPV or Survivor Series and having a very long title run as he was promised before all the injuries happened. As far as Orton goes, there really is nobody left for him to beat except HBK and with DX reuniting again, I don't see HBK going singles for a while. They may do Cena/Orton until HIAC and then be done with it until Batista comes back. Also, I think Mark Henry will figure into the title chase somehow. I'd like to see John Morrison involved, as well on any brand.

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