An apparent face turn on RAW..

Who will turn face before WM28??

  • The Miz

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Jack Swagger

  • Drew McIntyre

  • Anyone else on roster

  • All will remain heel

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Well its pretty obvious from John Cena winning the title at ER, that VKM knew that he doesn't have any other ME face on the A-Show right now even though the list of ME or Upper Mid Level Heels is a long one...

It seems like that VKM doesnt want to put the title on Big Slow and Booyaka mysterio right now (Thank Goodness for both), and JoMo has a program with R-Troof right now... So, does that mean that Cena is going to be The Champ till WM 28 like he has said, or shall we see a strong face turn from any of the heels on RAW that will lead to a championship before WM 28..

Discuss.. And no spamming.. :)
I had a hard time deciding between Jack Swagger and Drew McIntyre but i went with Swagger because all he would have to do is turn against Cole and there you go. Mcintyre is a little harder. He needs something major to turn him face. I cant really see a unique non generic way to turn him face.
If there's anyone who's likely to turn face in the near future, it's The Miz. He just lost the title, most likely to lose the feud with Cena on the long run (why else would they break the reign just for one night or three weeks?) and then a feud with CM Punk will do wonders for both with Punk being the obvious heel. Del Rio, then, can go on with Cena for a feud that drags until SummerSlam as they have rumored. I just don't think have all three top heels on Raw seems well planned. All three need something in the main event scene to do and since the four big ones are 3 on 1, I think turning Miz face would go well.
It was hard for me to think about McIntyre, Swagger or The Miz!!
I vote for McIntyre, because first of all i'm a fan so suck it :D

But the best thing to do for the business is make The Miz a face!!

First The Miz cant intimidate nobody, the guy has such a babyface look that hurts just for looking at him, so he will be the next babyface after WrestleMania 28!!

Right now, the most prominent guy to turn face is Jack Swagger, because he just needs to slap Cole in the mouth and it will look like making Hitler scream for his mother!!

But IMHO i think that Drew McIntyre has everything to be a good face, not the best one in the world, not a legend, but at least a main-event face!!
In every show i just want to see McIntyre running to help a face, now in RAW he can make it better because of The Nexus!!

But every single one of them can be great faces!! :)
Since Drews character has gone down a bit as a heel and Swaggar is comming off as a top heel and the Miz is the top heel he would make the most sence and could also make his character as good as it was with the chosen one angle he had as IC champ.
Miz's return match has been announced for tonight. I'm personally thinking that this will be to get Miz out of the title picture and I dunno, I guess I expect Alberto Del Rio to fill the role of No1 contender.

Maybe they'll have Morrison and Truth fighting between themselves for a title shot to pass the time leading up to Cena v Del Rio at Summerslam.

Either way, I'm expecting Del Rio to go over Cena at Summerslam and win the WWE title, then probably lose it back to Cena in time for the WM28 build up.
The easiest one would be swagger since they're building heat between him n cole... But i can definitely see miz turning face since half the crowd already cheers him.
the miz hands down. Its pretty obvious a good amount of the fans already cheer for him. Im pretty sure if he were to feud with r truth or del rio the fans would be on his side, especially with his annoying little side kick on smackdown.
I don't think anyone will turn anytime soon. If you look at the past year, Cena and Orton were the only two faces on RAW. Now they have Big Show and Mysterio, as well as Cena. Although the new guys ain't as big as Orton, no heals could possibly turn face and become bigger then him either. So I don't think any heals need to turn, not that it wouldn't be nice to see.
If there's anyone who's likely to turn face in the near future, it's The Miz. He just lost the title, most likely to lose the feud with Cena on the long run (why else would they break the reign just for one night or three weeks?) and then a feud with CM Punk will do wonders for both with Punk being the obvious heel. Del Rio, then, can go on with Cena for a feud that drags until SummerSlam as they have rumored. I just don't think have all three top heels on Raw seems well planned. All three need something in the main event scene to do and since the four big ones are 3 on 1, I think turning Miz face would go well.

yeah but that may not be the best thing because miz wont be able to get full crowd support because people will cheer cm punk instead.

but my answer would be if y2j returned.
there is no way cena holds it until mania
Expect a Del Rio and Cena feud to pick up and dominate a large portion of the summer. I am anticipating a face turn, but i honestly thought they would turn Swagger over. If they didn't do it at Extreme Rules, then i don't know when.

Big Show and Rey will pick up the other heels that Cena doesn't chew up; so i wouldn't bet on a face turn anytime soon.

