An Amusing Gracie Thread


Twitter -- @FightOnTwist
I have no idea why I'm on a Gracie kick tonight. Actually, I do, I've been staring at pictures of Kyra Gracie all night, but I digress.

Mods, I would have posted this in the spam thread, but nobody but us in the MMA section of WZ would probably get it. So, I ask you to keep it here and let's have some fun with this. It is a spammy type thread as there's not much to it, but again, outside of the MMA followers on WZ, nobody is going to get half the humor behind it.

Now, most of you know that in Portuguese anything name that starts with an R is actually pronounced with an H. This got me thinking, we give our kids fucked up names, what if the Gracie's wanted to fuck with their kids.

I was cracking myself up last night thinking of names that the Gracie's could have given their kids if they wanted to be complete dicks. I'll post a couple, feel free to add your own.

Rella Gracie, Relno Gracie, Rardest Gracie, Reluva Gracie, Rorny Gracie, Rindu Gracie, Rorkheimer Gracie, Rondo Gracie (John Wayne reference), Rappy Gracie, Ramilton Gracie

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