We will just have to see i guess. If all the PPVs are like the one we had last night; it should be one heck of a year.
Actually I made a comment in a previous thread that McIntyre could pull off a Randy Orton-esque face turn. He's got the look of a badass and with a small tweak he could sneak in and drop anyone he likes with the Future Shock like Orton drops 'em with the RKO. Sadly I see Swagger being the one to turn face because of how Cole basically stole the win at Extreme Rules. Just cite that HE was the one getting whipped and drop Cole with the gutwrench powerbomb.
McIntyre could and so could Swagger if he turns on Cole, but i dont see any of them turning face anytime soon, i think McIntyre feuds with Kofi over the US title soon, but i would like to see Drew McIntyre face.
I was almost lazy enough to copy-and-paste something I had written earlier today. Almost.

Anyhow, no, I don't think anyone needs to turn. Someone may turn babyface, but I doubt it's needed. I think Cena is going to carry the belt through WrestleMania, where he will most definitely beat The Rock. I think he's going to run through, with ease, each and every heel Raw has to offer (Miz, Del Rio, R-Truth, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler and possibly Mason Ryan, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, and hell, maybe even Tyler Reks if talent thins out). Wouldn't be surprised to see Jericho eaten up, along with Batista (if he decides to return). Cena has a lot of work to put in over the next year, making him look like an absolute monster heading into Mania.

Also, they have Rey Mysterio, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston to pick at Cena's left-overs. Don't forget HHH being around, just in case.
I went with jack swagger because all he has to do to turn face is cost michael cole the match at Over the Limit(there will be another match i am sure, the feud is still going strong) or attack him if they have a disagreement and the crowd will be all over him. Drew Mcintyre would be my second choice because he has the talent that makes you respect what he does in the ring, it would be relatively easy to turn him face too.
Definitely Swagger. Cole has to get buried on PPV at some point and Swagger gets no heat as a heel. Would be so over if he turned on Cole
Or at least in my eyes it is. Look at the Raw Roster; it is packed with a handful of upper mid-card/main event heels, but it lacks in counter-parting them with faces. With John Morrison being sidelined for a few months and leaving another upper-mid-card heel, R-Truth, with no feud; a turn should be just around the corner with the open spot Morrison will leave.

Now the answer to the problem does not always have to be, TURN HIM NOW TO HEEL OR FACE. Let us be civilized when approaching this manner. We also have a handful of faces stuck in the "jobbing" gear. Is it time for the likes of Evan Bourne or another to claim his spot amongst the top. If there was ever a time; that time is now.

Now I know that their are a few top faces that you could just re-hash story lines and counterpart's and just cut-corners for a few months, but who honestly wants to see Rey and Del Rio again, or Kofi and Del Rio again, or Big Show and CM Punk again, or Rey and CM Punk again, or... you get the picture.

The timing is perfect to pull up a star on Raw or to turn a heel face in my personal opinion.

That's my opinion, and i would like to hear yours. Do you think there should be a face turn or a rising star? Who should that person be?
Chris Masters because he has everything and his only downfall is his past. Saying he doesn't have mic skills is a wonder because when was the last time he actually spoke and plus I found his mic skills better than average. His in ring skills really improved and for someone who think they haven't obviously don't even watch superstars and is just talking out there ass. Their is no flaw to the masterpiece other then his history which is in the past but to make things clear as of this year he should be a midcarder not main event yet but he does have experience as a main eventer. Also he needs a second finisher like a power move or slam.
Hopefully this happens, not only to him, but to couple of more superstar as well. I think the reasons that people hate current main eventers and see them as boring is the lack of good midcard feuds. Sure hogan was boring and predictable, but there were plenty of good midcard matches and great feuds in the past. Most of the mid carters appear lost right now
I personally think there are plenty of options.

The Miz: Like the above poster mentioned, he can do with a face turn. Honestly, when his feud with John Cena is over, what's next for him? Dropping down to the mid-card again? I doubt it with the plans Vince has for him as the future face of the company. His Cena feud has actually succeeded in getting him some cheers and him beating up a heel like Michael Cole would do wonders. (for "dumping" his first "boyfriend" for Jack Swagger)

Chris Jericho: He's been eliminated from DWTS and now he has a tour with his band for the summer, but after that he's free to come back and put more work in. He's claimed to reinvent himself again as a face this time and now is a great time for him to put over some heels that need attention.

Evan Bourne: This guy has almost solely been used for jobbing since his return and I think he deserves better. A feud with one of the many heels would get him somewhere higher up in the roster and I think he deserves it.

Jack Swagger: The opportunity is just in front of them. All he needs to do is turn on Michael Cole and he'll get the crowd on his side completely. It's simple as that.

Dolph Ziggler: He's gone from battling for the WHC to being an afterthought in a match that includes fucking Snookie of all people, there's really no face that can work with him in a feud. Turning him could do wonders and start a feud with somebody mentioned above that might remain heel. And let's face it, the crowd wont give a damn about him if Vickie is not on his side.
Ted Dibiase
-I can see them turning Ted face and possibly having him feud with Cody Rhodes, for a great Mid-Card fued.

Ted is on smackdown now. We are talking about the Raw roster.

With JoMo hurt, who will take his place? I would have to say Kofi. He could definitely fill the shoes of JoMo in the R-Truth feud. We could see some quality matches out of the two.

Another superstar to consider, is finally bring the Internet Champion Zach Ryder from off the bench and see what he can do. I'm not saying have him jump Big Show, Rey or Kofi on the depth charts. But having him a regular on Raw couldn't be a bad idea.
I think Masters can get pulled up. Vince loves big guys, and Masters is good in the ring now, but he isn't the best face.

As for guys I would turn.

Jack Swagger - He is fantastic in the ring and very charismatic (not lately, but watch his ECW work) and if he turns on Cole, how can the fans not cheer him.

The Miz - I think in order to be the face of the company, he needs to be...face. I think Truth should beat him down and he should be thrown into Morrison's place and slowly build back into the main event.
I have a question for those who are suggesting Miz - how can you sell him as a credible face? I mean, right now, he had this thing going where he can't possibly have a clean win, due to his "apparent lack of strength/skill/whatever against almost anyone". Now, how can you give a guy like him the chance of being a credible face, if he can't possibly sell himself as a guy who can beat the toughest competition cleanly?

Anyway, right now I'd say Kofi is the top option as "top-face-not-Cena", especially after the program he had with Orton some time ago. He was absolutely over, and did his thing really well. Sadly, Morrison is out for months (and dunno, even tho I love the guy, to the point he's probably one of my current faves, he'd have to work on his mic skills/charisma like crazy), so I can't think of many other guys besides them. I'd actually like to see Ryder, out of curiosity. Show/Rey, we've seen too much of them as "top guy". Bourne, as an "underdog champ", maybe?

And one last thought: what about Santino? The crowd loves him, and if he started to actually win stuff, "being a bit better" (I'm one of those guys who think he'd be a good wrestler if they let him be), and all, maybe it could work? No need to give him the top belt, there's Cena for that already, so, maybe as secondary "big face", it could be something?
I have a question for those who are suggesting Miz - how can you sell him as a credible face? I mean, right now, he had this thing going where he can't possibly have a clean win, due to his "apparent lack of strength/skill/whatever against almost anyone". Now, how can you give a guy like him the chance of being a credible face, if he can't possibly sell himself as a guy who can beat the toughest competition cleanly?

Anyway, right now I'd say Kofi is the top option as "top-face-not-Cena", especially after the program he had with Orton some time ago. He was absolutely over, and did his thing really well. Sadly, Morrison is out for months (and dunno, even tho I love the guy, to the point he's probably one of my current faves, he'd have to work on his mic skills/charisma like crazy), so I can't think of many other guys besides them. I'd actually like to see Ryder, out of curiosity. Show/Rey, we've seen too much of them as "top guy". Bourne, as an "underdog champ", maybe?

And one last thought: what about Santino? The crowd loves him, and if he started to actually win stuff, "being a bit better" (I'm one of those guys who think he'd be a good wrestler if they let him be), and all, maybe it could work? No need to give him the top belt, there's Cena for that already, so, maybe as secondary "big face", it could be something?

I find it strange how you say The Miz can't be a face because he keeps on winning matches uncleanly, and then you say Santino can be the second major face on Raw.

Edge went through how many years of the ultimate oppurtunist? How many wins did he actually win legitly? Did you take him seriously as a face? I did. The same thing can happen to The Miz, it isn't impossible, it's pro wrestling after all.
I find it strange how you say The Miz can't be a face because he keeps on winning matches uncleanly, and then you say Santino can be the second major face on Raw.

Edge went through how many years of the ultimate oppurtunist? How many wins did he actually win legitly? Did you take him seriously as a face? I did. The same thing can happen to The Miz, it isn't impossible, it's pro wrestling after all.

Plus the fact that people are already cheering him. The guy has tons of charisma, great mic work and knows how to work a crowd. I guess the guy your quoting is oblivious to that.

Besides Miz, I think Swagger would make a great comedic face similar to Angle. I think he has the whole goofy thing down and if he has a feud with Cole he would get over easy. As for McIntyre, he really doesn't have anything going on for him as a face. Even though the crowd couldn't care less about him, I still think his best shot of becoming legit is a by staying a heel.

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